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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 127 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15089789 No.15089789 [Reply] [Original]

global warming proven fake again

>> No.15089794

One of the founders or cofounders of the weather channel also called bullshit on climate alarmism.

It's just another SJW cult indoctrinated into the youth by the school systems and the mass media and cartoons.

>> No.15089807

Global warming will kill us all. The only solution is to give the UN more power and deliver all your gold to Israel.

>> No.15089809

Loads of countries don't exist today, that did exist in 1989:

east germany

>> No.15089811
File: 125 KB, 843x857, catine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only care about rising CO2 levels
we don't need more poison in the atmosphere

>> No.15089813

kek. destroyed by rising c levels.

>> No.15089819

>t. anaerobic bacteria re: oxygen

>> No.15089936

>entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels [in some future; unspecified in the screenshot]
>if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000
I appreciate that it can be easy to misinterpret an article if one doesn't fully understand much of the subject. I hope that by clarifying your understanding of the article, we can have a more productive and meaningful discussion about sea level rise.

>> No.15090323

I'm not sure how up to date this is but it lists a fair few alarmist predictions

>> No.15090556


That site is AMAZING!

>> No.15090618

CO2 is literally earth's lifeblood. The real redpill is that we need more of it.

>> No.15090824

While CO2 is an important component of the Earth's carbon cycle and is necessary for life on Earth, it is not necessarily the case that we need more of it. In fact, high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere can contribute to the greenhouse effect, which traps heat from the sun and causes global warming. This can lead to a range of negative consequences, including more frequent and severe heatwaves, droughts, and storms, as well as rising sea levels and the loss of biodiversity. It is therefore important to maintain a balance of CO2 in the atmosphere, rather than simply increasing the amount of CO2. While CO2 is essential for life, it is not necessarily the case that more is always better. In fact, if we continue to increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere through activities such as burning fossil fuels, we risk disrupting the delicate balance of the Earth's climate and ecosystems.

>> No.15090833

Literally a ChatGPT post.

>> No.15090836

Al Gore was right. His only mistake was the timing.

>> No.15090864

2 more weeks

>> No.15091172

t. Every failed bizlet gambler

>> No.15091299
File: 46 KB, 517x500, Climate Change Swabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global warming will kill us all. The only solution is to give the UN more power and deliver all your gold to Israel.
Why Israel? I want to be sure my gold goes to the super-sciency smart people and politicians in order to solve this impending climate collapse!

>> No.15091305
File: 129 KB, 1060x818, WEF goo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real redpill is that we need more of it.
Which is why the globalists who want to depopulate the planet are trying to reduce CO2, to create massive crop shortages and mass starvation into the billions.

>> No.15091600
File: 57 KB, 645x588, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you know... we solved global warming

>> No.15091605

Bullshit. There have been many times before in history were the global Co2 levels where much MUCH higher then what we have now. Simple facts you can't just explain away with bullshit emotionalism and sciency sounding claptraps.

You people completely fail to understand it's NOT the climate you are concerned about; it's the culture. Some plants may be displaced for other new ones. And that's it. We need MORE CO2.

>> No.15091621


>> No.15091624

>There have been many times before in history were the global Co2 levels where much MUCH higher then what we have now.
You mean millions of years ago, before humans even existed? OK, what's your point? There have been many times in Earth's history when rapid changes in temperature have been associated with mass extinctions.

>> No.15091650


>> No.15091679 [DELETED] 

An alleged 1 degree over 10,000 years is pretty small.

>> No.15091792
File: 148 KB, 1602x1549, global warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15092033

>There have been many times before in history were the global Co2 levels where much MUCH higher then what we have now
And paleoclimate studies clearly show what to expect in the future due to increasing CO2: higher global temperatures, higher sea levels etc.
>Some plants may be displaced for other new ones. And that's it. We need MORE CO2.
Feel free to put a CO2-filled bag on your head if you're so inclined. However, studies show increasing CO2 is going to undermine food security and nutrition:
- Norby et al (2010) "CO2 enhancement of forest productivity constrained by limited nitrogen availability"
- Crafts-Brandner and Salvucci (2000) "Rubisco activase constrains the photosynthetic potential of leaves at high temperature and CO2"
- Salvucci et al (2001) "Exceptional Sensitivity of Rubisco Activase to Thermal Denaturation in Vitro and in Vivo"
- Long et al (2006) "Food for Thought: Lower-Than-Expected Crop Yield Stimulation with Rising CO2 Concentrations"
- Challinor et al (2010) "Increased crop failure due to climate change: assessing adaptation options using models and socio-economic data for wheat in China"
and more.

