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15096732 No.15096732 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the most overrated scientific thinker of the 20th century? I am not saying he was bad, but he clearly wasn't the pathbreaking genius people make him out to be.

>> No.15096811

right place at the right time. I could have easily done what he did

>> No.15096838

No, he was the supreme genius of his time.

>> No.15096951

yes he was, he basically reshaped the model of the universe from the grand unchanging stage to the relativistic one.

explained the photoelectric effect, quantized electromagnetic radiation and found out the energy equivalence law (E2= m2c4 + p2c2, which simplifies to E=mc2 for rest particles)

even in trying to disprove QM, he and the 2 scientists with him discovered entanglement in it, which ironically turned out to be true.

>> No.15096954

I mean yes he was the pathbreaking genius

>> No.15096955

No, he's a legit genius and scientist extraordinaire. You're the retard and you won't ever do 0.01% of what he did. Go back to /pol/ and complain about trannies, that's your peak creativity and peak intelligence in life.

>> No.15097971

If you have to ask this question then you clearly don't understand what he accomplished in his life

>> No.15097973

Educate us, goyboy.

>> No.15098012

hack fraud, only midwits think any different because they arent smart enough to understand how fucking stupid this shit is and how simple the truth is

>> No.15098013

Rich coming from someone who achieved nothing in life.

>> No.15098019

There is definitely a reason why people divide physics into pre-1900 and post-1900, and he's the reason.

>> No.15098048

He literally rewrote large chunks of our physics understanding and provided a complete frame shift in how we see the universe. And he was not a hack. Based on exhaustive testing, its clear that whatever is actually true of Nature, Einstein's theory is closer to it than what we believed before. He ALSO did a bunch of other things.

>> No.15098646

so you are an idiot that reduces complex but not intractable problems into insipid euphemisms? neat. E=mc^2 to you too

>> No.15098649


>> No.15098673

Throw yourself off a building since gravity is only a theory.

>> No.15098677

>he clearly wasn't the pathbreaking genius people make him out to be.
He completely was. Anyone who says things like this can only be assumed to be a coping dimwit. People can always dispute the success and impact of politicians and social scientists and economists, but for people like him it's completely unambiguous.

>> No.15098685

>Throw yourself off a building since gravity is only a theory.
no. It's a law. you are retarded



>> No.15098719

I will make you look illiterate on any topic known to man. Other Jews writing articles about your plagiarized and nonsense theories is no life accomplishment. You are a projecting mouth breather so of course this beyond your tiny little brain to process

>> No.15098778

Einstein was a supergenius that redefined his field. Questioning his intelligence and theories is delusional and a RED FLAG for schizophrenia, narcissism and illusions of grandeur, those belong in >>>/x/

>> No.15098787

He was a pathbreaking genius. Probably around the 6th or 7th smartest person of all time

>> No.15098873

there's something in neuroscience called the theory of mind, obviously they should put you as a counter example or at least an exception.

If you're hanging on a sci board and still can't get the meaning of the word theory in scientific context then you might as well just off urself and give us a break

>> No.15099014

The law you just linked is a worse model for gravity than the theory of general relativity. And are you trying to imply that because it's a law, the burden of proof must have been higher? It was literally a guess on Newton's part.

>> No.15099223

Tell us more, Nazi poster boy

>> No.15099279

Who are the 5 or 6 people smarter?

>> No.15099517

so who was more of a genius in 20th cen physics?

>> No.15099522

General relativity literally doesnt even work with QM
It's meme equations at best.

>> No.15099537

Einstein kicked off QM too, Planck didn't have the balls to quantize photons

>> No.15099563

>20th cen physics?
None is physics. Much like Newton's working shaped the 17th centruy Scientific Revolution, and Maxwell shaped the 18th century, so has Einstein's work shaped the 20th century, and even 21st(due to the fact that every attempt at disproving his work always proves him right.)

>> No.15099570

I know, I just wanted OPs dumb take. Maxwell is 19th century btw

>> No.15099635

He was the first person to see that what Maxwell's equations showed. The speed of light is constant in the universe. Fundamentally he found an error in our understanding of space and time which literally rewrote hundreds of years of physics and directly resulted in the study of astrophysics (the foundation for all satellites and space experiments) and quantum mechanics (the foundation for computers and semiconductor technology).

