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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 728x546, how-to-be-an-anarchist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15103774 No.15103774 [Reply] [Original]

What caused this website's shift in userbase from highly intelligent anarchist types to low iq bottom of the barrel tribalistic chuds?

>> No.15103778

to what tribe do you subscribe?

>> No.15103786

I take no part in social media culture wars, as they are only a diversion for low iq chuds and trannies

>> No.15103794


>> No.15103822

4channel is social media. You're already using the ingroup diction

>> No.15103853

I'm not willing to discuss trivialities with someone who misses the point

>> No.15103856

in 2007 the hacker known as 4chan and an exploding van were on mainstream news, thus drawing in edgey normies
in 2015 we got a ton of election tourists
and since then the chans are "notorious"; a place where you can go to let off steam and be a useless asshole
not to mention more and more people around the world are getting internet access, so we have gobs and gobs of [REDACTED FOR BLUEBOARD] on here now as well

the more people there are in something, the lower the average IQ
if you want high quality you have to gatekeep

>> No.15103860

I understood your point fine. I'm calling you a hypocrite.

>> No.15103911
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It was not guarded against the unwarrented influence of the military industrial complex

many such cases

>> No.15103915

>highly intelligent anarchist types
What's it like being 15 and already using 4chan?

>> No.15103918

What are you talking about you dumb faggot?
You’re gonna sperg when you figure out 4chan hated niggers before even /new/ existed.

>> No.15103921

They call you tribalist because they're cultural marxists who oppose difference entirely

>> No.15103922

I remember when anonymous was cool too. Their diversity and equity measures have turned them into impotent libtards.

>> No.15103940
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>highly intelligent anarchist types
Pic related?
You’ve gatekeeped yourself. Retard

>> No.15104028
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>> No.15104073

This is the most embarrassing thing this website has ever done

>> No.15104074

I'm gay lmao

>> No.15104080
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The stupid stuff took over when I started coming here because the old environment provided a venue for me to showcase my superior education and ideas. The jews make sure to keep me away from such things.

>> No.15104103
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>> No.15104224
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>What caused this website's shift in userbase
Newfags and summerfags.

We use to shout LURKMOAR at them in an attempt at some sort of "naturalization" process but when there's 1000 of them for every oldfag at some point it becomes pointless and everyone stopped doing it.
I've observed this place since 2008. It's reputation has changed over the years and I've noticed as the reputation changes, the people it attracts also changes.

2016's cohort of newfags was particularly interesting tho. I see it as an outlying. It was clearly an "invasion" attempt from some outside force, which has now become an "occupying force" here. As previously stated, once a reputation is established, it'll simply attract more of the same.

>> No.15104257

Looks like you didn't get the responses you wanted to your thread so you're doing it yourself

>> No.15104268

Nta, but
>social media culture wars
>social media
You lack basic reading comprehension skills possibly caused by too much time on tik tok.

>> No.15104271

This is the gayest post I've ever seen on this board

>> No.15104272

4chan isn't a social media.

>> No.15104273

Generations of people come and go over the years.

>> No.15104278

what that anime girl said about communities and laughs and idiots

>> No.15104280

OP's an idiot who set this thread up to fail with low effort wikihow and by insulting the people he wants to ask. Unless creating a troll thread was the entire point of ITT. I'm not a mind reader and can't divine OP's motives but it's entirely possible OP just wanted to pick a fight.

>> No.15104298

newfag thread

>> No.15104582
File: 73 KB, 640x799, E48D0595-4EEB-4F74-A53B-0D891339E023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increased tribalism in society, and a dramatic shift in the beliefs of normies, particularly ruling class normies. I think this website will always be an inverted reflection of whatever beliefs are most socially acceptable.

>> No.15104594

Your perception was shifted and the feminine & anal types that flooded the internet who have never been insulted in their lives, suddenly were online losing their shit when they were called a bad name.

Look at Jordan Peterson and SJW types reacting to trolls, completely out of their element. Those are the kind of people that now fill the internet and demand censorship.

>> No.15104603

Interesting hypothesis. This might suggest the counterintuitive conclusion that unchecked immigration might be harmful to the native population of a society, as they become outnumbered by the outgroup pouring into their spaces and therefore grow unable to upkeep the social mores that they collectively observed hitherto.

Perhaps, then, the experience of having their place (this website) flooded with outsiders and change right before their eyes might have, quite ironically, contributed to said change, adding to effect mentioned in OP, wherefore the archetypal denizen of this website shifted from a seemingly more intelligent anarchist type to one that is more aligned with a low IQ, bottom of the barrel type -- that is, upon the realization that, had they been more tribalistic towards the newcomers, then they would have been more able to preserve the character of their website, they turned upon their initial judgment of tribalism, recognizing its rightful place as a survival mechanism by which a society defends itself from replacement and takeover by invasion, whether hostile or benign.

This might also suggest that we were the chuds all along.

>> No.15104620
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>i hate 4chan.org
why are you here?