>> No.15092316
File: 99 KB, 1080x1111, climate change is fake .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming is fake asf

>> No.15092363
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, r.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming is fake asf
The posted picture doesn't prove that. It proves that you are willing to lie and manipulate, though.

>> No.15092364

there's two hurdles about understanding climcate change.

the first one is to realise that earth is a closed environment, like a corked jar with a lamp shining on it: changes inside the jar always over time cumulate into other changes inside the jar. not a perfect analogy but reasonable i think, to see that what we do inside our jar does have an effect on its internal environment.

the second one is to understand that our survival relies on a range of conditions that exist on earth, and have existed for a long time, but didn't always. even without our influence, over time the conditions on earth would likely begin to change and drift further and further out of that range we depend on, due to the corked jar analogy. as a species we've survived conditions beyond this range before, like the little ice age. but our civilization is much more fragile and would not survive, along with a lot of people.

with these two understandings i'd posit that there's a fairly logical conclusion: we should focus our attention on preserving the conditions that are best suited for our life, whether they're being changed by our activities or natural events (probably both).

>> No.15092374
File: 631 KB, 2000x1333, glacier-national-park-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no legitimate evidence of AGW.
>we should focus our attention on preserving the conditions that are best suited for our life
AGW shills and their social programmers do nothing to promote that.

>> No.15092386

>no legitemate evidence of AGW
yeah i'd say we aren't certain either, it's only a logic based conclusion. doesn't matter though, for the reasons i explained.

>AGW shills do nothing to promote that
of course not, the people you're talking about also lack a good understanding of climate change. anybody who feels emotionally moved by some fairy tale that we're "killing mother earth" is missing the point, big time. but that's unfortunately still better than denial and inaction.

>> No.15092391

>it's only a logic based conclusion
Trusting scammers is illogical.

>of course not, the people you're talking about also lack a good understanding of climate change
Notice how whenever someone brings up directly observable environmental destruction, you try to change the subject back to your fantasy doomsday narrative? You and your likes can't survive under a system that addresses actual environmental problems.

>> No.15092398

>There is no legitimate evidence of AGW.
Why are you lying?


>> No.15092400

lol, just go re read my initial post until you stop feeling defensive and emotional. you aren't saying anything that makes sense.

>> No.15092403

>go re read my initial post
Your initial post doesn't say anything about any real environmenta problem, only some vague pilpul about AGW.

>> No.15093017

Global warming is real but the allies bombed the two basedmen who could have prevent it.

>> No.15093905

>i come to 4chan.org to defend CNN from criticism
so musk canned you and kicked you out of twitter HQ and now you've been reassigned to 4chan. how does the cafeteria here compare to the deluxe spread twitter used to feed you?

>> No.15093931


>> No.15093935

wait nevermind, it was just Al Gore's private jet.

>> No.15093972

The real question is why are you attacking them

>> No.15094028

>Changing the subject when caught in a lie.
Many such cases. If global warming is fake or if CNN actually did something wrong, then one should be able to show this without lies and manipulation.

>> No.15094032

all i want to know is whats for lunch in the cafeteria at 4chan hq

>> No.15094316

High CO2 levels (for example if you're in a poorly ventilated room) impair mental capacity

>> No.15094326

I’m looking out of my window right now and the weather is exactly as expected. This fact cancels out your picture of an “odd” snowstorm

>> No.15094740

I went for a walk in a T-shirt yesterday. At a time of the year when I used to build snowmen.

>> No.15094764

I know English might not be your native language, but it doesn't say that nations could be wiped out by 2000, it says that this could happen if global warming is not reversed by 2000.

>> No.15094766
File: 80 KB, 618x463, 3523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was global warming reversed by 2000?

>> No.15094779
File: 227 KB, 1550x1550, greg t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15094817

The fact that we have likely surpassed peak oil and that there is a trend globally of population decline leads me to believe that the effects discussion of global warming is filled with hyperbole.

>> No.15094821

No. Also, these island nations are still predicted to vanish from the surface of the earth.

>> No.15094825

How many nations have vanished since 2000?

>> No.15094828

None, but how is this related to OP's image? It doesn't say "will vanish by 2023"

>> No.15094850

>It doesn't say "will vanish by 2023"
So when is the climate apocalypse coming? All your programmers ever say is that if we don't reverse climate change by current year + 20, bad things will happen at some unspecified time in the future. LOL. I hope you know what happens to fascist agitators like you when they lose control over the narrative.

