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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15092658 No.15092658 [Reply] [Original]

>6-8°C excursion in 20000 years
>causes unknow
>1500 Gt of carbon in two periods of 1000 years
>unexplained by volcanic activity alone (no evidence of volcanic emissions of such magnitude has been ever found in Earth's history)
>unexplained by any of the other meme theories alone (oceanic methane, comet, burning of peat)
>Temperature change might have actually preceded the carbon injection by thousands of years (see [1])
> The existence of other changes (e.g. ETM2) suggest that these events happen regularly, with orbital /solar variations as the most likely cause.

Why are "climate scientists" still pretending that carbon emissions are the one and only cause of global warmings?

>[1] Sluijs, A., Brinkhuis, H., Schouten, S. et al. Environmental precursors to rapid light carbon injection at the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary. Nature 450, 1218–1221 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature06400

>> No.15092741
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Other hyperthermals
>ETM-2 (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2)

Studies hinting an astronomical cause:

Lourens, L., Sluijs, A., Kroon, D. et al. Astronomical pacing of late Palaeocene to early Eocene global warming events. Nature 435, 1083–1087 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature03814

Micah J. Nicolo, Gerald R. Dickens, Christopher J. Hollis, James C. Zachos; Multiple early Eocene hyperthermals: Their sedimentary expression on the New Zealand continental margin and in the deep sea. Geology 2007;; 35 (8): 699–702. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G23648A.1

Lucy Stap, Lucas J. Lourens, Ellen Thomas, Appy Sluijs, Steven Bohaty, James C. Zachos; High-resolution deep-sea carbon and oxygen isotope records of Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 and H2. Geology 2010;; 38 (7): 607–610. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G30777.1

>> No.15092796

This thread will be slided hard. Read it before it dies.

>> No.15093089


>> No.15093222

Very interesting research, but you’re misrepresenting the results. No climate scientist Will say that all climate change in the geologic record is due to CO2 although the carbon cycle ultimately has a large contribution.
Recent climate change has well constrained and measured causes, mainly anthropogenic CO2. Orbital and solar forcings are small compared to CO2

>> No.15093427

>Orbital and solar forcings are small
I doubt the orbit changes as much.

Solar cycles on the other hand are capable of causing global warming and much more. Maybe even galactic cycles are the cause of planetary changes.

>> No.15093448

Solar energy and particle fluxes are measured and are not the cause of modern warming

>> No.15093525

That is a retarded claim.
Solar energy is the ultimate cause of most processes in the solar system.

>> No.15093564

>Why are "climate scientists" still pretending that carbon emissions are the one and only cause of global warmings?
Show one climate scientist saying this.

>> No.15093572

>That is a retarded claim.
How so? It's objectively true.

>Solar energy is the ultimate cause of most processes in the solar system.
So most processes =/= all? Retarded claim.

>> No.15094338

>Show one climate scientist saying this
Just turn on the TV and watch any msm channel. They have "experts" parroting the narrative 24/7. The slightliest doubt is tagged as "negationism" and cancelled.

>> No.15094349

>It's objectively true
How? Solar energy powers literally every solar effect: magnetic, gravitatory, luminic, thermal, etc.

A change in the Sun can change the size of the Ionosphere of the Earth, and that trickles down and causes other effects.

>> No.15094569

>Just turn on the TV and watch any msm channel
No, show me one climate scientist saying this or explain why you lied.

>> No.15094579
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>Solar energy powers literally every solar effect
Nice irrelevant tautology. Current warming is not a solar effect. Changes in solar forcing, both via insolation and cloud seeding, have actually caused the temperature to increase less than it would have.

>A change in the Sun can change the size of the Ionosphere of the Earth, and that trickles down and causes other effects.
You're missing both the sign and the magnitude of this effect. Why do you make vague statements without connecting them to an actual argument?

>> No.15094592

Thanks for admitting I'm right. Why did you lie about being a paid shill when you're here at literally any given hour of any given day posting the same talking points and links over and over?

>> No.15094602

>why do you keep claiming 2+2=4

>> No.15094606

Even if he were obsessing over something compelling and not a known and documented WEF funded scam, that sort of behavior would have been suspicious.

>> No.15094611

>Thanks for admitting I'm right.
Where? You repeatedly failed to provide any proof and your bullshit was thoroughly refuted.

>Why did you lie about being a paid shill when you're here at literally any given hour of any given day posting the same talking points and links over and over?
LOL, ask yourself the same question. I don't even create threads, I just destroy retarded deniers like you. It's not my fault you keep repeating the same lies over and over. It's not my fault your lies are so easy to refute that it only takes a few seconds out of my day for each one. Your lack of self awareness is hilarious.

