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15096219 No.15096219 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15096255
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>> No.15096278

Oh boy can't wait to see everybody say that the "record breaking" rainfall is due to global warming and not because of el Nino.

>> No.15097050

A weather report will say what the temperature will be in
1 day - usually correct within a few degrees
1week - usually incorrect
1 month - pretty much never correct
1 year - exactly correct to a single degree. So correct that we must actually pay the government more money in anticipation and anyone who is skeptical is automatically branded a lunatic

>> No.15097095

2 more weeks

>> No.15097252


>> No.15097265

So Jesus is coming back...

>> No.15097294
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>> No.15097298

No, because this time they're deploying weather modification techniques while sabotaging the gas and food supply. You failed to lynch them in time so now they're killing you and your family.

>> No.15097399

Now post the carbon emission trends since 1989.

>> No.15097401

Now post your post-op neovag.

>> No.15097402

only if you post the water emissions since 1989. you do know that water is the most prevalent greenhouse gas in the atmosphere right?

>> No.15097424

>implying water doesn't have a cycle

>> No.15097493
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>> No.15097542

You know that atmospheric water vapor concentration is driven by the heat of the atmosphere and has a residence time of about a week, right?

>> No.15097547

>implying co2 in atmosphere doesn't have a cycle

>> No.15097562

>implying co2 doesn't stay in the atmosphere for at least around 12000 to 40000 times longer than water

>> No.15097574

my outdoor CO2 meter routinely reads about 50% lower a sundown than it does at sunrise. 50% of all CO2 is absorbed by plants on a daily basis.

>> No.15097831

>be me
>work and live with air conditioning

Lol. Lmao.

>> No.15097835

correct. there exists this plentiful source of biomass called plants which consume co2 and output o2.

>> No.15097838

can you burgers stop using spanish words for your weather happenings for 10 fucking seconds?
you absolute queso cheese fucks

>> No.15097851

el nino is a current half wit

>> No.15097918

nobody (at least nobody sane) said places will be underwater by 2000
whatever we do or don't do will bear results decades or centuries down the line

>> No.15098466

2 more weeks

>> No.15098486
File: 3.28 MB, 4536x3024, boxboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO! The "little boy" is coming!

OOoooogah Booooogah Pendejo Booogah!

>> No.15098511
File: 96 KB, 900x760, A4EE9107-4BE1-4A7D-BA75-D5820A375E4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (at least nobody sane)
theres the rub lol. people are constantly saying shit like this, including important people. the insanity defense isn’t going to cut it unless these people start getting treated as insane

>> No.15098535

Biomass is carbon neutral. Producing biochar from biomass is a great way to stabilize that carbon and makes an excellent compost bulking agent and soil conditioner.

>> No.15098545
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Why didn't we listen?

>> No.15098547
File: 78 KB, 800x532, Blame Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know who to blame

>> No.15098550

Don't fly out and visit your grandma who will die in 2 years. Think about the planet that will maybe die in a few thousand but actually more like 1 billion years.

>> No.15098551
File: 80 KB, 732x828, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these people start getting treated as insane
Don't mistake them for being insade. Leftists are evil beyond anything you can imagine and should be treated as being evil, not laughed at as being simply insane.
Insanity is no excuse for leftist's evils. Didn't work at Nuremburg. Won't work in the future.

>> No.15098565

El nino only affects Pacific coast people so idgaf here near the Atlantic

>> No.15098813

>Biomass is carbon neutral.
Thank you for admitting AGW is false.

>> No.15099623

Do you not understand what those words mean or do you have no understanding of the climate change?