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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 193 KB, 598x809, 1673157952082385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15108128 No.15108128 [Reply] [Original]

bad news fellow soience troooosters, looks like the vaxxx causes cancer.
as if deadly heart disease wasn't already bad enought, wtf

>> No.15108134

Post study.

>> No.15108136

there is no vaccine

>> No.15108184

nobody said the vaccine wouldn't give you cancer. they said it might stop you from getting a serious case of covid. it was your choice. what's on tv?

>> No.15108193
File: 257 KB, 1080x1016, Screenshot_20230108-132020_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15108212
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>> No.15108252

The only people more annoying than anti-vax niggers are pro-vax basics with their cluelessly confident takes.

>> No.15108253

Newton's third law. For every always unbelieving anti-vaxxer there needs to be a cluelessly confident pro-vaxxer, and vice versa

>> No.15108255

how do we into IgG3 vaxbros????

>> No.15108256

>vaxx messes up immune system
>therefore cancer relapses
Ok, assuming it's true, the virus does the same thing.

>> No.15108259

>it's possible you aren't joking

>> No.15108263

Prove me wrong, shitstain

>> No.15108267

Don't worry about it big guy, the 'vaccine' and the virus work exactly the same way and will clearly have the same outcomes.

>> No.15108268

>"the vaxx has nothing to do with the immune system or what the immune system does"
what an absolute brain dead fucking retard

>> No.15108331

I think I will believe the anonymous man with the wolf picture. He did say misinformation and it's hard to argue with that when he has the wolf picture

>> No.15108344

indeed, but how's wolf picture beating facebook infographics

>> No.15108348

If humanity eliminates almost any other way to die then cancer is the inevitable time bomb, yes.

>> No.15108350

So, just the flu, right?

>> No.15108396

>Ok, assuming it's true, the virus does the same thing.
Ok, assuming that's true, the vaccine doesn't stop you catching the virus multiple times. So you have the risk from the virus as well as the risk from the vaccine

>> No.15108402

it's weird because there is a ton of research about IgG4-RD (related diseases) and how they've been shown to coincide with massively higher rates of cancer. Guess that isn't really relevant to what's happening now I guess after all they did do all those trials before vaxxing billions of people

>> No.15108405

I wouldn't worry about it Anon. What's on tv? Actually I'm feeling kind of sleepy. We should all probably get some sleep.

>> No.15108411
File: 1.45 MB, 964x4863, Screenshot_20230108-155828_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you thought his OP was bad, take a look at his replies

>> No.15108412
File: 513 KB, 2048x1372, FlbbJL3acAAsRyK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It greatly reduces the severity of the infection even if you do get infected.

>> No.15108415

what does that have to do with the increased cancer risk that we're discussing in this thread sorry? Are you saying covid is more dangerous that cancer therefore a bit of cancer is an acceptable alternative to a slightly more severe covid infection?

>> No.15108421

>what does that have to do with the increased cancer risk that we're discussing in this thread sorry?
The risk from the vaccine and the virus is lower than the risk from the virus alone. The "increased risk of cancer" this thread is about has not even been demonstrated yet, so I thought you'd be glad to know that vaccinated people are dying at much lower rates.

>> No.15108424

I'll spoonfeed you
That trend lasted all of a couple of months. If I remember correctly the latest Aussie data is even worse btw.

>> No.15108425

You think any infection or vaccine is equally likely to cause cancer? Why?

>> No.15108427

No that's not what I said. I said that:
Vaccine + Virus > Virus alone

>> No.15108429

>That trend lasted all of a couple of months
LOL, please explain how January 2021 to May 2022 is "a couple of months." Your source says nothing to the contrary. Exclaim why unvaccinated die at significantly higher rates.

>> No.15108432

>Vaccine + Virus > Virus alone
Yes, that's my point. You assume that the vaccine has no affect on the risk of the virus. Clearly wrong, since unvaccinated die at much higher rates.

>> No.15108444

Yeah I'll admit it worked for a while to protect the boomers. Care to take a guess as to why unvaccinated now have lower rates of mortality than the entire vaccinated block? Please note I'm not just talking about the old folks who got three boosters.