>> No.15104675
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to me, an anon since 2004, this is the closest to accurate post, but it’s missing some things. it was understood half-jokingly at the time, but back in the day 4chan had the same first two rules as Fight Club
>do not talk about 4chan
>do NOT talk about 4chan
but since the beginning, different groups of people have broken this rule and talked about 4chan outside of 4chan and brought misery to the website by raising the profile of the site

the first groups that leaked were users from Gaia Online and Ebaum’s World.

the next era were people from 9gag, Newgrounds, and early YouTube.

the era after that was iFunny and Facebook.

around this time, we start to get a glut of phone posters, and then Chanology happens. something moot really tried to tamp down was the way new users would try to utilize 4chan as a raid organizing platform. this is where NYPA (not your personal army) failed for the last time, and raiding effectively became a permanent part of 4chan culture. Chanology was basically a raid irl. because Chanology was such a fun idea to “based reddit atheists”, this is when Reddit and 4chan basically became two webpages with the same userbase, each one obsessed to the point of insanity with each other.

what happens after Chanology is now boards/sub communities on 4chan start raiding each other. this is where you get MLP raids, /v/ raids, this is when /news/ raids were actually kind of hilarious, etc. overall the immediate aftermath of Chanology was probably the most chaotic fun the site has ever been.

then GamerGate happened. this kills the 4chan. moot quits, no more fun allowed, everything anons do here is waging some holy culture crusade on the rest of the internet, etc. basically everything from Trump to Jan 6 to whatever else is just a shitty reboot sequel prequel seaboot of the GamerGate saga. still posting twitter screenshots, still /r9k/fagging, still crying about muh degeneracy 5 min after fapping to shitting dicknipples

>> No.15104765

>This might suggest the counterintuitive conclusion that unchecked immigration might be harmful to the native population of a society
Following up on this: One could actually try to get a way to measure the maximum tolerable immigration rate by looking at the average rate of user assimilation.

That might be an interesting research project provided you have a large enough dataset of posts and their authors.
First you get a list of communities. You calculate their immigration rate and you calculate the average rate of user assimilation by semantically comparing the posts of new people over time to the posts of older ones.
Then you calculate the emigration rate of older users.
Then you basically plot emigration rate of every community by immigration rate and assimilation rate (3d plot) and look for a cutoff.

Of course you would need to account for survivorship bias (the older people staying in a community will like it more there, so those older people that you use for comparing the posts of newer ones already are more like them).

>Perhaps the experience of having their place flooded with outsiders might have contributed to said change
I don't get what you are saying here
Do you mean that older people leaving because of low quality posts is a positive feedback loop?

>> No.15104908
File: 44 KB, 450x350, latest-2497512043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding to this
It's much less of a factor now, but at once point people here were able to police themselves against new users. It was a bit tricky but effective means of outing newfags .... ask them to post memes. Stupid I know, but at the time an archive feature didn't exist and sites like encyclopedia dramatica hadn't catalogued all the funnies so the only way to know a meme was to have seen it in a thread, and the only way to "use a meme properly" was to lurk in threads till you understood their meaning, and their nuances. Some memes were incredibly nuanced for this specific reason and could easily be used wrong. Pic related is a bit on the nose but there it's a meme created from those times that serves that a single purpose.

>> No.15104919
File: 51 KB, 460x568, arGVpp7_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, way back then 4chan wasn't a mean place. People were quite pleasant. However if you got outed as a newfag then you became the target of trolling and inflammatory remarks. If you seemed young it was common practice to try to trick people into revealing their age so mods could ban them. It's no wonder literally anyone visiting for the first time got the impression this site was an internet hate machine. It wasn't, but that's how outsiders were treated. The general rule was you LURK this site for several months till you learn to fit in, and if you didn't you were trolled and harassed. I hate to say it, but I think this is where it all went downhill. Once outsiders visiting this site viewed this site as a hive of vicious internet trolls, it started attracting hateful people. The more dastardly the reputation grew, the more dastardly the people it attracted. This effect snowballed till you have present day 4chan.

I think the lesson learned is first you want to attract the right people, and have some form of a second naturalization process.
4chan back then thought it could remain a secret forever (>>15104675 fight club rules 1 & 2) so they didn't care about maintaining a reputation that attracted the right people. Also the userbase was outcasts and antisocials so they likely didn't know any better.

>> No.15104927

The site got worse because the world got worse. It's still the best site in the world but everything is bad in general.

>> No.15104928

>you LURK this site for several months
fucking newfag. your post is riddled with irony. nowhere in the writ of anonymous corpus is that doctrine communicated. because i can tell you're a low iq newfag who is going to misunderstand what i am saying, i will need to clarify. yes, you must lurk moar. no, a few months is not the timeline.

>> No.15104935
File: 52 KB, 750x267, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly intelligent anarchist types to low iq bottom of the barrel tribalistic chuds?
That's due to fake news media brainwashing people into becoming "politically tribal" (leftist socialist/collective hive-mind) instead of individualist-anarchist right wing (natural/as nature and evolution intended).

The simple scientific explanation is dumb people get brainwashed into leftist ideology. It has electrolytes!

>> No.15104945
File: 1.03 MB, 640x814, 1672417944265982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.15104961

>immigration rate
>average rate of assimilation
>emigration rate
To maintain the analogy, a nation has constant immigration rate and emigration rate in the form of their birth rate (immigration into life) and death rate (emigration to death). The average rate of assimilation into society then would be the period of growth into adulthood.
People aren't born into 4chan, so they need actual immigration of new users, who have to lurk "for at least two years before posting", i.e. before being accepted.
Things are bound to change over time, as the population is gradually so replaced, so the objective of this process is to instill the mores of the old users into the new generation.
A website like 4chan has no genes to pass on, so the process is purely memetic.

Ironically, this argument has already been discussed to death on the low IQ tribalist board par excellence, /pol/, a few years back after Trump's election.

>I don't get what you are saying here
My wording was unclear. The change I was referring to is the shift in ideology from anarchism to tribalism.

>> No.15104964

>shift in ideology from anarchism to tribalism.
Name the major incompatibilities between "anarchism" and current 4chan's supposed "tribalism".

>> No.15104972

I was lampooning OP's false equivalence between the two to begin with, so I cannot.