This man literally found a missing key which enabled us to essentially have another industrial revolution

>> No.15099664

Semiconductors aren't based on qm ya geek

>> No.15099669

>due to the fact that every attempt at disproving his work always proves him right.)
do you know what the word theory means? who has detected spacetime? who actually performed his train station time dilation thought experiment? His work was entirely thought experiments, and it's never been tested.

>> No.15099671

>Semiconductors aren't based on qm ya geek
Basic quantum mechanics is a requirement for every electric engineer, without which his work would have been useless

>> No.15099673

>Semiconductors aren't based on qm ya geek
no. semiconductor devices predate Schrodinger's equation, moron.

>> No.15099676

>This man literally found a missing key which enabled us to essentially have another industrial revolution
except that never happened. no technology anyone uses is based on relativity.

>> No.15099679

>His work was entirely thought experiments, and it's never been tested.
Ok lad, if you understand what theory is, and you actually study something, that means you have an access to every study through your institution. Look up every study for the past 80 about general relativity and you'll see experiments confirming Einstein. GPS experiments, gravitational lensing, black holes observation, neutrinos, etc.

>> No.15099680

>Basic quantum mechanics is a requirement for every electric engineer
in the same way Feminism classes are. You'll never find an electrical engineer that solves SE to perform his job designing electronics.

>> No.15099685

>Look up every study for the past 80 about general relativity and you'll see experiments confirming Einstein. GPS experiments, gravitational lensing, black holes observation, neutrinos, etc.
theses are anecdotes that include a heavy amount of confirmation bias. I want you to tell me the repeatable experiment done in a lab that confirmed the existence of spacetime.

>> No.15099693

I'm not saying those experiments set out to prove Einstein. I'm saying most of those set out to disprove him, and every single one failed miserably.

>> No.15099701

semiconductors are just the material, it really should be called transistor industry and they couldn't be built without quantum physics

>> No.15099707

you failed to cite the controlled experiment done in a lab that proved the existence of spacetime.

>> No.15099713

>semiconductors are just the material, it really should be called transistor industry and they couldn't be built without quantum physics
they were, are you retarded? I already said the PN junction predates Schrodinger's equation and Einstein's work too.

>> No.15099726

give me the source on p-n junctions being manufactured before the 20s

>> No.15099736

>give me the source on p-n junctions being manufactured before the 20s
type it into google, retard? it's 1904


>> No.15099748

nta, but vacuum tubes aren't made of semiconductors.

t. ee

>> No.15099780

Not to say Einstein wasn't a great, but the degree to which everyone held on to Newton's absolute time, contained model is fairly overstated. Galileo talked about boosting the velocity of all objects in a reference frame making no discernible physical difference way before Newton, and Liebnitz took a fairly similar tack. More importantly, Liebnitz followed Aristotle's answer to Zeno's Arrow on seeing time as existing only relative to change.

Then, in Einstein's own era you had Mach and fellow empiricists claiming absolute space and time were incoherent, and viewing motion as relative.

Einstein's big miss was calling his theory one of relativity instead of invariance. He said he wished he had chosen the latter later, as the public, and many physicists, misconstrued it as saying "everything is relative" ala Mach.

Even if some of the big names today, and luminaries like Gödel, you see people wiffing on this idea when responding to the Twin Paradox. Proper time is the time of the person at rest, yes, but proper time, unlike length, is invariant. This confusion, plus Russell and Co's push to have people ignore earlier thinkers, led to the widespread adoption of block universe thinking. But the arguments that relativity and Minkoski space time imply externalism are simply wrong and misunderstand proper time as relevant to a rest frame. They also mistake the abstraction of thinking of space time as a block and give the time dimension the characteristics of an axis on some 3D shape, begining to talk incoherently about moving back and forth on the axis that is itself a stand-in for the change itself (i.e. implying a second time dimension through which movements in time are graphed).

All this has led to a widespread denial of becoming in physics which is pretty dumb, although this isn't so much Einstein's fault as it is those who tried to comment on his work.

