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File: 686 KB, 1392x1272, cholesterol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15094354 No.15094354 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone on sci answer that?
> scientifically?
Under which circumstances does it make sence to administer cholesterol?

>> No.15094419

Who even makes those images? "Cholesterol plaques" have basically zero fat in them and the cholesterol in them is minescule too compared to the calcium and protein

The cholesterol is the firefighter trying to combat the inflammation which is the real fire. Yet moronic doctors and pharma shills want to combat the firefighter!

>> No.15094460

>The cholesterol is the firefighter trying to combat the inflammation which is the real fire. Yet moronic doctors and pharma shills want to combat the firefighter!

This sounds like some wierd facebook health assessment by some moms.
Do you have some data on that beyond esotheric youtube doctors?

As far as I understand cholesterol is a crystaline structure and is even used in LCD displays, because they are extremly strong and temperature stable crystals.




And it seems like, that "making a christaline structure" in your vessels appear "harmless" is some pharmashilling.

There is a important distinction between cholesterine and cholesterol.
Aswell as bound cholestrol in noncrystaline forms.

Yet in every vascular rupture, the crystals work like glass shards inducing some sort of mechanical damage to the vascular system.

Please elaborate on the "firefighter" shilling, that seem to have appeared only within the last two years.
Here is a video of cholesterol which caused inflamatory damage rupturing a cyst:

>> No.15094675


>> No.15094677

>cholesterol is a crystaline structure
Cholesterol is an alcohol made from carbohydrates

>And it seems like, that "making a christaline structure" in your vessels appear "harmless" is some pharmashillin
I noticed you completely ignored that plaques are composed very little of cholesterol and mostly of calcium and protein, you're still strawmanning

>> No.15094689

>Yet in every vascular rupture, the crystals work like glass shards inducing some sort of mechanical damage to the vascular system.
Cholesterol makes up the entirely of the cells in the human body, by your retarded biochemical knowledge all your cells would be like "glass shards" due to having cholesterol in them, including your own brain which is 25% cholesterol

There is no accumulation of plaque in vessels without prior inflammation, hence why vegans also get heart disease. The randle cycle is a better explanation for why that inflammation begins.

Also, the original studies behind shilling against cholesterol and saturated fat were studies that gave cholesterol to rabbits, a vegetarian animal, which induced heart disease evidently. Humans are not exclusive vegetarians, hence it doesn't apply here.

Moreover, Hong Kong, the country with the hiest consumption of animal products, also has the highest life expectancy. If cholesterol and animal products were such a net negative, HK wouldn't have such a high life expectancy compared to "more vegetarian" first world countries

>> No.15094844
File: 342 KB, 710x494, muh_christals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If cholesterol and animal products were such a net negative, HK wouldn't have such a high life expectancy compared to "more vegetarian" first world countries

you ignored:
> There is a important distinction between cholesterine and cholesterol.
> Aswell as bound cholestrol in noncrystaline forms.
Why did you decide to ignore this?

I never talked about the "cause" of cholesterol Isolation.
And never mentioned it is because of meat consumption.
I strictly talked about the christaline cholesterol, which happens when, as you rightly mentioned, inflamation occures.
Then bound cholesterol, will be isolated and creates crystaline structures.

You are right:
> Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all the cells in your body
I never debated this.
Such as hydrochloric acid is produced in your body, yet is dangerous when it is in your veins.
When chemically isolated, it is a yellowish crystalline solid.
there is no question about this.
When you buy it for experiments, it's literally crystaline.

I don't care what the assumption is what comes first.
But shard like crystals are found in autopsies and are cause of rupture, not inflamation.
What ever causes the inflamation, it leads to build up and freeing of cholesterol from cells, which then form crystals.
Which then do additional damage.
I don't say its from meat.
Nor did I mention it once.

I just asked:
> What happens if you inject yourself with cholesterol crystals ?
Meaning not natural occuring lipid.
But the thing that happens when it leaves its natural cell habitat.

I don't ask for the cause and effect of cholesterol crystals appearing.
I asked:
> What happens if you inject yourself with cholesterol crystals ?
> Under which medical circumstances does it make sense to administer cholesterol crystals?

>> No.15094869

>Do you have some data on that beyond esotheric youtube doctors?
posts esotheric youtube doctor...
> Please elaborate on the "firefighter" shilling, that seem to have appeared only within the last two years.
posts esotheric youtube doctor that within the 4 months started shilling cholesterol...

I really wonder how this all come to be within the last two years...
All of a sudden...
Also mixing the argumentation of cholesterine to cholesterol...
As if it the same...
Extremly wierd...

>> No.15095124

>youtube doctor...
Bart is a professor in cardiovascular and respiratory physiology, exercise physiology, nutrition, research methods, and statistics. Bart has published a number of peer reviewed research and review articles, as well as book chapters. External consultancies include the NZ All Blacks, the NRL, and both NZ and Australian Defense Forces....

>> No.15096443

> Australian Defense Forces

Oh I get it now...
He knows it... ok.
And is covering it up.

>> No.15096531

>Also, the original studies behind shilling against cholesterol and saturated fat were studies that gave cholesterol to rabbits, a vegetarian animal, which induced heart disease evidently. Humans are not exclusive vegetarians, hence it doesn't apply here.
And I'm sure they only ever studied its effects on rabbits and not humans.

>> No.15096554

Yeah, I'd rather trust a real doctor than an esoteric guy from youtube.

>> No.15096558

It probably has nothing to do with the fact that 70% of the world's population was injected with cholesterol crystals.

>> No.15096590
File: 37 KB, 503x348, 1646160940922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of this changes the fact that you posted an unscientific shitpost of a video made to rile people up. The guy just spouts out unsubstantiated claims, always referring to his other, more formal videos that may or may not have merit. By posting that instead of more apt videos you're exposing yourself as a sheep appealing to authority just as any other Bildungsphilister. Go fuck yourself, you did fuck all to engage with OP's cholesterol crystal topic, nor do you know shit about cholesterol, demonstrated by your massive misunderstanding.

>> No.15096594
File: 998 KB, 1356x2902, memeRNA_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dingdingdingding we have a winner