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File: 234 KB, 579x538, asymptomatic lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15122972 No.15122972 [Reply] [Original]

Hydronephrosis secondary to urolithiasis edition

Previous: >>15083208

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15123015
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Guys just consoom product.
It's the best.
Trust me.
I is good doctor.
Many latin and greek words mixed up.
I know ICD-19 so I is very smart.
Here is product, I get a share of if you consoom.
Please don't question me.
I is doctor.
I vas done lot of meme Magic with greek and latin words.
Please I just follow Protocol.
Not my fault if something goes bad.
Please consoom product.
Otherwise you will die and suffer horribly.

Also please sigb this waiver before you consoom product, so I am free from liability.
And ignore please the fineprints.
These mean nothing.
You don't have to understand it.
Just sign it and consoom product

>> No.15123031

I'm starting my first med school placement soon. Advice appreciated, lads.

>> No.15123048

Is pleasure occurring in episodes out of nowhere known as a symptom of any mental issue or is it always a neurological issue?

>> No.15123088

How do I develop better discipline to study? I always 'want' to study, but I feel if I start too early before a test, it'll just be a waste as I'll forget everything before the test and just have to cram as normal.
I also run into a similar problem but with previous terms' material except that has the addition that I shouldn't study that now, and I should study for upcoming tests (even though I don't do either).
The class had a discussion/Q&A with some administrators/leaders for some reason, and they said it was somewhat normal, but I dislike feeling like a retard who wasted all this money just to forget everything.
Am I just screwed?

>> No.15123104
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welcome to your 5D brain

>> No.15123147 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15123241

why the FUCK are all the cute nurses married?

>> No.15123252

I just create studying materials, flash cards, summaries, tables, mind maps (Cmap is pretty good), whatever suits what I'm studying and how strong my interest in the topic is best. It's a lot more mechanical and straight forward than just reading through shit over and over again and allows me discrimate what information I think I'll want and be able to memorize in the long term, I treat it like mental sweatshop work. Once I get closer to the test, I'll just go through my study material and see if I can still make sense off it or if I have to read up on something again. I still cram for some subjects, but this way has worked pretty well for me since I can still get myself to sort through information even if I don't give a shit about memorizing any of them in the immediate future. Also helps with returning to subjects

>> No.15123259

I'm about to start med school in 6 months. I want to do trauma surgery. Any recommendations how I get there? I'm worried now that step 1 is pass/fail, I feel like it's an uphill battle for a huwhite man.

>> No.15123264

>i am level 1 but i want to raid the lich king looking for party (am DPS)
nigga just become a doctor first

>> No.15123272

congrats on the A, you gotta pass everything else first m8.
better off figuring out living situation and other things before putting on blinders

>> No.15123298

Have the confidence to ask to do shit, but also have the confidence to tell people you have never done it and want to be supervised when they just tell you to do shit you've never done. Nobody really gives a shit about you or will remember you unless you fuck up big time, so don't be too timid or afraid of embarassment and try to engage with clinicans even if they seem unfriendly (unless they really are in the middle of something). If your just shadowing someone chances are you'll be in the way, so just ask people where to stand and what to do if you're in a crowded exam room or OR, if there's time and opportunity it's important to introduce yourself and tell people you're a med student, but don't push it if everyone's busy, don't be interruptive. Be nice to nursoids even if they're not nice to you. If someone yells at you for no apparent reason, it doesn't matter, some people just unload their stress/frustration that way, doesn't mean you have to avoid or cower from them. If you get to perform a procedure/examination, ask people how they do it or if they have some tips or things to look out for, people do things differently and there's not necessarily a worse or better way, so look out for things that might work better for you, there are a lot of little things you can't really pick up from textbooks. If you're stressed or nervous during a procedure, take a breath and focus on going through it step by step, it's an obvious thing, but you can easily lose that focus if you're stressed.

>> No.15123360

cocaine toothache drops sound pretty based

>> No.15123364

Because they chose nurse to sustain the kid they had in their 15s? I thought this was self-explanatory.

>> No.15123374
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i went in to the dentist like 5 years ago and the guy said i would probably need to get a tooth crowned because the filling in the tooth is pretty large and it's liable to break. and i went and talked to another dentist who said the same thing. yet, looking at how long crowns last, they might last like 5-15 years.
so i'm kind of just waiting around until something happens that makes me need to get a crown put in, because my teeth are working fine now. or is that the wrong outlook, and i really ought to have done it already because something bad will happen if i don't?

>> No.15123626

Because nobody wants to marry a fugly one. Gotta pick em young pal. Take the hebephile pill.

>> No.15124030
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>antivaxxers will get 2 years of backpay for free while ive been working like a slave
explain to me why I do the right thing again?

>> No.15124183

Thoughts on the potential junior doctor strikes in the UK? Looking like it might go ahead, but I HIGHLY doubt the government will meet demands. I don't think they're actually capable. Even if they somehow manage, every other sector will strike/continue to strike. It actually feels like i'm living in a third world country. US and other anglosphere countries and even Europeans have no idea how good they have it.

>> No.15124198

>It actually feels like i'm living in a third world country. US and other anglosphere countries and even Europeans have no idea how good they have it.
what do you mean?

>> No.15124305
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UK has been living on baby mode for the last 300 years, now that your great "Kingdom" has fallen you are surprised your shit country that produces nothing except """""financial services"""""" has nothing left?
Anglos thinking they should be rich is hilarious, since they unironically don't understand the wealth of their country is exclusively from money laundering, akin to a fucking microstate on a tiny island.

>> No.15124372

Well, we still live in that system and the UK has been reaping the benefits - it still is one of the richest nations on Earth. It's just that the wealth is being grossly mismanaged. Bringing it back to doctor's pay, would you say Aus and NZ are richer than the UK. What do they 'produce'? And yet, their healthcare system has been set-up efficiently and their workforce is compensated well.

>> No.15124386

Why do gastroenterologists blanket label every thing as IBS and refuse to investigate further. What is the big secret?

>> No.15124387

>Canadian medical school interview
>blind interview where the interviewers do not get to see our application prior, nor during the interview
>only asked questions about contemporary medicine issues in Canada
>zero questions asked about myself as an applicant (background, skills, accomplishments, etc.)
what sort of bullshit was that? I made it all the way through this process just so these cucks could quiz me in a virtual meeting about my thoughts on indigenous healthcare and the general problems in our healthcare system?

>> No.15124453

IBS just means shit diet and you're probably a fat fuck. It's not a real diagnosis.

>> No.15124466

Yes it is STILL one of the richest nations on Earth, but it won't be in the next decades. The country has been on a downhill for the last 10 years, the next 10 will just be worse.
Capitalists taking everything they can while working people make less and less each year is just one of the symptoms.

>> No.15124990
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Is it that rage inducing for some docs when patient says they are not okay with x class/es of drugs?

>> No.15125008

Not rage inducing but I'll treat that patients as the mentally ill/handicapped individual he is.

>> No.15125012

Kek, whoopsie daisy, but understandable

>> No.15125026
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>GOVERNMENT taking everything they can while working people make less and less each year is just one of the symptoms.

>> No.15125040

how much time do you devote to new topics that have tests for the term compared to old topics that won't be tested on explicitly anymore?

