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File: 168 KB, 504x363, Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 02-25-21 How To Make Anti Gravity CD Wheel!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15120346 No.15120346 [Reply] [Original]

How does rotating mercury cancel out its magnetic field to generate gravity? It's too high to be paramagnetism here.

>> No.15120371
File: 235 KB, 747x691, ampere_experiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ampere conducted a fascinating experiment (picrel) in which he demonstrated a property of mercury (and magnetism) in which longitudinal forces are generated, which aren't predicted by Maxwell's equations (but are predicted by Ampere's original electrodynamics, which quantified the force between any two current elements).

I don't know how this may relate to gravity, but the effect does seem to be deeply related to Ampere's electrodynamics. I'm just starting to learn more about this, so I don't have much else to share yet.

>> No.15120398

>which aren't predicted by Maxwell's equations
do you mean Maxwell's original complete quaternions of Heaviside's incomplete derived equations?

>> No.15121381

Heaviside's. I don't know what Maxwell's work really said... however, his treatise looks surprisingly more readable than I expected, so I'm going to start digging into that too. Lots to do....

>> No.15122791


>> No.15123852

Have you lookedinto Marinov motor and working
I think there are some porblems with Maxwell equations and electric phenomena

>> No.15124758

Gravity is an extension of electromagnetism in the same way that the Strong and Weak nuclear forces are. It's reasonable that creating strange standing waves with mercury magnets can cause anomalous behavior.

BTW the Germans figured this out in the 30s.

>> No.15124759

meds. now.

>> No.15124792

the original maxwell equations, or the ones created by blackops later?

>> No.15124799
File: 2.31 MB, 1547x867, levitation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it operates on the same principles as consciousness

>> No.15124800

you might want to start here
>The Gateway Process Physics Manual
>How to Build a Working UFO | Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs)

>> No.15124803
File: 1.39 MB, 960x1080, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15126676
File: 122 KB, 758x748, 29345226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the only thread with well intended and meaningful discussion on this god forsaken board
God Fucking Damnit

>> No.15126709

I dont know what you mean about forces in conductors. Conductors create magnetic forces, easy to calculate through Ampere's law or Biot-Savart. Something else?

>> No.15126712

>the Germans
What germans and what 30s?

>> No.15126735
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>> No.15126854

Those mid-century Germans in the 1930s. You know which ones.

>> No.15126884

Give me their names

>> No.15126899

Viktor Schauberger (vortex research) and the scientists working under Hans Kammler in occupied Poland.

>> No.15126908


>> No.15126957

>Viktor Schauberger was an Austrian naturalist who worked for the Nazis against his will in 1943.

>> No.15126963

Uh ok sure wikipedia. So do you know who he is now?

>> No.15126968

Its not from wikipedia

>> No.15126994

this looks quite real, what's your arguments soitits?

>> No.15126996

Whatever. So now you know who he is right?

>> No.15127012

your all gay

>> No.15127048

This guy is really really annoying.

>> No.15127098

Zero Point: The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Fluxliner

>> No.15127199

The Lorentz force predicts that when you have current flowing perpendicular to a magnetic field, it will experience a net force, so this explains why the mercury would spin in a magnetic field (and why the spin would reverse directions when the field reverses).

Maybe if you have charged particles in the rotating mercury, you can use this to create extremely powerful magnetic magnetic fields. Stack two counter-rotating mercury containers and the magnetic fields will counteract each other. No idea whether this might reduce gravity though.

>> No.15128029
File: 45 KB, 717x283, Screenshot from 2023-01-15 19-26-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit, cant purchase mercury to do the experiments of Newton or Ampere, let alone obtain large enough a quantity to make an anti inertia device, but get forced fed free porn ad nausem. Can grow demonic GMO female weed planets with enough trichromes to fend off a locust swarm, but a single male hemp for fibre, and super food requires a 6 month application process, a bribe to the controlled substances department, land ownership, and even then you cant keep the seeds for next year, and oh yeah, they'll measure you crop and if its about 0.5% thc content they'll burn it.

Its a demiurgic sub reality to play video games and jerk of to trannime. Take the God pill and be on the next soul warp out of the toy cube

>> No.15128136

Even in Cucknada you can buy metallic mercury from a scientific metal supplier.

>> No.15128193
File: 642 KB, 1x1, ProductsContainingHg-factsheet-eng-2022.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sites will usually let you purchase it as they didnt hardcode the regulations in, but when they go for an import permit they'll get stonewalled and get you to call the controlled substances department, which will never pick up the phone, you than have to contact them personally and ask for a refund, which they will often charge you to perform

import and manufacture is banned, and I want a volume sufficient enough to make a hover bike

>> No.15128282
File: 2.71 MB, 1x1, Graneau - 1986 - The Ampere-Neumann Electrodynamics of Metallic Con.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, something else. Ampere's original work (not the cucked shit they teach in university) predicts longitudinal tension forces in wires and longitudinal currents in mercury whenever electric current flows.

