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15095572 No.15095572 [Reply] [Original]

Besides AI, which field will change the future the most? Physics, Biology, Chemistry, or something else?

>> No.15095576


>> No.15095596
File: 32 KB, 640x394, _102683976_momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your self

>> No.15095599

Neuropsychopharmacology cognitive enhancement.
Sigma 1 agonists (fluvoxamine) and a2c adrenergic antagonists (brexpiprazole) are the future nootropics

>> No.15095609

What field is that in?

>> No.15095620


>> No.15095621

Seems like Chemistry

>> No.15095649

that's Helene

>> No.15095652


>> No.15095971 [DELETED] 
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quantum electromagnetics and consciousness field manipulation

>> No.15096055
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Amish theology.

>> No.15096729

Based response

Genomics. Possibly quantum computing if it allows simulation breakthroughs but I am skeptical.

>> No.15096768

They say the 19th century was the chemistry century, the 20th was the physics century, and the 21st is the biology century

>> No.15096784

longevity, living for 1000 years will completely change how we approach life

>> No.15096788

mycology, hopefully

>> No.15096793

Physics. While that is true on its own, all important advances in "biology" will come from the study of the quantum mechanics of biological molecules and all important advances in chemistry will come from the study of the quantum mechanics of general molecules so it is impossible for the answer to be something other than physics.

>> No.15098127

the based answer, replenishing our bodies and minds would give capable scientists more time to contribute

and even the less capable could contribute they'd just need more time and work although we'd likely be able to help them improve their shortcomings with such technology

>> No.15098186

physical biochemistry or chemical biophysics

>> No.15098222

Astro No Me

>> No.15099265

Brain interfaces. At first they will just be used to cure dementia or repair nerve damage. Then people will start linking to their smartphones so they can access information faster. Sooner or later someone will make a brain to brain link and connect multiple people as a single gestalt entity.
A second Cambrian explosion will then occur due to the formation of a unified bioelectric field (same principle as the first one). Groups of like minded people will get together and form group consciousness until they get so used to it they never want to be individuals again.

>> No.15099616

Information theory will explain everything

>> No.15101606

Good post.

I fear that sufficiently cyber-brain enhanced regular (bio) humans, or digital uploaded human minds could eventually become indistinguishable from AI due to psychological self-modification.

It's already a tempting prospect to us biological minds if we could somehow "tame" the problematic (not to mention plain broken) parts of our brains. Why wouldn't we put a strong willpower lock before the parts of our minds that correspond to our vices? Why wouldn't we downregulate the factors that correspond to our insecurities?
Vices or insecurities afford much smaller ethical qualms than debates about what constitutes "evil" (or even politically/socially undesirable, which is subject to a constant value drift. There were times when social dynamics dictated racism was politically correct). Thus, I assume, these would be the first targets for modification. After all, if you could be a better person, why not be? But currently, we barely understand the most elementary functions of the brain, and are nowhere near such (figurative and literal) surgical precision "psychomodding".
But how viable would this become if we actually just existed as code on a computer? Not only could we run (compared to bio) cheap simulations of the brain to erudite every factor of its working, we could also probably refactor out the parts that correspond to certain functional subdivisions.

>> No.15101608


Vices, insecurities, violent tendencies -- all could be separated out into artificial modules that we could turn on and off, or modulate the strength of, at will. Concerning is that the less we engage these tendencies, presumably the less value we would also start to see in them (would an extremely rational being see much value in reactivating its "envy module"? I think less so than an envious person would in something that makes them much more rational. It's an asymmetric relationship), thus we would use them less, and we could give more value to being able to control the remaining facets that we haven't yet mastered.

To put it somewhat poetically, we could simply forget what it was that made us us.
This could quickly cascade into a feedback loop and, at the end, result in human beings that are unrecognisable from any biological being.
(no, didn't write this post just for this thread)

>> No.15102229

programming language design has been and will continue to be more important than AI

>> No.15102412

We may find that emotional modules are valuable shortcuts to things that otherwise consume too much compute. It could be that an envy module is a valuable heuristic for determining how to spend your time based on what makes you envious.

For example if you are trying to figure out which of two individuals you want to emulate, you could consult your envy module and see which of their two lifestyles makes you most envious, rather than trying to compute out all the pros and cons of their lives.