>> No.15104976

false dichotomy* not equivalence

>> No.15104977

So according to you, 4chan isn't any more or less anarchistic than it used to be?

>> No.15104979

Oh. Fair enough. So what's your problem with 4chan?

>> No.15104983

Why would I have a problem with 4chan?

>> No.15104985

I don't know. Your posts just have an air of butthurt about them. Something about disliking "low IQ tribalists"?

>> No.15104999

I'm just reusing the words OP used in his bad faith/retarded false premise. Despite being the supposedly low IQ choice, some degree of tribalism is more rational than the free for all "anarchy" OP probably had in mind.

>> No.15105005

also this. Even way prior to project chanology the phrase "not your personal army" had to be uttered constantly because there were always people trying to manipulate the userbase to their will.
was the 1st successful attempt, however I think it was allowed to happen because the userbase thought it would be funny. Those aren't Guy Fawkse masks they wear, those are EFG masks.

The biggest success was of course 2016 and the Trump election. I'll say again I don't think it was natural and was being controlled by outside forces, but by then I think this site had been thoroughly studied and the manipulators knew which levers to pull to bend the mob to their will.

Anyone posting here should know, posting here means you're exposing yourself to para-military and actual militaries with the intent of controlling how/what you think. In the future this job will be replaced by AI's, who'll do this job with great efficiency. This very thread will likely be used for intel gathering and social manipulation. The future of social media and 4chan is supremely fucked, and anyone who doesn't see that already is doomed to be mind fucked by AI. Learn to guard yourself while you still can.

>> No.15105012

Fair enough. I guess I'm the low IQ retard for failing to read the entire exchange. Either way, it's always really funny to me when people think "anarchy" means "everyone voluntarily adopts my values". Imagine calling yourself an anarchist when you can't grok freedom of association.

>> No.15105019

>posting here means you're exposing yourself to para-military and actual militaries with the intent of controlling how/what you think
LMAO! How fucking weak minded a person would have to be to be influenced by shit they see online? Crazy thing is, there are a few who are influenced in certain ways.

>> No.15105023

"Coercion is bad, discrimination is bad, therefore you will subscribe to my ideology by your own will."
When you inevitably won't, they will coerce you into it, or discriminate you otherwise, but it's no fault of theirs, as they rejected coercion and discrimination in their premises. It's your fault for not wanting to agree with them, which is probably because you're a bad person who likes to coerce and discriminate.

>> No.15105026

Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

>> No.15105124
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>> No.15105559

>QQing about 4chan culture not being the same
itt a bunch of conservatives in denial

>> No.15105618
File: 103 KB, 1200x630, 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of zombie spillover from /pol/ exploded after 2015

>> No.15105652

Only society changed. When 4chan was founded, it was anti-establishment and subversive. It remains anti-establishment and subversive. You only think it's right-wing because the establishment is so oppressively left-wing.

>> No.15105695

Reddit refugee from 2 years ago, due to low quality content, stupid subreddit rules and censorship. My first impression was that 4chan was trashy due to the language, and I when I first started I felt the need to be edgy to fit in. So I think it's just new userbase doing that. Big tech is falling apart so hard and with the covid information war, there's probably lots of refugees.

>> No.15105729

The issue with a place that allows for more freedom of expression is that you’ll inevitably get unhinged folks. When 4chan was smaller and the internet more a place to escape reality, this place excelled in being a cultural powerhouse for the internet’s younger years due to it’s relaxed rules. Although this place has been notorious for its degeneracy since its conception, the freedom, anonymity, and ease of use allowed people to be creative and spread ideas and memes. Before people figured out how to monetize and push agendas on the internet, it was mainly ran by people who just wanted to make things for the sake of making things. I wouldn’t say the modern state of 4chan, and the internet as a whole, changed over night but the tipping point between the esoterical, nerdy environment and the mass audience, low quality spamming occurred around 2016 with the election. Although there were signs of the internet being used to polarize and manipulate groups, the 2016 election truly showed everyone how effective the internet was at sowing discontent and pushing propaganda. 4chan, emphasising freedom of speech, attracted a lot of unhinged folks. People who’d take advantage and ruin everything. For every Average Joe, there’s a malicious Alex who forces everyone to look over their shoulder. I like to think that most people here aren’t malicious or trying to push their stupid agendas on some science board, yet the bad faith posters are much more vocal and beacon themselves to attract other unhinged individuals. It’s the paradox of tolerance. If you’re tolerant of everyone, you’ll eventually get shitheads that ruin it for everyone else. It’s why I support gatekeeping and moderation to an extent. You have to filter the folks who’ll just post low quality or de-rail a discussion for their own personal agendas. I’ve been frequently going to older forum websites to experience some more mature, in-depth discussion, but their numbers keep shrinking.

>> No.15105732

It’s what happens when you get a place big enough with too much of relaxed rules. Go to any popular subreddit for a show or game and it’ll just be low quality posts or coomer art. Without quality control or filtering, you eventually converge to lower quality meant to be appealing for the lowest common denominator who doesn’t enjoy anaylzing and just likes to repeat the same topics over and over again without adding much depth.

>> No.15105741

Leftism can only survive with heavily enforced censorship. Any space that allows freedom of discussion rapidly becomes rightwing.

>> No.15105757

Not even a left or right issue but rather an extremists one. The political spectrum of left and right is inherently flawed due to its rigidness. Extremists thrive off tolerant spaces that don’t shun them away. Most tolerant leftist spaces usually get over run by far-left Communists aka tankies and freedom of speech places that lean more right than Biden, like this one here, usually get overran by fascists. It’s necessary to stop thinking in terms of current day applications of politics and more about human nature to examine how a board like this degrades in quality.

