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File: 400 KB, 914x830, whatsnextformrnavaccines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15102960 No.15102960 [Reply] [Original]

Ooops, wrong board.

>> No.15102975

Oh boy! Moar booooosters! Yippie. As long as I get a "I got vaccinated" sticker so I can lord it over the unclean!

>> No.15102988

Wow, such a sucess. It's not like Haiti, one of the least vaccinard countries in the world, was and is doing just fine without any covid clotshots, or it's not like New Zealand doesn't exist (locked down and only opened up everything after the majority was vaxxed)

Oh I know, let's ignore the fact that vaxxtards are already at the fifth dose of that so helpful clotshot (and there's an annual clotshot coming through)

It's amazing how the schizos were right all along

Gene editing therapy to "cure cancer" when actually the clotshot caused the cancer and they're just fucking you up even more with the "treatment"

>> No.15102994
File: 39 KB, 720x720, xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gene editing therapy to "cure cancer" when actually the clotshot caused the cancer and they're just fucking you up even more with the "treatment"
feature? bug?

>> No.15103005
File: 137 KB, 1944x1764, dr-chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Chud, you're a white nigger. Your mistake was taking your /pol/ LARPs/happenings to the real world. Never do that. The only way to survive falling for cheesy insider LARPs and 6,000 dud happenings is to remain anonymous. Anonymity is your lifeblood.
You're now in a situation in which billions of people are vaxed, including some of your friends and family. You feel so intellectually small around them. They have a mocking squint in their eyes. They make fun of you behind your back. They think you're a mouth-breathing kook who fell for Internet hysteria. All you have now is your /pol/nigger coddle bubble with others like you, giving you an inflated sense of importance.
It was never about the vaxes per se with you anyway, was it? It's been about your Christcuck antipathy to all things science and your anger that Trump was removed in the 2020 election. You have so much intellectual insecurity with the left calling you dumb all your life, and having Trump the "genius" in office allowed you to compensate intellectually with fantasies about grand 4D-chess plans and checkmating of the libs. Now it's all gone, and you're stewing in the juices of your impotent rage as the white-nigger anti-vaxer, miserably trying to get attention from a population that could take 150 boosters without sparing you a single thought, without giving a single shit about you.

>> No.15103014

>You're now in a situation in which billions of people are vaxed
>he actually believes the government numbers
>the same governments that were offering lottery prizes and donuts to bribe people

>> No.15103027

Get back to your Bitchute numbers to crack the grand mysteries. We're rooting for you, bro.

>> No.15103044

>Bitchute numbers
You mean actual scientific studies?

>> No.15103050

Practically everyone I know has been vaxxed. I have family and friends down south, and the majority of people I know there are vaxxed as well.

>> No.15103063

Have you seen them getting the shot?

>> No.15103071

Its obvious that every single person is lying to him and didn't actually get the shot. You know....just because.

>> No.15103075

>What are the political implications for the success of the mRNA vaccines?
A massive increase in the number of unrelated coincidences

>> No.15103087

>Practically everyone I know has been vaxxed.
Yeah, you sound like a real social butterfly. So your hooker mom and the court appointed psychiatrist you hit on. Anyone we overlooked?

>> No.15103132
File: 148 KB, 1100x675, Coincidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unrelated coincidences

>> No.15103137

Kek. You're trying too hard. I'm a different anon in the USA, 90% of the people I know chose to get vaccinated (or at least they stated so). I have no reason not to believe them because the ones that chose to remain unvaccinated, including myself, are quite open about it. It could certainly be different down south or in the inner cities, but there's large swaths of highly vaccinated populations.

>> No.15103140

>can't follow a thread of conversation without losing focus because he's an 80-IQ NPC
Okay, fine, show us the scientific studies contradicting the government numbers on number of people vaxed.

>> No.15103149
File: 121 KB, 1480x1622, SouthKoreaComparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the political implications of elite schools destroying their own reputations?

>> No.15103192

>extremely low death rate
how is that not a complete success??

>> No.15103197

It was extremely low prior to the vaccines, so I guess the secret to low death rates is being unvaccinated.

