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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 166 KB, 1777x1000, Screenshot (353).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15114608 No.15114608 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question, no /pol/tard answers. Will the vaccines eventually kill me? I've been recently having chest problem like sharp chest pains at times and i'm only like turning 22? I took two vaccine and one booster cause of my auto immune disorder and also had covid one time too. Am I really fucked?

>> No.15114644

No bro just take your boosters

>> No.15114647

You need to go to your doctor and get an EKG done. Those pains are not normal and they are a sign of serious side effects.

>> No.15114657

I had a EKG done many times and had to go to cardiology and they said my readings are fine. Fuck man, I think I need to buy that EKG that connects to your phone? My chest pains are out of control, I don't know if it could be anxiety.

>> No.15114659

>My chest pains are out of control
That means it's working

>> No.15114669

/pol/niggers so afraid of letting their three-year no-happening go that they have to write their own vaxxie porn.

>> No.15114679

no refunds goylem

>> No.15114682


>> No.15114690

Go take your boosters dude. You don't have heart pains. Don't be crazy.

>> No.15114712

Dude it's not fucking vaxxie porn, i'm an actual vax user and i'm just afraid, does this shit last forever in my sytem? I only took this shit because everyone else took it but I don't know if that shit will actually kill me soon.

>> No.15114716 [DELETED] 

If you actually thought you were in danger of having a heart attack, why would you ask 4chan and not a doctor?

>> No.15114719


>> No.15114723

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.15114724

Are you a gringo? If yes, yes you are going to die. If not you are probably a fag who is too anxious.

>> No.15114735

At minimum it lasts 2 months. No study has ever been done to see if it lasts longer than 2 months.

>> No.15114767

you'll die in about two weeks.

>> No.15114833

Have you considered other possibilities, such as pre cordial catch syndrome? If it is PCCS then you should feel relief when you decompress your chest nerves, most commonly when laying down and stretching out.

>> No.15114845

>Characteristic symptoms include sharp stabbing pains in the chest. These typically get worse with breathing in and occur within a small area. Spells of pain usually last less than a few minutes. Typically it begins at rest and other symptoms are absent. Concerns about the condition may result in anxiety.
Do you have scoliosis? Poor posture? The big thing is that if you do have PCCS you need to change your sleeping position immediately or you can be left with permanent nerve damage resulting in chronic chest pain for the rest of your life.

>> No.15114850 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i-i-it only lasts two month right guys!?!
>i-i-i'm not doomed to die of a heart attack in the next few years, am i?
nice cope, vaxxxie

>> No.15114888

You're fucking fine. The thing is that if you had an actual cardiac episode it would have damaged your heart muscles to a degree observable by the EKG. People don't just "live" with heart damage, you'd die pretty quickly. The way you put it you've had this quite a while.

>> No.15114901

you are being a hysterical woman. if your EKG came back fine, you're fine. there are many causes for chest pain not just cardiac shit, including anxiety (acute chest pain from anxiety/panic is real, i used to get it) or muscular/skeletal like >>15114833 said

>> No.15114907

Nah my spine and posture is fine, i'm probably being a overreacting fag. I took an EKG last week cause my chest was hurting so bad but the docs at the hospital said its perfectly fine, so i'm good. Fuck /pol/ for scaring me with schizo shit, just wanted some advice from eggheads.

>> No.15115048

have you started doing anything that keeps you in one position for a long time? I was getting some pretty terrible shooting chest/shoulder pains for a whole week once after spending two days leaning on a desk in an unusual position while training a new guy

>> No.15115061

>Serious question, no /pol/tard answers. Will the vaccines eventually kill me?
Maybe. Now fuck off. This is the only objectively correct answer.

>> No.15115083

Not a schizo but Mccullough or Vinay Prasad or someone mentioned that EKG are awful at detecting vax induced heart issues on tw*tter recently. No I don't care enough to find it for you.

>> No.15115098

>I had a EKG done many times and had to go to cardiology and they said my readings are fine.
then you are fine, probably cholesterol or something you fat fuck

>> No.15115101

> you need to change your sleeping position
And remember not to shake your blanket too vigorously.

>> No.15115109

Indeed. Duvet-shaking is causing an epidemic these days.

>> No.15115111

And remember to reduce your personal carbon footprint to help reduce climate change
Climate change is a MAJOR risk factor for heart failure

>> No.15115114

Nah I recently starting working out my chest and I work in a warehouse lifting boxes all day, probably just my chest and not my heart is giving problems

>> No.15115121

You obviously need more boosters. Have you signed up for the free lifetime booster giveaway? Tickets on sale now.

>> No.15115125
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, excessdeathsbeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that people still deny the cull is happening before their very eyes.

>> No.15115128
File: 87 KB, 2410x852, controlledcull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I really fucked?

Extremely high probability.

>> No.15115129
File: 71 KB, 500x667, fake medicinee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid video games, porn, fresh air, exercise, sunshine, and breathing also. Those "Vaccines" are tempermental, but effective and safe!

>> No.15115242

>Nah I recently starting working out my chest and I work in a warehouse lifting boxes all day
What the fuck, you seriously thought it was a good idea to omit this information earlier? You're fucking up your spine dude. Intense exercise is one of the biggest aggravators of pre cordial catch (if you have it).

>> No.15116365

I keep trying to tell people that this is a mass sacrifice of the young for the vampiric elderly. They are the ones at risk for covid and needed to get vaccinated, but they were so terrified about breakthrough cases they demanded the young take a vaccine that impacts them the hardest.

>> No.15116371
File: 3.54 MB, 220x352, vaxxaids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no /pol/tard answers
I hope you're fucked then, one less idiot in the world is nothing but a net gain
Hope your kids got vaxxed too, nothing wrong could ever go with taking the science juice, am I right? Doctors said it was good for you, no further discussion or evidence needed!

>> No.15116375

hello friends, any idea what could cause the following and is there any possibility of it being a mental issue?

Headache strikes or brain zaps occurring with scalp muscle twitches and sometimes a flash of a lightdot in vision.
May also cause immideate
-feeling of arms being very light to move
-changes in emotions
-soreness to pressure in the area of the headache strike
-uncomfortable bodily sensation at the scalp
-may occur tingling at the face and sometimes scalp, dryness and afterdesquamation, irritation and redness

May also cause independently occurring for days or weeks before occurring less again
-more locational headaches, burning headaches and aches in other areas of the body, sometimes almost continuous. After about an hour or so of burning headache there may be some sort of numbness at the area
-more often dilation of the pupil in the left eye
-more often irritation, watering, redness of the eyes
-feeling of having to move the eyes usually with scalp tension
-more often a sensation of pins and needles or numbness around the right corner of the mouth
-involuntary movement of the right corner of the mouth usually paired with and uncomfortable sensation at the head around the right ear
-more head tension, sometimes almost continuous
-more uncomfortable bodily sensations
-sometimes light nausea with the head tension
-more locational scalp twitching and scalp "nerve twitches"
-muscle twitches or spasms in other areas of the body
-during focus requiring tasks or otherwise tensing the eyes and scalp in a way may cause more muscle twitches and spasms in other areas of the body usually coupled with an uncomfortable sensation at the back of the head
-feeling of arms being very light to move occurring more often
Some symptoms may continue occurring indefinitely


>> No.15116382

Symptoms started over half a year before a CT scan that showed no abnormalities in the brains. A couple of months later EEG scan had apparently no abnormalities, the symptoms weren't active during the scan.

Some other major symptoms that started around the same time
-Episodes of pleasure, sexual/orgasmic
-Sudden aggression and "flashes" of aggression
Later there's been tinnitus in the right ear after another brain zap with a sudden scalp muscle tensing. The headaches have also become worse than before suddenly after a zap. The headache hurts less at the spot when pressing the area of the ache with a finger. Based on images online the areas of pain have larger peripheral nerves at them. Some of the symptoms may start and end very suddenly sometimes many times in a row. There's sometimes the muscle tension and/or uncomfortable bodily sensation coupled with the occurring symptoms that is very noticable when it ends abruptly. Sometimes the headaches and tension is coupled with the flashes of a lightdot and usually the headache, tension, uncomfortable feeling occur at different areas around the head and also there's many times a similar burning feeling in the upper abdomen at the same time.

