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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15120821 No.15120821 [Reply] [Original]

>Among males 16 to 24 years of age, the excess number of myocarditis events per 100000 vaccinees in the 28-day risk periods after the first dose of BNT162b2 was 1.55 (95% CI, 0.70-2.39) events and after the second dose was 5.55 (95% CI, 3.70-7.39) events, and it was 1.75 (95% CI, −0.20 to 3.71) events after the first dose of mRNA-1273 and 18.39 (95% CI, 9.05-27.72) events after the second dose (Table 2).

> Excess events of myocarditis were 3.26 (95% CI, 1.90-4.61) events per 100000 individuals with a positive test result among all males, and 1.37 (95% CI, −0.14 to 2.87) events per 100000 individuals with a positive test result among males aged 16 to 24 years (eTable 7 in the Supplement).

>data collected from August 2020 onward
>Most of the younger age groups were vaccinated from July to September 2021, and very few during the spring.

How can the rates differ so much for this age group? At first I thought maybe they were confounding/minimizing the rates for the infected cohort because they had already been vaccinated and rolled their one time risk myocarditis dice, as it were. ,However, given they started collecting data in the pre-vaccine era, that is pretty much ruled out. If anything it makes more sense to add the infection rate onto the vaccine rates, given they don't provide sterilizing immunity and so will have to 'roll the dice' again when they are infected post vaccine.

Does anyone have a non schizo explanation for these rates? I'm a big believer in vaccination as a technology, but if the new IFR rates published in the last week are accurate this really doesn't seem like good policy.

>> No.15121704
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> infected
> infected
> infected

So your assumption is it's really a "infection"?
And not a shitty false bostive on a test based on a melecule doubling technique (meant for non complex molecules) which was never intended nor Claimed to be a diagnostic tool?
You really believe this?
Thats all infections.
And all literally the same cause and effect based on this?

And there is no concern deep within you, that people got poisoned by a novel medical product, which then exspess a disease with a widly diffuse spectrum of symptoms for each individual?
And when they run the test, they can for sure identify the cause of their disease, without any differential anaylsis? Really?

And then the only question you have is "why does the age group differ?"

>Does anyone have a non schizo explanation for these rates?
Please elaborate what specifically do you want to know?

>> No.15122317

What are you saying? Can any non schizos provide an explanation?

>> No.15122614

All this study is doing is confirming that myocarditis in young people is a very rare side effect of vaccines. Even Pfizer shills were admitting that years ago
You're gonna have to find some less reputable papers if you want real shitpost fuel

>> No.15122622


>> No.15122632

>All this study is doing is confirming that myocarditis in young people is a very rare side effect of vaccines.
Okay, but wasn't the argument that myocarditis was a greater risk from infection? This study shows the risk is much greater for vaccination.

>> No.15122639

If you haven't realised by now that COVID was only a major threat to the boomers and vaccination as a young person is totally unnecessary then you are being filtered.

Just stay away from old people. Man the fuck up. Move out of home. Get a job. Whatever.

We all make choices man.

>> No.15122641

>Just stay away from old people. Man the fuck up. Move out of home. Get a job. Whatever.
I mean, I avoided vaccination, but it's not like it was that simple. I risked my job and they blinked first, not everyone was so fortunate. The point being, we were ostensibly supposed to vaccinate because the risk was greater from infection, people were forced to vaccinate to prevent overflowing of hospitals yadda yadda yadda. It was built on a mountain of lies. There's going to be a lot of lawsuits.

>> No.15122649

you really suck at this man

>> No.15122670
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>What's the explanation for this?

>> No.15122773
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Nah. You can't fight this wave. Accept it and move on. You will be thankful when you are old and the meds use mRNA tech to cure your cancer.


>> No.15122777

When I'm old and get my goyslop and pollution induced cancer, I'm just gonna shoot up a Pfizer lab and kill myself. Beats cancer treatments.

>> No.15122799
File: 37 KB, 739x415, torushabitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips but be a bit of a shame to see a fellow /sci/entist fail to make it through the eye of the needle to the other side where our white space utopia will be built.

>> No.15122800

Your priest are lying to you as usual.

>> No.15122815
File: 749 KB, 961x989, Screenshot_2023-01-14-17-45-21-28_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the priest.

Ready your body for a white, pagan, animistic ethno-religion centred around extra-galactic species expansion.

Cheer up.

>> No.15122819
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Compulsory golemization will be covert.

>> No.15122828

You overrate the importance of Christianity though it's subversive influence has disrupted our culture temporarily. Some few of us possess the necessary heritage to produce a revival of the old ways and from there a fresh path can be contemplated in cultural meditative isolation far from earthly influences.