>> No.15105758

>hurr durr it's le heckin reddit and polerino!
kys schizos. stop crossdressing like your pedophile idol moot, take your meds, go outside and have sex for once. for once in your life op, stop being such a colossal faggot.

>> No.15105761

I wonder how many people are bots and how many people are actually the NPC-like figures they all like to shit on. They all sound the same. At least make your insults unique.

>> No.15105779

Your mother did, when she had you.

>> No.15105790

This website was never intelligent, good, or funny lol it was created as a place to house rejects from the Something Awful anime board . I would bet good money however that the average /pol/ user is far more successful in life than anyone who posted regularly on /b/ back in 2006 or whatever period the idiots itt are being nostalgic about.

>> No.15105803

the moment the lurk moar meme died

>> No.15105809

Infestation from /pol/

>> No.15105844

what caused you to start sucking dick for crack everyday? sometimes shit just happens

>> No.15105848

>relaxed rules
you get banned here easier than Twitter monkey. hell easier than facebook

>> No.15105863

So...you are le scientist and like anarchism?
Are you secretly a cuckhold? Because in anarchy the most violent nog will fuck your women once you kneel to it.
Asnwer smartie, do you understand anarchy?

>> No.15106113

no, he does not understand anarchy. because he is an autistic delinquent 15 year old and the idea of having no government sounds cool and epic to him. just like how he hates having to sit down and be quiet in a classroom, or clean his dishes.
janny also do not understand the 4chan rules, because this thread is not science of mathematics related.

>> No.15106145

>How fucking weak minded a person would have to be to be influenced by shit they see online?
see >>15105124

>hey anon!! An anonymous stranger online told me Greta is talking shit again
>Greta says (insert topic here) is bad and you should feel bad and you need to stop it
>now how do you feel about (insert topic here) ???

>> No.15106162
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Everyone here knows where you came from and why you posted that standardized talking point.

>> No.15106190

>reading all this bot produced drivel

>> No.15106196

>U.N. recruited 110,000 'information warriors' to police internet
I'd say you're a dime a dozen, but it seems like none of you are getting paid at all. Imagine serving your masters for free.

>> No.15106200
File: 1.09 MB, 1284x1790, troon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15106201

im talking about the post you replied to retard

>> No.15106205

How should I know, you aggressive ape? You could have been referring to the article in the image, which would make more sense because it's actually long, unlike the shill's post.

>> No.15106206

Does anyone else remember when /pol/ memes were funny?

>> No.15106208
File: 168 KB, 696x396, 1673101061141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan's culture is spreading into mainstream internet though. Yesterday I opened a tweet by Joe Biden and in the comments people were posting basedjaks, WEF memes and /pol/ screenshots.

>> No.15106209

>it's actually long, unlike the shill's post.
the post you replied to is literally one character away from reaching character limit. certified bot post.

>> No.15106212

you know there used to be other rival websites to 4chan of similar autism. those people who posted on those websites then are the twitter tourists now.

>> No.15106213

that's from /tv/ try hard redditor

>> No.15106217

Anon, the character limit is like, what... 2000? I'm not saying these shills aren't using bots to generate their tripe. They probably are. I'm just saying you're suffering from some serious imageboard brain if that's long for you.

>> No.15106219

it's long for a 4chan post, a waste of a minute reading it. stop being argumentative.

>> No.15106222
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>> No.15106224

You should stay there and post your wojaks with the other retards

>> No.15106227
File: 147 KB, 888x1274, 23523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should stay there and post your wojaks with the other retards
Scientifically speaking, why are they like this?

>> No.15106228


>> No.15106229

I'm not a tranny you autist

>> No.15106231

Spot on, further evidenced by all the angry shill posts beneath it

>> No.15106232

Good thing you updooted your own post.

>> No.15106241

oh well, you call everything that isnt redit /pol/, we call everything redit tranny. I simply dont care what you have to say about it. You are a tranny now and forever more redit

>> No.15106243

You are a reddit immigrant and post the most unfunny "memes" this website has ever produced

>> No.15106244

literally high estrogen from soi

>> No.15106245

seethe more redit tranny, that is where the comedy comes from, not the meme

>> No.15106247

Do you ever stop talking about trannies?

>> No.15106250
File: 435 KB, 220x150, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny still seething

>> No.15106251

So is that a no then?

>> No.15106254

This is the most brainlet of takes

>> No.15106257

he's right, you are just stupid

>> No.15106260

So if the establishment was a nazi state you'd be a tranny loving nigger dick sucking sjw?

>> No.15106265

If the establishment were left wing, there would be no police violence. No prisons. No private corporations. No poverty. No housing crisis. No for-profit healthcare. 4chan just became pro-establishment once it became convinced that the anti-establishment types were coming for their animu tiddies, and that's simply it. Because, truth be told, 4chan wasn't really all that anti-establishment to begin with. Only in the way that middle class white teenagers usually are. Lip service is easy. When people started agitating to actually change the system, however, they lost the middle class white teenagers.

>> No.15106267

It's genuinely hard to believe that people like you are even sentient.

>> No.15106272

In America a couple decades ago it was like bible thumping evangelists had too much power. But everywhere in Europe christianity's been on heavy decline and progressivism was already in control for many decades. 4chan doesn't censer the extreme oppositions to the establishment, so it makes sense racists and religious fundamentalists would all find this place, but I'm not sure opposition to christianity was ever censored anywhere.

anti establishment = anti status quo. It doesn't mean anarchist.