>> No.15125041
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Your enemy is yourself.

>> No.15125051

dont worry, your answers don't really matter since they'll check your background later and either accept you because youre brown or decline your application because youre white.

>> No.15125180

If you feel like you are in serious distress, supplements would help maybe even consider trying nootropic drugs. Phenibut (Be careful do research), adderal (if u can get some), auschwaganda, valerian root and all sorts of shrooms (chaga, shiitake, lions mane, etc.) all good for mental clarity and deep focus.

>> No.15125245

We get some Canadians at my uni and they're literally 100% brown. Brownest out of the Americans, Canadians and Australians. Except Singapore, but that's acceptable.

>> No.15125295

Government are the Capitalists.
Look up the net worth of politicians and their salaries. I wonder how they all have multi million net worths with salaries of around 100k.

>> No.15125301

It’s all just so tiring…

>> No.15125398

I just wonder: how are such paradigms even established? Is it like advanced-tier textbook subject to tell clueless golems they have IBS? Is the approach communicated via papers and other channels within the medical community? Is it just guidance from the most prestigious literature? Or do techniques like novel/kinda bullshit diagnoses like IBS spread purely via implicit osmosis between doctors?

>> No.15125455
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In most medical textbooks IBS has max a couple of pages, sometimes it's just a page or two depending on how in depth the book goes. It's usually just explained as a "diagnosis of exclusion". In theory to diagnose IBS you have to do every other feasible GI test, including Colonoscopy with colon biopsy. You don't really study IBS in med school, you don't really learn about it in residency either.
But when a 45 year old obese woman shows up at your practice and tells you that she gets the shits and farts (leaving out the fact that she drinks a 1500 calorie milkshake from Starbucks almost daily and eats pretty much no raw vegetables ever), what is the most sensible thing to do?
Are you really going to send this patient to a GI doctor so they can shove a camera up her ass and take biopsies, which will turn out negative anyways? Or do you just diagnose it as IBS, tell her she has to fix her diet (she won't) and maybe take some Fiber supplements?
Then she will go on and annoy everyone how she suffers from IBS and that her shits and farts aren't her fault.
Don't confuse IBS and IBD though, the latter is a really serious disease.

>> No.15125537

it's for diversity purposes, ie; fuck whitey. This is why admissions have shifted to placing an emphasis on a "holistic approach". This way they can disregard objective test scores in favor of lesbian finger painting extracurriculars and how brown you are. This is also why step 1 is pass/fail now. They're even talking about eliminating the MCAT all together. I met some Paki girl with a fucking MCAT of 501 who got in

>> No.15125545


>> No.15125897


>A former GP who committed 115 sexual offences against 28 women and girls as young as 15 was branded "sick and twisted" as he was handed two more life sentences.
>Manish Shah, 53, abused his trusted position when he persuaded female patients to undergo unnecessary intimate examinations for his sexual gratification over 4 years from 2009.

They haven't really explained what he did in the article. Anyone more familiar with the story. If this was just a case of him performing intimate examinations without a chaperone or something, it's quite a scary thought. I feel like these sorts of cases will rise more and more as women are more empowered by metoo etc. Of course this guy could be a sick fuck, but I can also see innocent people fall victim to this sort of thing.

>> No.15126058


>> No.15126234

Mostly to new topics, I get back to the old topics sporadically, and then I don't get too deep into the specifics but stick to mostly diagnostics aspects or pathophysiology of common disease. When I work on my studying materials I already kind of sort them into those that are mostly important to pass an exam and those that I should memorize to not fuck up something later on. You'll repeat and memorize the basics either way once you start your placements and actually get to work with patients, so I think it's best to mostly focus on revisiting the important DDx for common symptoms when it comes to specs you don't really give a shit about.

>> No.15126373

i'll take my orthopedics exam tomorrow and i'm currently shidding and farding myself (both physically and metaphorically)

>> No.15126508

>Manish Shah
I believe all women
>I can also see innocent people fall victim to this sort of thing.
Just don't perform pelvic exams as a GP, simple as.

>> No.15126541

>DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor)

Gotta keep those paychecks coming, huh?

Any doctor that actually cares about curing the sick would never say such a thing. Good thing you idiots are all being culled.

>> No.15126545
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Considering it's Britain, he's likely innocent. They don't prosecute actual rapists and instead ruin good men.

>> No.15126549
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2023 is going to be a year filled with you trying to desperately blind yourselves to what you've done.

The rest of your pathetic lives will be spent as the people you considered beneath you laugh at your incurable suffering.

>> No.15126659

I do thos job because it pays well and the job security is great. Cope and seethe

>> No.15126685

>Manish Shah
So he told his patients that they have risk of cancer to do "intimate examinations".
I assume they mean Cervical cancer and a pap smear?
Not defending him, but how are you going to tell your patients about Cervical cancer risks and the importance of frequent pap smears? Any woman could interpret that as "sexual harassment" and "taking advantage of your position of power to see her vagina".
I am planning to do FM but once I'm an attending I will stop doing OBGYN and just send any woman that requires examination to the Gynecologist.

>> No.15126687

Things like this make me believe that forcefeeding amphetamines and opiates to obese and overweight so they will lose weight and get better is morally justified and righteous cause

>> No.15126704

>the job security is great

Not for long!

>Cope and seethe

Clot and die.

>> No.15126720

Go to the psychiatrist and get a nice injection of haloperidol.

>> No.15126810 [DELETED] 
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[Verse 1]
We're no strangers to lies
You know it's bullshit, and so do I (do I)
Depopulation's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other goy
I just wanna avoid all the vaxxies
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna take a test
Never gonna wear a mask
Never gonna lock it down 'cause I hate jews
Never gonna catch the flu
Never goin' to I.C.U.
Never gonna take the jab, so fuck you

[Verse 2]
We've known it's China for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if I ask you how you're feeling
Don't tell me you're too vaxxed to breathe

[Chorus x2]

[Repeat Verse 2]

[Chorus x3]

>> No.15126866

What do doctors do if strong AP makes patient become even more agressive?

>> No.15126878

anything newer? would help your case a bit since medical practice in the fucking 1910s can barely be called modern medicine at all, they didnt even clean their tools yet

>> No.15127011

Thanks for confirming your entire industry is nothing but poison.

I'm going to take great pleasure in watching you burn.

>> No.15127056

K commie

>> No.15127088

why are you trying to sound so serious? you know that nobody's taking you seriously here, your threats are laughable

>> No.15127164

nothing else going on in his life id imagine

>> No.15127190

Bextra (pfizer)
Zoloft (pfizer)
Vioxx (merck)
Gardasil (merck)
Talcum powder with asbestos
Singulair (montelukast) allergy pill which turns you suicidal

Advice to give Infants benzocaine against teething Pain.
Which in 2018 the FDA had to create a warning against this usage.
After a lawsuit was filed...

Lexapro and Celexa Lawsuits...
Because they advised pregnant women to take it.
Which then revealed to cause birth defects.
And when not pregnant turn people suicidal.
And all the meds which recieved a big blackbox warning after release.
Or got pulled.

>> No.15127201
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>your threats are laughable

'We laugh in self-defense.'