I'm only here to make you aware that some of us are forging a path and as schizo and X as it might seem there is hope if you are interested in this future.

I am not here to placate or reassure you.

>> No.15122832

>You overrate the importance of Christianity
Pretty harsh considering I didn't even mention it. Maybe the poster you were talking to before did. Either way, I don't support talking to transhumanists. I don't support freedom of speech or basic human rights for anyone expressing anything that vaguely sounds like transhoomanism or other forms of technotroonery. I don't think we can have a productive conversation because my go-to solution to this disagreement is exterminating you and everyone who willingly associates with you. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.15122843

Golem/goyim/jewspiracies was my thought pattern.

I believe it is right to be apprehensive and suspicious of transhumanism. Most common people are already prepared to be absorbed by something I do not want to be a part of. That is earth's future. I intend to escape it.

Come with us if you are useful. Despite our differences we can work together for a time at least until we are able to separate. In time you will see your emotional reaction is unjustified I am sure.

Be careful who you trust though. Dangerous times lie ahead.

>> No.15123007
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>Okay, but wasn't the argument that myocarditis was a greater risk from infection? This study shows the risk is much greater for vaccination.

You are asking the wrong questions...

You should ask
> what is the exact mechanism of action, of the Vaccine ingredients that cause myocarditis and sudden cardiac arrest?

Literally noboy investigates the CAUSAL effect.
It's always:
> administer product
> ???
> people get myocarditis
> some ask how and why?
> ???
> we just put it in the Product insert and thats it

This goes on since 2 years.

>> No.15123029

I have not met a single vaccinated person in real life that cab describe how the vaccine actually works
they all just seem to think it's an 'inactivated piece of covid that makes you healthy'

>> No.15123040

If your implication is that certain people are being targeted with lethal vaccine variants then aside from being young, and male, what do those falling from myocarditis have in common for them to be targeted?

My bet is on greed resulting from the difficulty in transporting the vaccines and their short shelf life. Something in these vaccines seems to degrade over time resulting in clotting which causes the myocarditis. Nobody wants to throw away valuable vaccines I mean they probably don't get paid unless they actually inject somebody you know.

Young males are the least valuable demographic to society so it makes sense that vaccines with questionable storage and transportation history are reserved for use on young males.

If this is eugenics it's a retarded and pathetic attempt. I'm leaning towards greed and incompetence.

>> No.15123050


>> No.15123054
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> Something in these vaccines seems to degrade over time.

If you look carefully at the vaccine ingredients, and beyond the memeRNA there are several other known to be "Clot" inducing and "cardiac arrest and inflamation causing" agents in it.

Like synthetic cholesterol.
The same as in LCD TVs.
It's shards of structural lipis.
similar to the hardness of acrylic Glass.
It's shrapnel.
> picrel

Novavax, moderna and Pfizer contain these.

> and all three of these have sudden cardiac problems as adverse events reported
> and put as blackbox warning or EMA-Safety warning.

But brainlets and mitwits literally get distracted by "Magic meme RNA".
And WILD speculations about:
> nanochips (even these things are visible with the naked Eye)
> if you can see it with the naked eye or light microscope its µm range not nm range
> which is odd for a so called "sterile" Dispersion
See regulations for this:
And EU regulation on that:
"The preparation complies with the test if the average number
of particles present in the units tested does not exceed 25 per
millilitre equal to or greater than 10 µm and does not exceed
3 per millilitre equal to or greater than 25 µm."

If you focus on memeRNA and memeAdenoVector and "halp my not my DNAnerino" or "hakp the spikerino", you will be distracted from the excipients.
And also from the fact, that they then just could say: "Ok then take Novavax, SanofiCovidVax or ValnevaVax" (all adujivanted crap)
Ingredients can be read here:

Synthetic Cholesterol shrapnel travels and deposits accumulated.

>> No.15123055

Thanks for the bump /b/ro but back to your containment board. Shoo.

>> No.15123071

Basically all vaccines contain toxic residues from the manufacturing process. So do all medications. Not as much as party drugs, big pharma has better facilities but it's still there.

It seems to me COVID vaccines are marginally worse than your average vaccine not majorly worse.

Again, still, I am leaning towards greed and incompetence. The whole process was rushed. Transportation and storage is complex. The vaccine degrades rapidly. Who knows how stringent controls were during production given the demand and price in offer shortcuts were likely.