>> No.15099801

That's easy, all experiments that involve the acceleration of particles which decay prove the existence of spacetime. At .999c their mean lifetimes are something like 50 times greater, regardless of the type of particle. You have no better explanation for why this happens than the particles changing reference frames.

>> No.15099824

>You have no better explanation for why this happens than the particles changing reference frames.
I asked for a detection of spacetime itself.

>> No.15099832

Those don't necessarily support space time, just that the formalism of relativity is accurate (enough) to predict results. If you're willing to accept that velocity changes objects' length, you can avoid space-time as a concept.

This is essentially Quine holism and web of belief. If you're willing to shift enough other facts around, you can insulate a given fact from being falsified.

And plenty of physicists think space-time will eventually be replaced as Newton's model was. Nima Arkani-Hamed is a big example of a space-time critic. You also have relational process models, or things like https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2021.655857/full

But IMO, no better model exists.

>> No.15099928

The top 3 are von Neumann, Newton, and Gauss

Then it is some ordering of Euler, Einstein, Ramanujan, Archimedes, da Vinci, Dirac, Maxwell, Tesla

>> No.15099942

This is the only one on your list to have done something with any real impact. Modern electronics are designed with hefty solvers for Maxwell's equations running in the background. Cell phone and power transmission lines have to be designed precisely to work according the the principles in his equations. The rest are memes

>> No.15099946

>The invention of calculus is a meme
>GPS is a meme
>Alternating current is a meme
>80% of modern mathematics, including the FFT, is a meme
Lol, people like you are too funny

>> No.15099963

>>The invention of calculus is a meme
Well, if you are crediting that to Newton you are correct. Newton's work is invaluable i just missed him in your list
>>GPS is a meme
That applied EM theory, see Maxwell
>>Alternating current is a meme
Tesla didn't invent it.
>>80% of modern mathematics, including the FFT, is a meme
Where is Fourier on your list? He does deserve a lot of credit.

>> No.15099994

He's referring to Gauss, who actually discovered both Fourier series and FFT before Fourier. Fourier just re-discovered what Gauss had later, and FFT was re-discovered later in the mid 20th century. Gauss also likely discovered hyperbolic/non-Euclidean geometry before anyone else did, and who knows what else.


>> No.15100014

Gauss does deserve a lot of credit, along with Newton and Maxwell. The remainder are memes

>> No.15100033

Einstein = Smartest man ever and Hitler = Evilest man ever. Don't question it, goy.

>> No.15100039

No, slaughtering millions of innocent people is a good thing.

>> No.15100042

>slaughtering innocent people is bad
>unless we do
>for jewish banker profit
>for over a century

>> No.15100047


>> No.15100050
File: 49 KB, 640x360, smedley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof? Source? Thanks for admitting I'm right. Not an argument. You are a prime example of why Americans in general, and Americans in particular, deserve to be put in concentration camps.

>> No.15100053

and American Jews in particular*

>> No.15100162

>nta, but vacuum tubes aren't made of semiconductors

German physicist Ferdinand Braun, a 24-year old graduate of the University of Berlin, studied the characteristics of electrolytes and crystals that conduct electricity at Würzburg University. In 1874 while probing galena crystals (lead sulfide) with the point of a thin metal wire, he noted that current flowed freely in one direction only. Braun had discovered the electrical rectification effect that takes place at the point of contact between metals and certain crystal materials. Braun demonstrated this semiconductor device at Leipzig in 1876, but it found no useful application until the advent of radio in the early 1900s.


You are right that is a bad source. Here's a good one. My point stands semiconductors existed before quantum mechanics. QM is just a hack of turn of the century mysticism, which has failed to explain anything in sane terms and has led to no new technology.

>> No.15100187
File: 3.62 MB, 360x273, 1661605469207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao even

>> No.15100198

Lol, considering you couldn't figure out how to read 2 of the first 3 names I listed, it is probably safe to assume you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.15100235

Your nose is coming through my monitor

>> No.15100238

smoothbrain cope. i bet you don't even know linear algebra.

>> No.15100249

Explain where Ramanujans work is used.

>> No.15100252

millions of innocent dead at the hands of the nazis

>> No.15100372

5 minutes of talking to the average American jew and the "innocent" narrative falls apart.