>> No.15128290

>>>/x/ --->

>> No.15128292

Holy shit bob lazar was right. How can he make this craft move and fly without the wires?

>> No.15128300

that link just says [error]

>> No.15128583

I messed up the copy

>> No.15129123

it uses artificial consciousness, levitation
it's all electromagnetic

>> No.15129147

search for Ampere Longitudinal forces
It's really controversial

>> No.15129390
File: 888 KB, 1428x809, ampere-maxwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting indeed, I wonder what Maxwell would have so say about Ampere's theory if he knew about the phenomenon of superconductivity


>> No.15129407

thats just paramagnetism though, theres nothing longitudinal about the mercury having a magnetic field induced into it and that field causing it to move away in the direction of current flow

>> No.15129500

No, I think Ampere's longitudinal force plays a role in this.

Suppose you replace the mercury in the video with a solid conductive metal, like copper, then applied a steady magnetic field through the center of loop, again like in the video. Would this induce a current to circulate? Maxwell's equations say no, you will only have induced current when the magnetic field is changing.

Thus, there is some extra force NOT predicted by Maxwell's equations that seems to be causing electric currents in the mercury to travel from negative to positive, which then become subject to the Lorentz force and cause the mercury to circulate. Ampere's experiment demonstrates that these currents exist.

>> No.15129521

Thoughts on Steinmetz?

>> No.15129825

>Thus, there is some extra force NOT predicted by Maxwell's equations that seems to be causing electric currents in the mercury to travel from negative to positive, which then become subject to the Lorentz force and cause the mercury to circulate. Ampere's experiment demonstrates that these currents exist.
The electrons that are flowing through mercury are part of a circuit. These electrons must be applying some force to drag positive charges in the conductor along with them. In a solid conductor, the positive charges are fixed, so this manifests as a longitudinal tensile force in the direction of the current. In a liquid metallic conductor, this manifests as a net movement of the liquid.

>> No.15129835

>How can he make this craft move and fly without the wires?
The generation apparatus just has to be inside the craft. For an amateur it's easier to use a small craft with off the shelf high voltage equipment but a full-scale ship would obviously have the power plant onboard.

>> No.15129949

I wonder whether superconductivity is actually caused by some type of resonance within the conductors. E.g., suppose the motion of electrons through a solid conductor creates longitudinal oscillations of the atoms within the conductor as the electrons pass by and attempt to drag those atoms along with them.

If the oscillations can match the electron flow so that the net force on passing electrons is always zero, then the electrons will flow without any resistance. Resonance might also explain why there is a steep drop in resistivity around the critical temperature. Maybe there is some vibrational mode that disappears below a critical temperature, that allows the conductor to resonate with the current.

>> No.15130172
File: 196 KB, 1881x724, energy-loss-to-induction-bypass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely food for thought, seems to me like energy is lost to inductance whenever a potential has to cross a point in space, triggering the impedence of free space. But if you can just shift the blob of charge density longitudinally, well, you get energy flow without having any B field scraping against natures internal faraday cage

>> No.15130197

>you will only have induced current when the magnetic field is changing.
what? electro magnets are literally DC?

dude take a highschool electronics class please, at least try playing around with copper wire and a nail

>> No.15130215

Learn some physics, faggot. Current is only induced when the magnetic field changes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hajIIGHPeuU

>> No.15130256

So why does it have to be mercury? Does it have specific properties, or would any conductive fluid, or liquid metal work? Gallium is pretty cheap, and you can mix with indium to easily make a room temp liquid metal.

>> No.15130309

I guess that would depend on the magnetic properties of gallium. Though isn't it a pain to work with because it eats up other metals? Mercury is probably safer for equipment long-term.

>> No.15130397

>So why does it have to be mercury?
Its important to me to reproduce the experiments as close as possible, especially when dealing with phenomena that arn't modeled by the canonical theories. But even from here you want a constant permitivity and permeability of the bath, gallium-iridiam amalgam will have a heterogenous permitivity and permeability, so one is already complexifying the experiment.

and yes as >>15130309
says, for my anti inertia bike i want to spin the mercury in spiral copper tubes while i pulse charge through it with a homopolor generator. Gallium will eat the copper tubing

>> No.15130402

I'm retarded, looks like copper will amalgamate copper as well, time to rethink my approach

>> No.15130453

Gallium is also significantly more conductive than mercury, which may mean that it requires significantly more current to get the same amount of rotation.