I bet parts of batches which should have been discarded were saved and sold. Mildly more toxic batches peppered through the distribution chain to conceal their origin. Money made not money lost.

I'm an individual who has never discussed such ideas with anyone but off the top of my head I can think of better methods of enforcing eugenics or just killing people I don't like than maybe 3% of them getting sick sometimes maybe.

>> No.15123087
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>all vaccines contain toxic residues
No it's literally the excipients.
The so called: inactive ingredients.

Not residues.
They still have to be listed.
Like picrel.

It's literally the admitted approved excipients.

And it is literall like with all other vaccines:
The Excipients or adjuvants.
Like mercury, squalae, saponin, polysorbate, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium phosphate, bromine derived shit, particulate shit.

Also you forget the Liability.
They have to use whats on the list.
But they can literally send out placebos.
To conceal the danger.

They play by rules.
I bet when you would just inject the excipients.
And this crap cannot do nothing.
I know vaxxies who literall had NOTHING of any reaction to the shot.
This is impossible with the shit listed here:
how about we get those vaxxies to do the following:


They just get the excipients, without the memeRNA.
Only the "inactive ingredients"...
> ALC-0315
> ALC-0159
> Cholesterol !!!!
> Potassium chloride
> Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
> Sodium chloride
> Disodium phosphate dihydrate
> Sucrose
> Water for injections
> Sodium hydroxide
> Hydrochloric acid

And if they don't have any problem, then they won, and debunked all the antivaxxers.
Just the excipients. Not the memeRNA.
And if nothing happens, then they won.

>> No.15123111

I have a very different understanding of COVID perhaps and this may be where our logic diverges.

In my mind the covid scare was to push people into agreeing to be test subjects for mRNA technology. The mRNA tech is definitely, most certainly the primary objective of whatever this COVID scare actually is. I have my suspicions related to fundraising equivalent to how a mobster collection racket operates. Because proteins are the future of biotech.

I don't know what you think is actually going on but allow me to attempt.

Throughout history the mob, the plebs, the working class whatever you want to call it has been intellectually stunted by diet and toxins. For example fresh fruit and vegetables were reserved for the wealthy in olden times while the peasantry subsisted on grains and a little meat if they got away with poaching on the Lord's lands. The poor sourced their water downstream where it was polluted etc.

Today the process is more subtle but ongoing. If you have not worked in agriculture then lucky you but you have not seen the crazy levels of heavy metals being put on the crops and that's what we know about.

See fertiliser has no requirement to list ingredients. So the best fertiliser (or purest) a farmer has access to is I think urea which is almost 50% nitrogen or something. What the other 50% of powder the farmer throws on his crops is who knows.

So from this angle I can perceive the possibility that the vaccines are highly likely to contain stupifying chemicals because everything else does so why not.

>> No.15123140
File: 386 KB, 1100x628, WebGraphicsHefty-Complete-Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mRNA tech is definitely, most certainly the primary objective of whatever this COVID scare actually is.

MemeRNA-products never worked.
And they got astroturfed extremely on reddit since 2014...
Exactly when something esle got astroturfed on there aswell:
> antivax memes

This mRNA is a PR-Buzzword.
Because reddit tier midwits literally believe in genetic biological enhancement...
> super humans via memes
> woaah I fucking love science
> I want to be like wolverine too
By memeTechnologies.
Because of Buzzwords.

It never worked.
It's just a distraction to make you talk about:
> Oh no not my sweet DNAnerino
Instead of:
> the excipients, and chemical crap that is required to deliver the "memeRNA"

Same trick was played with GMOs in food.
From the fact what GMOs actually do.
They are resistant to the poison they are coated and sprayed with.
They absorbe it. But don't die.
You'll will consome the Pesticides.
GMOs are meant to conceal the plant beeing poisoned or is actually already in a state of decay.

Why is it always required when deplyoing a memeTechnology together with poisonous crap, at least in trace amounts™?

>> No.15123179

It's not a meme tech it's just in early development. They have an mRNA skin cancer treatment going into human trials this year or next more to follow I am sure.

This is scratching the surface type results compared with what proteins are actually capable of.

Testing the results of complex protein exposure on people who have submitted their genetic data makes sense especially on a large scale.

My point that your potato chips are probably worse for you than the vaccine stands though. It's just another pebble on the pile.

Although public servants in particular recently have seemed particularly retarded as an anecdotal aside. Pretty sure they got heavily mandovaxxed.

I don't know what more to say.

>> No.15123196
File: 162 KB, 602x582, memeRNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a meme tech it's just in early development
Early development != its working and doing what we promise it does.