It's okay, this year is going to be the worst in your life. The best part is it's just going to keep getting worse after that.

>> No.15127204

Projection from a proud slave.

My life is better than your wildest dreams, fool.

>> No.15127217

have we met before?

>> No.15127237

Ok Jose you can go back there with your imaginary tradfu and keep fighting the good fight vs mk ultra, trannies, golems, goblins and the such. Just promise you will take your meds.

>> No.15127243

Just promise you will take your boosters.

>> No.15127245

>replying to these posters

>> No.15127258
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I have actually taken my boosters. Since the pandemic began I have never ever experienced, tested positive or had anything to do with chinkflu.
Call it a stroke of luck since I would guess I'd destroy me. This is coming from a specialists that is obese, has asthma, vapes and works with fluids on a daily basis.

>> No.15127291

lose weight and stop vaping

>> No.15127538

Have a kid and stop watching trannime.

>> No.15127850

Isn't cocaine inferior to lidocaine?

>> No.15127896

You made a slave of yourself and believe you did the right thing?

>> No.15127966

thanks, lad.

>> No.15128388

does anyone else struggle with substance abuse disorders? I can't stop drinking lads, I'm scared I'm making myself retarded

>> No.15128775
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>everything you like to eat has a shitload of iron, even beets
is there something like phitic acid that binds to metals, but for iron specifically? I guess it can bind lead too or w/e. I just want the good stuff like manganese to absorb.

I thought vegetable iron absorption should be lower? Do these charts take that into account?

>> No.15128780

This is from shitty ol Cronometer, by the way. I dunno if there's something more nuanced out there.

>> No.15129009

Whats your opinion on Semaglutide?
I think only bad things can come out of it.

>> No.15129066

What's your favorite complement pathway?

>> No.15129089

classical, but i only like the terminal complement anyway

>> No.15129101

I'm gonna go with alternative. The innate system is pretty dang cool. Mannose binding lectins are cool too, I guess.

>> No.15129122

I just want less fatties around, it's insane that public health tards spent the last two years screeching about interning the unvaxed but the mere idea of using coercion to force fatties into losing weight is somehow still totally inhumane and unthinkable

>> No.15129236

what the fuck is an Hill-Sachs fracture and why should i even know something about it i hate this place

>> No.15129238

Above here >>15126687
telling people to exercise or eat less doesn't work in 95%+ cases so it's either thru compliance by simply making them not hungry with drugs like that or supervision and forceful limition on access to food (akin to how it was naturally in past) which is much more rude, but more importantly time cosuming since who really has time to oversee so many people 24/7. Bariatric surgery seems to work mainly short term and in case of people with Binge Eating Disorder or Prader Willi it doesn't work even as well especially long term. All things aside it seems superior to other drugs in control of type 2 diabeetus at least
It be like that. It's either free for all or literally unthinkable to do x thing

>> No.15129268
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>> No.15129297

All you need is attenuated pathogen and an adjuvant. No heavy metals, thanks.

>> No.15129361
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>you'll have to study every fracture classification and name down to the smallest phalangeal bone to pass this exam
>no, I can't interpret an EKG, that's other peoples job

>> No.15129486
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>> No.15129492

say it with me, "I chose this. I wanted this."

>> No.15129497
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>DO NOT offer advice

>> No.15129499

Anon, my parents forced me to. Id rather be a humanities chad teaching history to kids in the future than some stupid docteur.

>> No.15129513
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>History cuck

>> No.15129526

There's an ortho dude at work that came down to the ED the other day. Some guys just have it all. It's humbling when you see some that chadly and also intellectually capable.

>> No.15129566

i know its laughable...

>> No.15129669

i liked my high school history teacher, made sure we actually knew what went down and some of the possible reasons why.
shame he was fired for yelling at a student after I graduated

>> No.15129713

Just another drug to put people on for all their life because they are too lazy to fix their lifestyle.
I am curious about the longterm effects it will have, but the insane loss of weight will probably outweigh any other side effect.
The owners of the patent will make tens of billions, it appears they are selling the drug for thousands a month. Since the average American is obese, 50% of the population might be put on this. Insurance could get bankrupt, in Europe the government will probably step in and limit the price.

>> No.15129721

Orthopedics has to be the absolute worst fucking topic to learn when you don't plan on becoming an orthopedic surgeon.
You learn retarded anatomy that is useless for every other specialty, all the types of retarded fractures and even worse the treatment of these retarded fractures.
In real life any fracture just get sent straight to the orthobro without even thinking about it twice.

>> No.15129731

And make in a year what a doc makes in a month.
Lmao maybe you should drop out, you are clearly retarded

>> No.15129903

>I've based my whole practice on knowledge from Paracelsus and Hildegard von Bingen

>> No.15130037
File: 52 KB, 519x500, king-golden-crown-high-poly-3d-model-obj-fbx-stl-blend-gltf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this

>> No.15130048

Any Portuguese med students /here/?

>> No.15130083

>useless for every other specialty
*rads blocks your path*

>> No.15130244

>t. infectious disease internal medicine resident
>Anon dear God is this it? Am I dying?
>It's hemorrhagic meningitis bro you're done bro, no amount of fluoroquinolone drug is gonna save you
>Jk you've tested positive for strep throat, here's a prescription for amoxicillin now get the fuck out

>> No.15130269

Apparently it isn't. I wonder why all my doctors diagnosed it as a mental issue when it's impossible to be one

>> No.15130294

So fucking based

>> No.15130424

I let anki pile up and lost all the will to study and I’m about to fail my first year. Wtf is wrong with me bros?

>> No.15130434

Put on some rainy library ambience on the tube and read your textbook chapters for the week again.
>t. rereading chapters on enteric bacteria and want to kys myself

>> No.15130475

Can you have hospital-worthy acute Carbon Monoxide poisoning without a headache?

t. guy who just realized he had a 40 minute long conversation standing behind an idling car and realized that wasn't a smart decision

>> No.15130761

how do retards like you get in if you can't do basic shit like study

>> No.15130763

Is med cram any good? I found a bunch of videos online for free and just finished the acidosis/alkalosis series

>> No.15130951

Breast exams should be ok right? Especially if they complain of a lump or some sort of pain? Dammit why do women have to be so difficult. What about PR exams if there are signs of an upper GI bleed? I feel like you could leave that for the hospital.

Also what about intimate exams in men - PR and testicles etc. Do you think they would make a fuss about it?

>> No.15130965

Why is ADHD persisting into adulthood not seen as valid? Is it solely due to lack of strict diagnostic measures?

>> No.15130972

? It is

>> No.15130992

I never practiced general medicine other than throughout pregrade social service. The only time I saw a vagina was when I placed IUDs. Anything else I'd just send the woman to a gyno without further questions.

>> No.15131039

If you have good notes/clinical indication for the exam and you have a chaperone, there really shouldn't be a problem. Many doctors do these things every day and it's not a problem.

>> No.15131137

What anime is this from?

>> No.15131309

It's good to get simple broad explanations of disease and their pathophysiology, depending on how serious your lecturers take their exams, it might not be enough to get a passing grade, but it's good to a get an overview and structure for something before getting deeper into the material. Their Nephrotic vs. Nephritic vid helped me greatly with not mixing them up all the time.