Do brain tumors have headache strikes with scalp twitches and sometimes a flash of light that worsen headaches indefinitely? Could it be a brain tumor even though there was no abnormalities in the brains in the CT more than half a year after some of the worse symptoms started more than that on some other symptoms?


>> No.15116383
File: 199 KB, 750x611, A0839802-0E76-46C4-BEC2-60D475858D8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to see how taking endless vaccines could ever be an issue. they're super heslthy!


>> No.15116395

people who took medical advice from 4chan have done a lot better in recent years lmao

>> No.15116407
File: 237 KB, 810x616, excess-deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares about /pol/nigger tired talking points and their redneck-grade interpretation of excess-death data
a RIGOROUS study of excess-death data has been done:
the /pol/nigger was wrong again

>> No.15116411
File: 834 KB, 1000x850, science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will trust you will not be so smug when your kid dies of a heart attack at 15, lmao
Good riddance

>> No.15116419
File: 5 KB, 300x168, laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antivax idiocy did wipe out disproportionately more Republicans than Democrats.
So much for
>kek, the deep state is keeping us based & redpilled traditionalists around and culling their Democrat herd

>> No.15116438

>muh /pol/tard
Go take your boosters leftie. You already sold out like a whore by taking the vaxx, why not go all in?

>> No.15116442
File: 613 KB, 1800x1382, marcher fortress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh two parties is real, bro
>muh two parties muffugguh
>u gots 2 believe me!!
glow moar

>> No.15116447

post the real comic, not the edit you pussy

>> No.15116448

>I only took this shit because everyone else took it
Gentlemen, I give you the average leftist.

>> No.15116451
File: 420 KB, 743x887, vaxxx moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only took this shit because everyone else took it but I don't know if that shit will actually kill me soon.
Hope that donut was worth it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

>> No.15116456
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15116466

lemme guess: you're a maga man
>muh trump is gonna drain the swamp
>hires sessions, bolton, wray, barr, pompeo, etc.
>muh trump is against the uniparty and will bring back law & order
>releases rappers and drug niggers from prison, allows supporters to be targeted, does nothing about nigger riots

>> No.15116489

Someone enlighten me to how you would go about to prove that the sickness would have been worse without the vaccine?

>> No.15116510

kek, the same way they'd go about proving that if you sever a certain artery, you have an X% chance of dying. they don't need you to sever that artery. they just assume that you're physically similar enough to other humans to judge certain outcomes with high probabilities.

>> No.15116512

yes, use bluetooth to check your death date on pfizer app

>> No.15116514

more republicans had to get vaxxed because they actually have a job and your leftist policies forced them to, dumb democrat neet

>> No.15116516

So since the rate among the vaxed increases per vax dose, we can say with 100% certainty that it made things worse.

>> No.15116519

death is more painful if you didnt take the vax

>> No.15116521

yeah, I dunno what goober facts you're talking about there, but if you're ever involved in a car accident while wearing your seatbelt and the first officer on scene says "lucky you were wearing your seatbelt," don't forget to object "how would you go about proving that?"

>> No.15116527

>I only took this shit because everyone else took it
typical normoid NPC

>> No.15116603

Sure thing dude, nice comparisons.
Anyway, if you get vaccinated and still catch the virus (as everyone did)
You get sick, slight feever, headache etc. Pretty much mild symptoms that many who had covid before the vaccine was public described.
How then can you prove that the vaccine did anything at all? It is all so vague to me

>> No.15116614

The fact that there are crash test dummies, all built excatly the same. Ran through the same test with and without a seatbelt. Do this enough times and you can tell wether or not the seatbelt has a positive effect. But humans are not identical

>> No.15116616

Say goodbye to your family.

>> No.15116624
File: 604 KB, 600x900, itsover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're already dead, your body just hasnt caught up yet

>> No.15116626

>Serious question, no /pol/tard answers.
/pol/tards can't answer shit, they don't understand anything about vaccines, viruses or the immune system. If you understand how health work, you're not an antivaxxer.