>> No.15103203

they were also extremely low prior to covid, guess the secret is to not get covid. second best would be to get covid after getting vaccinated, as proven by comparison you posted for the twelfth time

>> No.15103303
File: 47 KB, 753x569, 2023-01-06ourworldindata.org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you show daily covid cases graph and see that it perfectly coincides with your death graph.
if it was the vaccine there would be no spikes brainiac

>> No.15104731

>More covid deaths after mass vaccination than before

By the way, the 'low death rate' is perfectly in-line with South Koreas lower obesity rate. You are bad at science. Leave.

>An outbreak immediately following mass vaccination means vaccines worked

You should kill yourself to live longer.

>> No.15104769

you're literally retarded

>> No.15104796

>they were also extremely low prior to covid, guess the secret is to not get covid
Why do you say that? They were getting covid prior to the vaccines, they just weren't dying from it. The death rates only went up after vaccination.

>> No.15104803

>what were the lockdowns
makes sense mate, not much athletes dropped dead during the events THAT NEVER HAPPENED

>> No.15104805 [DELETED] 

South Korea had a pretty lax approach to covid.

>> No.15104813

sure, we can check that easily by looking at the graph showing number of infected

>> No.15104901

if it was a real 'vaccine' there wouldn't be any spikes on either chart, dumbass.

>> No.15104903

>no money in dead people
what do you call funeral parlors, idiot?

>> No.15104918

If it were absolutely safe against the heckin greatest disease humanity ever faced then why don't we have at least 1 mRNA vaccine for babies?
American babies receive like 20 vaccines, right?
Rushed, untested, cheap tech that requires less space than common vaccines and it's been in development for years

>> No.15104925
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, 4F42C6A9-C619-4C18-8B6D-809CC362423A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they stick enough of this shit in everything they can get their hands on for whatever reason they can think of then yeah, they're going to be sickeningly wealthy


>> No.15105101

Since everything you say is the opposite of reality, that's quite a compliment.

>> No.15105104

yes, reality only you live in

>> No.15105112

>Outbreaks of covid following 80% vaccination mean the vaccines worked

You won't address this, because you can't.

>> No.15105129
File: 43 KB, 465x318, igjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no money in dead people
>what do you call funeral parlors, idiot?
The worst way to make money off humans.

Dead humans only make around 10K for people.

Just one sick patient can make a hospital more than 100K in just one week.

A chronically sick person can make the medical industrial complex MILLIONS of dollars over their lifetime.

So now don't you feel stupid for not even thinking of that? LMAO!

>> No.15105133
File: 127 KB, 750x825, increase use vaccines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the works. Tons of money in "mandatory" "mandated" jabs today.

>> No.15105136
File: 152 KB, 1010x1298, bad vax stats suppressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15105139

>90% of the people I know chose to get vaccinated
yeah, they "chose" to take the jab so they wouldn't "choose" to lose their job, their house, their vehicles, be homeless.

I guess slaves "chose" to be slaves so they wouldn't have to face being on their own, having to find their own food, make their own shelter, find their own jobs.

>> No.15105160
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1583360587432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's an outbreak, retard, then why doesn't it continue to "outbreak" as people continue to get vaccinated. you can check vaccination graph and see there's no correlation.

you chose however to ignore the fact that the strict lockdowns ended when vaccination started and people started returning to their life. everywhere the number of infected spikes, and that graph correlates with deaths, as all covid graphs do.

>> No.15105165

>oh no, the dreaded professor screenshot, the foremost authority of facebook

>> No.15105186
File: 80 KB, 732x828, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15105195


>> No.15105257

>yeah, they "chose" to take the jab so they wouldn't "choose" to lose their job, their house, their vehicles, be homeless.
Well okay. you can say they were coerced, although they majority of the vaccinated I know were very pro-vaccine. Some of them would have definitely opted out if their jobs weren't threatened. Regardless, the point stands that the majority are vaccinated and I have no reason to believe otherwise. Fortunately many have chosen to avoid the boosters.

>> No.15105265

>then why doesn't it continue to "outbreak" as people continue to get vaccinated.
Because they've developed immunity due to there being an "outbreak"? Outbreaks only happen when a large enough portion of the population is vulnerable.

if it's an outbreak, retard, then why doesn't it continue to "outbreak" as people continue to get vaccinated. you can check vaccination graph and see there's no correlation.