>> No.15131385
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>Breast exams should be ok right?
In one of the articles they complained that he didn't use gloves for the breast exams, but you never use gloves for breast exams.
Pap smears are indicated for pretty much all adult women. Yet the doc received complaints that he "manipulated" women into doing pelvic exams (which I assume are pap smears) because he told them about famous people with cervical cancer. Maybe he abused them, maybe it's just a case of a pajeet trying to be charismatic and coming off as a sex offender.
Lmao let me just call in the nurse for every breast/pelvic exam, both the patient and the nurse will thoroughly enjoy it.
As someone wanting to go into FM I feel like I will just refer any woman that has any complaint about breast/vagina straight to the gynecologist.

>> No.15131433

Obviously I didn't know I was making a slave of myself. I just can't believe the actually reality of what we were put through matches so little with the actual reality of what was happening. It's an odd feeling when you realize you were completely abused

>> No.15131594

Hot girl medical students kind of infuriate me. They're always on instagram posing in bikini pics living "the good life" when we all know they spend hours on anki. They always make a huge point about being a med student on social media - "look at me, I'm smart and hot!" Also, lol imagine your doctor is a massive whore in her spare time.

>> No.15131689

my brother, this anger will get you nowhere.
>huge point about being a med student on social media
easy market for possible sponsorships/partnerships/etc. which is what I assume they hope for
why are you lurking socials of classmates in the first place?

>> No.15131874

>Lmao let me just call in the nurse for every breast/pelvic exam

this is 100% normal and pretty much the SOP anywhere you go

>> No.15131902

Yes, and the more socialist the policies, the more capitalist the government. That is why the richest politicians in the world were communists like Hugo Chavez and Joseph Stalin. The only way to prevent a capitalist government from destroying our society is to implement radically anti-socialist policies

>> No.15131916

>I met some Paki girl with a fucking MCAT of 501 who got in
Not to mention that the 2015 MCAT was already major step down from the previous version. They greatly reduced content in the rigorous physical sciences in favor of psychology and sociology.

Diversity over meritocracy, over and over again. This is why the West is collapsing, while the East Asian countries laugh at how stupid we are.

>> No.15131926

You left off OxyContin

>> No.15132439

>this is 100% normal and pretty much the SOP anywhere you go
Not American and you never do this here, especially not in private practice. Do you call the entire hospital as well when you do a prostate exam?

>> No.15132451

The one M.D. professor I have out of a trillion Ph.D. losers is the most knowledgeable of em all when it comes to med micro and chem and he recommends lecturio

>> No.15132505
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>in favor of psychology and sociology.
>diversity over meritocracy, over and over again
>mfw when I didn't do great in the white man sections but scored 130 in psyc/soc

>> No.15132521

>I took one endocrinology class and I'm a shitskin
>Welcome to medical school, full ride

>> No.15132679

what third world country do you live in where you don't get a chaperone?

>> No.15132688

You can get one, but you wouldn't do it on every pelvic examination, pap smear or breast exam.

>> No.15132690

>fail to get into med school
>blame niggers
Plenty of white men in medical school. Whites don't even have it that bad compared to asians.

>> No.15132691

Is life better or worse when you have skin the color of poop?

>> No.15132798

you're an idiot

>> No.15132803

to angrily masturbate

>> No.15132812

Americans are so fucked in the head that they call the entire hospital to watch them do a pelvic exam.
Or even better, you should do them in an old school surgical theater.

>> No.15132897

No one's blaming niggers, it's so easy to outshine them in a classroom setting.

>> No.15133429

get a script for bupropion 300 xl if you can't get adderall

>> No.15133568

nootropic niggers shouldn't be in medicine
imagine using a drug as a crutch for something I can do normally

>> No.15134057

50% of med students aren't cut out to become doctors and are fueled by insane stimulant abuse. Most have a prescription for a convenient ADHD diagnosis.

>> No.15134223
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Friendly reminder that you are all mass murderers. You receive your wealth and privilege in exchange for poisoning people for the sake of corporate profits.

>> No.15134674

Tell your sister to ask her doctor for doxycycline, because I have chlamydia

>> No.15135082

My point stands.

>> No.15135254

that's so boring unironically how do orthofags even ....................

>> No.15135348

Unironic autism. Orthofags enjoy treating human beings like lego sets and old furniture.

>> No.15135453

Anyone here doing forensic pathology to get into the medical examiner's office?

>> No.15135551

why is doing research so soul destroying? I know exactly what to do but my tolerance is so fucking bad. I have to do this shit because the specialty I like is competitive.

>> No.15135593

Can someone please explain to me wtf is TRAP sequence? I could just memorize it from the book or the mechanical shit the Dr. gave to me but I'd like a bit more, you know?

>> No.15135799

Maybe it actually is caused by a mental issue too, as there is much of that.

>> No.15135808

Because you don't have a real interest in the field and only want to get into it because it's good money. So actually having to do something that has something to do with the specialty bores you to death.

>> No.15135870

who said he's researching anything about his field. Also I disagree despising researching for a surgical field means you'd hate surgery

>> No.15136168

It's very mechanical and straight forward and your individual ability and precision has a significant impact on the outcome, I get why people get into it over min-maxing lab work. They might complain, but an ortho surgeon running 10 xrays to perfectly position a screw must have the time of his life, so basically >>15135348

>> No.15136206

It's tedious, unrewarding and you need to have myopic focus on format and standardization to get anywhere with it, it's the kind of work that's perfectly cut out for Zogbots

>> No.15136208
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>tfw got a full ride to a T20
So I guess that's it then, the premed journey is over

>> No.15136219


>> No.15136222

LizzyM ~82, both GPA and MCAT very high

>> No.15136225

Also I'm ORM but not white

>> No.15136267

have some fun, pick up some new hobbies, just enjoy life m8

>> No.15136299

Congrats! Which MCAT prep did you use? Princeton is shilling hard these days, but I'm leaning towards kaplan.

>> No.15136499

Was gonna pick up motorcycling (got my license and everything) but winter freeze meant I couldn't buy one over winter and now I need to wait until spring
Dabbling in podcasts and music production
I did 100th percentile with literally nothing but the Kaplan books (no course, that shit is retarded), AAMC practice tests (their questions are moronically easy and I didn't want to waste my time on it), Uworld, and Jack Westin.
First time, I did 3 weeks content review of all Kaplan books, 3 weeks practice - got 518. Second time, 4 weeks just practice - got 525.
The tutoring courses are a scam - I should know, I work for one.

>> No.15136526

good job big brain. What do you think of affirmative action in medicine?

>> No.15136678

God I hate premeds so fucking much, post about how much you fucking hate nursoids and admin or just fuck off already.

>> No.15136760

It's based - BUT there should be a stronger push for low income and rural students + double or triple current primary care salaries to fix the underserved population problem in rural areas

>> No.15136812

We get it anon, getting older sucks, but you have to start somewhere, and some of us are still enamoured by medical biology. Btw my M.D. professor says you're a faggot.

