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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15100028 No.15100028 [Reply] [Original]

can /sci/ answer her questions?

>> No.15100034


>> No.15100035

What’s the source for the first claim?

>> No.15100054

so instead of addressing her questions, you're going to look for any excuse you can conjure to ignore them. thats why she thinks that you're considered untrustworthy and dishonest, because you're clearly dodging uncomfortable questions because you have something to hide.

>> No.15100141

OK. I don't know her and don't care what she thinks. I don't have the time or the inclination to engage with dishonest argumentation.

>> No.15100156

The German government's vaccine regulation bureau.

>> No.15100176

I can't tell if people are larping anymore. Ever since the dawn of the internet it is known not to trust random comments on the internet. The zoomer generation doesn't seem to understand this, I'm not sure why. But yes, the person in that tweet should provide sources, that is the normal thing to do and people shouldn't be surprised when someone asks for a source

>> No.15100185

It's Twitter not a thesis. Besides 99% of the time someone adds a "source" online it's something they haven't read themselves and simply found by quickly Googling their opinion. Case in point: all the /pol/graphics where the "sources" contradict their claims if anyone bothers skimming them (which of course no one does). It's purely a rhetorical device. You vaguely point at a source and hope no one verifies it, which often no one does.

>> No.15100199

she hasn't made any question you utter imbecile

>> No.15100203


>> No.15100211

It's hardly too much to ask for the source, is it? Not the first time that the anti vax cult was making up statistics to push an agenda that no one really knows what it is actually about.

I think that the whole anti-vax covid jab causes myocarditis cult is state-sponsored.

>> No.15100220

>I think that the whole anti-vax covid jab causes myocarditis cult is state-sponsored.
Why would that be?

>> No.15100222

she is a reporter for OANN

>> No.15100247

what an enormous faggette

>> No.15100255

to sell you more vaccines

>> No.15100257

Why would convincing people not to take the vaccine sell more vaccines?

>> No.15100258

because it deflects attention from the issue that a small group of elitist billionaires have robbed the lower and middle classes of five trillion us-dollars?

And it plays too much into the whole Biden vs. Trump thing. None of that shit is authentic. It's all a big act.

>> No.15100259

what are the sources for the claims

>> No.15100263

>And it plays too much into the whole Biden vs. Trump thing. None of that shit is authentic. It's all a big act.
Trump is pro-vax, so that can't be true. Also, the pro-vax shills are the ones ignoring the wealth transfer. People discussing vax dangers and covid hysteria honestly are the ones also discussing the ulterior motive (wealth transfer).

Your narrative is totally astroturfed.

>> No.15100265

there's a vaccine for that

>> No.15100269

German govt., CDC, and US sports leagues.

>> No.15100281

>Trump is pro-vax, so that can't be true.
Trump isn't pro-vax. He has repeatedly made anti vaccine statements and also promoted Ivermectin, thus implicitedly stating that the Covid vaccine is useless (which it probably is but Trump definitely isn't pro-vax)
>People discussing vax dangers and covid hysteria honestly
Like the ones claiming that million of people died of the covid vax or that it is a large scale mass killing project or that the vaccine is making everyone infertile? To be clear, besides some independent journalists, the established antivax shills and organizations never bothered with discussing ulterior motives beyond the whole 'Big Pharma is evil' cliché or making single people responsible for an issue that is much bigger.

>> No.15100287

>Trump isn't pro-vax. He has repeatedly made anti vaccine statements and also promoted Ivermectin, thus implicitedly stating that the Covid vaccine is useless (which it probably is but Trump definitely isn't pro-vax)
Trump frequently calls it one of his administration's big wins and tells people to get the vax at rallies. It's the reason a lot of people didn't vote for him in 2020.

>> No.15100288

>rich people do bad things
>they don't want you to care
>therefore everything that happens in the world that seems to be relevant has to be a lie

>> No.15100292

>It's the reason a lot of people didn't vote for him in 2020.
I'm pretty sure the reason is that he sucked at being prez. Didn't deliver on any of his promises.

>> No.15100294

Well yes, aside from failing to empower the people who voted for him, he also acquiesced to the biggest psyop in history and let his narcissism make it into a gem in his crown. People rightly blame him for letting the covid scam get out of control because he had the power to stop it.

>> No.15100304

>therefore everything that happens in the world that seems to be relevant has to be a lie
The established antivaxxers have made claims that have been repeatedly shown to be false. And I really don't think that the most ludicrous claims that are usually debunked within days are coincidentally those claims most promoted by social media. I have no direct proof whatsoever that the major antivax groups are psy-ops but if the whole thing was one, it would probably work out like that. It goes well beyond the whole 'has the vaccine been tested?', 'has it been shown to be effective?'. The antivax narrative always boils down to 'millions of people died of the vax', 'it contains microchips etc.'

>> No.15100309

>The established antivaxxers have made claims that have been repeatedly shown to be false.
Like who? What claims?

>> No.15100310

> It's the reason a lot of people didn't vote for him in 2020.
Does it? Considering that the majority of Republican voters believe that the election was stolen, I don't think so.

>> No.15100312

>The antivax narrative always boils down to 'millions of people died of the vax', 'it contains microchips etc.'
The fact that you believe this is the psyop. You fell for it.

>> No.15100315

Without some form of actual evidence it will be difficult disentangling the effects of Covid itself from what they claim is due to vaccines. The problem is that the long term effects of Covid are unknown in their entirety.

>> No.15100316

What is the psy-op then?

>> No.15100318

The psyop is getting you to believe that people with legitimate concerns about vaccine safety are lunatics.

>> No.15100319

got links though?

>> No.15100322

That's not actually true. In Israel there was a long-term study of the unvaccinated that showed that covid infection never increases the risk of heart disease. That leaves at least 1 (minimum) complication that is solely caused by vaccines.

>> No.15100325

>that people with legitimate concerns about vaccine safety are lunatics.
What legitimate concerns then? That the Covid vaccine is killing millions of people despite not having any proof of that? That the established antivax leaders such as RFK Jr. always fixate on vaccine issues that are easily debunked or by definition false because the alleged substance has never been used or was discontinued decades ago in any currently available vaccine?

>> No.15100330

German government official statement. 1 adverse event per 5000 doses of the vaccine (0.2 per 1000) meaning that the average 2-dose regimen doubles the risk and a 5-dose vaxie is getting even worse luck.

>> No.15100332
File: 59 KB, 1024x544, glowies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come to 4chan.org to aggressively argue that the MSM narrative is true

>> No.15100335

There's no covid. That being said, the mere existence of a "vaccine" is a very legitimate concern.

>> No.15100336

you resort to cheap memes because you have no arguments or can only argue in bad faith?

>> No.15100338

It's a very accurate description of your sealioning.

>> No.15100342

This includes any adverse reaction. Again arguing in bad faith by deliberately misrepresenting a statistical observation so as to push a narrative.

>> No.15100343
File: 313 KB, 700x702, 1672709588266172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come to 4chan.org because i hate memes
>and also to aggressively argue that the MSM narrative is true

>> No.15100345

Does the word "severe" lack meaning? Are you moving the goalposts now that you've been BTFO?

>> No.15100353

So, once I start asking for proof or demand a critical dispute, this must be trolling? Why don't you just concede at this point?

>> No.15100356

>In Israel there was a long-term study of the unvaccinated that showed that covid infection never increases the risk of heart disease
There have been many studies finding otherwise. I would call that study straight up cherrypicked desu.

>> No.15100357

The argument is that if covid is not real, then what's in the vaccines?

>> No.15100360

>re you moving the goalposts now that you've been BTFO?
The report clearly states that any adverse reaction specifically to the Covid jab is classified as 'severe' regardless of what reaction it involves. You're dishonest for leaving that out.
Again, unable to provide any meaningful arguments so he resorts to unfunny pictures and ad hominems.

>> No.15100361

The studies claiming otherwise were cherrypicked. The Israeli study was population-wide through their national health register, it would have picked up any increase if one existed.

>> No.15100366

So there's nothing to worry about from an injection that causes a compounding risk for adverse reactions with every shot you take, which is mandatory to take 1 shot every 4 months if you want to work?

>> No.15100369

This study, which I would consider higher quality, did find a myocarditis risk from the vaccine at a risk ratio of 3x. However Covid infection was also associated with a myocarditis risk ratio of 18x, yet the vaccine was never associated with myocardial infarction, but Covid was.

>> No.15100370

Was there a study done on whether or not the number of heart infarcts increased in the last few years. I remember one and it only showed a relative increase of 10 % or so which might also be linked to the adverse external factors. Not as much as I expected, given that the covid jab was killing millions or so according to truthful and honest vaccine critics.

>> No.15100373

The Israeli study you're talking about is correlative ONLY. That's not enough.

>> No.15100377

All non-blind longitudinal studies are "correlative only" by that definition. Other research has shown a dose-response relationship between the number of vaxes you take and your risk of serious heart complications. That's the causation part.

>> No.15100380

>that causes a compounding risk for adverse reactions with every shot you take
Where's the evidence first? Did you read that in 'the true Mr. Fauci' where all the material has been sourced from the mainstream media? Yes, just go through the sources...
>which is mandatory to take 1 shot every 4 months if you want to work?
What place? What nation? If your employer wants you to take the shot, then this isn't the government's fault. You're living in a dream world.

>> No.15100381

I assume you're talking about this one:
Yeah, rates of snake bites are correlated with ice cream purchases, but that doesn't mean snakes love ice cream retard.

>> No.15100384

You mean the pharmaceutical industry? Science isn't involved with vaccinations at all.

>> No.15100387

>That's the causation part.
So it's only correlative when the result isn't what you want but it's definitely causative once you get the result that you want? I'm sure that all the other variables were accounted for, like mostly old people getting the vaccines and being the first one to do so.

>> No.15100388

>So it's only correlative when the result isn't what you want but it's definitely causative once you get the result that you want?
That does seem to be your argument, yes.

>> No.15100390

>No u

>> No.15100396

Is this not you? >>15100373 I thought correlation was satisfactory when you said it proved covid infection caused myocarditis.

>> No.15100404

I think, we're mixing up Anons here. I'm that guy:
I'm dropping out anyway. It's a waste of time to argue on an anime site anyway.

>> No.15100425

No, I'm not that anon. You're the kind of retard other retards are talking about when they say "don't do your own research" because 90% of people fucking suck at understanding what studies mean, let alone interpreting them.

No, population wise correlation isn't enough to prove anything.

>> No.15100431

thanks for the medical conclusions, Dr. Wheeler

>> No.15100449
File: 36 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nooo, it isn't heckin fair to blame a flood of young men dropping dead on the vax. What's the source! The source! Sources are so important for soiance. If the right people didn't say it, it can't be true. That's how heckin science works chud, the elites say what is true because they know soiance."

I shouldn't be surprised anymore. You're the same cucks worshipping soiance but then when an actual mathematical laws, Bedford's Law, is btfo by orders of magnitude by fake votes you say "oh, but the Democrat Party officials who did the elections and had 200,000 votes at a time come in, all flow Slow How, 100%, said isnt so!" Or you buy what some RNC plant cuckservative judges say, when the evidence is out online for your own eyes to verify.

Fuck all cucks. Standing by is an action. Day of the rope, Civil War 2 Soi Genocide Boogaloo is coming.

We see your shit. We saw the rigging. Your vegan stick arms couldn't even hold a gun and your heart will give out from vax. The elites are desperate, RNC shilling hard for Cucksantis as a plant to drain Trump. It's so funny how you all fall for their shit and all the world and elites try to stop one man for acting for righteousness, from the COVID hoax to vaxocide.

But we shall win.
We are righteousness!
We are strength!
Hail Trump, hail our people, hail fucking victory! MAGAGA, cry about it. We. Are. The. Storm.

>> No.15100485

Well, to be fair the board is called "/sci/ - Science & Math" and not "/sci/ - Anecdotes & Hearsay"

>> No.15100557

She should post a link to her article then

>> No.15100606

She doesn't really ask any questions, just makes unsubstantiated claims. What is the question?

>> No.15100611

What question? She asks one, but answers it herself with an unsubstantiated claim.

>> No.15100621
File: 40 KB, 640x425, stole_your_heart_senpai!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>can /sci/ answer her questions?


>> No.15100628

Dumbass. So she can just claim literally any nonsense and if you ask for source you're dodging answering her claim?

why are faggots so dumb?

>> No.15100639

Thanks for the chuckle anon

>> No.15100645

>no you HAVE TO take my twitter screenshot at face value!! asking for a source is LE REDDIT!!

>> No.15100706

lmfao holy shit get a grip loser

>> No.15100757
File: 321 KB, 601x875, too bad journalists don't ask such questions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literal years behind kek. even the head health faggot in my gayass province admitted the 1/5000 risk last year. the israeli study that first published this figure was from april 2021. time for you to catch up with the 'speed of science'.

