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15101065 No.15101065 [Reply] [Original]

How do you live with the fact that you'll never be as smart as Einstein?
How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make a brilliant discovery?
How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make history and be remembered for the rest of eternity?
How do you live with the fact that there's always someone better than you?

What makes you go on?

>> No.15101078

i dont have to be exceptional to be useful + other people to live for + being happy with minor things is a skill you have to develop

>> No.15101306

I don't have a big problem with it these days. I'm not Einstein. I am what I am, and I need to focus on my path in this life. If I live to grow through the suffering and challenges unique to me, then I'd say I lived well. That's all that matters.

I also don't think my consciousness ends with the death of the body either, so that allows me to not think of my current experience as fundamental. I wasn't searching for that, but it is a bonus.

>> No.15101339

>How do you live with the fact that you'll never be as smart as Einstein?
delicious food, occasional sex, board and card games, good entertainment
>How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make a brilliant discovery?
delicious food, occasional sex, board and card games, good entertainment
>How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make history and be remembered for the rest of eternity?
a name is nothing. are you your name? is einstein a name? does anyone know einstein?
>How do you live with the fact that there's always someone better than you?
there is always someone worse than you

>> No.15101363

>How do you live with the fact that you'll never be as smart as Einstein?

You don't have to be a top genius to contribute to science or tech

>How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make a brilliant discovery?

You probably won't make a Brilliant bigass discovery but the chances of you contributing to a discovery or at least to deepen our understanding of something are not non existent if you pursue research and stuff.

>How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make history and be remembered for the rest of eternity?
Yeah you won't and it doesn't really matter. Most genius scientists/people are not remembered.

>How do you live with the fact that there's always someone better than you?
Always keep in mind that someone has to live with the fact that YOU mog him.
Second you don't have to be the best to be useful.

>What makes you go on?
My love for the subject.
If you are in just for the genius status and Einstein treatment then am sorry this is not for you.
Do you think that if humanity lives on another 100000 years they are going to remember Einstein. Prolly not.
If you are doing anything just to be remembered you are a faggot.
You do it because you like doing it.
Simple as

>> No.15101438
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Now go grab a textbook and get back on the grind so in 10 years you will make a minor discovery in some obscure ass subfield that no one cares about except you and 6 other nerds. It will be the greatest achievement of your life and it will make you happy. Unironically.

>> No.15101890

Did the doorman who let Einstein into the patent office on the morning he made his discovery not contribute to the discovery in some way ? What if the doorman said no, I'm not letting you into the patent office today ? It may have put Einstein into a flustered state where he could not mentally produce the series of thoughts needed to formulate his theory. I would say the doormans role in this instance is of critical importance

>> No.15103045

i just want to find a passion to work toward and a nice woman to marry/have kids with.

>> No.15103272

I'm not an ego maniac so idc. I live the purpose the God head sent me (or I chose to) come to this plane for. My dharma was decided long before I materialized on this plane. The Gods wrote our fate in the stars. Stop trying to fight your nature

>> No.15103308

>he only cares about recognition from others
fuck what others think bro you have to live life by your own tune. wanting public recognition is for faggots

>> No.15103337

>How do you live with the fact that you'll never be as smart as Einstein?
>>How do you live with the fact that there's always someone better than you?
I'm just not vain and insecure enough. Only an exceedingly few people ever get to be best at anything, getting worked up over not being a 1 in a million outlier is stupid and isn't a good way to live either.
>How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make a brilliant discovery?
Most discoveries are not going to be revolutionary, most will be minor an incremental
>How do you live with the fact that you'll most likely never make history and be remembered for the rest of eternity?
That is most people, even very successful scientists like John Bardeen are a point of trivia for nerds like me

>> No.15103343

I wasn't raised as a spoiled brat so I have no issues with these questions.