>> No.15137023

>It's based

>> No.15137134 [DELETED] 
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I'm saying this as an Indian American, dude - I dislike the idea of race-based affirmative action, but it has its uses. My ideal world would have no race-based affirmative action or URM bullshit, but candidates from rural and underserved populations would get a step up

>> No.15137166


>> No.15137275

Is dutasteride any better if I had zero response to finasteride?

>> No.15137542

>double or triple current primary care salaries
you already make 2x as a rural FM compared to a city FM and nobody wants these jobs.
Premeds are pathetic, go ahead tell me what specialty you definitely are going to match into without even knowing anything about it.

>> No.15137585

I'm going into a residency for your mum's internals

>> No.15137942

>patient keeps saying how attractive I am and makes female resident supervising me blush and nervous
>nurses laughing
What spec should I do?

>> No.15137947

Power Niggers

>> No.15138133

Nobody here knows? Seems to be very common. Intense pleasure occurring like this only happens in neurological conditions based on all the available information. Any idea why it could've been diagnosed as a mental symptom?

>> No.15138179


>> No.15138270

based, surgery

>> No.15138670

What's your favorite innate effector cell? I like the NK cells, it's like if you don't have your ID to get into a club and instead of the bouncer turning you away, he just kills you.

>> No.15138684

Macrophages. I love food but am useless at basically everything else

>> No.15138687

>t. Garbage man who is also a professional hot dog eating contestant

>> No.15138725

bros... why do i love nephrology so much? is it the RAAS? the internal-medicine-like clinical approach?

>> No.15138743

Maybe it's the romanticized life of poverty?

>> No.15138764

I too love my NK cells

>> No.15138783

how does it make you feel that im going to spread awareness of the ineptitude of the medical system and relegate you all to nurses after ai takes over?

>> No.15138800

which spec has the most free time?

>> No.15138881
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yeah, that's probably it :^(((

>> No.15138891

Where are the absolute best MD programs in the US for internal medicine and trauma surgery? How about space medicine?

>> No.15138952

Psychiatry so that you can prescribe yourself some antipsychotics, schizo.

>> No.15138994

How much new research has come out on depression, anxiety disorders, autism, etc in the last decade? Do we understand mental illness more clearly now?

>> No.15139000

>How about space medicine?
Anon you wouldn't happen to be an alien crash landed on earth would you?

>> No.15139001

Brain scans have found that the patterns of depression are wholly cyclical. It's the brain repeating the same patterns over and over and over again. Consequently, research is finding that serotonin reuptake inhibition doesn't really do anything to stop that.

>> No.15139014

Is this why they've been looking at new medications?

>> No.15139079
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>be me
>Med student
>volunteer to be model patient in sonography class so the med cuties can see my abs
>they find a polyp in my gallbladder (picrel)
Now I looked it up and apparently you don't remove the the gallbladder unless it's larger than 1cm. The radiologist teaching the class said it's something to keep an eye on. Does anyone have similar experiences? It's really a lot easier to be on the other side of the diagnosis isn't it

>> No.15139095

yes, it all stems from being unable to discipline yourself or lack of coping mechanisms.

>> No.15139200
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It's okay bro, nephro is a fine specialty just overcrowded to hell.
Space medicine is 100% Baylor, they link with NASA all the time. If you spec in trauma surg and space medicine you might be able to be one of the first doctors on Mars when Elon decides to found his independent Martian empire

>> No.15139207

I apparently have a cyst in one of my kidneys the size of a .45 bullet.

Apparently that's totally normal and you don't need to do anything about it.

>> No.15139222

I would assume so. The best way to disrupt this neurological pattern is with dopamine reuptake inhibition, but obviously the post upregulation of excitatory compounds makes that a nonfunctional method over a period of time.

>> No.15139507
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>3rd round of chemo
>Chest hurts for past 10 days
>heart rate elevated

The doxorubicin fucked my heart up I know it. It's over for me lads. I avoided the Vaccine just to get fucked by heart disease anyway.

>> No.15139663

Sorry about your down regulated p53 anon

>> No.15139991

The other day I was piddling around the portable ultrasound and found out I have a perfectly functional gallbladder.
Would’ve rather just not know about it, because now I’ll dedicate myself to abuse pump the fats, lower the carbs and abuse the situation as much as I can.
As a rule of thumb never you should never volunteer for any lab or x ray. You may find out something incindentalome and loose your sanity.
A lot of the patients I’ve met at the OR with giant cranial aneurisms found about it by mere luck and were convinced by the neurosurnigger to have it clipped. Most of them died an agonic death from PO complications six months later while some others are less functional than CVA survivors.

>> No.15140104
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do you know what all the SFU folks now try to do with thier lifes instead of ending it?
On another note, did anyone else ever wonder why austria is so overrepresented on 4chin?
Also seemingly a ton of med students just get ripped so cute girls touch them in diagnostic courses.....i hear that a lot and now feel kinda peer pressured

>> No.15140402

Have an A to med school in the fall. I'll be working on my finishing my PhD from now until the summer. Today was the first day in the past two years of prepping for med school while simultaneously slaving 12 hour days (stared this fucking bs phd 5 years ago), that i've felt like wtf am I about to get myself into.

>> No.15140464

I thought the same, but if you can do something about it, it'd be irrational to ignore it. I'll treat it as a little memento mori.
Hopefully off themselves.
Mens sana in corpore sano am I right?

>> No.15140675

Also NK cells, a virus or malignant cell thinks it's smart by hiding from T-cells but along comes an even bigger brutish fuck that doesn't need to look at specifics to know something's up and just starts killing. The name alone is already based

>> No.15140677

Nuclear Medicine

>> No.15140690

Research has been zeroing in on neuroinflammation, microglia and mitochondrial dysfunction around the whole TSPO angle for a while now and I guess a lot of it is driven by the potential of developing new targeted therapies along that angle. I honestly don't give a shit, neuro research seems like a huge clusterfuck, nobody seems to produce reliable results that could translate into clinical applications

>> No.15140726

Doesn't matter, get used to it, imaging isn't necessarily the end all be all in terms of diagnostics, don't just run imaging unless you have a diagnosis in mind to confirm and don't get thrown off by incidental findings. The polyp likely has been there for years, not growing or causing symptoms, so don't worry about it unless proven otherwise

I asume coiling was out of the question for these cases? It's a tough situation, if you're being told you're walking around with a possible time bomb just waiting to turn into CVA, that'll definetly fuck with your sanity, I don't know if I wouldn't opt for surgey to clarify the situation, even with the mortality and morbidity risks asociated with it

>> No.15140845

Endocrinology, you don't do shit.

>> No.15140883

Is something wrong with my ears if i have a really hard time understanding what people with deep voices are saying?

>> No.15140951

Personally I’d get a “NO CPR” tattoo and then have my wills written and certified by a lawyer. Call me weird but already knowing how I would die would make me less anxious about it. Hell. I may as well start living at my fullest.

>> No.15140976

It never ceases to amaze me that we have an immune cell that uses the down regulation of MHC I as a signal to begin killing.

>> No.15141032

Understandable, once I get to a certain age I would to do the same + donating my body to a medschool and getting "FUCK MED STUDENTS" tattoos all over, but while I'm still somewhat young, I'd probably roll the dice on an intervention.

>> No.15141698
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Can parasites really cause weight gain?

