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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15088679 No.15088679 [Reply] [Original]

Black anon, I've seen the evidence for lower black IQ and desu it seems overwhelming, so I want to see if I am truly a midwit. I do pretty well in school especially when it comes to math but from what I have read above a certain level IQ it doesn't matter for academics.

>> No.15088710

Just take an online test for free. They're just as reliable as any professional test.

>> No.15088734

Lower average IQ doesn't mean all blacks are stupid. If you're succeeding in academics there's a good chance you have a high IQ. Though I would advise you not put too much stock into the results.

>> No.15088737

Blacks have lower average IQ only because of socioeconomic factors. For example, early childhood nutrition is the only clinically demonstrated causal factor in IQ score. Poor dietary habits before the age of 2 can have a detrimental effect on intelligence for life. As most blacks lack the means to provide their children with quality meals most black children end up having poorly developed brains. Not racism just science.

>> No.15088741

Do everything that the average black does not and selectively choose your partner so that your offspring tends to have a better IQ. Teach them eugenics and make sure they select their partner based on IQ and intelligence too. With many successive generations you may have a good offspring with very high IQ and maybe one of your descendants grows up to be the next Yakub. Good luck fren.

>> No.15088746

From what I've heard they are simpler that your professional test.
Lol this anon>>15088741 ruined it but will do, thanks for the advice

>> No.15088749

>From what I've heard they are simpler that your professional test.
this was for you

>> No.15088768
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>> No.15088783
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>I want to see if I am truly a midwit.
No need for an IQ test. Two questions will net the same result.

1.)Did you have a child out of wedlock in a western country? If yes then you're a midwit. If no then you're not a midwit.

2.)Did you go to college for STEM, Law or Medicine? If yes, you're not a midwit. If no, you're a midwit.

Saying "No" to the first question and "Yes" to the second question means your IQ is above 110 because you didn't fall for midwit tier lifestyle trappings.

>> No.15088857

Hey! I don’t look like that!

>> No.15088864

Shut the actual fuck up. Nobody cares.

>> No.15088869

There’s been like 10 race bait threads allowed to stay up for the past couple days. I’m convinced the mods just don’t care anymore.

>> No.15088896 [DELETED] 

yeah just a coincidence that they look less evolved

>> No.15088913 [DELETED] 

They look extremely evolved to me, chud. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15088933

Depends. I can find some truly lol-tier nog phenotypes from the African continent, but upper-class nogs in America look more evolved to me than most hicks.

>> No.15088959

so how come obese people have lower iq than skinny people?

>> No.15089013

>Did you go to college for STEM, Law or Medicine?

>Law or Medicine
>not midwit

Law and Medicine are PEAK midwit.

>> No.15089251

Don't ever take an IQ test if IQ is something you think would be important to you. Realizing that you're a retard will destroy any hope you might've had and kill your motivation.

>> No.15089427

>1.)Did you have a child out of wedlock in a western country? If yes then you're a midwit. If no then you're not a midwit.
No, but this is largely due to the fact that I am an anime nerd that has only been with escorts
>2.)Did you go to college for STEM, Law or Medicine? If yes, you're not a midwit. If no, you're a midwit.

>> No.15089435
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>Full awareness/navigation of one's country's laws
>High paying, High Job Security, properly trained for emergency situations

>> No.15089451

You have this all wrong.
Do not use IQ for self-affirmation, use IQ for course-correction.
People who work extremely hard can go pretty far with a low IQ but is that really the life you want to live?
Sure you can game the IQ test with practice, but the difficulty of surviving in a real world high IQ environment doesnt magically disappear.
And all for what? Pride? Ego? It isnt money because academics dont make that much.

>> No.15089616

Take the CAIT, it's modeled after the WAIS-IV.

>> No.15089618

...because they have poor dietary habits

>> No.15089624

> he believes human potential is fully captured by bullshit jew numbers. proceeds to shape his life around these jew numbers.

>> No.15089746

>How to manipulate judges and juries
>Actually an Orwellian inversion meant to keep you ill for profit

Yes. In theory they are both pursuits of high intellect, in reality, they are full of the most disgusting parasites and midwits.

>> No.15089818

Bonk yourself on the head with a two by four, if your skull doesn't fracture (it won't) then you're a certified bone head. Much cheaper and 100x more accurate than most IQ tests.

>> No.15089870
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Just because black people on average have lower IQ (it's not even by that much), doesn't mean ALL black people have low IQ. IQ follows a standard distribution, so there are still plenty of black people with above average IQ, just less than certain other ethnic groups. If you are doing well in life and achieving your goals, then who cares what your IQ is?

>> No.15090708

surely op will take this and share his results right?

>> No.15090896

midwit =/= retard

>> No.15090900
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What was the /sci/ approved midwit cutoff again? It was 150, right? Feels good to be a 151 genius.

>> No.15090904

In my experience, online tests might exaggerate your IQ, but usually not by a huge amount.

>> No.15090906

IQ tests are the most dimwit thing ever

>> No.15090932

im black and my iq is 130

>> No.15091002
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le midwit

>> No.15091016

a lower average IQ for your population group doesn't mean you will be stupid. And it doesn't mean every black person is stupid. It means what it means, the average IQ is lower. The black population produces less geniuses and more low IQ people, but certain smart individuals still can exist in that group. Don't sell yourself short on this, merely work within the means of reality. Happy New Years blackanon.
t.autistic white anon

>> No.15092365

you don't look like OP unless you're in a minstrel show. wojak is a drawing of a pole with caucasian features, coloring that in to make it look like it has a dark skin does not create a "black wojak", it makes a picture that looks like someone colored a white person's skin dark. niggers have massively disproportionate oversized lips and hilariously wide noses, you'v got to add those features if you want a wojak which looks african.

>> No.15092640

There are plenty of intelligent black folks, but a seemingly disproportionate amount of dumb fuck nignogs.. It may be a social thing / less access to education or a genetics thing, hard to say without some serious testing.

>> No.15092651

13% of the population, over 80% of crime

>> No.15092660

So the harder I swing the higher chance I have of being intelligent?

>> No.15092661

You'll never not be a nigger, so there's that. It's terminal subhuman midwittery for you.

>> No.15092673

“Socioeconomic factors”
Like the dad going to jail? Because he’s stupid?

Show me one case where fixing black peoples socioeconomic factors fixed their IQ.

>> No.15092676

You don't have to, for black ppl: If you are succesful u are a midwitt if you are a normie you have 109 IQ
Care about your future baby with western nutrition

>> No.15092677
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there are twin studies and other studies that correct for socioeconomic factors and it doesnt fix the black IQ disparity.
Why is height genes, rhythm, athletic ability, chess ability, lung capacity, etc all genes but IQ cant be genes?

>> No.15092688

>studies and other studies
nta but got sources? I believe it either way

>> No.15092783

Damn, is living as a nigger just constant self doubt and hatred?

>> No.15092791

Show me one case of fixing black people’s socioeconomic factors.

>> No.15092812

When people insult you for being black it can hurt. But since I can’t change it I’ve learned to just roll with the punches and not give a fuck at this point.

>> No.15092830

>When people insult you for being black it can hurt.
Toughest akata

>> No.15093403

but then it all goes to shit when whites decide to genocide everyone else including the good ones like op

>> No.15093473
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what a start

>> No.15093485

Sorry to hear that nigger, but keep up the good work.

>> No.15093589

oh shit here we go again, fuck off and die you piece of shit

>> No.15093610

IQ is entirely determined by head circumference.
Test if you have the phenotype
Either you have it, or you dont

>> No.15094120

thank god i was raised in a white environment then

>> No.15094141

You're black bro, that means you're superior. You're a master race so you're naturally smarter than everyone else that sin't black.

>> No.15094143

this is what they think about you, if they we're aloud to hang you up on a tree an burn you they would

>> No.15094146


>> No.15094147

because you're better than them

>> No.15094231

don't hate the white devil. be better than them

>> No.15095064

>Categorize into 5 species
Complete ignore MENA and the Indian Subcontinent.

>> No.15095207
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>there are twin studies and other studies that correct for socioeconomic factors and it doesnt fix the black IQ disparity

Half true, most studies have shown correcting socioeconomic factors does shrink the IQ gap by 5-10 points although it doesn't completely eliminate it. The problem is like most studies involving IQ development they usually ignore the prenatal stage of development which is just as important since that's where neurogenisis first takes place.

Trying to properly address IQ after the prenatal stage is like trying correct a design flaw after the product has been manufactured. There are ways to mitigate productivity loses but it will never be as "optimal" as it could have been if you managed it before the manufacturing (prenatal development) was complete.

So if you're taking kids born in poverty or low socioeconomic circumstances you've already missed a big window. Because their mother has probably already compromised neurogenisis development thanks to malnutrition (which doesn't just mean starvation it includes lack of proper nutrition) and high proportions of stress causing altered cortisol hormone levels (which increases probability of low birth weight of children). Both directly affect IQ and liklihood of neurodegenerative afflictions occurring.

>> No.15095230
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>i am the savior of the lesser races who are too stupid to defend themselves

>> No.15095251 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15095257
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>> No.15095305

Heh, "means of reality"

>> No.15095308


>> No.15095403

>be better than them
>while parasitically draining their resources via social programs pushed by politicians who pander to us
lol. lmao even

>> No.15095414 [DELETED] 

The evidence for blacks having lower IQ does not consider the overall development of African nations and wealth of inner city America. I would wait at least a few hundred more years before admitting that Africans are truly mentally inferior to other races. On the bright side average IQ in Africa has been rising with correlation to economic development and we know some Africans can be academically successful already. You should just do what it is that you want to do and don't worry about the people who try to drag you down.

>> No.15095426
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The evidence for blacks having lower IQ does not consider the overall development of African nations and wealth of inner city America. I would wait at least a few hundred more years before admitting that Africans are truly mentally inferior to other races. On the bright side average IQ in Africa has been rising with correlation to economic development and we know some Africans can be academically successful already. You should just do what it is that you want to do and don't worry about the people who try to drag you down.

>> No.15095677

gross, you stay away from whites, nigger

>> No.15095772
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>> No.15095800

Nigger, the world is yours. Your victim mentality is disgusting, below pathetic.

>> No.15095801

Oh bullshit. All of the really brilliant discoveries have come from white people, with most of them starting off with major disadvantages, at a time when a wholesome meal was largely absent in most peoples lives.

Particularly in pre 1900 time frame. Newtons, father died before he was born, he was premature jaundiced and could "fit into a cup'

His mother dumped him as a child onto her mother for safekeeping. It was only when he was 12 - which was long passed your neonatal development phase crap) that he got to shine.

And this was 1650! And in Africa, there was ....nothing. And in India there was ...nothing. And in China there was ...nothing.

All that was happening was the Turks were invading Western Europe, using white children they kidnapped as babies because they made such brilliant soldiers.

Please such cope.Its genetic and its obvious. It doesnt mean other races are bad or worse off. But its idiots like you who promote white guilt that are the biggest fools of our time.

>> No.15095804

>niggers btfo

>> No.15095807

>we know some Africans can be academically successful already
I’ve met them. Can’t say the same about “African Americans” because I have not met a single smart one. They were sold into slavery for a reason, it’s only by the grace of god that European admixture started to seep in, which hasn’t done enough, if anything at all…

>> No.15096398
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thats kinda racist

>> No.15098443

Again with this fucking cope?