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15087664 No.15087664 [Reply] [Original]

>do only bench press and deadlift for 6 years
>body builds muscle imbalances
>start correcting imbalances
>muscles start pulling on each other and correcting the imbalances by themselves
>spent a year+ 24/7 heating up muscles to get my body to return to a physique with balanced proportions

Ive posted this in fit but they are actually, clinically speaking, retarded. Maybe I can get some sort of answer here. Am I going to die?

>> No.15087666

>Am I going to die?
scientifically speaking, yes
politically speaking, fucking jews and nazis
sociologically speaking, ooga booga

>> No.15087670

this whole thing has made me consider the following may be true

>muscle can be built instantly
>fat can be depleted and the nutrients used to directly build muscle

>> No.15087672

ok but how do i actually build muscle?

>> No.15087674

>ok but how do i actually build muscle?
ask fit they are stupid about everything but that

this isnt an exercise thread friend

>> No.15087695

What's your big concern here, anon? What have you done outside of the ordinary that would make you afraid?

>> No.15087715
File: 86 KB, 405x720, 0E68B041-1158-4A04-B540-7E6E54FD478E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can’t build muscle chad has returned

>> No.15087728

ive felt 20% on the way to a heart attack for a year

my muscles are in a constant state of tension

>> No.15087735

Hydrate and make sure you're getting electrolytes but not going overboard. See a doctor and have them do a onceover.

>> No.15087741

>See a doctor and have them do a onceover.
last med i saw was some indian that told me to eat dark chocolate to get rid of belly fat and then literally stalked me because i allegedly had microscopic blood in my urine

then i saw a shrink that got caught with a kiddie porn dungeon full of self made cp

>> No.15087749

Blood in your urine isn't the best sign. Aside from that, you had a stint of shit luck with the one gross pedo tard. Just recollect and try again.

>> No.15087755

nah that little ghandi motherfucker was a piece of shit

>> No.15087759

thats what my aunt who was a marine in the 60s told me

honestly gatorade doesnt do anything except help me if i have a stomach ache, if anyone here has a wife or gf (HAHAHHAHA HAHA ...HAHAHHAHAH...HAHAHA...sorry) and they get pregnant (HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH) and get morning sickness try giving them some gatorade i dont know what the fuck morning sickness is but it felt like i had it because i am a little bitch

>> No.15087774

Not gatorade. Go for something that isn't loaded with sugar, as that can make you feel worse. Electrolyte drink mixes.

>> No.15087784

>that isn't loaded with sugar, as
oh here we go
im alright bro

>> No.15087793


>> No.15088061

>Indian doctor
You deserve everything that happened. Never get an Indian doctor.

>> No.15088068

>bro just drink elektrolytes
Is this really what americans believe?

>> No.15088248

Refer to his post.
>i've felt 20% on the way to a heart attack for a year
>my muscles are in a constant state of tension
Muscle tension and heart palpitations are symptoms of dehydration. Drinking enough water to compensate for that is likely going to require some level of electrolyte replenishment to keep from flushing too much sodium out through the kidneys and leaving an imbalance that can become dangerous.
He's also mentioned blood in his urine here >>15087741. Going for prolonged periods of time with dehydration can lead to hematuria.

>> No.15088271

Why not just eat fresh fruit? Oranges, bananas, pineapples, all loaded with electrolytes

>> No.15088336

Because he's already starting with a baseline of what sounds like chronic dehydration and having fruit isn't going to save the day this far in.

>> No.15088644

Fair enough but for anyone getting into fitness and nutrition: fibre is your friend!

>> No.15088750


>> No.15088772

Keeps things moving and is also associated with fresh fruits and vegetables, which are usually rich in electrolytes and water. A super high protein diet can cause constipation and that’s not much fun at all.