>> No.15141839

>Wuchereria bancrofti
The horror...the horror

>> No.15141850
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>> No.15142060
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All I want is to be a magick wielding physician god damn

>> No.15142875
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>trying to keep Anking deck from previous classes unsuspended throughout M2 in preparation for STEP 1
>quickly getting buried under a mountain of reviews every day
Goddamnit, I was really hoping I'd be able to keep up with this shit. Might just suspend everything not related to my current classes and hope Uworld can save me later.

>> No.15142880

i had gallbladder out when i was 18 from shitty diet and genetics

not a big deal, it's basically a useless organ.

>> No.15142884

DO cuck here. is neurology still a specialty most people avoid, or is going to be competitive?

>> No.15142894

I know far more people interested in FM than neurology in my class (MD). I don't think it's very difficult to get into unless you're trying to get in some fancy top tier research institute.

>> No.15142897

Worst think about it is that there is no cure once you develop the edema. The medication only kills the microfilariae, not the adult worms, so you have to wait for the worm to just die naturally over multiple years.

>> No.15142917
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>multiple years
Hell. Good thing ritalin still works with some random shit to make me believe it's adhd, not parasites driving me so mad hungry (I hope I won't find any anytime soon), weird shit aside

>> No.15143178

>I know far more people interested in FM than neurology in my class (MD).

damn bro thats interesting. a good 15-20 people in my class all want ortho, even though we're a DO school with no real home program

admin is actively telling the "bottom 50%" of the class rn to NOT take step and only settle for "primary care"

>> No.15143208

Not American, but how do you settle for "primary care" if you don't take step? From what I understand primary care in the US still requires certification from the medical board?

>> No.15143410

Pretty sure you have to pass step 1 and 2 to graduate from med school. Not sure what the other anon is talking about.

>> No.15143898
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>> No.15144492

>admin is actively telling the "bottom 50%" of the class rn to NOT take step
That advice is so stupid that it borders on malicious.

Pretty sure DO students can take COMLEX or something, but program directors still prefer STEP and I've always heard that applying to anything other than rural FM without it is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.15144512

It's been the same since the beginning. Vaccine mandates were just another attack on the health care workers.

>> No.15144602

I honestly haven't done much research on what DOs have to take since my mind is one track on achieving my MD.

>> No.15144757
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captcha: gpa4y

>> No.15144765

ICD10 is useless and unnecessary.

>> No.15145657

I'm a final year medical student and I'm starting to realise I hate my life and I hate the career I've chosen for myself.

What's the pathway for someone like me? Rads? Pathology? Suicide?

>> No.15145694

The dead adult worms themselves could also obstruct the lymph vessels...there's really no winning.

>> No.15145746

You can do a lot with an MD that isn't medicine. What would you want to do instead?

>> No.15145841

DO students take COMLEX, however if they want any specialty thats not FM/IM/Peds, they usually need to take Step as well

COMLEX is an "easier" exam and the two are not equivalent to most Program Directors.

>> No.15145990

I'd appreciate your input re: not giving myself a heart attack

>> No.15146070

what can you do?

>> No.15146075

>medical journalism
>Dr. Mike youtuber copycat

You could have also just googled this, but you're useless.

>> No.15146091

What about the field do you not like? Did you not work in any clinical setting before medical school?

>> No.15146191

They're reaching with the collison ones in terms of "bizzare"

>> No.15146415

I know a few MDs who didn't get their license and instead went straight into infectious disease research.

>> No.15148220

What's the name of that congenital deformity where a baby is born with a large pseudo-penis on one of their buttocks?

>> No.15148317

How does W51.XXXA determine "accidental"?

>> No.15148825

When is it too late for med school?
I will be 23 this year, and going by my practice tests I will be absolutely BTFO on the MCAT this Friday (max I've gotten is 501). I've been building a decent research/shadowing/etc. portfolio and my grades are okay ~3.8 science, ~3.7 with my other courses included (I was a CS major).

>> No.15148841

Not surprising. Mine was the same way. I didn't take step though cause I'm lazy and knew the FM program I wanted didn't care.

>> No.15148845

I think the average age of entry is like 25 or 26. Your score is good enough for a lot of DO schools. However n if you're wanting a specialty that requires being good at standardized testing then you're already behind with that MCAT score.

>> No.15149110

I'm graduating with a BS in chemical engineering and am suddenly having a lapse in confidence as to what I want to do with my career. I have a 3.90 GPA and have been doing research for 5 years, with a few publications along the way. I started feeling like medicine was appealing because of my general interest in applied chemistry and biology. I feel like it would be a cool opportunity to help others and to develop a broad skillset and knowledge base. I was also curious to see if I could apply engineering problem solving to human health. Finally, a career in medicine seems more appealing than research for its application of existing science at a broad scale, in contrast to hyperspecific, hyperspecialized research topics. Do these sound like valid reasons to become a doctor?
My advisors tell me that I will be crucified by admissions without clinical hours even with a good MCAT, GPA, and research publications. The problem is that I absolutely hated my limited time as a CNA and am having a difficult time even volunteering in health care due to a limited number of capabilities. People recommend that I become a technician after I graduate, but this seems so stupid when I could get an entry level engineering position instead.
Are there any engineer-doctors here? Did you feel similarly to me? If both jobs were equally competitive, I might be more inclined to go into medicine--but knowing that I can start a plenty-lucrative (and probably decently satisfying) career without having to justify myself to a diversity admissions board makes it difficult to take a step back and accept grunt work like what is required in hospitals.

>> No.15149117

The only valid reason to become a doctor is to make money, otherwise you will get burned out by all the bullshit.
There is a reason why all the most popular specialties are the ones that are paid the most. Or do you really think that people are just so passionate about rashes or being an Eye dentist?

>> No.15149126

Are you a doctor? The doctors I've spoken with consistently seem to suggest that there are many other careers to make a lot of money a lot easier. Is this just a weeding out tactic?

>> No.15149172

I graduate as a Doctor this year.
Everybody is in it for the money, otherwise the most competitive specialties wouldn't be the money printing ones.
Doctors are just brainwashed by medical school, institutions and the public to play the role of a self sacrificial lamb that is doing what they do for the "good of the people". Some people unironically fall for the meme and end up working some shit job at an academic institution earning 1/2 what they could.
The best doctors I know don't do this whole "My whole reason of existing is to heal people" spiel, they just like doing things the right way and know they will earn good money.
If you go into medicine for "helping people" you will burn out the instant you realize the ICU floor is filled with 80 year old people with incurable congestive heart failure, end stage renal failure, 4D COPD, etc.
You can be in something for the money and still enjoy it. I really like medicine, but I am not oblivious to the fact that the reason I went into is the great job security and opportunities.
Yes, there are other careers where you can make a lot of money (even more than a doctor) and quicker, but that doesn't change the fact that becoming a Doctor is a one way ticket to getting a good high paying job with pretty much the best job security of any job (unless you specialize in some retarded shit).

>> No.15149193

Are you graduating as an MD or a DO and what are your honest thoughts about the other? Did you enjoy your program?
I'm in Utah and the U seems to be one of the only schools in the nation who doesn't prioritize its own students.