>> No.15094614

Thanks for admitting you're a paid shill. There's nothing organic about the way you camp these threads 24/7 or the way you recycle the same lines.

>> No.15094617

>Thanks for admitting you're a paid shill

>There's nothing organic about the way you camp these threads 24/7
I don't camp them 24/7. I check them every few hours when I have time. You just can't stop lying, even though this is trivial to check in this thread. If anything you're the one displaying shill behavior. But I think you would be better at lying of you were a shill. No, you're just incredibly stupid and too deluded to care about being caught lying. You just move on to a new lie after being caught, and then repeat the old ones on the next thread.

>the way you recycle the same lines.
Why wouldn't I in response to the same lies? Hello? Is there any common sense in that alleged brain of yours?

>> No.15094619

Just because I'm paid to correct your big oil denialist lies doesn't mean I'm a shill. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15094622

No, it actually does mean you're a paid shill. Thanks for admitting it.

>> No.15094627

If you don't want to be caught samefagging, you shouldn't wait exactly a minute to post again, lying retard.

>> No.15094628

I'm not a shill. I'm an information warrior.

>> No.15094631

Thanks for admitting you're a paid shill. Why did you lie?

>> No.15094632

See >>15094627

>> No.15094633
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Climate catastrophe in two more weeks, chuds.

>> No.15094634

See >>15094631

>> No.15094638

i don't think he got caught samefagging. i think you and your buddy got caught out of sync with your shill efforts

>> No.15094650

See >>15094632

>> No.15094654

kek. the absolute state of global warming propaganda

>> No.15094655

You did get caught. When are you going to exclaim why you repeatedly lie?

>> No.15094666

Thread brought to you by Shell, BP, Koch Brothers, Honda and Chevrolet.

>> No.15094711

>Why are "climate scientists" still pretending that carbon emissions are the one and only cause of global warmings?
Who is?

>> No.15094714

They'll literally all shilling AGW now and you need some serious meds.

>> No.15094737
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, F2125215-E94A-4605-BF26-1CC5800F315E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice that this denier anon never posts any sort of evidence or data and just details the thread then someone else does

>> No.15094738

only thing i notice is what a glowhard you are

>> No.15094747

>oh no I don't understand his plot and have no way to stay on topic
>let's move on to insulting him

>> No.15094752

have you ever noticed how literally no one on this board cares about your plots? what are you trying to accomplish? i'm genuinely wondering what your endgame is

>> No.15094770

They aren't mine, since I neither made, not posted them. But yes, I have noticed that deniers don't care about facts and only care about their feelings. So what's YOUR endgame?

>> No.15094772

>I have noticed
well, if you can see that no one is convinced and your efforts are pointless, why do you keep doing it?

>> No.15094776

This was my second comment ITT.
Why do YOU keep spreading nonsense if you know that you won't convince anyone who understands the plots posted here?

>> No.15094781

>you know that you won't convince anyone
does it look like i'm trying to convince anyone? i'm just here to remind you that you and your crew are unwanted here. your beliefs belong elsewhere. no matter how hard to shill, no one is buying it except for the people who were brainwashed into the same agenda to begin with

>> No.15094790

Who do you think I am and who do you think is my crew?

>> No.15094795

i don't care about your low iq deflection attempts. i'm just reminding you again that 4chan will never be the place to regurgitate the mainstream establishment narrative

>> No.15094801

Let me guess, your desktop wallpaper features a Guy Fawkes mask and reads "we are legion" in some digitally distorted font.

>> No.15094806

Sou yo have no data or evidence to substantiate your nonsense?
Besides schizoposting?

>> No.15094815

i don't know what you're chimping out about. i asked you a genuine question: why do you keep doing this? do you ever reflect on it? it can't possibly be fun since all anyone ever does is to shit on you some more

>> No.15094818

You didn't answer any question I asked back.

>> No.15094823

right, so there are two possibilities: either you are insanely autistic and lacking in self-awareness, or you are getting paid

>> No.15094830

Because you're lying about basic science and I want to call you out on it with data and evidence

>> No.15094838

> I want to call you out
but you know that no matter how much you "call people out", they will only shit on you some more and no one will be convinced, so why do you keep doing it day after day?

>> No.15094841

My times of getting paid for spending time with mental retarded kids are over. I have to admit though, none of the drooling wheelchair mongoloids were as dumb as you.

>> No.15094853

why did you suddenly start chimping out so violently? did something i say get under your skin? is there a third possibility i didn't list? please enlighten us

>> No.15094857

Nobody is chimping out.