>> No.15094855


>> No.15094871
File: 26 KB, 700x351, F81F0D5B-E9BC-4173-A7D6-D2296F21F332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So when is the climate apocalypse coming?
It's happening already. Also, islands don't sink like ships, they become uninhabitable when you get regular flooding with ocean water that ruins your fields and you can't grow crops any more.

>> No.15094874

>It's happening already
How many nations have vanished?

>> No.15094953


>> No.15095046

List all the nations that have vanished beneath the sea thanks to global warming.

>> No.15095287

Tuvalu is sinking, severe heat waves are rapidly increasing in frequency and severity in nominally temperate climates, weather events aregenerally becoming less stable and more intense, and global average temperature is rising to a measurable degree (pun not intended) year by year. If you can't see the knife coming, you won't have time to react once your throat is already slit.

>> No.15095369

The CO2 levels in a poorly ventilated room are 10-100x higher than the average present in the open atmosphere. There's not enough accessible carbon in the entire earth to make the atmosphere that CO2-rich.

>> No.15095377

>Tuvalu is sinking
It's an atoll you ape. It's eroding. That has nothing to do with muh CO2, it's been eroding for the last million years.

>> No.15095385

Is global warming and rising sea levels a code for nonwhites?

>> No.15095386

>If you can't see the knife coming, you won't have time to react once your throat is already slit.
Exactly. It's convenient that you can't tell where the wind is blowing with regard to the general population's attitudes towards your belief system. You won't see it coming when someone breaks both your kneecaps for the shit you spout online.

>> No.15095436

it's just a doom scene to move agenda
t. a smart guy

>> No.15095766

It's not fake, it's happening but the world isn't going to explode or anything like that, we'll probably see more droughts which could start wars especially in third and second world countries, moreover africa is going to become more uninhabitable and we're gonna see more migrants.

>> No.15095767


>> No.15095785
File: 32 KB, 600x429, China Shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming proven fake again
Since it has never been even close to be proven real, there is no need to prove it fake.

It's just another China-Communist bullshit thing. Hurt western economies, while China continues to gain wealth and power, and pollutes more than all other countries in the world combined.

>> No.15095789
File: 97 KB, 500x375, rph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean millions of years ago, before humans even existed?
Humans are an abberation.

We are too weak to live without drastically altering our environment.

Humans will be extinct in a few thousand years when the oil and gas run out.

Most climate change idiots, such as yourself, are like the picrel. Humans are not special.

>> No.15095790

>I went for a walk
yeah sure you did fatso. across your basement room.

>> No.15095791

>island nations are still predicted to vanish from the surface of the earth.
Islands don't "vanish" retard, they either rise above sea level due to geology, or erode below it, due to weathering.
"Nations" are just leftist political bullshit.

>> No.15095793

Not enough.
Good. Any shithole with a stupid name like that deserves to sink into the shithole it created.

>> No.15095796

Rate of change you fucking retard. You got Bogo in the other thread so you had to make another strawman one

>> No.15095798
File: 93 KB, 282x400, F4513ED4-9E3F-4988-8784-1F9966954A25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts some sign in a park instead of data and evidence

>> No.15095799

Global warming? More like global faking, hehe.

>> No.15095812

legally not allowed to show his film in some places without a disclaimer correcting at least 22 outright lies stated in his film.

says a lot

>> No.15095821

why are all the covid claims listed as correct?

>> No.15095824
File: 264 KB, 1600x1050, continentalpopulationprojection (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a trend globally of population decline

>> No.15095838

you need meds

>> No.15095844

Al Gore's film literally needs a legal disclaimer in some places due to inaccuracies. What's your point?

>> No.15095849

very cool meds now

>> No.15095851
File: 75 KB, 550x600, sharpenedteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are too weak to live without drastically altering our environment.
We had succesful hunter gatherer societies in almost every environment with minimal alterations. The reason they failed is not environmental pressure but civilized societies outcompeting them.

>> No.15095852

it's just a troll, don't feed them and they eventually go away

>> No.15096140

>civilized societies
Have never existed. Humans are incapable.

>> No.15096151


>> No.15096270

>Humans are an abberation.
An aberration to whom? The Earth doesn't care one way or another, only humans do.

>> No.15096277

Sea level doesn't change due to thermal expansion and land ice melting because...?