>> No.15149202

I'm not from the U.S., so there are better resources for you to check.
From my understanding you should always try to go for M.D. because it will get you a better chance to match your specialty.

>> No.15149212
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Lads, my supervisor said my draft wasn't complete dogshit. There may be hope for me yet.

>> No.15149694

Are there any jobs you can get before medical school that give you an accurate idea of whether or not you'd actually enjoy medicine? For instance, I worked as a CNA for a few years and despised it, but haven't let it dissuade me from medicine because I have to assume that being a doctor is cushier.

>> No.15149718

You don't have to be a clinician

>> No.15149788
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When the pain makes you go ACK

>> No.15150082

>I really like medicine

You haven't practiced medicine a single time in your life
shut the fuck up

>> No.15150093

>Don't go through any residency
>Hide away in a lab as a bacteriologist
Chill life forever

>> No.15150300

it will
t. european, non native english speaker, step 1 246, never used anki in my life, 30 questions per day for 2-3 months and you are good, ofc you have to look up why the wrong answer is wrong and why the right one is right and tie up your loose ends, everytime

>> No.15150336

I was in it for the drugs. I burned out the moment I realised the job and constantly being high doesnt go well, I mean in the legal sense. But that was only in the 3/6 year approx...
And I don't even get acces to everything, where is my fucking MXE and other RCs?
Oh well, I think I will go 1 year on 1 year off or something when I get the pay for it...
Money would have beeen the way to the drugs I desire, but maybe I wouldn't have had the mental strength to tell my dad to fuck off.... There would have always been that voice telling me: But are you a Doctor?
I am now. Fuck you.

>> No.15150481

Good thing I wrote Medicine and not practicing Medicine.
Maybe I'll start hating it during residency, but I doubt it. I'm going into FM, which is a chill 40h/week residency where I'm from.

>> No.15150813

>I feel like it would be a cool opportunity to help others and to develop a broad skillset and knowledge base. I was also curious to see if I could apply engineering problem solving to human health. Finally, a career in medicine seems more appealing than research for its application of existing science at a broad scale, in contrast to hyperspecific, hyperspecialized research topics. Do these sound like valid reasons to become a doctor
Limitied, you're supposed to work within well treaded paths most of the time, so no House MD shit, best you'll get is constantly catching up on journals and trying to implement what's possible into your clinical practice or doing clinical research yourself which is very tedious but some people are made for it and there are very lucrative paths for advancement if you are willing to put in the effort. The knowledge base and skill set are valuable and getting really in depth into the pathophysiology of diseases and treatment can be very interesting, but actual clinical practice comes with a huge workload, and just getting used to that and handling all the scutwork tends to take up a huge portion of your time and focus, especially during residency. To me becoming a "good" physician seems to be a matter of enduring under the circumstances (=patients are shit, hours are shit, paperwork is shit, healthcare is overwhelmed in general) and still putting in the effort to practice good medicine and giving a shit about the actual results, the "reward" of which is often drowned in the "cooperative" system that is healthcare. So no hero problem solving miracle cures shit, just being anal about not fucking up with small and big things.
There are nice and not so nice things that come with being a doctor, but I like it, it feels like real work in a sense that menial jobs I had before didn't, and doing the actual medical stuff is always interesting to me. But a comfy life with a cushy engineering positions sounds nice too

>> No.15151333

Medschoolfag here. I barely know anything about genetics, but it's a subject that intrigues me. Can any of you point me to a good book - or any sort of study material - on this? I would like to develop an in depth knowledge on the subject

>> No.15151354

Wow! How couldn't those doctors predict these scandals before they happened? Shame on them!

>> No.15151454

just ask to shadow a specialty you have an interest in.

>> No.15151639

Full blown engineer syndrome

>> No.15151668

Dr. Chud, how do I stay sharp?

>> No.15151697

>Everybody is in it for the money, otherwise the most competitive specialties wouldn't be the money printing ones.
This is pretty obvious but how come you can't say this when applying to medical school? I'm hoping to apply to medical school mainly for money and I can't really state that in my personal statements and such.

>> No.15151757

Because HR consistently lies to itself about the reality of man.

>> No.15151798

Because it's just one big LARP. Nurses fall for the meme even harder than most doctors and unironically believe they are fighting against the doctors and establishment to defend the patient.

>> No.15152113

Because nobody likes a cynic, you dense ass nigger.
I am one year left until I get my spec degree. I picked the spec because I legit enjoy it, matter of facts I enjoy it so much that as soon as I finish I'll pick a graveyard shift and then use the rest of the weekend studying philosophy a master or some other shit.
Treating the spec/career as a hobby rather than a job. Know what I am saying?

>> No.15152247

You are not a medschoolfag if you barely know anything about genetics. You also created a separate thread for this. Kindly fuck off and do your own research.

>> No.15152308 [DELETED] 
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>You are not a medschoolfag
Source: your ass
>barely know anything about genetics
Source: your ass
>You also created a separate thread for this
Rule disobeyed: your ass
>Kindly fuck off and do your own research
Authority to tell me anything: none

Get a life.

>> No.15152346

Don't be mad about me being correct. Now kill yourself.

>> No.15152411

The LARP delivers positive clinical outcomes THOUGH. Do you really want to see a doctor who openly only cares about the money?

>> No.15152618


Radiology DO here. Being a DO doesn't really exclude you from any specialties outside of radiation oncology and other really rare specialties these days.

Also, medicine is great if you pick a specialty that you enjoy doing. I went to medschool to help people, but then I learned that I hate dealing with people. So I chose radiology where I am blinded to the patients actions and history and I can still be incredibly helpful. Also, radiology starting salary is like 400k across the board, 500k where I am at.

>> No.15152799

>but how come you can't say this when applying to medical school?

DO schools want to to say "rural Family med" because this is in their mission statement

most MD schools also strive to pump out FM docs unless its like NYU or hopkins

>> No.15152993

There is a side effect of penicillin which results when penicillin kills bacteria too quickly so it causes anaphylaxis (or something like that) due to rapid release of bacterial endotoxins, does anyone remember what it's called? it's almost on the tip of my tongue but i can't remember the fucking name.

>> No.15153007

Jarisch Herxheimer reaction

>> No.15153035

That's it thank you!

>> No.15153443

Is it dangerous to suddenly stop masturbating?
Normally I do 5+ times a day but I suddenly stopped since I was staying with family and now it aches and I can't piss

>> No.15153472
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Any thoughts from American medbros about ID-crit care? I have lots of research and interest in ID fellowship but also have enjoyed my MICU blocks and want to make a decent wage

>> No.15153761

>The LARP delivers positive clinical outcomes THOUGH
citation needed.

>> No.15154541

>How couldn't those doctors predict these scandals before they happened?
Yes, they are brainless degenerates.

>> No.15154797

>Pic: urolithiasis
Why did they use contrast when you can see a stone just fine without contrast? Someone explain please

>> No.15155041

What's the deal with female med students being into abortion, was on rotation with this girl who's set on OBGYN and wouldn't shup up about the importance of performing abortions, was almost giddy about it. Do they just love killing babies? Is it that simple?