>> No.15106273

You are stupid

>> No.15106278

Are you the guy from the shroomery?

>> No.15106279

Sure, lol, it's the independent analysis that demonstrates a lack of sentience. The regurgitation of boilerplate 4chan apoplogia shows true free thought. 4chan is a place for free thinkers, after all! So they told you.
>In America a couple decades ago it was like bible thumping evangelists had too much power.
Still is.
>But everywhere in Europe christianity's been on heavy decline and progressivism was already in control for many decades.
You don't have the slightest conception of what "progressivism" even entails. You're a slave to the Overton window.
>4chan doesn't censer the extreme oppositions to the establishment
It also doesn't censor extreme retardation and clearly unmedicated mental illness.
>anti establishment = anti status quo.
Define the "establishment" for me then, and how what I said doesn't apply to it.

>> No.15106282

>You don't have the slightest conception of what "progressivism" even entails.
Pro LGBT, pro third world immigration, anti racism, anti traditional gender roles etc.

>Define the "establishment" for me then, and how what I said doesn't apply to it.
That's what people mean when they say it

>> No.15106284
File: 40 KB, 482x322, 1673037190439337-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how happy they are.

>> No.15106289
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ebolachannazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im the guy your parents warned you about, the boogeyman


>> No.15106290

>Pro LGBT, pro third world immigration, anti racism, anti traditional gender roles etc.
All meaningless unless coupled with economic advances. The whole liberal "more female drone pilots bombing Afghan weddings" bullshit isn't anti-establishment because it's advocating for a woman to do that, it's pro-establishment because it's advocating for continuing America's aggressive foreign policy on behalf of the military-industrial complex.
>That's what people mean when they say it
What is?

>> No.15106291

They told me to watch out for paedophiles, yes

>> No.15106294

>the independent analysis
>If the establishment were left wing, there would be no police violence. No prisons. No private corporations. No poverty. No housing crisis. No for-profit healthcare. 4chan just became pro-establishment
I'm serious. I don't view people who sound like you as human anymore. I'm done for organized extermination of anyone who sounds like this and it's largely thanks to the efforts of your likes. Keep it up.

>> No.15106301

>All meaningless
Meaningless in regards to what? And anyway these things are usually very important to voters, and more important to autists online than economics. Anyone who has a strong opinion on LGBT rights and racism would prefer their country to be poorer and do what they want than richer and do the opposite.
>What is?
Against the current establishment. If someone says they are anti establishment, they want to replace it with their own, midwit idea of how country should work. usually socialism.

>> No.15106302

>I'm serious. I don't view people who sound like you as human anymore.
I know you don't, you fascist simpleton. At some point your brains just gave out and now the mush inside has to revert to chimp tactics.

>> No.15106303

now you are getting the picture, you cant reason with unreasonable people incapable of reason. They must be stamped down back into the sewers they crawled out from

>> No.15106304
File: 65 KB, 850x400, hitlerwasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace your aryanism, your instincts are correct, trust them

>> No.15106306

In case you are:
All your teks were overly complicated bullshit and you're not even half as smart as you think you are

>> No.15106308

>Meaningless in regards to what?
>And anyway these things are usually very important to voters, and more important to autists online than economics
Because they, too, are slaves to the Overton window.
>Against the current establishment.
Which you've still failed to define. Fact: the current establishment uses massively over-subsidised police forces to crack down on anti-police protesters. The current establishment maintains for-profit healthcare and prison systems because, well, they want the profit. The current establishment encourages commodification of and speculation in life's necessities, like housing. The current establishment views private property and economic growth as sacrosanct. These are all things that leftists explicitly oppose. So how can you say the establishment is "oppresively leftist"? Because you're a tribalistic baboon who will go to war when a rainbow flag is waved.

>> No.15106311
File: 136 KB, 331x449, kshatriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Kshatriya and will never let shudra scum like you have power over me. you will adhere to the natural and learn your place or you will be put into your place

>> No.15106315

I'm more Aryan than either of you troglodytes. "Aryan" to you, especially in anonymous internet discussions, just means "person who agrees with me".

>> No.15106316

The closest thing to the fascist boogeyman of your delusional fantasy world are the ones paying the "public intellectuals" who convinced you into spouting shit like this
>If the establishment were left wing, there would be no police violence. No prisons. No private corporations. No poverty. No housing crisis. No for-profit healthcare. 4chan just became pro-establishment

>> No.15106317

*natural order

>> No.15106320

you are shudra scum dalit

>> No.15106321

What? Define progress. It is progress, to them, that LGBT rights are increased.

>Which you've still failed to define.
Fine, the current establishment = the current government in power. Is that enough for you?

> These are all things that leftists explicitly oppose.
Nope. They oppose it when it means arresting niggers for using fake money and people being racist on twitter.

>> No.15106323

kek, no shit

>> No.15106339

And what kind of mental gymnastics led you to that conclusion? I highly suspect that you're going to prove me exactly right and reveal yourself to be a tribalistic fool unable to look past the Overton window. Probably going to say something to the effect of corporations changing their twitter icons to a rainbow flag one month in the year convincing me of the justice of leftism, oblivious to the fact that I already showed myself to be explicitly anti-corporate and highly critical of such empty gestures.

>> No.15106344

Weren't you sperging off about "fascists"? Why are you sperging off about "tribalists" now? What's the connection?

>muh leftist scottsman
I don't care.

>> No.15106350

>It is progress, to them, that LGBT rights are increased.
Yet our society's exploitative labour relations persist as more and more people are pushed into the lower classes. Of course it is good that artificial separations among the working class are broken down, but it is not corporations leading the push. Instead, they always follow behind, commodifying the revolutionary aesthetic and robbing it of actual potential by incorporating it into the capitalist status quo.
>the current establishment = the current government in power
Ok, so that puts the final nail into the "4chan is inherently anti-establishment" coffin.