>> No.15100922

Trump was actually doing really well up until covid, and even then he did fairly well considering how many times Fauci and his advisors kept changing their minds. The media just very rarely wrote anything positive about him so nobody knew what he was doing. Like did anyone know he had the highest ethnic employment rate ever, probably not. Interestingly the source for that has been deleted from the Whitehouse website but it used to be there. Here's a list of the things he did, it's a right wing site but they use left wing or government sources
Here's an analysis of the trump media bias and the left wing media was fairly consistently negative and the right wing media was fairly neutral throughout the fist two years

>> No.15100928
File: 17 KB, 444x277, magas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump was the best President the USA yanks had probably ever had.

>> No.15100938

>he had the power to stop it.
I think he had the power to do very little really. Almost everything he tried to do was blocked or delayed or refused and he was constantly getting backstabbed and the liberals were trying to impeach him every other week and almost the entire media was writing stories about his hair and other stupid stuff just making fun of him the whole time and making claims they usually went nowhere or as we know now turned out to be untrue. I'm surprised he was able to fire James Comey, and maybe the establishment was too because after that he didn't seem to be able to do much of anything. Probably because when hee appointed people he could only choose from a few different deep state operatives so nothing was ever going to happen that they didn't want to happen I suppose

>> No.15100951

Maybe he should have run as a Democrat. He always used to be a Democrat as far as I know. I guess he wanted to make changes he knew they would say no to or something I don't know. I imagine he probably knows a lot more about them personally than the general public too. A lot of people seemed to just automatically hate him only because of the conservative label which is fairly retarded

>> No.15100961

Not the anon you talking to, but Clinton pretty much owns the DNC, so she/they decide who gets nominated and installed.
Now Clinton is President and has Brandon and the Ho to get the blame for her actions, while she uses them as her fall-guys.

>> No.15100975

if you weren't retarded you'd ask yourself WHY does she and people like her keep asking these questions. they obviously have an agenda. fake stats, made up numbers, so easy to see this is bullshit. but you believe what you want to believe. you've been played.

>> No.15100984
File: 33 KB, 474x474, aaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f you weren't retarded you'd ask yourself WHY does she and people like her keep asking these questions. they obviously have an agenda. fake stats, made up numbers, so easy to see this is bullshit. but you believe what you want to believe. you've been played.

>> No.15101093

Why does it have to be the vaccine? Why can't it be the long term effects of covid were really as bad as the media wanted you to believe?
If most normies are vaccinated, you don't even have a control group to point fingers at to have as evidence it's the vaccine.

>> No.15101098

>Why can't it be the long term effects of covid were really as bad as the media wanted you to believe?
Because there are none. It's a coronavirus. Mild cold. No long term issues ever conclusively recorded in non-vaccinated people, only vaccinated ones.

>> No.15101099

>Why can't it be the long term effects of covid were really as bad as the media wanted you to believe?
Because they provably are not.

>> No.15101211
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>> No.15101222

She's undercounting.

>We enrolled 314 participants; of these, 13 participants were lost to follow-up, leaving 301 participants for analysis. The most common cardiovascular signs and symptoms were tachycardia (7.64%), shortness of breath (6.64%), palpitation (4.32%), chest pain (4.32%), and hypertension (3.99%). One participant could have more than one sign and/or symptom. Seven participants (2.33%) exhibited at least one elevated cardiac biomarker or positive lab assessments. Cardiovascular manifestations were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia or palpitation to myopericarditis. Myopericarditis was confirmed in one patient after vaccination. Two patients had suspected pericarditis and four patients had suspected subclinical myocarditis.

>> No.15101287

This is always such an annoying discussion because of how many details and moral greys their are. People also just plain don't know the entire story because it is a conspiracy by elites and they're actually scientifically very fucking good at keeping their actions just about 3 sigma of iq 2 decades and a few trillion dollars too well acted for normies to figure out.

So here. I'll just list a series of facts.
Was covid natural?
Was its release planned?
Who planned its release?
The illuminati.
Who are the illuminati?
WEF, BIS, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, organized criminals, intelligence agencies
Who works for them but isn't a member?
Freemasons, Zionists, and Satanists
Is covid actually a serious health threat?
Do lockdowns cause deaths?
Did lockdowns cause more deaths than covid?
Does the vaccine increase your chances of survival?
Do boosters?
Does covid cause heart damage?
Do vaccines?
Do they cause less than covid?
If I keep taking boosters will it get more dangerous than just catching covid?
Was covid designed to increase wealth inequality?
Were lockdowns just a power grab?
Would we have been completely fine without them?
The economy would've collapsed because it's designed to implode if the elite go bankrupt.
How would the elite go bankrupt?
Assets confiscated from raids on Satanists, Zionists, and freemasons whom broke lots of laws and all non western countries refusing to accept usd and euro after being informed of the criminal activities of the illuminati.
Is science a social construct?
Is science none the less still objective?
Has the science lied?
On boosters.
Has the science been skewed?
Towards unnecessary lockdowns and unneeded treatments called boosters.
Is politics fake and gay?
If it wasn't it would be way more peaceful and boring.

