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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15107936 No.15107936 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, sorry to bother you anons but if any of you could tell me if this is genuine and coherent I would appreciate it
"There is a quantum element to consciousness. This becomes evident if you have a passing interest in quantum mechanics and mathematics. The equations of schrodinger and the observer are viewed from the wrong paradigm, what is the mystical observer who's eye makes the cat dead or alive? That is where you find consciousness. The works of Lemaitre mathematically as well as the wonderful Dr. Penrose gave me real understanding, In Platos cave the shadows watching the observer and what give it consciousness. "
The context is sentience in AI. I don't have a math and STEM background and can't even begin to tell if that is bullshit or not so am asking you anons?

>> No.15107954

Reposting my reply.
>you could tell me if this is genuine and coherent
It's schizo nonsense

>> No.15107962

>It's schizo nonsense
Thanks, I did not see your reply.

>> No.15107970


>> No.15108037 [DELETED] 

philosopher David Pearce shares similar views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xizbtklciA
He's a

>> No.15108059

Philosopher David Pearce shares similar views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xizbtklciA
I like Pearce and think he's a good thinker, but I think people like Schmidhuber are ultimately probably right.

>> No.15108103

>what is the mystical observer who's eye makes the cat dead or alive?
Any thing that can measure, i.e. interact, with a given phenomena.

>> No.15108137
File: 140 KB, 622x449, 94 iq quantooooom physics expert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are low IQs so incredibly attracted to quantooooom?

>> No.15108281

it's not made up bs. read emperor's new mind. if you are too retarded to understand some of the fine details (i was), just keep reading, eventually the point of the book will click

>> No.15108625

If I tell you will you stop spamming this shit?
Do you want the real answer or the science woo answer?
Science woo: go read Penrose and jerk off to binaural quantum sissy hypnosis beats
Real answer: neural activity is too large and warm to be effected by quantum phenomenon. This isn't even debatable. Even pretending that some non-negligible quantum effect bubbled up into reality in an appropriate location and time to change neural activity, it would be random noise and completely meaningless.
"Sentience" is a suitcase word.

>> No.15109437

Go back to your cult

>> No.15110076

It's better than science woo
You can leave the AI stuff at the door if you want

>> No.15110099

>Hello, sorry to bother you anons but if any of you could tell me if this is genuine and coherent I would appreciate it
It is neither genuine nor coherent.

>> No.15110100

Because its a 'scientific' way which opens a possibility where they are not failures. Basically instead of trying to improve themselves they are looking for a Deus Ex Machina while rejecting God and Quantoom fits the bill

>> No.15110103

Why is it that /sci/ hates lesswrong so much? It looks like some pretty cool stuff they have there. What gives?

>> No.15110108

It's a sci-fi blog composed by insufferable aspies who take themselves obnoxiously seriously.
Also sexual assault cases and blackmail lmao
Death to all Californians and billionaires

>> No.15110126

Hm, so it's just 4chan's tendency of disliking anyone who dares to take themselves or their efforts seriously? I got the impression there was more to it. But maybe that is all that is required.

>> No.15110141

/sci/ doesn't hate it. The topics discussed on them literally engender dozens of threads a week here. It's just that certain schizos really hate on it and are thus loud about it, whereas there isn't really an equally loud pro-lesswrong fanboy schizo base to balance out the cacophony.