>> No.15097871

it looks like 3 are correct, 1 is failed, and 1 is awaited. But the 3 correct ones are pretty much the same prediction

>> No.15097875


>> No.15098289

person who made that pic doesn't know how to read and also doesn't know how to take a screenshot. Sub 80 IQ

>> No.15098350
File: 44 KB, 444x640, Global warming hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sea level doesn't change due to thermal expansion and land ice melting because...?
Not enough ice to matter. Melt what little is left, which won't happen, and it only raises sea levels by 3 inches.

>> No.15098695

Tonga is losing quite a lot of land due to rising sea levels.

>> No.15098722

Do you know what an atoll is?

>> No.15098738

>Tonga is losing quite a lot of land due to rising sea levels.
No they are not. Sea Level is the SAME all over the globe, with slight tidal fluctuations due to lunar activity.

If Tonga were being engulfed by the sea, then there would also be sea level rise in this picrel anon posted.>>15098350

>> No.15098752
File: 258 KB, 960x722, 063044D1-4B8A-42EB-80DE-DAA16D127380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know we've been wrong about every doom-&-gloom prediction we've made for the past 120 years but trust us you gotta give up all your luxuries & give all your money to Africans!

I unironically hate climatards more than almost any group in society based solely on how much damage they have actively caused to the economy of the 1st world. The climate will always be changing, it's never been static. Especially after the GISP2 & Antartica Ice Core analyses (pic related) I have no clue why these faggots continue to shill their fearmongering horseshit. Al Gore & all his cronies are WRONG. Any excuses to why Florida, Vanuatu, Palau, or Kiribati aren't literally underwater right now is pure climatard cope.

>> No.15098816

>No they are not.
They are. Residents of the smaller islands have anyway had to relocate to the largest island. Why are you lying?

>Sea Level is the SAME all over the globe
No, it's an average of different sea levels. And this doesn't even respond to what you're replying to, since sea level increasing doesn't even imply it's different all over the globe. Are you mentally disabled?

>If Tonga were being engulfed by the sea, then there would also be sea level rise in this picrel anon posted.>>15098350 #
It's hard to tell if you're trolling or actually this stupid, but sea level rise is not the same everywhere, and two pictures tells you nothing about sea level change since they could be at completely different tides.

>> No.15098824
File: 38 KB, 751x484, d41586-021-03011-6_19856670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I know we've been wrong about every doom-&-gloom prediction we've made for the past 120 years

>I unironically hate climatards more than almost any group in society based solely on how much damage they have actively caused to the economy of the 1st world.
Why are you pretending to care about the economy when you want to subject it to unmitigated global warming? You want to hurt the economy.

>The climate will always be changing, it's never been static.
Who said anything to the contrary? The issue is not whether it changes but how fast it changes.

>Especially after the GISP2 & Antartica Ice Core analyses
What about them? inb4 you confuse Greenland and Antarctica with the entire globe.

>(pic related)
Fake graph. There's no HadCRUT data for the GISP2 site. Calling it "Central Greenland temperature" is a lie.

No one cares.

>Any excuses to why Florida, Vanuatu, Palau, or Kiribati aren't literally underwater right now
Who said they would be?

>> No.15098924 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 1079x1800, nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: nature
a political propaganda outlet

>> No.15099069
File: 47 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nature was right again
>therefore Nature is propaganda
>therefore I can ignore data published in Nature
Deniertard cope. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15099209

We definitely need more poison in the atmosphere

>> No.15099335
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strawmen are beyond proving.

>> No.15099347
File: 646 KB, 636x759, 55FC87AC-8901-4AB6-9D11-C348DEA41806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fake graph. There's no HadCRUT data for the GISP2 site. Calling it "Central Greenland temperature" is a lie.

Sources or you're utterly full of shit. Also you completely failed to address the rest of my post like the slimy mass reply kike you are.

>> No.15099351

stop making these threads if you are just going to repost obvious shit. everyone knows climate alarmism is fake. nobody trusts scientists or 'experts' after the covid fiasco.

>> No.15099633
File: 111 KB, 716x1024, burp'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15099720
File: 80 KB, 313x301, 0741A298-B462-4A7E-A554-E75071600F03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that badly shopped graph
Is this the killer evidence from deniers?

>> No.15099974


>Also you completely failed to address the rest of my post like the slimy mass reply kike you are.
LOL, you're delusional. I responded to every part of your post, and you failed to respond. It's impossible to tell if you're actually this retarded or pretending to be. Can you clarify?

>> No.15099980

why didn't they just eat bugs?

>> No.15099982

Not everyone shares your fetishes.