>> No.15101301

No, I’m asking what’s the source for the first claim.

>> No.15101302

Also nobody warns anyone accurately about anything that might kill infants. Nursing vaccinated mother can kill a kid. Vaccine causes spontaneous abortion. Polyester underwear makes you sterile after half a year and only most likely isn't permanent. Cosmetics have ingredients that reduce sperm count and health. All of this is kind of not mentioned because it mostly affects libshits whom we all hope don't reproduce.

>> No.15101303

Why so triggered?

>> No.15101364

You're either an IgG3 chad or an IgG4 troon. Simple as

>> No.15101878
File: 40 KB, 640x374, dIKB3ptybjwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can /sci/ answer her questions?
After 90+ posts discussing why her questions aren't valid, it seems pretty obvious that
>No, /sci/ is not capable of giving an answer to her questions

>> No.15101881 [DELETED] 

>muh niggerino ball thrower

>> No.15101908

She asks one question and answers it herself. What is there to answer? Am I supposed to try and explain the stats by pulling ideas out of my ass without a source?

>> No.15101934
File: 239 KB, 1280x639, 1672934297487147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaxxie, Vaxxie, Heart Attacksie!
Takes his tests and wears his maskies.
Still got Covid, every strain.
Got spike proteins in his brain!

Got the VAIDS at 24,
“Dr. Fauchi, gimmie more!”
Had a stroke at 25,
“Thank Moderna I’m alive!”
Swollen heart at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Died of SADS at 27,
Somehow thought he’d get to heaven!

Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie!
Took his clot shots, wore his maskies!
Obituary headline noted;
“Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid”

>> No.15101941
File: 537 KB, 650x1274, Old-anonymous-vs-new-anonymous-2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that paper was published 3 weeks ago, nobody on /sci/ has read it yet because the soience soiboys here are all too low IQ to figure out how to beat the paywall

>> No.15101943
File: 417 KB, 734x1198, vaxxies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are plenty of sites that bypass paywalls

>> No.15101954
File: 15 KB, 879x569, FlpM7KWWQAEu5-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,
Wore your mask and took your tests.
Still got COVID, every strain,
Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,
"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"
Proteins tangle and misfold,
Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,
"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"
There's no cure for microclot,
Getting worse with every shot.

Heart attack at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,
Doctor says, "that means it's working."

Died of SADS at 27,
All good vaxxies go to heaven.
Obituary headline noted:
"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."

His family is quite upset,
But they're alive, at least on net.
And, they say, "it's for the better,"
Without the vax "he would be deader."

>> No.15101971

VAERs is not a reliable data source.

>> No.15101981
File: 118 KB, 960x720, FlrQQYFaMAAO52t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant publish study because you get blacklisted by peers
>cant use vaers because unreliable
>get banned everywhere for "misinformation"
ok kid

>> No.15101983

>BTFOs himself with his own image

>> No.15101986

there's no covid, faggots

>> No.15102006


>> No.15102023

1. N=16. That is not a typo. 16.
2. No mention of whether either the subjects or controls had had previous infections with Covid (symptomatic or otherwise). It is possible the study would not be able to differentiate between spike protein remaining from a prior infection versus produced as an immune response to vaccination.
3. Subjects were hospitalized for myocarditis - no mention of timing, but presumably shortly following vaccination. Controls were (obviously) not hospitalized, no mention of time since their vaccination(s). Unless controlled for timing of vaccination (possible, but not mentioned in abstract) this is a huge cohort mismatch problem.

It doesn’t need to be said anymore but cardiac risk (and all-risk) from Covid infection is far greater than from mRNA vaccination. This study definitely doesn’t call that into question. It does suggest (subject to the blazing red flags above, which may or may not have been accounted for) some of the known drawbacks of mRNA shots can have clinical impacts - though far from, in this instance, impacts on these same populations were they unvaccinated.

>> No.15102059

So defensive for no reason, maybe that's a symptom of being unvaccinated