>> No.15108446

>no affect
>since unvaccinated die at much higher rates
so says your screenshot. Meanwhile the current data on the ONS (as well as my anecdotal evidence) says otherwise. Which to believe?

>> No.15108453

his screenshot matches the totality of the ons dataset they released but it started before the vaccines were rolled out and they had a shitload of oldies die to the first iteration of the virus, so that warps the total counts.

after a few months of unvaxxed having higher mortality rates it switched though. now unvaxxed are the safest group

>> No.15108470

>Care to take a guess as to why unvaccinated now have lower rates of mortality than the entire vaccinated block?
Before guessing, you should actually show that this is true.

Over decades, the mortality rates of the two groups will approach each other, since everyone dies eventually. But I don't see how the vaccinated group will ever have lower rates than the unvaccinated considering the large effect of COVID early on. You can certainly cherrypick the data by cutting it up into little sections of time and choosing the sections after big COVID waves that killed a lot of unvaccinated, to make it look like vaccinated are dying at higher rates, since the unvaccinated that would have died normally in that section of time are alreay dead. But that doesn't change the overall mortality rate, it just proves your dishonesty.

>> No.15108473

Oh I thought you had bothered to download the dataset from which your screenshot came. Look at the recent months if you can be bothered.

>> No.15108481

>but it started before the vaccines were rolled out
Wrong. Vaccinations began in late December 2020.

>> No.15108485

>You can certainly cherrypick the data by cutting it up into little sections of time
>Look at the recent months

>> No.15108497

thread reminder that all the people they killed by ventilating under the bad info from china are counted as unvaxxinated for the death count

>> No.15108589

Well firstly they say "Misinformation" assertively on it's own line which is confirmation that the information presented is invalid. Then they add an additional not one but two claims framed as questions. This way they can say they knew they ware right if they are correct and that they were only asking a question if they were wrong. The reader can then take on these positions as their own and if they're wrong they can claim ignorance. Finally the dog is appealing and everyone wants to boop the snoot because he's a heckin good floof

>> No.15108796

You know what would be great?

If everyone stopped:
A) saying the vaxxed/unvaxxed are retards depending on what side you're on
B) talking about the made up concept of misinformation or disinformation. It's either bullshit with an agenda, a different interpretation, or it's true
C) being so aggressive when this topic comes up

Like, you guys realize this is yet another divide and conquer tactic, right?

>> No.15108807

Guaren-fucking-tee this was not your approach when you thought you were right. Now you know you were lied to and your despicable behaviour is gonna catch up to you, you've gone all humanitarian. We have been divided, we have been conquered, and it was your fucking fault.

>> No.15108899

Wrong. I knew what was going on. I knew these pharmaceutical companies were full of shit, and I was very aware that if they fucked up here, it's the end of this whole world structure.

And that's where we are, they fucked up. Not as bad as they could have, but they fucked up. So, instead of fighting amongst ourselves, we should be tearing this whole thing down

>> No.15108957

Now do the same for deaths ocuring between 1 January 2022 and 31 May 2022 so we can laugh at you.

>> No.15109037

>immmma gooooonnaaa troooost!!
>*dies sudenly*

>> No.15109123

>C) being so aggressive when this topic comes up
Vaxies tried to ruin people's lives, expel skeptics from society, and have skeptics' children taken away by the government. If you think that after all that they deserve even a tiny bit of respect in public debates you are sorely mistaken.

>> No.15109140

>they fucked up. Not as bad as they could have

I think they calculated the risks far better than anyone imagined.

We see a gradual depopulation by numerous causes that the normies can easily say are unconnected while enjoying their final TV show.

>> No.15109173

This. It's the perfect excuse for them to deny any causation, even when correlations upon correlations are stacking up. The more I see from the normalgroids the more I think that the depopulation by 2025 prediction will be on target.

>> No.15109272

>how do i into trends
man no wonder this guy took the vax

>> No.15109352

The overarching trend is that unvaccinated die at much greater rates than vaccinated. Cherrypicking time frames doesn't change that.