>> No.15130460

Selenium has a relatively low melting point and barely any conductivity. I wonder whether it would spin more efficiently.

>> No.15130566

You could always try coating the copper with electroplating.

>> No.15130622

interdasting, i wonder if this will enable gallium as well.>>15130453
I intend to pedal power the liquid conductor around the tubing, while the pulse generator feeds current on the skin of the electroplated copper wire- i'll try the current on the liquid metal as well, but Teslas stout copper bars needed to be stout for its cool affect

>> No.15130839

are there any type of health problems that could affect someone piloting these type of craft? Does it only work on earths magnetic and gravity field or could it fly in space?

>> No.15131149

but in a liquid metal like mercury, you dont need alternating current because the charged particles flowing away from the wires causes the mercury as a whole to move;


its all DC, youre a retard, kill yourself

>> No.15131223

no idea, only one way to find out

>> No.15131662

>are there any type of health problems that could affect someone piloting these type of craft?
Unless it's well-shielded, it probably does fuck you up somehow.

>Does it only work on earths magnetic and gravity field or could it fly in space?
Obviously there's no telling whether it really works at all, but how well you think it might work depends on what model of gravity you subscribe to. With Le Sage gravity it should be able to fly in space.

>> No.15131671

>the charged particles flowing away from the wires causes the mercury as a whole to move
Oh really? And which one of Maxwell's equations predict that?

>> No.15131713

as far as I understand it was some of maxwells earliest work along with ampere that describes direct current inducing magnetic fields

but maxwell was hardly first to notice this, you must be trolling and are extremely gay

>> No.15131761

You're changing the subject. Tell me about how the electric potential makes mercury flow. What's the equation for that?

>> No.15132459


It probably has to do with Hg being liquid at ambient temp.
You can stir it and literally physically create a current of charge carriers.

>> No.15132565

well mercury has atomic weight, the velocity vector that is the centrifugal waves acts by itself with whatever determined existing conditions there are playing upon that as well.
your output will have two results no matter what - energy expended and energy produced. are you looking for a formula that gives you anti-gravity or are you looking for a formula that describes the motion and force described in this 'project'?

>> No.15132575

Either, I'm curious how you think this experiment works.

>> No.15132747
File: 1.67 MB, 220x124, Spun 2002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no lol

>> No.15132758


>> No.15132868


>> No.15132882

current is not inducing magnetic field like that, current puts force on particles that have non-zero relative velocity nearby towards the source, read the equation nigger

>> No.15133070

but there implicity has to be a magnetic field being put into the mercury because electrons are flowing through the wire

this guy actually doesn't believe in fields or something l m a o

>> No.15133753

are you replying to me? because your post makes no sense for my post, meds and go back to /x/ retard

>> No.15133809

Its okay, sometimes people have a stroke and forget how DC works and you have to realize there isn't a magic longitudinal field or anything retarded like that.

I accept your full concession.

>> No.15133849

gpt-3 is really running late for its gpt-4 upgrade

>> No.15134670

Fascinating documentary. The way these are described, they were probably stolen Glocke models.

>> No.15134687

Some pool of mercury spins and that causes what?

>> No.15134690

counter-rotating magnetized pools of mercury produce an anomalous EM effect that allows flight.

>> No.15134711

Using resonance effects similar to a tesla coil you can use spinning mercury as a sort of magnetic propeller. Imagine a normal prop pushing air like a fan, but instead its a vortex of mercury pushing out large oscillations of magnetic fields. This actually works unlike ion thrusters due to paramagnetic effects. A small magnetic field can easily sustain the weight of a few lbs or iron, but electric fields can only hold a balloon or some hair.

>> No.15134726

Explain in more detail. What pools, how do they rotate and where is the magnetic field coming from?
I dont care about the explanations or what is not anomalous, just what the setup is and what it does

>> No.15134748

The thread started with a video of the experiment being built and performed. Just watch someone do it.

>> No.15135712

That's very cool. We all listened to those interviews of people talking about this technology, but this guy actually took those interviews and papers and made it himself.

>> No.15135735

It's really astonishing to see the effect happening. I would love to see the effect performed on a larger scale, though I've heard it creates a lot of radiation.

>> No.15135761

its astonishing because the video is fake and he's using a fishing line

>> No.15135766

He waves a stick over the hovering ship in the video you retard.

>> No.15135814

>being fooled by a camera angle

>> No.15135837

Yeah i hope he can make one big enough to fly in. Gotta figure out a device to change directions and figure out shielding from radiation or other effects,

>> No.15135852

As is explained in >>15127098 you change directions by changing the inclination of the mercury by changing the potential of one side or another. Sort of like a helicopter moving the rotors.