Your chest pain is more likely to be related to Covid than the vaccines since the vax is just an inert protein, Covid itself is an entire virus coated in the same proteins and can obviously do way more harm.
That said, it's even more likely that it has nothing to do with either, go see your doctor. You have a auto-immune condition and likely some treatment for it, all of that can be a cause.

>> No.15116631

Feel ya anon. I have severe panic attacks 5-10 times a year. Genuinely feels like heart will explode, had one pre-vac bloodwork and ekg fine. Went in last week, same issues, EKG chest x-ray and blood workup. All came back completely fine, no evidence of a heart attack, or any perio/myocarditis, blood clean. The vax shouldn't be given to anyone under 40, it isn't safe or effective, but POL just wants the world to blow up and can't support a narrative that doesn't have maximum doom. If anyone can show me some literature that shows case studies of people developing myocarditis/periocardits 1-2 years after vax please share. Also, I stayed inside and took care of both parents when they got covid. Pops is pureblood, mom isn't. I didn't even catch it and still haven't to this day. I'm sure a lot more people will drop, but if you had you're ticker cleared feel fine. I was in your shoes literally a few days ago

>> No.15116680

i love posts like this. i hope you're serious

>> No.15116696
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you love money, shill

>> No.15116707 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 616x443, 101 low iq vaxxxxxie midwit npc retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15116714
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case closed

>> No.15116717

Why did you take it? Are you retarded?

>> No.15117572

yes, yes he is

>> No.15117591 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1207x670, hypochondria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medical science stopped using that word because it was cutting into their revenue

>> No.15118817

>they don't understand anything about vaccines
>the vax is just an inert protein

>> No.15118845

Serious heart trouble doesn't come in the form of -sharp- pains. Ask your doctor because there's a ton of things that cause them, from nervous, to gastro-intestinal, to simply muscle. Never assume it's the worst case scenario because you'll worry yourself to death. See a doctor.

>> No.15118860

Sounds like you're having cluster headaches

>> No.15118923

nice thread, after i took the vaccine 1 year ago i has chest pains but they went away after a month or two. at first i got real shizo and thought i couldnt breathe and stuff but that went away with meditiation and my doctor friend telling me not to be a pussy.

however, even today i still have the eeling of tension in the chest area, especially on the left side. I told myself that its because i do not do a lot of sport and stuff but i changed that in the last months and its gotten more significant even.

its not "pain" but i can feel that theres something like an ache or tension and it varies in intensity. sometimes it turns into pain for short periods.

since these anti vaccine threads on /sci/ became more poular in the last weeks i started to remember that it all started with that Johnson & Johnson vaccine. please tell me about some stupid arm movement exercise i can make to get rid of some muscle tensions to make it go away. tell me how the vaccine didnt fuck me. please, sci, tell me im a retard!

>> No.15118986

enjoy your sudden death in about 3 years

>> No.15119016

You should ask a doctor instead of 4chan.

>> No.15119043

ironic pic considering the largest demographic of unvaxxed are niggers. Guess what their poltical affiliation is? (if they even vote and arent simply paid to make their mark on the ballot by (((soros))) operatives)

>> No.15119126

>the vaccine is like a SEATBELT!
redd*t dot com

>> No.15119129

>"inert" protein

>> No.15119142

Yes. They will kill you. It's happening. You should've listened but now it's too late.

>> No.15120510
File: 1.85 MB, 1288x5112, meme_RNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My chest pains are out of control
Don't get distracted by memeRNA.

If you look carefully at the vaccine ingredients, and beyond the memeRNA there are several other known to be "Clot" inducing and "cardiac arrest and inflamation causing" agents in it.

Like synthetic cholesterol.
The same as in LCD TVs.
It's shards of structural lipis.
similar to the hardness of acrylic Glass.
It's shrapnel.
> picrel

Novavax, moderna and Pfizer contain these.

> and all three of these have sudden cardiac problems as adverse events reported
> and put as blackbox warning or EMA-Safety warning.

But brainlets and mitwits literally get distracted by "Magic meme RNA".
And WILD speculations about:
> nanochips (even these things are visible with the naked Eye)
> if you can see it with the naked eye or light microscope its µm range not nm range
> which is odd for a so called "sterile" Dispersion
See regulations for this:
And EU regulation on that:
"The preparation complies with the test if the average number
of particles present in the units tested does not exceed 25 per
millilitre equal to or greater than 10 µm and does not exceed
3 per millilitre equal to or greater than 25 µm."