>> No.15094860

you're definitely chimping out, but i'm still waiting for that third option

>> No.15094867

I’m still waiting on you to post some evidence of your claims

>> No.15094870

what claims? i'm just asking you if there's a third option and you keep confirming that there isn't one. i guess it's settled, then

>> No.15094879

The claim that anthropogenic global heating is not real.

>> No.15094882
File: 127 KB, 423x190, ESA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According the European Space Agencies published finding, CO2 does not cause "the greenhouse effect" on Mars.
How is it possible for CO2 be a "greenhouse gas" on Earth, but not on Mars? Does physics work differently on Mars?
Given that a greenhouse functions by using a physical barrier to suppress convective cooling, is it even possible for a gas to act as a greenhouse? It isn't possible according to Fick's laws of diffusion…

>> No.15094905

>How is it possible for CO2 be a "greenhouse gas" on Earth, but not on Mars?
Mars has an atmosphere that's 0.005 times the mass of the earth's.

>> No.15094906

i agree that it's fake but i didn't make that claim. still waiting for you to provide an explanation for your behavior besides being a paid shill or having serious mental problems

>> No.15094914

>Given that a greenhouse functions by using a physical barrier to suppress convective cooling, is it even possible for a gas to act as a greenhouse?
I am hesitating to take you serious. On the one hand, no one is that dumb, so I'm pretty sure you're trolling. On the other hand, you're quite dedicated with your images etc. Did you find them on Facebook or are you maybe really one of them who got lost and found his way to 4chan?

>> No.15094964

You probably come from /Sfg/ so it’s obvious you you’re being purposely obtuse

>> No.15094983
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I wouldn't give this troll too much credit.

>> No.15095013

Keep in mind that even in the PETM, the rate of warming was a degree warming per ~3000 years. Current warming rate is a degree warming per 100 years.

>> No.15095679

>According the European Space Agencies published finding, CO2 does not cause "the greenhouse effect" on Mars.

>Given that a greenhouse functions by using a physical barrier to suppress convective cooling, is it even possible for a gas to act as a greenhouse?
Greenhouse =/= greenhouse gas

>> No.15096017

>Current warming rate is a degree warming per 100 years.
Current earming might not be sustained over time. Climate models have failed so far. Humans simply don't understand how the planet works.

>> No.15096029

>WEF trooner task force with their arses on fire after their faux "science" gets exposed again and again
Please go back to /pol/ to shill the cloth shot. This is a higher IQ board. Just troonering doesn't cut it.

>> No.15096081
File: 221 KB, 1676x1142, 93F7C822-4A28-45D6-B3E7-02794FB4D451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current earming might not be sustained over time
The increasing greenhouse effect due to emissions is directly measured. As long as emissions continue, the greenhouse effect will continue increasing, it’s a basic property of the gas.
>Climate models have failed so far
Now that’s just not true. Even if it were, it’s a simple causal link of CO2 and it’s properties and emissions continuing to accumulate in the atmosphere

>> No.15096098

The fraud of publishing graphs from 1970, one of the coldest periods in recent history, has also been directly measured. The temperature records set in the hot decade of the 1930s have never been exceeded.

>> No.15096153
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>The temperature records set in the hot decade of the 1930s have never been exceeded.
Why do you write such easily disproven lies?

>> No.15096160

You can't "disprove" what I said by posting more fraudulent graphs. The raw data proves me right.

>> No.15096178
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>data proved me wrong
>it's actually fake :(
Since I know you won't post the raw data I went ahead and found it and graphed it. Surprise, your claims are yet another lie.

>> No.15096412
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You sure have a lot of confidence in a graph of things that happened before humans even existed and without it's error marked. Are you sure that your kind is the first to have measured it?

Or is it? Their predecessors?

Yes, yes the physics - of the system - do work different on Mars. Here's a gold star in obviousness. Check out Venus. Now go learn the big difference of the systems.

>Are you sure about that?

>> No.15096465
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>> No.15096466
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>> No.15096468

yes, physics and chemistry works different on mars than it does here, co2 doesn't cause the greenhouse effect on mars, but it does on earth. its that way because thats the narrative thats most convenient for me and my masters. questioning or contradicting my brainwashing hurts and i don't want to do it, i prefer to just happily presume that physics and math and chemistry all work differently on mars than they do on earth.

>> No.15096470
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>source: nasa
>source: ipcc

>> No.15096952


>> No.15096988
File: 126 KB, 344x342, AC23D57E-1D80-4DCD-9026-8CB53D3939F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets btfo so he starts posting nonsense

>> No.15097361

>>15092658 >>15092741
>Sluijs, A., Brinkhuis, H., Schouten, S. et al. (2007)
>Lourens, L., Sluijs, A., Kroon, D. et al. (2005)

It would've been honest to post some of Sluijs' newer papers. For instance:
Cramwinckel, M.J., Huber, M., Kocken, I.J. et al. Synchronous tropical and polar temperature evolution in the Eocene.