> My point that your potato chips are probably worse for you than the vaccine stands though

How about the following.
to prove what you say do this:
Inject yourself just with the excipients listed here:
The exact composition is listed in this document on page 8.

Each dose of the BNT162b2 also includes the following ingredients:
lipids (0.43 mg (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-
hexyldecanoate), 0.05 mg 2[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,Nditetradecylacetamide, 0.09 mg 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-
phosphocholine, and 0.2 mg cholesterol), 0.01 mg potassium chloride,
0.01 mg monobasic potassium phosphate, 0.36 mg sodium chloride, 0.07
mg dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and 6 mg sucrose. The diluent
(0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP) contributes an additional 2.16 mg
sodium chloride per dose."

If you have negative reaction.
They ok.

>> No.15124627

Dangerously based, checked.

>> No.15124677

prove it

>> No.15124903

>Each dose of the BNT162b2 also includes the following ingredients:
lipids (0.43 mg (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-
hexyldecanoate), 0.05 mg 2[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,Nditetradecylacetamide, 0.09 mg 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-
phosphocholine, and 0.2 mg cholesterol), 0.01 mg potassium chloride,
0.01 mg monobasic potassium phosphate, 0.36 mg sodium chloride, 0.07
mg dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and 6 mg sucrose. The diluent
(0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP) contributes an additional 2.16 mg
sodium chloride per dose."

What exactly do those ingredients do to me? Explain like you're talking to a retarded dog.

>> No.15124957

They're going to kill so many people.

>> No.15124967

>what is the exact mechanism of action, of the Vaccine ingredients that cause myocarditis and sudden cardiac arrest?
I mean, we have a pretty good idea. Myocarditis risk is higher without aspiration, indicating that more of the LNPs reaching the blood stream increases risk. That would make it likely that the myocardium itself is being infiltrated by the LNPs, resulting in an autoimmune attack of the heart. Not to mention the LNPs are inflammatory even without a genetic payload, and that the result spike proteins are also inflammatory in their own right.

>> No.15125056

And in the grand scheme of things that is acceptable because so many more will be saved as this technology advances.

What is a few million deaths now compared to curing previously terminal illnesses in trillions upon trillions of future humans.

It's morally and ethically debatable yet being an essentially opt in experiment permitted it's adoption.

This is only the beginning of the oligarchy using us as experiments so they can unlock age reversal in the tech tree. They are in a bit of a rush. Lots of them are old and dying.

>> No.15125168

>And in the grand scheme of things that is acceptable because so many more will be saved as this technology advances.
I'm pretty sure they'll kill more people than they save.

>> No.15125216

>And in the grand scheme of things that is acceptable because so many more will be saved as this technology advances.
You believing this technotroonery means they'll have an easier time getting rid of you when the time comes.

>> No.15125257

Not once we become an extra-planetary species.

As above. We ARE going extra-planetary within our lifetimes and this is exactly why what you are saying will never happen. It's simple economics.

The labour and tech force required to pull this off is going to be enormous. It's an enormous lNVESTMENT. The more people the more total wealth in the wealth pool, the more opportunities to derive profit from consumers that arise and the longer people live for the wealthier they will become and their disposable income will increase.

But not only that, the greater the population the greater the rate of population growth particularly if you can extend or restore fertility along with age reversal tech. The faster population growth can be managed the faster the economy grows.

Tldr: you are probably too valuable to just kill off and if you are not you might want to consider becoming too valuable to just kill off.

>> No.15125261

>We ARE going extra-planetary within our lifetimes
You, as a technocattle shill, are not.

>> No.15125289

I believe you are wrong. Not only because I'm actually not from the cattle caste of lesser humans but also because it's going to take all types to make this happen and the primary requirement is that you actually want to be there.

If you are younger than thirty you are going to see properties available for sale on torus habitats in a comparable price bracket to a home on earth. Maybe cheaper.

I will have the option to leave and so may you. You don't get to decide for me. You are the ruled.

>> No.15125294

>Not only because I'm actually not from the cattle caste
All technotroons believe this. That's what makes you a part of the cattle caste.

>> No.15125304

All the more reason to leave then and contribute to a society as classless as possible.

However I am aware that most of you regressive doomer types are usually addicted to the poisonous nectar from revelations (whether you realise it or not) and resent anyone who wants to escape your world ending Armageddon battle with "da jooz".

I have better things to do with my time. So do many others. Each to their own I guess.

>> No.15125336

Are you joking? Tech enthoosiasts are the bread and butter unit of at least the second phase of Mars colonization (a phase which we, as he stated, might still see in our lifetime, assuming the first phase amounts to something like the Moon landings).
No one else will accept a Mars post, besides scientists.