>you chose however to ignore the fact that the strict lockdowns ended when vaccination started
S. Korea didn't have major lockdowns, people continued working and going to school.


>> No.15105274

>if it's an outbreak, retard, then why doesn't it continue to "outbreak" as people continue to get vaccinated

You can only vaccinate 80% of the population once...

If the vaccines are effective, why is the only outbreak after herd immunity is achieved?

Thanks for bumping the thread.

>everywhere the number of infected spikes, and that graph correlates with deaths, as all covid graphs do.

A=A. You're not stating anything meaningful. Nobody questioned that infections and deaths track. The question is why deaths spike after mass vaccination, and how that can possibly be interpreted as the vaccines working?

>> No.15105284

>and how that can possibly be interpreted as the vaccines working?
Depends on what the true intent of the vaccine is...

>> No.15105312

the low death rate is perfectly in line with getting vaccinated

>> No.15105313

death rate went up with cases

>> No.15105332

Because of omicron. Measures that were effective at preventing previous variants were no longer sufficient at preventing transmission. Cases all around the world regardless of vaccination rates spiked when countries got omicron.

The real question is, why is the death rate so incredibly low following vaccination?

>> No.15105336

>The real question is, why is the death rate so incredibly low following vaccination?
Is it? >>15102152

>> No.15105337

yeah. check out this proof that was posted: >>15103303

>> No.15105339

So why does the risk drastically increase in a dose-response relationship for each vaccine dose taken?

>> No.15105340

it doesn't

>> No.15105341 [DELETED] 

Why did you lie? >15102152

>> No.15105342

See: >>15102152
Why did you lie?

>> No.15105367

>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19
Why do you lie? LOL

>> No.15105370

>the low death rate is perfectly in line with getting vaccinated

>Vaccinations go up and so do deaths

You fail.

>why is the death rate so incredibly low following vaccination?

You mean 1000x higher than prior to vaccination.

You really should have your hands cutoff.

>> No.15105371

They were never put through phase 3 clinical trials so that conclusion cannot be made from any reliable data. Why did you lie?

>> No.15105373

you posted it, not me

>> No.15105375

So you admit you lied. Thank you for conceding.

>> No.15105376
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, excessdeathsbeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread proves the mRna vaccines cause brain damage.

All the responses in this thread defending the vaccine demonstrate interpreting data exactly opposite to reality.

>> No.15105377

>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19
it's hilarious how antivaxxers are now just straight up posting evidence of vaccine effectiveness, first South Korea data, and now preprint studies.

>> No.15105379

So you have no answer for the data showing that all prior mRNA vaccines have caused increases in death and serious illness? Just asking to make sure.

>> No.15105380

>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19
it is literally copy and pasted from the study you posted. that is the conclusion they made.

>> No.15105382

You didn't answer my question. Do you just not have a prepared response for it? I can wait for you to confer with your handlers if you'd like.

>> No.15105387

a response to what? you posted a study, I read the abstract and posted their conclusions.
>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19
>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19
do you disagree with them now? you picked this study to shill, not me.

>> No.15105396

Did you read their data? The chart is quite clear about the dangers of mRNA vaccination.

>> No.15105398

Why would I when you clearly didn't?
>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19
>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19

>> No.15105402

That doesn't appear to be relevant to their data. Why did you lie?

>> No.15105404

>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19
>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19
message them if you think they made a mistake.

>> No.15105405

>Risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
Why did you lie?

>> No.15105409

>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19

>> No.15105412

I caught you in a lie and this is the best you can do? I know that you and your handlers are afraid of the blowback your actions have caused, but that's no reason to resort to tactics this ineffective. You can do better than brazen lying.

>> No.15105417

>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19
>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19
my view was that vaccines were effective, and now you have posted proof to support it. why did you lie? if you think they are not effective, why did you post a study concluding they were?

>> No.15105419

>my view was that vaccines were effective
>Risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
The study clearly shows that risk increases per vaccination. So just so we're clear, your contention is that only the bivalent booster is effective, and that all other vaccinations caused harm?

>> No.15105421

Alright people I need a quick response because I have two days to get vaxxed or fired by my employer. I can't go back to being homeless I almost died last time. Is the novavax safer the mrna ones? I really don't care if its effective or not it I just want the piece of paper.

>> No.15105426

>In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19
>Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19
I think I'm going to go ahead and trust the science.

>> No.15105428

The science says that all prior vaccinations caused their recipients to be in more danger from covid than the unvaccinated. That's settled. By agreeing with those words about the bivalent booster you also must therefore agree that the previous shots caused harm.

Thank you for finally conceding.

>> No.15105429

That's the Bill Gates vaccine. Do you seriously trust Bill Gates?

>> No.15105430

No but is the novavax gunna give me hyperaids too?

>> No.15105431

It provokes the same malformed immune response, so maybe. It just might not also give you a heart attack as often, maybe.

>> No.15105435


It's been a running theme that studies will have their 'conclusion' reach the opposite of what the data says.

Just like you have done this entire thread in saying that the worst outbreak of Covid19 deaths in South Korea following mass vaccination is evidence of the vaccine's effectiveness.

You ignore the data and lie. It's that simple. That's why you should be murdered.

>> No.15105436

Science says the booster works, just as it says the vaccine works in general. If you want to deny reality and cherrypick pre print graphs that say 3 dose 65 year old obese workers are more at risk than 2 dose 20 year old workers, go right ahead.

>> No.15105438

You mean the incredibly mild outbreak with a tiny death rate?
You are going straight to hell, redditspacer.

>> No.15105439

>Science says the booster works, just as it says the vaccine works in general.
And yet it doesn't, as the actual real-world data shows. But I understand you're not willing to listen to reason so I wish you good luck with your bivalent booster, and the trivalent booster subsequent.

>> No.15105441

Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15105442

If I had to take one, I would prefer the one that didn't program my brain cells and gonads to make spike proteins.

>> No.15105444


>> No.15105445
File: 128 KB, 1670x983, CovidIFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean the incredibly mild outbreak with a tiny death rate?

That was the entirety of this 'pandemic' you shill.

>> No.15105446

I proved you wrong in >>15105405 this post and you conceded to my argument in >>15105426 this post. This discussion has ended and we're parting amicably with your implicit concession in my hands.

>> No.15105449

irrelevant. relative

>> No.15105451

it is a bot. same replies all the time. report it.

>> No.15105453

Sounds like you are conceding? Thanks.

>> No.15105455

>I have two days to get vaxxed or fired by my employer
You cannot be fired for not getting a "vaccine". Are laws against it now.
Lawsuit if they do it.
Get rich.

>> No.15105543

Cases went up with vaccination. S. Korea did not rely on heavy lock downs, people were getting exposed and either remained asymptomatic or avoided infection.

>> No.15105547

>S. Korea did not rely on heavy lock downs
yeah they did. they were starting allowing kids back in schools but the outbreak stopped it.

>> No.15105560

It was nothing like in many Western countries, which imposed heavier lock downs with little success.

>“Under the three principles, we allowed everybody to know what was going on. That’s the transparency. We respected people’s volunteerism when it came to quarantine; that would be democracy. And then the openness was allowing people to travel without any lockdown,” he said. “This was how we were able to manage COVID -19.”

>Because of the quick containment, Korea never experienced a lockdown like other nations and was still able to host large events, he said.

>But unlike many other countries, neither Japan nor South Korea imposed a full lockdown and have been trying to coexist with the virus all along.

>> No.15105563

In practice it wasn't really the case. Schools were closed but people did whatever they wanted to outside of that.

>> No.15105573

people in korea and japan wear a mask for a common cold. they may have had less strict legal lockdowns than places like China, but in practice, they still took it seriously with things like contact tracing, masks, no schools, conformity and shame, travel restrictions. this worked with delta as it did in other places like New Zealand and Australia, but it didn't with omicron.

>> No.15105576

Look, just stop it. We've done this song and dance before. No amount of goalpost movement can save you from the inevitable conclusion.

>> No.15105583

you're the ones who keep making the threads. what goalpost? there were unvaccinated countries with many cases, unvaccinated countries with little cases, vaccinated countries with many cases, vaccinated countries with little cases. then omicron hit and no country was able to contain it. very simple.

>> No.15105585

>what goalpost?
>yeah they did. they were starting allowing kids back in schools but the outbreak stopped it.
>they may have had less strict legal lockdowns than places like China

>> No.15105590

closing every single school isn't a heavy lockdown?
also, did the China virus cause spread in China?

>> No.15105593


>> No.15105596

>closing every single school isn't a heavy lockdown?
No not really. Especially since bars and other venues were left open and people were allowed to mingle socially. Korea took the Swedish Model, aka the standard response to any unknown but low-risk viral outbreak.

Then suddenly after many months of circulation without deaths, suddenly people become vaxed and deaths spike. Why? At minimum this means it was not effective. It heavily implies that it was also not safe.

>> No.15105602
File: 45 KB, 708x448, 1644250141549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then suddenly after many months of circulation

>> No.15105604

You would have me believe that there were zero cases of the coronavirus in all of South Korea until mid-2021? Come on now. Do better.

>> No.15105606

big number make little number look small

>> No.15105608

Late 2021*
Anyway it's obvious that you've picked the one graph which agrees with you (through manipulating the size of the metrics to eliminate cases prior to the vaccination campaign).

>> No.15105609

Yes this is the type of base graphing fraud you intend to use to present your argument as factual when it is false. You can do better than that. I know you're capable of it.

>> No.15105612

>You have so much intellectual insecurity with the left calling you dumb all your life, and having Trump the "genius" in office allowed you to compensate intellectually with fantasies about grand 4D-chess plans and checkmating of the libs.
Copypasta aside, this is unironically an astute perception on one of my pet peeves as a conservative. It's either intellectual insecurity or a humiliation fetish that drives so many conservatives to prop up these elaborate, overly complicated "plans" while the left runs roughshod over conservatives every day in the here and now. Trump was just weak and didn't know how to use his executive powers.

>> No.15105624

i don't understand your point. people were catching covid and dying in a worse ratio before vaccines in Korea, it's just that transmission was tempered.

>> No.15105628

the way everyone counted covid in the early stages is so messed up.


>> No.15105638

i'm sure it was, but i'm not reading that. if it says something about changes in South Korea numbers, post it.

>> No.15105662

I'm not the Anon you were talking with, just know you are a pigheaded moron.

>> No.15105671
File: 3.56 MB, 1000x1400, mymy stroopwaffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also lean right and also hate chuds

>> No.15107185

Yes, but you ignore all the other factors like worse general health, and ascribe it solely to a vaccine that you yourself admit doesn't protect against a variant 9 months later.

Checkmate. You got owned, moron.

>> No.15107189

The fact that the poster you replied to doesn't even understand graph scaling proves that only the most stupid of people still supports the vaccines.

>> No.15107198

theres more money to be made off government kickbacks than there is waging war off an insurance company, also more people are being born and birth is hella expensive

trust me I live in a smaller town outside of a big city and our largest wealthiest local company is the funeral home, people pay out the ass for funerals and then also acting as a morgue means they can do human organ harvesting on the side for any bodies that show up without a family to funeralize it

>> No.15107515

>people were catching covid and dying in a worse ratio before vaccines in Korea
That's only true if you truly believe there were almost no cases prior to 2022 despite almost no restrictions on socialization. They practiced a similar model to Sweden, which had many more cases up front. Despite claims, S. Korea had very low test rates for covid. The odds are they missed a large amount of cases that were too minor to bother with.

>> No.15107578

>doing fine

>> No.15107870
File: 261 KB, 1250x1226, A big scammmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15108188

>That's only true if

>> No.15108207

in our facility in Visp Switzerland we're already producing flu and rsv mRNA vaccines for Moderna.
It will be great business for the next 10 years.

>> No.15108245

>Your mistake was taking your /pol/ LARPs/happenings to the real world.
no even remembers what covid is anymore pal. it doesnt matter if you didnt get the fax

>> No.15109029

OP here.
Remember, the first rule of drug manufacture is to never consume your own supply.

>> No.15109032

yeah I can't wait to see what happens when IgG4 levels are pumped up so high on a societal level

>> No.15109115

They're making a "cancer vaccine" too in order to sell you a subscription so your immune system will fight the cancers their other shots cause.

>> No.15109417

Okay, it's not true at all. Agreed?

>> No.15109554
File: 693 KB, 1265x900, wef reseting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15109559

Your death will be fast, dont worry.