>> No.15106352

>Weren't you sperging off about "fascists"? Why are you sperging off about "tribalists" now? What's the connection?
lmao, are you even sentient yourself?
I guess that explanation will never be forthcoming either, huh

>> No.15106355

I'm sorry, did I break your NPC dialogue tree? Why are you using "fascist" and "tribalist" interchangably? I guess basic reflection is too much for you.

>> No.15106356

>Ok, so that puts the final nail into the "4chan is inherently anti-establishment" coffin.
I honestly don't understand what you're saying. I didn't agree with him entirely, he meant 4chan is always against the current government.

Says who?

>> No.15106368

>I'm sorry, did I break your NPC dialogue tree?
How incredibly ironic, I was just thinking of how much this conversation reminded me of talking to early generation learning chatbots which would, after a few lines, inevitably start insisting that I was, in fact, the robot. And I suppose I should put just as much stock in what you have to say for much the same reason. You even seem to construct arguments in the same way, by taking terms I mentioned earlier and plugging them into an existing structure with no real conception of what the words actually mean.

>> No.15106370

Why were you using "fascist" and "tribalist" interchangably? You will deflect again.

>> No.15106371

>he meant 4chan is always against the current government
Right, which is obviously false, which is one reason why I said that 4chan is not anti-establishment and only ever paid lip service to being anti-establishment.

>> No.15106373

I simply am not. Your turn again, chatbot.

>> No.15106375

Why don't you fuck off back to whatever "anti-establishment" reddit sub you crawled here from? You are unwanted here and your opinions have zero traction.

>> No.15106378
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>> No.15106383

>I simply am not
Then why did you call me a fascist and immediately followed it up by saying "you're going to prove me exactly right and reveal yourself to be a tribalistic fool"? This is a rhetorical question, of course. There is no discussion to be had with you. I'm just waiting for your handlers to make their final slip. The political climate for your extermination is slowly building up.

>> No.15106384

lol, 4chan is so anti-establishment it can't abide dissenting opinion

>> No.15106386

>Right, which is obviously false,
Why is that false? A lot of posters were heavily opposed to evangelist rule but now this place is swarming them.

>> No.15106391
File: 22 KB, 220x401, bruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The political climate for your extermination is slowly building up.
based, the quickening is upon finally us

>> No.15106398

>4chan is so anti-establishment it shits on my establishment-funded opinions and tells me to fuck off back to whatever corporate social media platform i came from

>> No.15106400

I called you a fascist because you cope with arguments beyond your comprehension with calls to extermination. I called you a tribalistic fool because of what led you to call me subhuman in the first place. I suppose your limited brain capacity can only handle going back as far as the last thing that was said, however. Another commonality between you and that chatbot. That said, of course, the link between fascism and tribalism ought to be extremely obvious to any sentient being, which was what gave rise to my amusement at your expense.

>> No.15106401

sure you are jew boy

>> No.15106409

Because this palce was extremely pro-government during the Trump presidency and continues to support the party which currently holds a majority in the House of Representatives, as well as agents of state power and the state's institutions.

>> No.15106412

>my establishment-funded opinions
Ah, I apologise, I guess it was you that I was talking to here >>15106339

>> No.15106413

I'm every ist and ism your little monkey brain can come up with and all you have are words. Words wont save you jewy, when the gas starts flowing I will dance like David, like the Israeli's when the twin towers went down

>> No.15106414
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>I called you a fascist because you cope with arguments beyond your comprehension
>arguments beyond your comprehension
Just to recap, this was your "argument":
>If the establishment were left wing, there would be no police violence. No prisons. No private corporations. No poverty. No housing crisis. No for-profit healthcare. 4chan just became pro-establishment
I admit that it's beyond my comprehension that someone still believes this. I can't fathom being brainwashed with the ZOG dichotomy to this degree.

>I called you a tribalistic fool because of what led you to call me subhuman in the first place.
Why did you call me a fascist and immediately followed it up by saying "you're going to prove me exactly right and reveal yourself to be a tribalistic fool"? lol. The answer, of course, is that every single post you shit out is a mindless slew of buzzwords condemning your tribe's designated boogemen.

>> No.15106419

/pol/ is full of literal npcs as demonstrated by how they think jewtin isn't a globohomo puppet from the very obvious russian propaganda there (look at how they cry at the "kyiv" spelling). They don't represent all of 4chan.

>> No.15106421

lmao, last I checked, words are all anyone has on here, you impotent buffoon. Your internet tough guy posturing is not an argument.

>> No.15106422

>muh slava ukraini
Like clockwork.

>> No.15106426

>You no like jewtin?? You like ukraine!!!!!!!!
Like clockwork
If you post on /pol/ you should be banned from all other boards

>> No.15106427

Don't care. Fuck off back to /pol/ with your slava ukraini narrative.

>> No.15106428

>I can't fathom being brainwashed with the ZOG dichotomy to this degree.
How ironic, it is your inability to look past the dichotomy held up before you that leads you to conflate pro- and anti-establishment positions. Your are profoundly politically illiterate. I suppose I am so far beyond you it must look like incomprehensible gibberish to you.
And I suppose I could've guessed that even a complete and detailed explanation of exactly what I argued, when, and why, would not be enough to deter you from putting forth your own version of events regardless, because if there is one thing you people can't stand it's the idea that you didn't know something. Which is why I must be such a threat to you.