>> No.15125350

>No one else will accept a Mars post, besides scientists.

Mars will probably kick off with science then really explode with a gold rush or few before settling into a solar industrial hub. You will get a lot of strange groups setting up there to escape persecution also. Probably in communes scattered around whichever major hub city is nearby. Ranchers living unique lifestyles while producing enough to survive and trade.

It will be nice to see the place truly blossom.

>> No.15126166
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>What exactly do those ingredients do to me? Explain like you're talking to a retarded dog.

Hurt you in many different ways.
Fuck up your body chemistry.
Clot you up with particulate matter.
But are declared as inactive ingredient.
So it should actually be like a placebo accordung to the ethic commitees of agencies who approve this in trials counting as a placebo.

So i would guess.
Fuck around and find out.

>> No.15126169


>> No.15126844
File: 63 KB, 540x547, 1673746194433642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a pureblood man: no time to talk.
Music loud and women hot,
I ain't never gonna get the shot.

And now it's all right. It's OK.
you took the MRNA.
We ain't gonna understand
The covid vaxx effect on man.

Ooh, there goes another
And there, there drops another,
We're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the fever breakin'
And everybody shakin',
But we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.

(i'm just not gonna get it)

Well, now, I get low and you get clott,
We tried to tell ya, but you got the shot.
Got my Ivermectin, horse paste tubes,
Anti-vaxxin' man and I just can't lose.

You know it's all right. It's OK.
I'll live to see another day.
We could try to understand
But you've got necrosis in ya hand.


Lifes goin' nowhere. Nobody help yeh.
Nobody help ya, yeah.
Lifes goin' nowhere. Nobody help ya, yeah.
but we're Stayin' alive.

Oh you can tell by the way the jabbies talk,
NPCs are real: no brain for thought.
Just repeat the current thing
and put untested drugs into their veins

And now it's all right. It's OK.
you took the MRNA.
you're never gonna think about
how you're time is runnin out


Lifes goin' nowhere. Nobody help yeh.
Nobody help ya, yeah.
Lifes goin' nowhere. Nobody help ya, yeah.
but we're Stayin' alive.

>> No.15128869
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>> No.15128960

So is this fucking infernal shot safe yet? I'm trying to join the military (not ZOG priority 1) and might have to get it.

>> No.15129408

Grasses on?

>> No.15129757

Are you retarded?

>3 events per 100000 (ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND) individuals
0.003% you ape. It's nothing.

>> No.15129764

>america 2
gonna be kino

>> No.15129778

>this absolute facebook tier image
I would tell you to fuck off back to /pol/ but I don't even think this belongs there

>> No.15129800

If you get your shot at the hospital you will be more likely to get a vaccine which has been properly transported and stored. Stay away from pop up vans and booths.

The chances of negative reactions are quite low however I strongly recommend waiting a month or longer between shot (if you can and still get a valid certificate) in case any negative reaction does occur.

If you get any negative symptoms after the first shot do not take a second.

Some of these people are probably dropping dead because they took multiple shots too close together while in a heightened state of anxiety and stress.

If you want to be a government goon you have to accept the risk. Military here already has a long list of potentially harmful vaccines to dose you with for assorted things so COVID vax on top is nothing really.

>> No.15129849

No it isn't and never has been. And they can't force you to take it (or any other shot) legally.

>> No.15130194

You lack reading comprehension.

>> No.15130439

If I want to deploy I would have to take it.

>> No.15130486

If you're getting the dose from the medical centre or the injection is contracted out to a private hospital you're going to get a more reliable batch than the average citizen on the street. That's just how it goes.

>> No.15130496

>And they can't force you to take it (or any other shot) legally.
You give up your rights when you join the military. They can make you walk right towards a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion if they want you to, or else you go to butt-sex prison.

>> No.15130500

>get a more reliable batch
Different batches are over. They only did that during the early part of 2021, when they were giving out
placebo (saline) vaccines
low dose
med dose
high dose.

Check out "how bad is my batch" and similar data sites that compiled and saved the leaked documents.

>> No.15130514

Remember to livestream it for the rest of us

>> No.15130521

You are still naive

Riddle me this, why does globohomo tell you to have less children and have abortions, yet at the same time is building baby factories and developing gene editing? Why does it promote feminism, promiscuity, and up until recently had those Georgia guidestones telling their goal is 500 million people?

>> No.15130522

>extra-planetary species
Earth is flat bucko, sorry to burst your dreams