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1507481 No.1507481 [Reply] [Original]

A little hypothetical game /sci/

It's 2035 and robotic, prosthetic limbs advanced to the point that they actually surpass the functionality of their healthy biological counterparts in SOME but not all respects (this seems likely given current advances in that area).

You find yourself in a position where you are able to afford artificial limbs for yourself if you so desire. Assuming that all of your limbs are healthy, would you replace one or more with an artificial version? Why/Why not?

Also, given that it's inevitable that some people will chose to have their biological limbs replaced regardless of what you do, how do you think society will react to these developments?

>> No.1507499

Replace my penis if they looked the same.

Instant boner on command ftw.

>> No.1507494

I'd probably replace my legs. Less exhaustion. Plus my hip is fucked.

I wouldn't replace my arms though, I'm not sure artificial limbs could in 2035 replace the agility of human fingers.

>> No.1507507

Hell no, I lose my hand I can't play guitar, machines will have a tough time matching human dexterity for a very long time.

>> No.1507503

>would you replace one or more with an artificial version? Why/Why not?

Well, as long as my limbs are healthy I'm sure I'd like to keep them. Call it "archaic evolutionary tendencies" (lol Alpha Centauri), but I kinda like my current limbs. Plus, you can't just say "imma get my left arm bionic'd" because that would leave them off balace, you would get a superior left arm and an inferior right arm, which would be uncomfortable. But hey, who knows. Maybe.

>Also, given that it's inevitable that some people will chose to have their biological limbs replaced regardless of what you do, how do you think society will react to these developments?

As usual, people who are liberally inclined or transhumanist would praise it, Jesusfreaks would hate it and suicide bomb clinics, and your regular conservative guy would not get it, unless he/she, say, was in a car crash and lost an arm and could only replace it with robotic limbs.


>> No.1507511

people will decry it at first

but truely we are completing our evolution
becoming anything that we can imagine

>> No.1507513

Planning on getting a brain interface when the installation is safe and has the level of connection I want. I’d keep my body and get remote controllable robot bodies, configure them for what ever I want to do with them.

>> No.1507508


>implying that can't already be done with a biological penis

>> No.1507521

Exoskeleton maybe, but fuck screwing with my limbs.

>> No.1507522


Well I'm all for cybernetics, but;

Legs are an obvious choice.

All replaceable organs.

The thing will be adapting it for cybernetic use.


Keep the hand and fingers, but replace the forearm and bicep length of arm with an implant for strength. (Being able to interface live tissue with mechanical or biomechanical systems.)

>> No.1507525

Legs I'd probably replace since I don't look at them or care for them much, and if I get mugged a robotic leg could run faster into safety!

The only bad thing is... I get so much pleasure from cutting my toenails ;_;

I think they are called toe nails. I dunno. I can't say fingernails since those are not fingers. Well, whatever you sibbly-wibbly Americans call the nails on your foot.

>> No.1507526

If they have the same feeling to it in addition to bonuses I would start with one eye but since it would be the most complex and will not be created before limbs I would go for something like left arm and if I like it then right leg, then lest parts of body followed by internal organs.
If they are simmilar to original and my sences don't change plus giving some bonuses I don't see any reason not to do it.

>> No.1507532

They would have to surpass the functionality in all respects.

>> No.1507536

Only my eyes. My current vision isn't so good, and by 2035 I'm sure they'll be much worse. And if I had the decision between lasik or a bionic eye, I'd choose the bionic eye.

>> No.1507541


Yeah robot hands are really clunky and ineffective.

>> No.1507544

See I prefer biomods anyway.

Having kevlar weave through your skin, denser muscle fibres, increased lung and cardiovascular efficiency and a more efficient nervous system.

>> No.1507543


No, no it can't. It's relant on hormones, blood etc. There are several situations in which you just simply can't get one.

>> No.1507548


Kevlar in your skin would just not work. Your body would shed that shit.

>> No.1507551

But its 2035 now!

>> No.1507552

Actually in any situation I would want or require wood, I get wood.

No erectile dysfunction here :D

>> No.1507559


I was pretty amazed at how advanced this tech already is, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the descendants of the arm in this video are able to surpass the dexterity of the human hand in the next 25 years.


>> No.1507567

I've never actually thought to myself "man, these arms are p cool, but if only they could do [x]"

So pray tell, in what areas do these prosthetic limbs surpass the functionality of their organic analogues?

>> No.1507565


Incorrect. Take off your man shield and think about it. There are several drugs that stop it. You can get injuries etc. It's not a constant ability. Lest we not forget you will get old and more than likely lose the ability.

>> No.1507564

Not really.

Why would the body shed it when it's woven into the sub cutaneous layers of flesh?

And since you're being altered to have it woven through your flesh it makes sense that any compatibility issues would be worked out as well.

>> No.1507576


Never heard of organ rejection? That isn't even 100% yet, and the skin is a fucking complex organ. You have no scientific backing to suggest this is possible, and if you do, [citation needed]

>> No.1507578

>How will society react?

Certain groups will fight this tooth and nail, think of all the people opposing gm crops, stem cell research etc

Not to mention numerous religious conservatives of various different faiths who think our body is 'God-given' and shouldn't be messed with.

The shitstorm would be interesting to watch

>> No.1507609

Yes in the future.

For the time being my dick has rose to the occasion whenever required, and then some.

>> No.1507611


Fuck them.

What we need is all the bible thumpers and towel heads to go to war and exterminate one another, so those of us without a imaginary friend to fall back on can emerge from our bunkers and develop the world and society as it should be.

>> No.1507619


I know man, we all do, but that can only happen in an idealized world.

OR when people realize that they can't have an opinion on something they know absolutely nothing about.

>> No.1507634


Same basic principle man, you CAN have allergic reactions to it I know, but Kevlar is a pretty resilient fibre that doesn't really react much from what I remember, and the scientific basis is that it's an organic molecule that we can synthesise, all we have to do is make a genetic coding for it and then work out the kinks, fuck it could even be achieves with a retrovirus.

Also we have made goats produce spider web silk instead of milk before.

>> No.1507652


For the sake of argument lets say that they are better in terms of:

-Range of motion: Presumably it would be trivial to add more joints, redesign existing ones so that they are capable of 360 degree rotation, or add functionality that allows the limb to extend or contract far beyond the range of the biological version.

-Durability: Again it would probably be easy to use various different materials to make the outer casing of the limb, offering far more resistance to cutting, piercing, blunt trama, pressure and extremes of temperature.

-Strength: Basically any movement that does not require leverage from the rest of the body would be easy to augment, grip strength is the first to come to mind.

-Interface with built in/other devices: This is imo, the most exciting possibility. You could have built in sensors that would give you the ability to determine things like air and water purity, background radiation, wireless connectivity etc via physical sensation. You could have built in digital keys to your car and apartment so that you never lose or forget them, integrated communication devices, interchangeable hands for different functions and who knows what else. This could easily turn into a very long list.

>> No.1507661

Well then I think I'm good with my normal arms. All that seems pretty much on the same level as an iPad in the "pointless flashy gadgets" department, so it's not worth the risks that would be inherent in the operation.

>> No.1507674

>interaction with other modules

How long before I can self modify the arm legally?

How compact is the arm?

and does it look like a human arm or is it a mass of machinery?

>> No.1507711 [DELETED] 


Assuming there is little to no risk involved in the operation. This is 2035 after all.


I'm not really looking to head into sci-fi territory to much, so assume that whatever is a reasonable 25 year progression on the tech around now is possible.

>>1507559 linked a good video that shows the level this technology is at currently.

>> No.1507719


Assuming there is little to no risk involved in the operation. This is 2035 after all.


I'm not really looking to head into sci-fi territory too much, so assume that whatever is a reasonable 25 year progression on the tech around now is possible.
>>1507559 Linked a good video that shows the level this technology is at currently.

>> No.1507741


Well, either way, I'm gonna try and shield it and rig up a mini coil gun or rail gun, or maybe a mini gauss rifle, just because I can and it would be ridiculously badass.

>> No.1507746


*Only legal in the US

>> No.1507758


Yes because the non measurable present is the only thing you should care about.

>> No.1507796

I ain't jerking off with a hydraulic arm that can crush rocks son.

>> No.1507802

That's why I'm seeing if I can modify the arm myself to strip it down to the bare bones of what it needs to function and have it sort of pop up in a sense.

Either way I wanna build a rail gun, take it north and shoot a tree or some shit.

>> No.1507810

First i would install a new liver to balance my blood sugar as well as many other things (add vitamins I'm low on, take out things i a currently have an excises of. My weight will never be a problem again!) second i would get my penis replaced with one of those bumpy vibrators (with all the nerve endings intact of coarse) fallowed by a fake vagina to be placed where my balls are, (they can go in my new liver for all i care) finally i would get an inflatable (with silicone not air) chest that could go from male peck to double D's when ever i feel like it, and you know what throw one of those on my ass while your at it (set to ass settings of coarse)

>> No.1507808

yes, because i've wanted to since i was 10. probably just my legs or feet though. fucking flat feet.

>> No.1507815

I wouldn't mind replacing my legs with mechanical ones, I think that'd probably save me a lot of trouble down the line, but I don't think I'd go fucking with anything else until something happened that required me to.

>> No.1507859
File: 431 KB, 875x875, Gunslinger_sized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Replace my left hand with something like this

>> No.1507872

A big advantage not yet mentioned would be that these limbs would not age, even when the rest of your body is well into infirmity.

>> No.1507876

It really depends.

Lets say I wanted to go into medicine, had the skills/grades/everything needed and money.

If the functionality you are describing is indeed better then human functionality then I would replace both my hands in a heartbeat.

>> No.1507881
File: 66 KB, 500x328, MoreYouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The depraved nature of Anonymous coupled with the potential of future 'transhuman' technology makes me very worried.

Also aroused

>> No.1507911

Robot right arm, robotic left leg.

>> No.1507915

I believe that stem cells will be used to regenerate limbs rather than using robot limbs that are cold and void of all feeling

>> No.1507970

I think we will have superior genetic engineered body parts before robotics, that seem to be more logical aproach. Think about it, with advanced genetic engineering we could assist our evolution in a more controled way instead of random mutations over millions of years, have bodies that live centuries or that can become stronger easily or more capable brains.

>> No.1507971


Except they aren't, we already have robotic arms that link into the nervous system and provide sensory feedback. Someone linked news report describing one earlier in the thread.

>> No.1507978

It's rather advanced now, surprisingly so - there are several good videos on Youtube about it.

One with a full range of motion, sensory feedback, etc.

>> No.1507988
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Pic related, it's me circa 2035

>> No.1508083
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i'd replace my right arm.
I would love to fap at hyper-speed.
Also, Will Smith's arm was the real hero of I, Robot

>> No.1508931

how do you clean around something like that?

>> No.1508959

>SOME but not all respects

No. unless you give us specific examples of what things would be better and what would be worse, then i wouldn't do it. risk-wise it would be safer to not replace them, because who knows the long term side effects, or what types of complications can occur.

>> No.1508965

It's not artificial limbs I'm looking forward to; it's artificial organs. Also, vein/artery replacement/repair.

>> No.1508983

Women won't. They like being sexy.

I cannot see a situation where prosthetics have the dexterity combined with the strength to surpass humans without including good ole nerves.
That’s right, robotic limbs are still for cripples. Genetically engineered however... thats a whole different ballgame.

>> No.1508991

all that will do is let fattys live longer.

>> No.1508999


>> No.1509004

More like: It's 2135 and robotic, prosthetic limbs advanced to the point that they actually surpass the functionality of their healthy biological counterparts in SOME but not all respects

>> No.1509003


like yourself? Fatass.

>> No.1509021


Reading the thread helps, this has all been addressed.

>> No.1509057


It wont take anywhere near that long & you're a moron if you think it will.

>> No.1509089


I'd say a bit sooner in some countries outside of the US. Japan is a bit farther ahead in some related areas. China has the money and the people to throw at it. South korea usually competes with Japan and China. Germany is also another nation with a solid research base. All those countries are more socially progressive as far as the ethics of messing with the human body go and all are also very industrious culturally.

The problems here in the US are an anti-science bias by the general public, our labs and companies aren't communicating with each other to pass on new info/techniques, and our government isn't putting much into funding things like this (example: US put ~200-300 million dollars into the robotics research field while south korea put something like $10b into theirs (source: this months popular science magazine. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-07/loneliest-humanoid-america))

I'd say that in order to fix those problems, pour slightly more funding into the fields (enough to hire/pay wages, buy required equipment/materials, etc..), encourage people to go into the field(s), encourage more communication and cooperation/competition by holding more conferences, and set goals or projects like the x-prizes.

>> No.1509105
File: 2 KB, 270x250, militaryspending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder where all our money goes t- oh wait...

>> No.1509123



Most of the tech is already here, its just a question of refinement. I can see vast improvements to the hand in the video in the next 25 years.

>> No.1509133


The military is actually investing heavily into advanced prosthetics (see DARPAs Luke arm). With the end goal of having a soldier lose a limb, then get a prosthetic functional enough for him or her to return to active duty.

>> No.1509138

cool graph without a source bro

>> No.1509148

Nah I'd keep my limbs as long as they're healthy. Mind you I'd be nearing 50 by that time so maybe it would be worth the change...

>> No.1509198

Well, at least with artificial limbs you won't have to worry about peripheral artery disease

>> No.1509232

I wouldn't go with limbs. I don't want to have to relearn all my fine motor skills (writing, etc).

Now, if it were a bionic eye, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.1509244

Unless they can get the wiring correct, you'll need to learn how to see.

>> No.1509316

lay off the deus ex

>> No.1509357

Same. However I would have to consider the downsides to the legs before I would get them because I use my legs for music (I am a drummer). If I could still have all the mussel memory I have acquired these few years then I would probably replace my legs but not my arms.

>> No.1509421

>Jesusfreaks would hate it

What the hell is it with people thinking all Christians are anti-tech, anti-reason, anti-everything. Colonel Coffee Mug, I thought you were cool, then you drop a troll phrase like that.

Well this "Jesus Freak" here has a body in full working condition and would rather just use powered armor for the few applications where he needs to be enhanced.

>> No.1509455


>mussel memory
>The clam that remembers

>> No.1509471

You're a christfag. Fuck off.

>> No.1509934
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>> No.1509941



>> No.1509980

i wouldnt due to the sole fact that all things mechanic etc can break and are never the same once repared. also i doubt it will be able to repare itself like our limbs!