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File: 483 KB, 646x652, 1673173954274609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15115548 No.15115548 [Reply] [Original]

What's the odds that he's dead in 2023 by his own hands?
>The famed psychologist and scholar, and global media personality, Jordan Peterson is being told that he must report to the Ontario College of Psychologists for re-education or else lose his license to practice.

>> No.15115569

Will he finally learn that trans women are women?

>> No.15115583

The body is beautiful at any size, chud

>> No.15115586

>punishing academics for having opinions they don't like
>taking bank accounts from protestors with domestic terrorism laws
When can we declare Canada a totalitarian hellhole, decide the people living there need to be liberated and have the US military start killing WEF members and their families with reaper drones? If everyone involved in the WEF and Blackrock (and their families to prevent nepotism from reforming these structures in a century) was rounded up and executed, the world would be almost immeasurably improved overnight.

Ending Blackrock and the WEF would be way better for humanity in general and the West in specific than whatever garbage we're doing wasting money and equipment in a slap-fight over which specific corrupt Jewish oligarch gets to run Ukraine.

>> No.15115605


LITERALLY Communist term.

>> No.15115626

Does he even practice anymore? Why should he care?

Also lol at him whining a few weeks ago about anons being tolerated on twitter then getting fucked for posting le misinformation under his real name.

>> No.15115662

Exactly how are they women?

>> No.15115752

>have the US military start killing WEF members and their families with reaper drones?
lololol implying the US military isn't under their command

>> No.15115759

>When can we declare Canada a totalitarian hellhole
At the latest, you should have started back when they were freezing the bank accounts of protesters without any due process.

>> No.15115762

>you should have started back when they were freezing the bank accounts of protesters without any due process.
>freezing bank accounts of your own cititzens
Pretty sure this is illegal. Even freezing bank accounts of le evil Russian baddies is hard and contested in nature, let alone your own citizens.

>> No.15115770

Excuse you chud. That's offensive to strong women. Stratifying women as tall women, short women, black women, gay women, etc. serves only to launch microaggressions at any non-cishet white women. It normalizes privilege and is offensive. Women are women.

>> No.15115773

Juden Pedosin got what he deserves.

>> No.15115774

What exactly did he deserve and why?

>> No.15115775
File: 1.39 MB, 1660x1378, feb-20-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walked off my job, sold all my stocks when this happened, in feb 20 they have a due date to submit the results of their inquiry to determine if it was 'justified' or not. No point in working or saving or investing in a dollar that just gets taken away for buying the wrong tshirt. This is part of a slow march to WEF total control over financial flows as well, so come feb 20 i'm going off grid in the north if they government finds this action was 'serene'.

>> No.15115779

He deserves exactly what happened to him. You know why. Same will happen to you too.

>> No.15115810

>Pretty sure this is illegal.
No, this is your law now.

>> No.15115814
File: 261 KB, 1120x1120, 23feb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was extrajudicial and retroactive, but if the inquiry finds it was 'justified' than all soros has to do is rent some trucks for a weekend to give klauses young leaders dictator powers

>> No.15115816

how about woe man?

>> No.15115823

The eternal optimist.

>> No.15115826

>freezing the bank accounts of protesters without any due process.
tell me what the due process is to get a search warrant.
newsflash: to get a warrant you don't have to get a full trial with a conviction

>> No.15115838

I will never understand the mind a cattlehead like you. What a bizarre reaction.

>> No.15115839

>avoids the question
typical of a babbler getting cornered

>> No.15115861

Why do you chimp out in every thread like an aggressive nigger? Why do you have such an irresistible impulse to try to prove yourself to an imaginary audience?

>> No.15115886
File: 1.07 MB, 1919x1079, FCC-compiles-blacklist-from-online-socials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not immediately going off grid has to count for something right? at least i'm giving them their chance to reconcile their crimes against humanity. Spousal+family bank accounts, and business partners unaffiliated gathered their groceries only to find out their cards were frozen, wernt able to pay rent or make mortgage payments, and buy gasoline to make it home. My confidence in using money to survive has been shot, and un-rectifiably so if they find this was appropriate juxtaposed to a capitol protest measured in noise compliants, not property damage or bodies like everywhere else on the planet

>> No.15115890

>Not immediately going off grid has to count for something right?
>i'm giving them their chance to reconcile their crimes against humanity
Is this bait? It would be a lot more impressive if you decided to go off the grid.

>> No.15115915
File: 471 KB, 1080x1609, checking-at-the-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to impress anyone, i still have family, according to this pic i have it all for my age, but what feb 20 gives me is conviction, to be able to simply not even be angry at the dishumanity of government, but entirely indifferent to it and those who choose to live under it- only thing worse than being a part of this useless eater class is to be part of the elites that created them and that very concept. So in a way its good news either way, in one reality I can go back to work in earnest instead of spending my time ranting online, and in another I've built myself a log cabin on the Mackenzie River, fishing and hunting without regard for the cement dwellers. Feb 20 for me brings closure and adamance

>> No.15115958

They will encourage him to consider their euthanasia program after they drug him a bit