>> No.15106429

You're an obvious retarded left right dichotomy npc and exposed yourself.

>> No.15106430
File: 1.80 MB, 204x255, dancingkike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110 tic toc

>> No.15106431

>How ironic, it is your inability to look past the dichotomy
Did you post this?
>If the establishment were left wing, there would be no police violence. No prisons. No private corporations. No poverty. No housing crisis. No for-profit healthcare. 4chan just became pro-establishment
I have no idea what the rest of your mentally ill post is about. You seem to be talking to the voices in your head.

>> No.15106435

Slava ukraini belongs on >>>/pol/. Go back, please.

>> No.15106440

The NPC is still going and saying the exact same thing. It cannot comprehend that someone can oppose both sides.

>> No.15106441

I sure did post that. And it is the truth, which you are blind to, because you are unable to conceive of a leftism that is separate from the commodified liberal pseudo-progressive aesthetic. To you, a corporate pride parade is "left", and anything more progressive than that is just further left and more of the same.

>> No.15106449

>I sure did post that
Why do you take "leftism" at face value if you're not a brainwashed drone who unironically believes in the left-right dichotomy? You're doing it to a truly unusual degree, too.

>> No.15106458

You sound like a boomer bemoaning a lost time period in a galaxy far far away. Times change, you obviously dont.

Science prostitutes for political gain, censorship has never been stronger and thoughts an ideas radical in 2015 are now mainsteam.

You are witnessing a backlash against mind-fucking. None of us know what it was like in 2004. Nor do we care. We know what its like now and it fucking awful.

Yet despite this, I suspect that the fundamentals remained the same - the gems are here, all you have to do is mine them - and there is lot of overburden to remove. That comes from lurking.

>> No.15106477

>Why do you take "leftism" at face value if you're not a brainwashed drone who unironically believes in the left-right dichotomy?
lmao, the irony of this statement. You clearly believe that "leftism" is entirely confined to what I just described, that any proponent of leftism is a liberal pseudo-progressive adopting an aesthetic. Of course, you are wrong. The aesthetic they adopt has a real referent that genuinely embraces the principles I espoused earlier. It is, in fact, defined by its embrace of those principles. But you are unable to look beyond what 4chan puts right in front of your nose. You cannot conceive of "leftism" outside of its pale reflection, which you mistakenly group together, and then you have the gall to lecture others about false dichotomies? What you think is "left" and the actual left are nominally on the same spectrum, but you are mistaken in thinking they are alike. And you cannot move towards true understanding unless you relinquish your misconceptions, which border on the psychotic, really.

>> No.15106483

>you clearly believe what the voices in my head said you believe
Oh. Not going to read your post beyond that, but I just want to ask you one question: even a mongoloid like you should have figured out by now that no political entity is EVER going to embody your fantasies of what "real leftism" means, so why do you keep shilling it as a political cause? It's never going to be "real leftism". It's always going to be something rotten that will turn people against you.

>> No.15106490

>Oh. Not going to read your post beyond that
Shame, could've saved you the trouble of once again repeating what we've already established you mistakenly believe. What a truly braindead pawn you are to think that I associate with any mainstream political party. And a hypocrite to boot, of course.

>> No.15106491

I just want to ask you one question: even a mongoloid like you should have figured out by now that no political entity is EVER going to embody your fantasies of what "real leftism" means, so why do you keep shilling it as a political cause? It's never going to be "real leftism". It's always going to be something rotten that will turn people against you.

>> No.15106494

>Haha, I oppose political dichotomies, unlike you sheep!
>What, you call yourself a leftist? You mean a Democratic Party voter? Noooo

>> No.15106498

Why are you afraid to answer my question? No matter. Here's the bottom line: your bodily integrity depends on the current establishment maintining an army of violent thugs to defend you. Your life depends on them staying in power because they are the only thing standing between you and the people you're afraid of. You kinda lose by default.

>> No.15106506

I have answered your question. You are as politically illiterate as you are actually illiterate. And now you are explicitly embracing a dichotomy: all those who are not with you are with me. Wow, you turned out to be a dishonest babbling retard spewing vacuous buzzphrases? Who could've seen that coming?

>> No.15106507

these kinds of words have no relation to what 4chan as an ingroup used to be. cmon
it's facebook 2 here now yall know that
unless i have been gone for so long /sci/ got consumed when i wasnt looking and i cant even say 'yall' anymore

>> No.15106509

This is /sci/ so the only valid political opinion is scientific socialism

>> No.15106514

nta but there's hardly a word in your posts that isn't vacuous filler and passive-aggressive seething. lol

>> No.15106518

>I have answered your question
You deflected. Why do you keep shilling leftism as a political cause when you know that no real world political entity is ever going to enact it, and that they're always going to turn around and do the opposite of what you wanted?

>> No.15106523

If you can't handle the high-brow bants or discern then from my arguments then maybe /v/ is more your speed.
I'll answer your question if you answer one of mine first: have you stopped fucking your dad yet?

>> No.15106526

some posts are more equal than other posts - and I get to decide which.

Nothing escapes the clutch of "moderation". Even to an "extent" lmao - it just spirals away with time until free speech is gone. Your best defense is to identify the anons (by user ids) and then filter them out. For yourself. Self imposed censorship. Anything else is folly.

>> No.15106537

Why do you keep deflecting? I know why. Either way, you better beg your handlers to start censoring the internet faster because people are getting fed up with you.

>> No.15106540

A perfect way to construct an echo chamber. Not that you actually need any website functionality for it. Without any need to confront factual reality, people can already mentally block out anything they disagree with.

