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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15124023 No.15124023 [Reply] [Original]

Is a desire to "trust the scientists" just masking for a desire to return to childhood?

>> No.15124038

This is a fascinating thought.
What would be an example of this mindless fluff?
How could it impact on child development?

>> No.15124039

you need meds

>> No.15124049

Don't you see that all the meds are the very problem you are trying to solve? The meds create side effects which more meds are then prescribed for and so on and so forth

>> No.15124052

Fairy tales taught you that if you stray from the herd, take someone else's property without asking, or lie repeatedly about something, that there would be consequences to your actions and you would probably be killed or mangled.
Now we have stories without any real lessons, other than being kind to one another or worthless sap that doesn't lead to caution. It makes children overly trustworthy and put themselves below their natural instincts to avoid unsafe people and situations.

>> No.15124058

Well, in this case, I believe the gentleman who posted the original post is in need of psychiatric medication for some type of psychotic disorder. It would be irresponsible to allow him to suffer.

>> No.15124060

Then you should share some of your SSRIs

>> No.15124066

very cool meds now

>> No.15124067

More specifically it's more of a people hate feeling in charge of things. The idea that they are in control of and responsible for the quality of their life to a large extent terrifies people, so they defer that responsibility to an authority. They don't really care if their life turns out to be good or bad, just as long as someone else is responsible for the outcome.

>> No.15124072
File: 76 KB, 1200x800, everyone is like me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because you're addicted to psychiatric medications doesn't mean that everyone is

>> No.15124074

take meds

>> No.15124101

The desire to not "trust the scientists" stems from envy, but even more than that, Ressentiment, and Narcissism born from the masses being "democratised" (made to feel they matter, their opinions matter, etc, which has further been intensified through the internet). The myth of egalitarianism through Western propaganda and mass access to the internet has made a new man: he thinks his thoughts are valuable, that he should share them with everyone. He views nobody as standing above himself.

Because the world is so complicated (and complexity is increasing indefinitely) people cannot not know everything. Instead, we are forced to specialize, based on our strengths, weaknesses, environment, and luck. Even the greatest expert, the most intelligent person, has to, at some point, defer to a specialist. The greatest specialists in society are scientists. Not only do they specialize, but they also do so in topics are inaccessible to the vast majority of people due to the biological distribution of intelligence. You need certain qualities to become a scientist, medical doctor, engineer, etc, which are rare relative to the norm.

Because of this, scientists attain a prestigious role in society. We must as a whole defer to their expertise, as many of their topics are incomprehensible for the vast majority. This essentially makes them gate keepers of knowledge. It's very undemocratic. You're essentially forced to shut up and accept it because you neither have the time or skill set to fully understand it, even if you did try. You will eventually reach a plateau. This is totally in contradiction with the prevailing myths in society, egalitarianism and mass participation. This builds Ressentiment. Once combined with the internet, which allows anyone to access information, the everyday man feels he can challenge the specialists, contest their status as gate keepers.

>> No.15124106

Of course, in reality, the everyday man does not have this capability. Just the illusion of it. He doesn't have the knowledge, he doesn't have the training, and he in most cases doesn't have the raw intelligence. But he is compelled to challenge. He feel it's his right and in his narcissism, he never questions whether he has the ability. The rebellion we are seeing against the intellectual elites from the normies, in the form of conspiracy theories, such as antivaxx, is the end point of the process that democratised knowledge and put it at the finger tips of the average person, in an age where information is infinite in its magnitude.

Due to mass clinical narcissism, this has created a mass of people who feel they have the same understanding and knowledge as experts, simply by searching for it on the inter for 5 minutes. You don't need to work in research, you don't need actual experience, the ability of being able to google search convinces you that you know just as well, no, you know even better, because it's coming from you.

>> No.15124117

This also engenders a feeling of hate towards people who are in charge of themselves. You can see this in the seething hatred for successful White men and people who are unvaccinated.

>> No.15124126

>It would be irresponsible to allow him to suffer.
Tell that to doctors and (You) who keep prescribing these shitty meds that don't work.

>> No.15124128

take SSRIs

>> No.15124129
File: 241 KB, 1852x880, pol-white-nogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still reading /pol/ after 2017. That's more embarrassing than posting a Reddit screenshot, quite frankly. /pol/ used to be a place for high-IQ lolbertarians, but now it's a bunch of 70-IQ redneck white niggers.

>> No.15124133

I suspect that a strong anti-psychotic would cut down on his delusions.

>> No.15124149

You sure spent a lot of time on that drivel.

Everyone acknowledges that there are things they don't understand. However, we are fortunate to live in a universe governed by logical and consistent laws. For any particular question, an "expert" should be able to defend their position about the world with robust empirical data and valid logical reasoning. "If you can't explain it to your grandmother, you don't understand it."

The modern conflict doesn't stem from situations where "regular people" don't understand "the scientists." They result when the commoners understand "the scientists" perfectly and find their arguments to be lacking. Then, establishment shills have to compensate for their intellectual deficiency with appeals to authority and personal attacks.

>> No.15124160

Indeed. But in order to criticize authority meaningfully, you need to be able to subject new ideas to the same standard of scrutiny as old ideas. Otherwise you're just replacing one kind of brainwashing with another.

>> No.15124180

And people do. Both anecdotal experience and empirical evidence have provided vindication for those who were against the mandate of an experimental gene therapy. If anything this is a complete vindication of democratized information, since the maligned masses were provably right every single time.

>> No.15124200

An interesting hypothesis, but I'd like to see some robust evidence for it. Perhaps case fatality rates for COVID patients vs vaccine recipients.

>> No.15124208

This form of elitism would be fine if research wasn't simply bankrolled by companies. Those companies often express the worst democratic instincts as their profits are generated by mass appeal and consumption, meaning the research they fund is similarly directed to slavish ends.

>> No.15124215

So getting back on topic how are videogames affecting his?

>> No.15124231

See >>15124171

>> No.15124265

>For any particular question, an "expert" should be able to defend their position about the world with robust empirical data and valid logical reasoning.
The average person is incapable of understanding robust empirical data and valid logical reasoning.

>> No.15124274

This sentiment stems from the average person's complete lack of understanding of capitalism. America is a country of stocks, where the value of the company is everything: above the quality of its products, the benefits it offers to humanity, and the moral consequences of its actions. Time and time again it was proven right, when paid research "proved" and "demonstrated" the benefits of things like unregulated narcotics consumption, smoking, genital mutilation, and other wonders of human progress, benefiting none other than those who spent their resources on pushing those products and services onto the naive and unsuspecting masses. If you think that the government of this country, which consists largely of career politicians with heavy ties to its richest people, actually values your life and well-being above all, then you have some serious mental issues.