>We find that tropical and deep-ocean temperatures changed in parallel, under the influence of both long-term climate trends and short-lived events. This is consistent with the hypothesis that greenhouse gas forcing, rather than changes in ocean circulation, was the main driver of Eocene climate.

>our results show that tropical SST varied in tandem with
high-latitude and deep-ocean temperatures, with a stable Eocene polar amplification factor, consistent with a dominant role of CO2 forcing in both long-term Eocene climate evolution and superimposed aberrations including the PETM and MECO.

>> No.15098415

>source: nasa
lol retard, lrn2read

>> No.15099722

Still no response to being proven wrong

>> No.15100417

Has anybody read Shaviv's papers on cosmic ray flux intensity over time? Possibly relevant.

>> No.15100495

>full of low IQ mouth-breathers with zero understanding of climate science
Ignoring the tourists, how do you guys think the PETM fits as a proxy for a possible future climate?

>> No.15100535


>> No.15100893

>cosmic rays
Nope. It should be something with magnetic effects.

>> No.15100920

Climate "science" = vaccine "science"

The data is clear on past actual global warmings. CO2 cannot be the cause of all warmings, since there are examples where warmings preceded CO2 increases by hundred of years.

You can refer to the western-funded EPICA study, which analyzes antarctic ice cores. The same can be observed in the russian Vostok study of antarctic ice cores.

The underlying problem is that humans simply do not understand how the planet works.

The entire emissions scam is based on false premises. There is no science, just strategic interests of the USA and corporate interests, along with a trillion dollars emissions market.

You know it is fake science when MSM and corporations join forces and pour money on the narrative.

>> No.15100932

sometimes CO2 leads, sometimes it lags

>> No.15100937
File: 83 KB, 1352x804, wef evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know it is fake science when MSM and corporations join forces and pour money on the narrative.
Just like Ukraine scam.
Just like Covid-scam
Just like all the scams the rich 1% leftists try to pull.
If the media is saying it is true, then it's a fucking lie!

>> No.15101027

There is a causal, observed and measured effects of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. This is simply a property of CO2

>> No.15101085

>it's cosmic rays!
>>all the evidence says it's not cosmic rays
>no not cosmic rays, magnetic effects!

I wonder when you'll have any actual evidence for your claims.

>> No.15101092

>CO2 cannot be the cause of all warmings
No one said it is. Nice strawman.

>The underlying problem is that humans simply do not understand how the planet works.
Just because you don't doesn't mean scientists don't.

>The entire emissions scam is based on false premises.
Such as? Was this revealed to you in a dream?

>> No.15101104
File: 48 KB, 554x1199, WEF RESET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a causal, observed and measured effects of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. This is simply a property of CO2
AKA - CO2 necessary for life, especially plant life that humans depend on for food.

Lowering CO2 levels could cause mass starvation/extinction of humans.

>> No.15101118

When you kiss Putin's ass, do you aim at the cheeks or go for the hole?

>> No.15101120

I didn't know we were mandated to love Putin if we hate proxy forever wars funded with stolen money.

>> No.15101129

>t. hole

>> No.15101130

>Putin's ass
Check out this confused AI bot. kek
Putin has nothing to do with the WEF.
You sound gay bot. Are you a troon bot?

>> No.15101148

More CO2 is released from the ocean when it gets hotter. It's the opposite of what mainstream climate science claims

>> No.15101158

>More CO2 is released from the ocean when it gets hotter.
That's good, CO2 has a cooling effect on the planet, similar to a fresh soda drink. Fizzy makes it cooler.

>> No.15101212
File: 11 KB, 191x246, 3smileIsland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset

>> No.15101461

Holy kek

>> No.15101754

>continues to deflect with unrelated hyperbolic topics
>still doesn’t respond to the data

>> No.15101848
File: 5 KB, 205x246, 1483243054292s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir, you're morbidly obese, you can't eat 10,000 calories a day

>> No.15101871

Please explain, where in mainstream climate science is itclaimed that warmer oceans absorb more CO2?

>> No.15103185
File: 58 KB, 660x371, 89906432_c0264509-end_of_cretaceous_kt_event_illustration-spl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you listen to Through the Fire and Flames while aligning the graph to the song's progress bar, you get a spiritual experience.
It's nifty.
Remember, all sex is rape because informed consent is impossible.