>> No.15106541

His post is "leftist anarchism" in a nutshell. His opinions just can't survive without enforcement. The last thing he wants is anarchism in real life, because the first thing that would follow is that he would get lynched.

>> No.15106542

That's a deflection, Anon. Could it be you're still fucking your dad?

No, you're probably just too goddamn stupid to realise what is happening here, aren't you?

>> No.15106544

What's happening is that you are making yourself more hated every time you post. Fine by me.

>> No.15106549

Oh no, a random anonymous person on the internet hates me. Or are you referring to your mistaken notion of "a leftist", which you already hated regardless, and which no effort in the world could shake you from, except now it's somehow my fault?

>> No.15106551

Whenever I agree with anarchists about local policing suddenly they become skeptical about it, kek

>> No.15106561

Retard, "local policing" would entail sending you back to preddit. What you're asking is for the mods to impose your foreign values on the locals.

>> No.15106562

>Because this palce was extremely pro-government during the Trump presidency
Not the already existing user base, half was raided by infinity and convinced to shill for trump for the lulz, trump's campaign noticed the support and did immediately jumped on it, then the site got flooded with actual boomers and republicans, some of them never left.

>> No.15106566

*did immediately jump

>> No.15106569

>a random anonymous person on the internet hates me
Most of the random people you cross pathes with on the street hate you. Just remember that.

>your mistaken notion of "a leftist",
Are the voices back again? At no point did I reference any notion of leftism except the braindead fantasy utopia one that you've presented. lol

>> No.15106579

>Most of the random people you cross pathes with on the street hate you.
I do suppose right-wingers are the type to hate people they don't know for no reason, yes.
>At no point did I reference any notion of leftism except the braindead fantasy utopia one that you've presented.
Ah, the classic brain-addled defence of "if I don't mention anything explicitly, and expressly refuse to define anything, you can't address anything implied by my words".

You know, you're not exactly improving my opinion of fascists either.

>> No.15106582

I guess the problem for anarchists is that applies both ways. Everyone has freedom of association, even fascists

>> No.15106583


>> No.15106585

Reminder: if you find yourself lashing out against fascist boogeymen nonstop, you are probably a fascist.

>> No.15106589

Yet you've only confirmed every single thing I've said.
Sounds like a fascist thing to say, and it seems you agree.

>> No.15106595

I've been called everything at this point desu

>> No.15106596

>Yet you've only confirmed every single thing I've said.

>> No.15106598

Tsk tsk. Anarchism just doesn't work. I think we need a strong government to moderate away those fascists lurking in every corner and stop the spread of their lunatic narrative. :^)

>> No.15106599

Given the factual record in this thread, it is clearly you who is delusional.

Anyway, you never answered my question re: your dad. You dirty bugger.

>> No.15106604

>Given the factual record in this thread
Which includes what? I don't even care about arguing at this point. I'm just getting curious what subjective delusions you're reading into my posts, and why you're so convinced that they're objective reality.

>> No.15106610

Generally my view is a strong state is required to mobilize the entire population to achieve things beyond short-term profiteering and markets like we have now. Basically just organize the entire state(s) like a military unit

>> No.15106614

>Which includes what?
Me being right about everything and you being a flailing retard desperately trying to get me to answer a leading question to your satisfaction and coping poorly when I instead answer in a way that deftly denies your false premise. Of course, you don't even seem to have realised what you were doing, or caught on to me calling you out. Given that you are convinced of a false premise, that alone is evidence enough that you're delusional.

>> No.15106617
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>Given the factual record in this thread
Like what?
>Me being right about everything
Like what?
>your false premise
What false premise?
>Ah, the classic brain-addled defence of "if I don't mention anything explicitly, and expressly refuse to define anything, you can't address anything implied by my words".
>you don't even seem to have realised what you were doing, or caught on to me calling you out
Mental illness.

>> No.15106620

>Like what?
Like what I go on to describe in that very post, my addlepated friend.
>What false premise?
>you should have figured out by now that no political entity is EVER going to embody your fantasies of what "real leftism" means, so why do you keep shilling it as a political cause?

>> No.15106623

Every historical precedent confirms my "false premise". It's never going to be "real leftism". Why do you keep shilling it?

>> No.15106626

Presumably the false premise here is that anon never said whatever politics he supports would go through democratic channels like elections?

>> No.15106628

I never said anything about democratic channels or elections. Just pointing out that his "real leftism" will never happen in the real world.

>> No.15106633

>Every historical precedent confirms my "false premise"
Ah yes, the historical precedent of my personal political opinion that you don't know, LOL
Nothing existed before it existed, Anon, and yet things come into existence continuously. You may think you have "historical precedent" on your side but you are arguing against the nature of reality.

>> No.15106635

Ahh, I think that kind of political organization is also anathema. If you look at the examples during the spanish civil war the syndicalists struggled against more centrally organized forces

>> No.15106638

>i-i-it's gonna be different next time!
Sure thing. But why do you get so asshurt when people correctly associate your retarded ideology, and its retarded slogans, with the real world the consequences of every attempt to implement them?

>> No.15106642

Where are your syndicalists? Can I move into their leftist utopia?

>> No.15106643

Your argument is literally "we will never live in an ideal world so why try to improve anything at all?" and well, historical precedent shows that people did, in fact, manage to improve a lot of things when they tried.

>> No.15106646

Are the voices back again? Are they making arguments for me? I'm asking you again: why do you get so asshurt when people correctly associate your retarded ideology, and its retarded slogans, with the real world the consequences of every attempt to implement them?

>> No.15106650

Seethe, Miscavige.

>> No.15106652

This thread was moved to >>>/bant/16816816