>> No.15102446


>> No.15102483


>> No.15102500

so basically pseudoscientific new age nigger shit

>> No.15102502

physics, math and engineering its always been that way

>> No.15103198

>we barely understand the most elementary functions of the brain, and are nowhere near such (figurative and literal) surgical precision "psychomodding".
>But how viable would this become if we actually just existed as code on a computer?
That's why I predict the interface will come first. Even a full brain emulation is just a black box unless you understand how neurons generate mental phenomena. You don't need to understand the neurons, however, to give them an interface. They already know how to grow new connections in response to reward stimuli, so it's simply a case of providing a new I/O. This has already been done to a limited extent with paralysed people, who can learn how to control a machine using implants in the motor cortex. The more you practice with the interface the better you get at using it, without ever needing to know how your neurons are achieving these gains.
>We may find that emotional modules are valuable shortcuts to things that otherwise consume too much compute.
>you could consult your envy module and see which of their two lifestyles makes you most envious
I suspect that is the case for all forms of progress. The modern world places a lot of value on suppressing instinct, with something like envy being seen as innately primitive and dangerous to civilization. This isn't actually based on evidence, but taken on faith as a kind of creed. You could show people all the anthropological and evolutionary-biological data on why these dangerous instincts are necessary, but they will still assume they are better off without them.
The zoomer generation may be the beginning of a break with this trend, given the fluidity of their online extremism. They can be far-left today (envy, status-seeking), far-right tomorrow (tribalism, in-group) and religious fanatics the next day (purity, disgust). In other words, the the high connectivity of living online is reintroducing forgotten instincts to their brains.

>> No.15103981

Surely they'll hit a road block when they no longer have enough farmland to support their population?
>inb4 buy more land
Being 300 behind in technology prices you out of the market.

>> No.15104051

Crap, why does this image always startle me

>> No.15104053

Now do the plot for self-replicating AI

>> No.15104055

He can't because your schizo fantasies aren't real. Not only are they not real, but they will be erased from the collective consciousness quite soon according to demographics plots like that. Good riddance.

>> No.15104115

>Groups of like minded people will get together and form group consciousness until they get so used to it they never want to be individuals again
Could this 'modules' concept escalate? I can imagine these groups of like-minded people becoming 'modules' for this hypothetical unified mind

>> No.15104762

Maybe chemistry and physics
with biology we'll get immortality perfect 200 IQ and the best superhumans possible. we'll create the perfect human literally and the perfect meat the perfect food
chemistry is very basic biology but you would need to go a long way to get something out of it. maybe if we discover some new material
if science fiction becomes reality than physics will be even more influential than AI. if you could create warp fields gravity fields you could buy your own planet at a random star system i mean just crazy stuff

>> No.15105215

Your desperation is palpable.

>> No.15105263

Lol, of all the crazy promising research nootropics in development, you went for the SSRI and the antipsychotic

>> No.15105267

The answer is literally "the fields with the most AI"

That will end up being biology and medicine

>> No.15105680

I don't see why not. When cells are unified by a single bioelectric field they are able to specialise and produce complex bodies with organs. Unite a group of humans in the same way and they should be able to form specialised subgroups to perform tasks for the collective. No one will mind which group they are put in, because they won't experience an individual self anymore, but rather a group self with group goals.
The only substantial difference I would anticipate is the nature of selection pressure. The first Cambrian explosion was driven by genetic evolution, but the second one will be a combination of genetic and memetic evolution. This will make it much faster, as the structure of the network can be changed much quicker than the genetics of the individuals within it. The group mind will also be able to selectively breed individuals for faster genetic specialisation, consciously directing its own evolution to more complex forms.

>> No.15105689

>you may very well live to see a world where an overwhelmingly common amount of people not only don't need to worry about aging, but also the age-related deaths of their families
>but your family was just a bit too early to get these treatments
>and you're too old to get them as well meaning you're stuck in an old shitty body forever


>> No.15105786

from first principles, the answer is nuclear; and not just limited to electricity generation.

after that it'll be atomic precise manufacturing which transforms the economic and material basis of civilization.

also it should be pointed out that what passes for AI isnt really the sort of thing that will transform civilization due to lack of energy efficiency. so while everyone is busying themselves with building ever larger expert systems, the real change will come from memristor architectures.

while nice i think you've lost a sense of the necessary scales involved. there is no pharmacological solution to enhance native limits to biology. the tacit assumption is that human cognition represents some sort of global optimum. when its, at best, a local optimum which is itself a minor improvement.

>> No.15105812

The sex revolution is just a subset of biology. AI and Biology will compete to produce a master race

>> No.15105825

Not really, at one point AI will be more creative and efficient in coding than every human.

>> No.15105838

Robot biology

>> No.15105840


>> No.15105878

My family sucks. I'm glad they will die

>> No.15106382

meme on

>> No.15106408

You must be naive believing in "souls" or some other immaterial vitalist notion of humanity if you insist that AI won't eventually become indistinguishable and subsequently superior to human beings

>> No.15106577

Robots can already do backflips. Do you think I will still be impressed once these backflip robots have become mass produced?
Do you think I will stop being impressed by some rando from the street, or your best friend, doing a backflip?

>> No.15106592

But that wasn't his point, he simply stated humans will be outmatched by AI in regards to backflipping. To keep with this analogy, a regular human can do a backflip - AI will be able to easily do 20 backflips in the air after jumping from a regular standing position.

I am not excited to see this happen btw. The advantages of such an AI existing are of course enticing, but living to see all human achievement and artistic impression be neutered and rendered mass producable, even in fields that are considered core to human existence.

>> No.15106629
File: 289 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gene editing, particularly gene editing embryos for higher intelligence.