>> No.15099988

>global warming is fake
>well ok maybe sea levels are rising but no nations have sunk yet
>well that one place deserved it anyway
kill yourself.

>> No.15099993

see >>15099980
if tongaians didn't want to get climate changed they should have just lived in the straw pod and eaten the bugs

>> No.15100004

>i don't understand tides

>> No.15100025

water a liquid know for never evaporating the entire year over and no relation to rain

>> No.15100040

correct, you don't understand tides. if the lower image were taken at low tide then there would be a sea wall in the picture to prevent the island being swamped at high tide. nice of you to be so open and honest about your ignorance and lack of perception.

>> No.15100051


>> No.15100058

>if the lower image were taken at low tide
Where did he say it was taken at low tide? Why are deniers so illiterate?

>> No.15100446
File: 106 KB, 790x248, global warming being fake again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15100482

>Picture taken near Björköby, region subject to post-glacial rebound
>The source of the image is literally a thesis "Modeling the land uplifting in Björköby"
Yeah, yet another denialist posting pictures out of context.

>> No.15100607

Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in

>> No.15100617


>> No.15101268
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15101716

>It's hard to tell if you're trolling or actually this stupid, but sea level rise is not the same everywhere, and two pictures tells you nothing about sea level change since they could be at completely different tides.
>but sea level rise is not the same everywhere
>pictures tells you nothing

Have they fabricated "dark change" yet?

>> No.15101749

Of you don’t know about basic shit like tectonic uplift

>> No.15101800

you've been banned for spam advertising that link dozens of times, but you always come back to spam it again anyway. how hard is it for you to figure out that you're unwelcome and unwanted here?

>> No.15101879
File: 375 KB, 730x454, 080318_KD_sea-level-rise_inline_730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually going to respond to what I said or just attempt to deflect from your own retardation?

>> No.15101990


Almost there.

>BREAKING: Scientists Have Just Announced Dark Sea Level Change
>What do COVID deaths, transgender suicides, and gentrification have in common? A lot, according to The Science. Simply because reality does not abide by the squiggly line is no reason to disregard the squiggly line, The Scientists warn. The new Dark Change might have allowed the sea to engulf New York as early as the year 2000, even earlier. Fascist far-right conspiracy theories about breathing air will only...

>> No.15102004

So it's the latter

>> No.15102145

what is this supposed to be showing

>> No.15102203

kek they really do sound like this.

>> No.15102537

OP's picture has been baked until golden brown

>> No.15103069
File: 78 KB, 828x909, science trusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs are for only the rich 1%'s favored pets now. You will eat the slop instead.

>> No.15103072

The fake news media strikes again.

>> No.15103073

Looks like she has a big dick snaking its way up her ass.
Or else constipated from all that expensive caviar and cheese she eats.

>> No.15103077
File: 287 KB, 1158x803, gfdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millimeters! oh my KEK! Whatever shall we do??

>> No.15103097

schizophrenia is a terrible disease

>> No.15103130
File: 34 KB, 600x800, political religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not called the Climate Cult for nothing.

>> No.15103310
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15103327

You're arguing with a woke bot post, lol.

>> No.15104093


>> No.15104234

Retards will cry about global warming and then fight against building nuclear plants.

>> No.15104237

>The fact that we have likely surpassed peak oil

>> No.15104439
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15104451

>Entire nations wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels

You don't understand this is what's going to happen

>> No.15105088

>>Entire nations wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels
I just had an orgasm at the thought of that.
Tell us more! There are over 200 nations and nation states. Imma coooooom everywhere!

>> No.15105091

Because it's not about the climate, it is about the control over the populace.

Fear creates obedience. Typical bully tactics.

>> No.15105099

Interesting. Once again Alex Jones was right.
I kek'd at the part asking for your email to vote in their stupid little poll. Some zoomers would be dumb enough to do it.

>> No.15105672
File: 887 KB, 1711x2048, firely halo of truth and justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15105887

Global warming caused the agricultural revolution, agriculture causes civilization, civilization causes industrialization, industrialization causes global warming.

>> No.15105954

>Scientific journalism misrepresentation disproves climate change
Jesus Christ.

>> No.15106032

eat these bugs and send all gold to Israel to stop global warming

>> No.15106040

Daily reminder that a whole bunch of those retards they've recruited post on 4chan and you can see them operate on this board every day. If you wonder why it's always the same handful of posters defending every CIA narrative under the sun, and why they're so formulaic in their responses, there's your answer. Being a shill is a hobby now.

>> No.15106044
File: 702 KB, 640x975, 1671462643736358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your AGW apocalypse fairytale is a real and serious threat, why do journos have to constantly "misrepresent" it? Why did they have to make a whole industry of propagandizing it? Couldn't they just show us the plain truth to scare us into compliance with their carbon tax/climate lockdown/green ghetto schemes? I'm not a climate expert, but when pathological liars and chronic scammers work around the clock to convince me of something, it's safe to assume the thing they're promoting is a lie. No further """science""" needed.

>> No.15106056

>Global warming caused the agricultural revolution

>> No.15106067

>If your AGW apocalypse fairytale is a real and serious threat, why do journos have to constantly "misrepresent" it?
They don't "have to," most journalists are too stupid and too lazy to report scientific findings correctly. But why did you post a screenshot of accurate reporting of that's your point? Maybe you're also too stupid and lazy to know what's accurate and what isn't.

>I'm not a climate expert, but when pathological liars and chronic scammers work around the clock to convince me of something, it's safe to assume the thing they're promoting is a lie.
An accurate description of AGW denial.

>> No.15106069

See >>15106040

>> No.15106076

>heckin' climate blasphemers!!
modern bible thumper

>> No.15106202
File: 77 KB, 645x729, y2uNb2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spams the same retarded denier memes in every thread and gets same responses
>see this proves the conspiracy!!!1

>> No.15106207

What an idiot, I bet he believes the Earth is round and evolution is real too. What a dumb cultist!

>> No.15106211

blasphemy accusations are in vogue again, huh? modern bible thumpers

>> No.15106329
File: 100 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets caught lying
>b-blasphemy accusations!!!1

>> No.15106332

i have no idea what the voices lied to you about. i'm just saying maybe you should stop accusing people of blasphemy if you want to look rational

>> No.15106347

Where did I accuse anyone of blasphemy? Take your meds.

>> No.15106353

"denialist" is just your cult's version of "blasphemer". same pattern of usage, same connotations, same thinly-veiled moral outrage

>> No.15106358

What cult? Scientific facts you don't like are not a religion, retard. What exactly separates your from creationists and flat earthers is this is your only argument?

>> No.15106437

>What exactly separates your from creationists
so you don't believe in big bang creationism even though all the scientific evidence points to it? why not? do you have a better theory? do you believe in darwinian evolution?

>> No.15106444

see >>15106353
whether your cult's narrative is a "fact" or not isn't even relevant in this context. your behavior is cult-like

>> No.15106453

>so you don't believe in big bang creationism
What is big bang creationism?

>do you believe in darwinian evolution?
What is darwinian evolution?

>> No.15106455

See >>15106358

>your behavior is cult-like

>> No.15106466

something about the trance you seem to enter into where you repeatedly chant "proof"/"source"/"how" etc. lol

>> No.15106469

Refusing to explain and prove your beliefs is much more cult-like than asking questions.

>> No.15106472

>Refusing to explain
i did explain but you're just looping your script. that's okay. i wasn't actually talking to you

>> No.15106508
File: 584 KB, 1108x2048, 23481429_XXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro it's not happening, trust the right wing grifters i'm subscribing and financing!

>> No.15106535

>i did explain

>> No.15107834
File: 60 KB, 1080x594, US Elections and Climate Change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15108936
File: 115 KB, 1080x1316, counting is hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think they send death threats over global temperature averages too?

>> No.15109649

probably. Socialism is a cult.

>> No.15110054
File: 58 KB, 461x342, 1673217898856710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not all thats fake

>> No.15110232

Nice cherrypicked location.

>> No.15110528

Tell me something I don't know

>> No.15110552
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>> No.15110560
File: 147 KB, 800x789, 23523433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? It's literally nothing. It wasn't real science, the models it was based on weren't real models, and the people who put it up weren't real experts. You chuds constantly try to present random amateurs and journalists and politicians and fake scientists and fake experts as if they have anything relevant to say about Global War... I mean Cimate Cha... I mean Dangerous Weather Variability.

>> No.15111344
File: 425 KB, 1648x1372, 1575698538794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15111684

>Global War... I mean Cimate Cha...
It's adopting the George Dubya Bush newspeak. Good job.

>> No.15111733 [DELETED] 

>George Dubya Bush newspeak.
I once had a climate cultist argue that it wasn't newspeak, it was actually the Official Scientismic way to say it all along and nobody used the phrase Global Warming.

>> No.15112549
File: 160 KB, 1072x1295, 1HlcL0mikruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]