MIDWITS and Sceptards are unable to read the ingredients.
If you focus on memeRNA and memeAdenoVector and "halp my not my DNAnerino" or "hakp the spikerino", you will be distracted from the excipients.
And also from the fact, that they then just could say: "Ok then take Novavax, SanofiCovidVax or ValnevaVax" (all adujivanted crap)
Ingredients can be read here:

>> No.15120530
File: 2.45 MB, 350x189, seatbelt_in_question.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lucky you were wearing your seatbelt
> picrel
the seatbelt in question if vaccines were seatbelts

> If I apply my seatbelt, I don't have to wait in a medical setting room for 15 minuts just in case I die suddenly
> If I apply my seatbelt, and don't crash, I don't randomly get a cadiovascular inflamation, facial paralysis, autoimmune reactions, hepatic reactions, random skin rashes, swelling on the placement site of the seatbelt, headache etc.
> If I crash, the seatbelt is actually providing protection even if not perfect
> and not has to have a PR campaign running around "oh the vaccine actually protects you only if you have a crash with a mercedes, but if the variant of the car is slightly changes, like an Audi the Seatbelt won't provide protection"

>> No.15120737

That's fucking wild holy shit. How did the scientific method fail us?

>> No.15120761

>How did the scientific method fail us?

if you don't apply it it cannot fail.
Thats how.

>> No.15120765

Who knows. You rolled the dice. I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

>> No.15121222

This is what happens when you cut corners in an overcentralized system.
It's too bad the people responsible are closing to dying of old age anyway, so they don't care about the long term consquences.

>> No.15122223
File: 84 KB, 1152x636, Fraudulent Elections USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Votes" don't matter anymore with "mail in voting fraud" and "Dominion computer fraud", people are not even needed anymore to have an "election".

See picrel about 2020 "elections". Trump wasn't the only one who was cheated. Over 1000 other Federal, State, and Local elections were rigged also.

>> No.15122233
File: 80 KB, 900x710, Podesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I keep trying to tell people that this is a mass sacrifice of the young for the vampiric elderly.
There is an occult link to the whole forced vaccines, not just the Covid-Vaccine.

Also, remember the "black eye" thing a while back?

>> No.15122250

>"This study was partially funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)"

you're part of the problem and I hate you.

>> No.15122663
File: 35 KB, 600x510, Bad vax causes covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serious question, no /pol/tard answers. Will the vaccines eventually kill me?
Best case senario, they didn't work against the virus and they didn't affect your lifespan.
Is that what you want to hear?
Millions of people dying from them now, or having heart and vascular issues, among many other problems.

>> No.15122665
File: 69 KB, 1072x267, Scamdemic scumbags want forgiveness for murdering millionss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're part of the problem and I hate you.
There will be no forgiveness for the people who pushed the "vaccines". No "amnesties".

>> No.15124124 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 828x486, trump in the head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15124295

you mean virologists, doctors and governments

>> No.15124883

We need to forgive. It doesn't mean that if people get caught and found guilty by the justice system for doing fraud or whatever they don't go to prison, but you can't turn your back on the entire normiesphere over this.

>> No.15125438

>We need to forgive.
BULLSHIT! Fuck that weak ass pathetic attempt at leniency.

>> No.15125449

well i dunno man haha i didn't take it so is a you problem ;)

>> No.15125459

Too little information. Take the bivalent booster and get back to us if you experience chest/heart pains after.

>> No.15125460

Wouldn't that just be a "coincidence"?

>> No.15125525

Mrna lasts up to at least 9 months we found so far. It's not the mrna itself that's the problem it's what it does to your cells and your circulatory system. The side effects it gives you get your over time, not the jab itself

>> No.15126520

Gove source or retard

>> No.15126526

Dumb science denier.

>> No.15126532

well the anti-vax hysteria will never die down because of retards like you. your symptoms are just fear and anxiety because this anti-vax bullshit is getting to you.

>> No.15126537

How can mrna "do" anything to your cells or anything else? Do you know what mrna is? Dumb fuck.

>> No.15126542

He's probably talking about the spike protein. Anyway, vaxxiers are gonna be swinging from lamp posts soon.

>> No.15126714

>quoting a fake article to make people distrust scientists
Why are antivaxxies so dishonest?

>> No.15126731

Cardiac arrest is merciful, you just lose consciousness without going through any type of agony. While death takes 30 minutes you will first drop like a sack of potatoes (still alive).
You can practice going unconscious by hyperventilating vigorously for a few minutes until you feel prickles. Then hold your breath. You will be able to hold it for several minutes with no effort. Then suddenly you wake up, because you passed out, breathe while passed out and you recover your conscience.

>> No.15126734
File: 612 KB, 1025x879, world health organization covid vaccine narrative evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay.
Big Pharma is already working on a new mRNA vaccine to fix myocarditis.

>> No.15126736

you're pathetic

>> No.15126737
File: 166 KB, 1170x1187, 1664321241504747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the real problem. The real danger to our democracy is when antivaxxers and other conspiracy nazis are right.

>> No.15126741
File: 91 KB, 1223x979, 3523423662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else been noticing the cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in vaxxies?

>> No.15126823
File: 102 KB, 600x599, R-2129224-1551378268-4186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot take this anymore
Gettin all these jabs I've had before
All these shots they make no sense
You boosted in ignorance
Less I hear the less you say
I don't want mRNA!
(You got all four)

Everything you say jabbie
Takes you one step closer to your death
Cause I'm about to break!
You need a little room to seethe
Cause you're one step closer to your death
And I'm about to break!

I find the answers aren't so clear
Klaus Schwab wants us to disappear
All these shots they make no sense
Your science is ignorance
They'll just boost us everyday
Over and over again
(You've had all four)

Repeat chorus x2

Shut up when I talk about Jews,
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Shut up when I talk about Jews,
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Shut up, I'm about to break!

Repeat chorus x2

>> No.15126863

spike protein stays in you system for several days then it is gone. are anti vax shitters saying that it starts some kind of a clock and then you self destruct in a few months or years?

>> No.15126867

>several days
a very precise statement
you seem very well informed

>> No.15126868

It's been found in people's bodies for up to 9 months.

>> No.15126889

They're hated and afraid.

>> No.15127037

Take some gaviscon to rule out indigestion. If youve still got it then you werent in the control group and youll soon die

>> No.15127138

Correct, vaxx death by cardiac arrest is painless. Much better than the agony of old age withering

>> No.15127141

>See a doctor
Doctors wont see you because of some random pain. They'll just say its nothing.

>> No.15127149

No they won't. Any doctor, if given the opportunity to convert someone else's suffering (real or imaginary) into cash money for itself, will always find a medical reason that justifies increasing their revenue and profits.

>> No.15129439
File: 121 KB, 1242x908, vaxxies pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15129712


>> No.15129720

I'd you were Caballero of seld-educstion you'd know this vaccine was complete garbage and should have never been released when it was. I'd say rest in peace but I honestly couldn't care less.

>> No.15129722
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, niggers tongue my anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a hypochondriac. Your problems are psychosomatic. You're literally fooling yourself into thinking you're sick. Your real illness is mental illness.

>> No.15129774

"sharp chest pains at times" could be anything from indigestion (heartburn presents as chest pain particularly on the right side of your sternum) to lung cancer. the mRNA and adenovirus vaccines are garbage technology but still not very likely to kill you.

>> No.15129784

degenerate shillshit lol

>> No.15129792
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another spam thread to promote degenerate germ theory and jabs

>> No.15129793

>Will the vaccines eventually kill me?
the reason it was so irresponsible and dangerous was because the long term answer was unknown
they were pretty sure it wouldn't kill very many people initially, but it was literally impossible to know any long term effects
nothing /pol/ level, but the institutional coercion is extremely alarming

>> No.15129806

Only thing you need to know is that Israel gave it to their population.
We are safe Vaxfrens. Stop listening to these facebook-tier schizos and live your life.

>> No.15129811

imagine working as shill for another 10 years lol