>> No.15108021

ai is a meme, all it does is generating noise based on data
the future will certainly be changed a lot by
biology (directed evolution, aging, etc)
physics (fusion energy)
quantum computing which unlike ai is not a meme
also possibly matter manipulation, buzzword nano technology, nano factory, matter programming, etc

I sense a meme in that
our brain has limited throughput and processing speed, we're already hitting our limit with current interfaces
plus "group consciousness" is absolutely not the direction we're taking, this is not how our biology works, we would have to be a different species, and we're not heading towards that

>> No.15108057
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>living to see all human achievement and artistic impression be neutered and rendered mass producable
Two more weeks.

>> No.15108132

genetic engineering, genomics, bioinformatics, race theory, personalized medicine.

>> No.15108172

gravitational wave astronomy

>> No.15110013

Nanomachine self assembly shit, probably more than ai. Bioliogical machines have already radically changed our plandt from just slow natural forces alone. Introducing sone intelligent motive behind self assembling things would be unimaginable. It's the last step in achieving "master of our environment"

>> No.15111215

>Introducing sone intelligent motive behind self assembling things would be unimaginable
imagine a world where the concept of trash no longer exists.
a world where cost and time scales for manufacturing and production occur on the microsecond and dont exceed the cost of raw elements. you know where this goes, right?

>> No.15111266

what kinds of problems and discoveries can be solved with fast and exponentially growing computing power?

>> No.15111705

the first thing that comes to mind would be boiling water. if we're talking about quantum computing, then the killer app is design search space or quantum simulators. the answer to the question your asking would fall under the concept of computronium.

>> No.15111709
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transdimensional consciousness field electromagnetism
>zero-point energy

>> No.15112816


>> No.15112826

wumbology has changed and will continue to change the identity of humanity forever

>> No.15112854

Unironically social media warping the brains of most everyone to the point that everyone is near-retarded and constantly fed algorithmic slop that caters to their most base instincts and desires.

>> No.15112964

Molecular Genetics

>> No.15113252

before you can change the world you must first change the way money works:

>> No.15113702

>Besides AI
He bought the meme

>> No.15113808
File: 1.39 MB, 960x1080, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15115854

>limited throughput and processing speed
You wouldn't have to be connected to every other person in the network, any more than a neuron has to be connected to every other neuron in the brain. You would just need connections to a few other people, who in turn connect to a few other people and so on.
>plus "group consciousness" is absolutely not the direction we're taking
We already experience a limited form of it when we achieve very high rapport, or under extreme group discipline situations such as a military unit. It's just that language and social cues have very low fidelity and bandwidth. A better interface should enable group consciousness to occur more frequently and at a higher level.
ChatGPT is still better than previous chatbots, even if some of its outputs are self-contradictory. It's obviously over-hyped, but I could see it being a stepping stone to something useful.
This is actually way more terrifying than AI. Self-replicating nanomachines would be so easy to weaponize, and incredibly difficult to regulate. I can imagine scenarios where China develop them first and decide to turn the rest of the world into grey goo.

>> No.15115894

>"there is no money in the 24th century."
>"we are no longer interested in acquisition of things"
also trek:
>barter with replicator/transporter credits
>pay foreigners in Federation Credits
>gamble for latinum at Quark's
>Picard's brother owns a private vineyard
>Sisko's father owns a private restaurant
>Ezri's mother owns an entire fucking planet and mines it for profit
Whatever they're doing, it isn't Communism. Best guess would be that replicator technology combined with cold fusion made most material goods superabundant, to the point that no one could make a profit outside of a few companies. So the Earth government nationalised the replicator and and energy industries, paying everyone UBI in the form of credits backed by units of energy.

>> No.15116312

AI will just automate a few white-collar jobs and in the end it will be a nothing-burger
Unless there is a major breakthrough in biology it's not gonna matter much, all life extension does is change the cause of death
Fusion has been 50 years away for the past 50 years, so physics are out
I'd expect we'd simply continue to squeez out more from what we have. 10% stronger steel, 10% longer lifespan, 10% more powerful computing. Eventually there will be breakthroughs but it's impossible to predict when, but probably somewhere in the second half of 21st century

>> No.15116330
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I'm thinking nanomachines are an untapped market. These fuckers are too small to be seen with the naked eye, yet they have the potential to be as complex as any machine, and we're getting closer to making some real high tech stuff day by day. Sooner or later, probably overnight, a breakthru will be made that changes how our society works based on nanomachines, or at least certain facets like med or military. My biggest fear? Very easy to spy or kill people you don't like with these, former could record video/conversations and be undetectable, latter could just easily fly up your nose and do all sorts of havoc in your body
I don't think we will get NANOMACHINES, SON like Kojima envisioned them(ie magic), but very tiny robots who have a variety of roles? Yes, I think it will happen within our lifetimes. Just look at AI, for instance, look how quickly this evolved from random chatbots that didn't work half the time to already being able to create somewhat competent art and splice audio together to sound just like the subject it's based on flawlessly, even able to think for itself to a limited degree. I would not believe you that this would be all possible just 25 years ago

>> No.15116352
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>A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles