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15107002 No.15107002 [Reply] [Original]

even some of you faggots seem to have that problem.
when you see the truth, half of you accept and the other half absolutely rejects it.
for example, the inability of accepting human nature and it's traits.
or like hypergamy, women are hypergamous and can mask their reproductive cycle, but I guess you fags ain't ready for that conversation yet.
everyone who took the vax fucked themselves over thanks to their stupidity, I still see vaxxies and shills pushing their bullshit but at least they are silently dying.
the government using frequencies and vibrations to harm or manipulate people, even gang-stalking.
that today's science had been taken over by shills and globohomos.
jews are genetically dead and it shows on their diseases.
humans are extremely frail and can die from almost anything.
that most of us aren't as smart as we think we are and that you fags overstimate yourselves, even I fall in the category but at least I am aware.
normies have all these issues and make it worse.

>> No.15107009
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there are harmful nanoparticles on our food, water and even on our shampoo and soap.
literally nanobots on our fucking soda.
that radios and most of the music today is tampered with by setting it to 440Hz instead of the natural 432Hz, which disturbs us on a deep level.
that we are lazy, more than we like to admit.
what's up with that? it didn't use to be this bad.
it's like people are actively choosing the lie over the truth.

>> No.15107010
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>> No.15107061
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sry but you sound definitely like that flat earth guys in your pic.

Some of your stuff makes sense and some absolutely not.
nanobots in soda or that frequency bullshit for example.

>> No.15107081

the vaccine death is largely a psy-op too.

>> No.15107118

Because the truth hurts, and reconstruction of your entire world view after the monkey tier education were given from a young age is painful

>> No.15107125
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really? I see graphs like this posted but why do you say it's largely a psyop?

>> No.15107133


>> No.15107146

oh look a luciferian

>> No.15107154

> why do you say it's largely a psyop?
Because reasonable criticism gets drowned out by muh microchips, muh millions will die and muh blood clots.

>> No.15107157

reportedly it's very batch specific

>> No.15107158

Clamped snake

>> No.15107159

yeah that's exactly what OP posted, reasonable criticism not found

>> No.15107174

Yes, but whatever control group they devised usually does not exceed the range of some ten thousand people. It simply doesn't make sense to claim that 1. the companies mass-produced tons of different patches, 2. made everyone get a different batch, some of which are allegedly lethal and 3. use the data for whatever project they have in mind despite the issue that a long-term study with some few thousand would suffice.

>> No.15107181

>what's up with normies in general unable to accept the truth?

It's too scary. You realize all of that stuff persists because it is mostly invisible.

For the average lemming, life is better being ignorant and feeling secure that you understand reality and control your environment. All of these topics are drenched in fear and threats. All of these topics make the normie feel powerless and weak. Of course, the only way for any of us to gain any real power is to confront such fears. Otherwise we will deceive ourselves as we are mind controlled by entities we prefer to imagine don't exist.

>> No.15107214

Regardless of whether it "makes sense" or not, it's what they did. This can be observationally confirmed.

>> No.15107222

others have gone into it and now lose themselves in drink or porn to numb the horror

>> No.15107912
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>because i'm a vaxxxxie and my confirmation bias tells me not to believe it, that would be admitting a mistake, which is something i am incapable of

>> No.15107938

Yuri bezmenov
"Deception was my job"
Watch it
It will shine a lot of light on people who seem immune to proven facts

>> No.15108987
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>> No.15110328

>why are normies dumb?
if everyone were smart then you'd be comparatively stupid. you like it better this way, don't lie

>> No.15111295

>nervous vaxxxxie trying to convince itself that it didn't make a terrible mistake by trusting the government.

>> No.15111298

Shut up, schizo. The government loves you.

>> No.15112592
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>> No.15112652

Meds. Now. Specifically pimozide

>> No.15113061

The idea that people like OP are crazy schizos who need to "take their meds" is a result of the propaganda machine designed to keep people like you from questioning their perceived reality. Wake up.

>> No.15114751
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>> No.15115308

how do i get work as an information police? shit if all i have to do is call you guys chuds once and while and jerk off then sign me the fuck up lol

>> No.15115320

>implying you're not already one of their """volunteers"""

>> No.15115347

>Because the truth hurts, and reconstruction of your entire world view after the monkey tier education were given from a young age is painful
The thing is, this is no excuse to wallow in ignorance and blatant falsehoods. Especially when it's used to justify locking me in my home and keeping me out of the gym like in 2020. I will never forgive normies for this.

>> No.15115352

They are weak.

>> No.15116875
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>> No.15116934

Normies don’t care. Suppose all of that is true: What does the normie do with that information? If it isn’t actionable and doesn’t make their lives easier, they will not believe. Normies follow—they don’t lead.

>> No.15116938

>the government has lied on many occasions to its advantage
>therefore, I will never watch a government-funded weather channel

>> No.15116940

you don't go to the gym, chinlet

>> No.15116941


>> No.15116942

>Especially when it's used to justify locking me in my home
lmao, you fucking little crybaby cuckservative

>> No.15117577

government weather statistics are currently tuned to create the false impression that global warming is a legitimate problem.