>> No.15109355

>>You can certainly cherrypick the data by cutting it up into little sections of time
>Now do the same for deaths ocuring between 1 January 2022 and 31 May 2022

>> No.15109358

Any actual doctors who countersignaled the Official™ covid narrative were fired in 2020/2021.

>> No.15109413

>Ok, assuming it's true, the virus does the same thing.
Why would you suppose that? Does the virus come with LNPs that allow fusion to every cell in the body?

>> No.15109415

>the vaccine somehow reduces risk of death from other causes
How would you suppose that works?

>> No.15109429

>people who ignore mainstream health "advice" die more often
>this means the "vaccine" works
>2 years later they're still making this argument
Peak midwit. It almost certainly also "means" people who got a colonoscopy in the past 2 years are less likely to die from COVID, so that means colonoscopies are a treatment for COVID...
Correlation doesn't equal causality. If people follow mainstream health advice then the odds are extremely likely that they are healthier people to begin with.
The numbers are entirely meaningless until they are compared on a comorbidity basis.

>> No.15109450

For your reading pleasure

>> No.15109457

Forgot link

>The latest ONS vaccine mortality surveillance report for England (for the period 1 Jan 2021 to 31 May 2022) fails to take account various confounding factors in the ‘headline’ results and can thus be easily misinterpreted. Those seeking evidence that the vaccines are unsafe might point to the overall allcause mortality rate in the vaccinated (1,367 deaths per 100k person years) being much higher than in the unvaccinated (671 deaths per 100k person years). But this fails to take account of age confounding.

>Those seeking evidence that the vaccines are safe might point to the overall agestandardized mortality rate over the whole period being much higher in the unvaccinated (2,338 deaths per 100k person years) than the vaccinated (957 deaths per 100k person years). But this fails to take account of major anomalies in the mis-categorization of deaths by vaccination status (especially in the first part of 2021), evidence for which can clearly be seen in the implausible differences in non-covid mortality rates between different vaccination status categories.

>> No.15109497
File: 36 KB, 1062x215, Elonnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody said the vaccine wouldn't give you cancer. they said it might stop you from getting a serious case of covid. it was your choice. what's on tv?
This will be the new .Gov response. kek

>> No.15109502

Deaths related to COVID that aren't classified as COVID deaths.

>> No.15109512
File: 210 KB, 914x1198, Bad Vax Irony Funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so grateful for my covid vaccine! It could be a much worse case of the sniffles if I didn't have it!
>In hospital for totally unrelated blood clots.

>> No.15109520

>It almost certainly also "means" people who got a colonoscopy in the past 2 years are less likely to die from COVID
Sure, but you think that accounts for unvaccinated being more than 13 times more likely to die from COVID?

>Correlation doesn't equal causality.
The causality is already known. It's a vaccine that strengthens your immune system. Bizarre argument.

>If people follow mainstream health advice then the odds are extremely likely that they are healthier people to begin with.
But that's false, the most vulnerable people, the elderly, are the most likely to be vaccinated.

>> No.15109529

>But this fails to take account of age confounding.
Non sequitur. The rates I gave you are age-standardized.

>But this fails to take account of major anomalies in the mis-categorization of deaths by vaccination status (especially in the first part of 2021), evidence for which can clearly be seen in the implausible differences in non-covid mortality rates between different vaccination status categories.
How exactly is that evidence of error in classifying vaccination status? Vaccination status is much easier to determine than cause of death. Your source is full of shit.

>> No.15109568

they'll only start admitting it in 7-10 years when there's a noticeable spike in some type of cancer.

>> No.15109605

So why are you dying at much higher rates?

>> No.15109607

*two weeks

>> No.15109630

most tumors take 10-15 years minimum

>> No.15109642

Yeah but this is super mRNA cancer. Only two more weeks.

>> No.15109702
File: 60 KB, 587x614, jfjjfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why are you dying at much higher rates?
Because of the vaccines, duh. Or was that a rhetorical and ironical question?

>> No.15109797

Learn to read

>> No.15109799

>the same faction telling me that i'll die in 2 weeks because im unvaccinated is now trying to flip the script
>the script theyve been running with for 150+ weeks now
I think i understsnd why the chuds are upset, at thus point even a redneck could see through you.

>> No.15109805

>Because of the vaccines, duh.
Yes, the vaccine causes you to have a much lower chance of dying. Thanks for admitting that.

>> No.15109808

Not an argument. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15109810
File: 297 KB, 1170x1650, jefki4j3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did Australia mean by this?

>> No.15109813

I concede that you cannot read.

>> No.15109996

>Sure, but you think that accounts for unvaccinated being more than 13 times more likely to die from COVID?
What is the point of asking me this and basing off this highly cherry picked 13x number? Do you want me to say yes and then cry for a source?
We don't know if "that" accounts for "it" which is the entire point. When you don't know, you don't default to correlation equals causality fallacies, you default to skepticism.
>The causality is already known. It's a vaccine that strengthens your immune system. Bizarre argument.
You just demonstrated you don't even remotely understand the argument. If unhealthier people self-select against taking the "vaxxine" then those who do take it will have vastly lower morbidity rates, yet you think this mere correlation implies causality like you admit here.
The efficacy studies lasted mere months before they were unblinded (ie scientifically ruined on purpose) in late 2020. That was 2 years ago. Your personal belief that the jab is "still" strengthening peoples immune systems 2 years later is not relevant. All that matters now is comparing large cohorts on a comorbidity basis.
>But that's false
It's objectively true
>most vulnerable people, the elderly, are the most likely to be vaccinated.
That has nothing to do with what I said. People who ignore mainstream health advice are generally less healthy people. That is an objective fact. Trying to side step this in the context of the elderly being more likely to get the shot is an entirely different matter.... a matter than is easily addressed by this question: what do you think "age-standardized" means?

>> No.15110022

>0 no dose admittances to hospital
>0 no dose admittances to ICU
>6 no dose COVID deaths
I see COVID related car crash deaths are still being counted as COVID deaths.

>> No.15110024


>> No.15110233

so why are you spamming 4chan with daily threads? what does this achieve?

>> No.15110240

>People who ignore mainstream health advice are generally less healthy people.
that wasn't true regarding the vaccines at all. people with comorbidities rushed to get vaccinated, while those who didn't boasted about how healthy they were so they didn't need it.

>> No.15110241

Who is (You)? Anyway, as new information about the vax is discovered it's good to post it. It's relevant scientific information.

>> No.15110246
File: 42 KB, 449x670, shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no pandemic amnesty. Your fascistic chimpout will have consequences.

>> No.15110253

what consequences? shoot up a mall?

>> No.15110258

>you guys realize this is yet another divide and conquer tactic, right?
Maybe, but it's clearly secondary to the normalize-dictatorial-governments tactic, and if you're not physically removed from society, you will once again comply, and your operators will once again use you to undermine every freedom people in the first world formerly enjoyed.

>> No.15110261

You are universally hated and you are afraid. Beg your handlers to censor the internet faster.

>> No.15110268

there are a few that make shit threads all the time. my personal favourite is this guy: >>15110261
he is too dumb to post anything of substance so he just makes these weird threats

>> No.15110272

Take your meds.

>> No.15110281

Sure thing, Pfizer shill.

>> No.15110285

See >>15109808

>> No.15110368

Honestly I'm surprised anyone is still bothering to argue against antivaxxers.
Just let em die.
We should have never slowed the spread, should have been coughing into every 65+ year old's face.
Rid of these fucking boomers once and for all.

>> No.15110393

>professor of oncology isnt a real doctor
Why are leftists so retarded?

>> No.15110401

>Why are leftists so retarded?
They're not. It's like saying a GPT bot is retarded. They're simply spew some statistically plausible rhetoric based on their training set.

>> No.15110472

Antivaxxers aren't dying though

>> No.15110523

>that wasn't true regarding the vaccines at all.
I don't know what country you live in but in America blacks were one of the most reluctant groups to get it and they are a cohort of 10s of millions who have the highest comorbidity rates. So, to repeat myself, it's an objective fact, both in general and demonstrably in the case of the shot.
>people with comorbidities rushed to get vaccinated, while those who didn't boasted about how healthy they were so they didn't need it
Boasted? You are relying on anecdotes now. There is no evidence against the general fact that people who ignore medical mainstream advice suddenly changed their minds with the shot. People who "boast" about ignoring health advice are going to be the same people who ignore, or be in denial about, their own health.

>> No.15111316

the vaxxx was rationed when it first came out, rationing something makes it a desirable status symbol. the boasters were coping because they didn't want to suffer jealously of the crowd who had higher status and got the vax first

>> No.15111486

>the vaxxx was rationed when it first came out, rationing something makes it a desirable status symbol.
kek! I hope nobody actually fell for that.

>> No.15111687


>> No.15111702 [DELETED] 

You accidentally said what this post is about. Some >70 year old UKIP rightoid talks about things that are far from his field of expertise. Everyone who criticises this is seen as a leftist because you don't care about the science behind his claims, this is pure politics to you. There's another board you should go back to.

>> No.15111713

>96 replies
>31 IPs
purebloodbros why don't the mindless half dead cattle care about anything we say????

>> No.15111735

They seem to care enough to seethe and shill this thread hard.

>> No.15111840

after those two replies, the IP count only rose to 32, so one or both of you are at least partially and probably mostly responsible for pushing up the post to IP ratio

>> No.15111934

>Sure, but you think that accounts for unvaccinated being more than 13 times more likely to die from COVID?
It makes them 13 times more likely to be diagnosed as having died from COVID. A diagnosis and actual cause are not the same thing.

>> No.15112316

I love how "official" sources love running with these formulas and sheets until it backfires and shows off unintented data then proceed to write a fucking 20 page article explaining why there is a problem with the formulas and sheets they adapted and used just fine for over a year but suddently don't work because it's making the numbers they wanted to look good actually look bad. It's so fucking infuriating watching these fuckers backpedal straight in public face without questions being asked (or permitted).

>> No.15112340

Aussies just decided to do the same thing with their vaccinated/unvaccinated data now that vaccinated people are dropping like flies

>> No.15112364
File: 52 KB, 648x694, s o y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh "misinformation"! Terrorists! Only racist, white supremacist, separatist, religous-nutcase, backward, inbred, insurrectionist, pig fucking, ignorant antiscience, cat kicking, planet killing, water wasting, porn addicted, coomer morons don't trust the science!
Reeeeeeeeeeeee! Get the FBISTAZI on them!

Worse than WWII, Worse than the Holocaust, even worse than the worstest day in the history of the world, Jan 6, 2021! Reeeeeeeeeee!

>> No.15112367

>VPN's Never use similar or same IP addresses!

>> No.15112372

>no response to the insurance data
You can't uninject it kiddo lmao

>> No.15112388
File: 737 KB, 2048x1675, pointing out hypocrisy is meaningless when they have no moral principles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially covid wasn't political but it took the leftists (who all deserve death) about 1 week to make it political.
100% that wolf faggot is a leftist.

>> No.15112390

>screenshot of a Twitter account with 1 like
Ah. There are many things you can rely on to be consistent - one of those are fake image posts by troll farms on 4chan.

>> No.15112581

What about it needs a response?

>> No.15112582

What's the current strain circulating, you brainlet? Do it, you fucking faggot.

>> No.15112586


>> No.15113087

it worked for Ciprofloxacin, Bayer sold $4 billion of it in 2001-2002 when the anthrax scare made it a household name

>> No.15113115
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>> No.15113222

Just this once I want the old twitter jannies back so I can see this one with a "LEARN WHY VAXES ARE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" warning below it.

>> No.15113330

"i am smart because i took/didn't take vaccination"
"please sniff my butthole and lick my balls"
every vaxxer/antivaxxer ever

>> No.15113334

This is too on the nose even for glows

>> No.15113341

>Does the virus come with LNPs that allow fusion to every cell in the body?
it's called "virus"

>> No.15113355
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses don't exist, "cancer" is just another word

>> No.15113415

Plus all the deaths from their lockdowns, suicides, bankrupcies etc.

>> No.15113424

>instead of fighting amongst ourselves, we should be tearing this whole thing down

But vaxxers don't want that, they want to keep pushing deathshots on everyone.

>> No.15113426

"I don't think I will take this vaccine just yet, let's wait to see what the clinical trial data looks like"
"OK fuck you then"
We've been driven to this point, it has nothing to do with narcissism. You equating the side who wants to control every aspect of life with the side who just wants to be left alone to make our own decisions is grossly dishonest.
No I won't just shut up about it, I'm mad. And I have every right to be

>> No.15113428

Woooooooow, a single pair of manipulated statistics missing data from the last 9 months, taken from a boomer tier photograph of a screen no less.

How could you be convinced by such a wea- oh thats right confirmation bias.

>> No.15113488

Are you some kind of special NPC?
What does it matter how much engagement a Tweet got? What literally does it matter? It's a valid anecdote regardless.
Kill yourself. Or I guess destroy yourself, since you are not actually a person.

>> No.15113649

My grandfather in the span of less than a year since his last brain scan developed 2 baseball sized tumors in his head and hes like trippled vaccinated. Literally no history of cancers in the family

>> No.15113694

who cares sally it's all a fart sniffing contest

>> No.15113760

You sound worried. You're right to be

>> No.15113887

There are a lot of vaccine regrooters posting now. Looks like the social pressure is abating now that they're all horrifyingly ill.

>> No.15114181

many such cases

>> No.15114230

People do not understand that they have to take it easy after a vaccine shot. The body needs time to recover, it's not a fucking cure drug. Vaccines are literally designed to give an immunitary response. Which means inflammations.
COVID itself and other viral infections can cause myocarditis as well.

But yeah, with the current variants there's no longer need for vaccines, unless you're in a risk category.

>> No.15114261

It never leaves the shoulder, remember? The vaxcucks had no reason not to exercise, it was safe and effective. Also the whataboutism with viral induced myocarditis does not hold up to scrutiny with age stratification.

>> No.15114514

wat? take meds, your body needs meds

>> No.15114772
File: 91 KB, 1284x1268, heterosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15114807

>if you do x, then you identify as someone who did x
you know, I don't share my sensitive health data with strangers on the internet, and I'm not happy that you're trying to change the culture among the readership of this board
There is absolutely no reason to change the culture of this board to one that supports data harvesting.

>> No.15114809


>> No.15114811

Don't ever tell a stranger whether or not you took the vaxx.
If anyone asks, don't say anything, leave the area, and identify them so we can build a database of individuals seeking to subversively violate HIPPA health data law
Don't cave to totalitarianism.
If you cave to totalitarianism, then we have to murder you because you're a threat to society.

>> No.15114921

Wtf a tweet said this? I'll believe it right away!

>> No.15114928

This. I need a fact check from a credible media outlet to confirm this video wasn't AI generated and that the oncologist in it isn't secretly a russian lizard person in a skinsuit.

>> No.15114983

I remember. Fuck their gaslighting and revisionism.

>> No.15114998

Not sure why you're putting virus in quotes, so maybe I'm missing something, but SARS-CoV-2 has specific mechanisms for fusion that prevent it from entering certain cells. The LNPs have no such restrictions. SARS-CoV-2 also cannot generally cross the blood brain barrier, the LNPs are known to cross it.

>> No.15115078

good point desu

>> No.15116477

you are shill deceiving people

>> No.15116621 [DELETED] 

>We should have never slowed the spread, should have been coughing into every 65+ year old's face.
>Rid of these fucking boomers once and for all.
I'm unvaxxed and this is what I wanted throughout all of 2020. Anyone who believed the lockdowns back then were akshually to the "slow the spread" and not to destabilize society in an election year is certifiably retarded.
>the vaxx is the certificate btw

>> No.15116639

>We should have never slowed the spread, should have been coughing into every 65+ year old's face.
>Rid of these fucking boomers once and for all.
I'm unvaxxed and this is what I wanted throughout all of 2020. Anyone who believed the lockdowns back then were akshually to "slow the spread" and not to destabilize society in an election year is certifiably retarded.
>the vaxx is the certificate btw

>> No.15116700

spread was never proven scientifically

>> No.15116712

is it just the mrna or all vaccines
because i think regular old tech ones are safer

>> No.15116722

its probably not even something inherent in mrna desu. i imagine that can probably be made safe given enough time and resources. this is just what happens when we skip all the basic safety steps and mass deploy something that isn't fully understood.
>because i think regular old tech ones are safer
they are, mostly, and their benefits are actually tangible and lasting too

>> No.15116723

> i think
not science

>> No.15116728

samefag imitating discussion

>> No.15116895

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.15117010

>Durr woof how can a vaccine affect ur immune sister?

>> No.15117023
File: 184 KB, 953x939, 9B32FB07-A5C6-42EE-825A-0690862E9FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be SADS

>> No.15117408
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>> No.15117428

Vaxxies btfo

>> No.15117575

The sad truth is the vax is some kind of trick. I don't know what kind exactly but the amount of obvious trickery throughout the whole event is a pretty big red flag.

>> No.15119295
File: 863 KB, 2040x1456, vaxxed_cartoon_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say you were never warned, vaxxxies, Ben Garrison published picrel in 2019.
If only you'd listened to Ben when he was trying to warn you.

>> No.15119359

The real story isnt about vaccine. Its about the nature of "pandemic."

Biden admin and the far left invented the "pandemic" fear to oust Trump. There was no data to support everyone getting vaccine, nor 8 boosters. They suppressed any doctor/medical professionals who spoke out against it. They removed medical credentials and deplatform them. The sole reason is because they did not want to contradict the political narrative.

It was never about the vaccine itself. It was always a political narrative.

>> No.15119677
File: 72 KB, 1007x800, USAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was never about the vaccine itself. It was always a political narrative.

>> No.15119817


We would have played to a different tune in 2021 had Trump won the election.

>> No.15120727

Is there any way that science and its method can be insulated from politics?

>> No.15121660

no, scientists will happily lie about anything to get money, they are the problem, not the politicians.

>> No.15121730

This. Technocrats can never be trusted.

>> No.15121884

Independent ethics comittee is required to see where the money flows from and into.

>> No.15122327

maybe AI can replace scientists.

>> No.15122362

Bro, people were warning about this a long time ago.
As soon as we were seeing reactivation of shingles after vaccine, people started getting worried about it.
Reactivation of latent viruses indicates there might be a problem with T cells (which are also responsible for killing cancers).

>> No.15122392
File: 208 KB, 1024x1234, loooool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok so maybe it's not Safe but at least it's still Effective, r...right?

>> No.15122427
File: 212 KB, 1060x1298, Vax Song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a poem/song to "boost" everyone's spirits?

>> No.15124087

has that been set to music yet?

>> No.15124105

I for one am glad the kikes are genociding you stupid worthless niggers. You are just taking space with your idiocy anyway, nothing of value is being lost

>> No.15124310

independent ethics committee will happily lie about anything to get money, they are the problem

>> No.15124455

that sounds hard to believe since most governments classify decapitation within 28 days of a positive covid test as a covid death.

>> No.15124558

>It's a valid anecdote regardless.

>> No.15124895

Keep your hateful anti-Semitism and racism to yourself thanks. I'm a huge opponent of the Covid-19 response, but I will not stand for this evil on my board. Consider yourself on thin ice.

>> No.15124950
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>> No.15124986
File: 1.78 MB, 2500x2653, Sciops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ignorance is evidence of anything but my being a retard

Stop posting garbage to /sci/

>> No.15124999

There's plenty of doctors reporting on this. I hope someone helped Old Gray Wolf out, he did ask the question after all.

>> No.15125033
File: 125 KB, 1200x1028, Biden King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme anon.
Leftists will still not be able to comprehend it though.
Government is their God.
Laws are their religion.
Submission is their sacrifice.

>> No.15125099

Reminder that if cold deaths were counted the same as wuflu deaths then hundreds of thousands more people die every year of colds than ever died of chink flu.

>> No.15125179
File: 68 KB, 960x843, 1648474445348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15125194

The ones dying are the obese and elderly. Get rid of them and vaccine has no effect on disease severity and mortality.

>> No.15125213
File: 349 KB, 1054x750, 1673574953895572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15125267


>> No.15125273

Who gives a fuck? This is about a gene therapy injection.