>> No.15155119

Because they were probably in the ED and the ED only knows how to order panscans with contrast because they want to rule out every possibility, no matter how slim the chance is that it is something else (IE aortic dissection protocol for backpain).

>> No.15155130

How important are scientific publications in order to match with a decent residency program? I have none and I'm getting pretty worried because I don't know what to do

>> No.15155267

It's the ((MD))

>> No.15155268

FM is a guaranteed steam out of your ears piping hot red face rage inducing residency anywhere in the globe.

Keep in mind, no ER shifts means faggot ass residency for gays

>> No.15155271
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Imagine unironically thinking having a nice life and some time off is gay

>> No.15155273

my dick is waaaay bigger than yours

>> No.15155328

only specialties i'd consider is rad, neuro, fm, abdominal surgery, cardiology, Ended up picking neuro, but i suspect i'd have enjoyed the others as well

>> No.15155345

ER shit is onions tier
>follow some algorithm and order the blood work and le CT scan lolololol if to hard ask for consult lololol

>> No.15155348

You just described every non-surgical field of medicine.
Try harder, do better.

>> No.15155375

>only acute conditions
>no outpatients
>anything more complicated - call consult
ER job can be done and is done by the younger doctors, there's a reason for this

>> No.15155409

>only acute conditions
Simply not true
>no outpatients
OOHH wow I just read everything I needed for this weeks outpatient consultation yesterday I am soooo wise whoa that was really hard to do, ayo let me see you in 2 weeks just in case I fucked up I am literally Hippocrates
>anything more complicated - call consult
That is what literally everyone does on a hospital

>There's a reason for this
boomers dont work at night.
simple as

>> No.15155431

you are retarded and obviously a duckling
ER shit is grunt work for beginners

>> No.15155437

Not an argument.

>> No.15155506

They believe women are somehow "underserved" and that it's so noble and important to give them healthcare.

>> No.15155510

>FM is a guaranteed steam out of your ears piping hot red face rage inducing residency anywhere in the globe.
It's literally just a 9-5 office job with regular hours and no overtime or call here. Worst thing about it is that you have to do one year of internal medicine.

>> No.15155546

Hmm. So probably to rule out malignancy or any arterial abdomen problem altogether.

>> No.15155733

It's the same with offering women elective caesars when they're not clinically indicated.

>> No.15155803

le panscan doesnt rule out malignancy

>> No.15155816

Who the fuck orders a panscan to rule out malignancy in an ER?

What kind of radiologist allows it?

>> No.15155825

i've never done a panscan for malignancy in the ER, but by god i bully the radiology department so hard i sometimes feel guilty about the shit they let me do to them

>> No.15155838

>patient hospitalized for 2-3 days
>get a panscan by the radiologist, because reasons

>patient slight headache
>get an mri with stroke, arterial AND venous angio

>patient with anisocoria
> get an mri AND arterial CT angio with contrast

>patient immobile for like a day
>get ultrasound of both legs for dvt

i am a terrible doctor

>> No.15155842


It happens quite frequently where I work. The higher ups don't believe that radiologists have the right to say "That isn't a study that should be done in the ER" then they turn around and complain that we are wasting money and that the system is in a deficit.

It happens from the inpatient side as well. Thousands upon thousands of dollars just thrown away because they can't wait a week or two for the patient to be an outpatient so they can bill insurance.

It's like they don't understand CMS reimbursement or something.

>> No.15155845

On duty means on duty. They deserve no rest.

Yes, I NEEDED to call at 2am to inform of the head CT I will be needing in 6 hours :D:D:D:D

No, I DID NOT calculate the WELLS score before asking for a dopplerUS!!!!!
In fact, I'm 95% sure it's cellulitis !!! :3:3:3

This CXR is vewy vewy hard to interpret????? Those hilia look funny to me, hehehe

But the DD number is in RED!!!!!!! What do you mean 700 in a 90yo geezer is normal????????? but it COULD be a PE!!!!! Will you SIGN you wont do it??
I thought so hehe

>> No.15155847

Fellow medfags. Whats the deal with nurses?

>> No.15155853

oh god i do these things
it's annoying to do scans on outpatients though, you gotta call them or send them letters and shit, it's like a chore though
just do it while their in the hospital lmao lol

>> No.15155856
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On a serious note, I once had a peds IP team message me asking to do a PE scan on a 14 year old because he was SOB. He also had pneumonia at the time. I insisted that they do a dimer because I am not irradiating a 14 year old with pneumonia to see if they have a PE, knowing damn well that it would almost certainly be positive cause pneumonia.

Well it came back negative... then the attending told me that they still wanted to do a PE scan. Fortunately they ended up saying they would skip it, I am assuming after consulting the medical student about the DDimer NPV.

Still, MFW they said they wanted to get it with a negative dimer.

>> No.15155857

>it's annoying to do scans on outpatients though, you gotta call them or send them letters and shit, it's like a chore though
>just do it while their in the hospital lmao lol

Insurance companies do not reimburse for those types of scans because they are not indicated. Yeah, you can do it, and I will get paid my salary regardless, but the hospital system literally loses thousands of dollars for that nonsense.

>> No.15155863

they are indicated just in 2 weeks instead of in 2 days
fortunately i am not american so that problem you have is not mine

>> No.15155881

patient with recent lung embolism, high SR, stroke and slight anemia and thrombocytopenia
ofc i'm gonna do a panscan, this person has cancer

>> No.15155907

ok mr smart guy

>> No.15155916

I am buy MK-677 to hopefully grow some height only 19 and I think my growth plates are still open.

MK-677 is similar to most HGH drugs anyone know any side effects do you think this will work?

>> No.15155939

I, too, am interested to hear if there are any endocrinology specialists in these threads.

>> No.15155948

I, too, want to fuck my shit up at the tender age of 19 for a crumb of pussy

>> No.15155949

My hope is that I get get 2 inches in height... Its either that or I get LL after saving money for a few years

>> No.15155956

Height is more then just for girls. It effects how you are treated and respected as a man. You can control muscles to be dominate but that only does so much for you I think its over if your under 5'10

>> No.15155958

Sorry manlette, you will never be tall.

>> No.15155959

there is no treatment for the "genes malucos" disease

know your place, midget

>> No.15155961

LL costs 30 grand I can be 5'11-6ft with one surgery dick

>> No.15155983

I'm 6'2" thanks to my aristocratic norman and gallo-roman genes. Sorry about your crap genes.

>> No.15155985

You won't be 6'2 6 feet under

>> No.15156136

wow look at this super smart NP!

>> No.15156215

It's just strange, I live in a country where the church is heavily invested into healthcare and runs a good third of the clinics, so abortion while legal is a bit of hush topic, so on some level I understand where they're coming from, but to hear people treat it like some trivial routine procedure just creeps me out. I'm not even strictly against it, but there's just no holding the dam with these people, allowing abortion under the pretense that it's an unfortunate "solution" to an unfortunate problem is one thing, but then they come along acting like it's somehow brave, practically celebrating the act and it becomes totally absurd.

>> No.15156313

This nigga thinks his breeding is impeccable.

>> No.15156567

They know a PE is very unlikely, they're just putting the medicolegal responsibility on you if he does have one.

>> No.15156884
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No fucking wonder only ritalin and codeine helps and stays reliable