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File: 59 KB, 1000x798, stages-of-embryo-development.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15117930 No.15117930 [Reply] [Original]

I am doing IVF with my husband and want to select the highest IQ kids. How do I do it?

>> No.15117932

post tits or gtfo

>> No.15117937

This isn't /b/ retard

>> No.15117963

>has to get IVF in the first place
Who's the real retard?

>> No.15117970

Back to bleddit, normalscum.

>> No.15117983

Use sperm from someone with high iq and not your husband

>> No.15117988

My husband has a genius level IQ. That's why I married him.

>> No.15117989

I don't have to do IVF

>> No.15117992

Use eggs from a high IQ donor.

>> No.15118011

I.e., my own eggs. People mate assortatively on IQ. Help me select the genius babies or gtfo

>> No.15118012

So you're willingly choosing to conceive with a method that has increased risk of childhood cancer and birth defects? Pat yourself on the back, you altruist. Your husband's genes won't save that kid from yours.

>> No.15118014

My husband isn't the donor. His black manager is.

>> No.15118017

Raise two dozen of them to adulthood and then cull the underperfomers.

>> No.15118025

post tits or gtfo

>> No.15118026

If you need to use IVF that is solid proof that you're unfit to reproduce. Fit human organisms can reproduce by just having sex. As for how to have high IQ babies, in healthy human organisms that is merely a consequence of the parents being high IQ themselves, as intelligence is highly heritable. If you're not smart yourselves (and, given the fact that you're intent on using IVF, it is evident that you are midwits at best) don't bother.

TL;DR you're a genetic dead end.

>> No.15118084

Marry in your teens or early twenties and have several kids identify the smartest ones and prioritise them for inheritance and giving you many grandkids.

>> No.15118361

just use an african american donor, they're most likely to become engineers and scientists.
but please don't bring another baby into this world if you plan to birth it into the white privilege, making it suffer throughout the whole life just because its parents weren't intelligent enough to envision the shape of society it will be living in.

>> No.15118417

>Genius IQ
>Husband has genius IQ
>Neither know how to get high IQ babies
>Goes to a forum where she views everyone as lower IQ
The only logical conclusions here are that you're either a troll, or an idiot. Probably both, which is why you selected an infertile husband (or worse are infertile yourself). Again, it's probably the case you're both infertile. If your end goal is truly to increase the IQ of the human species, you and your husband should both kill yourselves.

>> No.15118422

Based pokemon breeder

>> No.15118429

Enough people actually think like this that it still made me seethe a little

>> No.15118438

All right, fine, I'll do it

>> No.15118453

IQ isn't genetical. Your best choice would be to have a ton of kids and make everyone get a different education.

>> No.15118464

1) ask for an IQ test
2) use another form of credential
3) talk to the donor for a while and figure out if he's smart

>> No.15118469

Retard alert. No high IQ kids coming out of this one

>> No.15118471

Even fewer from this one...>>15118469

>> No.15118472
File: 519 KB, 690x734, 1473894641133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until the end of the year. We are going to start genetically modifying germlines then to make people high IQ. We are also going to make women very tall and super fecund, and men small lean and super athletic
You dont have to wait but your kids are going to be inferior if you dont, so I would just wait the few months.

>> No.15118473

Just have a lot of kids, some of them should turn out intelligent if both of the parents are

yes it is

>> No.15118477

Anyone answering this thread without saging beyond >>15118014 is a doomed brainlet

>> No.15118511

Best studies suggest no health problems are caused by IVF.

This isn't me.

Again, I don't need to do IVF. Even if I did, you argument is bad.

>> No.15118516

For someone with such a high purported IQ, you seem to have no idea how IVF works. The doctors do not, and cannot select specific sperm. It's about as random as getting coomed in

>> No.15118520

>Best studies suggest no health problems are caused by IVF.
I can't claim to have ever studied this topic in any depth but I would stake that you wouldn't have anything like the same selective pressure on sperm fitness as natural fertilisation

>> No.15118539
File: 718 KB, 675x1200, 1666312173135127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can just modify any zygote to have high IQ, as well as to be physically ideal (i.e. make it a large female or small male respectively)
Literally just wait a few months

>> No.15118546

hang yourself manlet spammer

>> No.15118548

How much did you pay someone to draw that?

>> No.15118552

By the end of this year, we're going to start genetically modifying germlines to become the large female small male race. OP should be aware of this.

>> No.15118558

I didnt, I just found it online lol
It's good though, it's actually pretty much perfect, it's almost exactly what I have always imagined. The male isn't quite as muscular as he should be thoughever.

>> No.15118574

I bet. Enjoy your genetically defective offspring, ovumlet.

>> No.15118580

Why does the italian manlet spam his sexual size fetish fantasies in every thread?

>> No.15118603

Really? Can you link me a video or blog?

>> No.15118607
File: 213 KB, 1905x968, geneee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? You probably have to go where the genetic laws aren't as strict.
Personally I advise to look up for Genomic Prediction/LifeViewor Dr. John Zhang.

>> No.15118718

>just two more weeks!!

>> No.15118797

I know. You select embryos. I never mentioned selecting sperm

I live in Texas and California currently

Thanks! This is what I need. However, it looks like they refuse to select for IQ.

>> No.15118830

It's pretty obvious that both you and your husband are low IQ

>> No.15118894

>Thanks! This is what I need. However, it looks like they refuse to select for IQ.
IQ is not that well researched but if you mint your words you may select for higher intelligence if you ask for the direct genome and analyse it for makers with higher intelligence. With gene editing you could delete the kainate receptor GluK4 to generally have a child with with low bipolar tendencies and increased cognitive ability. People are still too reactionary and it will take time to be acceptable. You can atleast already select for decreased chances of your child getting cancer, alzheimer and coronal diseases and of course select against all genetic diseases.

>> No.15118983

too old, it's over, kid of is gonna have autism or come out a negro