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File: 162 KB, 1440x810, 1653916622222,world-trade-center-11-september-2001-new-york-100__v-16x9@2dL_-6c42aff4e68b43c7868c3240d3ebfa29867457da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15075625 No.15075625 [Reply] [Original]

When the towers collapsed, why wasn't the collapsing part being destroyed simultaneously alongside with the part it collapsed onto? Why didn't a part of the building survive?

>> No.15075628

You have to be literally mentally disabled to not understand that 9/11 was an inside job and conspiracy schizos are right about it

>> No.15075819

because the top floors were basically in partial free fall, they crushed all the floors underneath it.

>> No.15075824 [DELETED] 

All the credible scientific experts agree that 9/11 was a controlled demolition. Bush Fairytale believers are anti-science.

>> No.15075860

wouldn't you then have to find a huge stack of floors stapled onto each other on ground zero?

>> No.15075862

In fact, university published research on the collapse proves it.

>> No.15075873

Bezant's paper?

>> No.15075878


>> No.15075884

has this been peer-reviewed?

>> No.15075886 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 600x625, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has this been peer-reviewed?
Has the Bush fairytale been peer-reviewed?

>> No.15075888
File: 682 KB, 800x534, Useful Idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the towers collapsed because the columns were weakened by the heat and could no longer support the top of the tower. All the other ridiculous conspiracy theories about the collapse of the towers, and especially about the airplane, have been fed to the public for disinformation purposes.

The only truth is that the United States allowed this to happen and used it as an excuse. They also exploited and still exploit people's sense of nationality through the citizens who lost their lives in the attack.

Whoever supported Osama bin Laden is the real mastermind of the attack.

>> No.15075890

It's a structural engineering failure report. The data is open access.

>> No.15075892 [DELETED] 

Conspiracy denialism is a mental illness.

>> No.15075894

Well, continue to believe without a doubt what controlled opposition people like Alex Jones say.

>> No.15075895 [DELETED] 

Take your meds already. Your narrative is so outdated you're not even a shill. You're genuinely that staggeringly brainwashed.

>> No.15075898

why's there no mention of it on the wiki page

>> No.15075899

Yes, they pay me to deceive people. Well, then I'll tell you what you want to hear.

- The Earth is flat.
- September 11th, no planes hit the towers, all that footage you're watching is computer-generated. And the destruction of the towers was controlled.
- There were chips in the vaccines that were developed to control you.
- There was no moon landing in 1969. It was all shot in a studio, and the director of the movie was Stanley Kubrick.

Is that enough, Mr. Chud?

>> No.15075900 [DELETED] 

Because wikipedia is not a valid source, as your highschool teacher must have told you a thousand times.

>> No.15075904 [DELETED] 

At least learn how an imageboard works before you post, Karen.

>> No.15075905

Don't talk to them seriously, just mock them.

>> No.15075908

Explain this please.
Children ritualistically chanting words their innocent minds just barely comprehend for the president of the US while the towers are under attack.


>> No.15075909

You are an idiot who kills most of your day with controlled conspiracy theories. You will never truly know the truth. You know why? Because your goal is not to know the truth, but to be accepted as a member of a community.

>> No.15075913 [DELETED] 

Now this here is an actual shill. Notice the feeble attempt at poisoning the well instead of regurgitating a retarded narrative that has already been taken apart.

>> No.15075915 [DELETED] 

Ok. Now please take your risperidone or Osama will come back and do another 9/11 in your head. :^(

>> No.15075918

Do you think, I am conspiracy theorist or a shill for the official narrative? I am asking: If the study has any relevancy, then why is not on the Wikipedia page?

Unfortunately, I don't know of a more credible source for this information.

>> No.15075920 [DELETED] 

>Unfortunately, I don't know of a more credible source

>> No.15075922
File: 716 KB, 1096x615, Projection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15075927

>has this been peer-reviewed?
when something with a political subtext passes a peer review it's one more reason NOT to trust it

>> No.15075929 [DELETED] 


>> No.15075930

>Whoever supported Osama bin Laden is the real mastermind of the attack.
Osama bin Laden is a CIA agent anyway, he was recruited during the CIA-Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 80's

>> No.15075932

>for this information
Why is this so laughable? The attacks on 9/11 are such a divisive issue, it's not easy to come by unbiased, credible information. Especially, if you're not an engineer/architect/pilot/flight instructor/etc. yourself.

>> No.15075935 [DELETED] 

>Why is this so laughable?
Because wikishills would be the last place to look for credible information for anyone rational.

>> No.15075936

why so?

>> No.15075937

Who cares about Wikipedia. The official report didn't even mention Tower 7. The official report.
You have to be literally braindamaged to believe anything the government says about 911.

>> No.15075940

Suggest a better source, then

>> No.15075942 [DELETED] 

What's the point? You will dismiss anything that isn't mindnumbing establishment propaganda as "biased".

>> No.15075943



>> No.15075946

>Published November 20, 2008
yup. it took 7 years for people to notice.

>> No.15075947

I'll have to see. I simply search for an answer to the questions in these posts
That's all.

>> No.15075948 [DELETED] 

He's probably talking about the 9/11 commission report. The NIST coverup "report" is equally laughable, though.

>> No.15075949

>He's probably talking about the 9/11 commission report.
Yes, thank you.

>> No.15075950

No balls to read the report, right?

>> No.15075952 [DELETED] 

Call me back when the paid shills at NIST release the full details of the 3DS Max animation they call a simulation. They are withholding it from review to this very day. lol

>> No.15075956

>why's there no mention of it on the wiki page
You gotta wait 50 years for the US government to declassify the information.
This kind of stuff isn't easily revealed to the public. Emotions are strong, and the minds of the cattle are weak.

The incident with Twin Towers mirrors that of Pearl Harbor.
They let a tragedy happen, in order to create a pretext for entering a war.
Again, the government denied this for decades and even suggesting the idea may earn you a fist in the teeth way back then, but now it's not entirely insane idea to suggest.

It's not unreasonable to assume the US used the same modus operandi to enter a new war, as the manual/playbooks are from the WW2 are likely still around somewhere and available to top officials. You can argue IF the government did this or let it happen, but what you CAN NOT DENY is that the government is capable of this. They are capable and have done this in the past

>> No.15075960 [DELETED] 

You can start from this, normie.

>> No.15075965

It's not just Pearl Harbor, they do it all the fucking time.
During the Iran-Contras affair the CIA was training the rebels how to stage false flag terrorist operations, this stuff is completely public now. Same thing with the fucked up Cuba operation.

>> No.15075985

>why's there no mention of it on the wiki page
Sources are added to wikipedia by individuals. You could add it yourself if you'd like.

>> No.15075990

>Suggest a better source, then
I linked one here >>15075878

>> No.15076004

>he believes wikipedia is an open encyclopedia
are you fucking 12? lmao

>> No.15076017

This is curious. But wouldn't it be hard to know without comparing the collapse to some other buildings which have collapsed with similar structure?

>> No.15076018
File: 68 KB, 474x703, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to be literally mentally disabled to not understand that 9/11 was an inside job and conspiracy schizos are right about it
Watch the movie they made just before 9/11 announcing their intentions as usual.

"Swordfish" 2001

>> No.15076022

>university published research
That doesn't help any, in fact it hurts the argument. Universities are complete garbage factories now and no longer publish any credible non-woke papers.

>> No.15076024
File: 85 KB, 571x680, Government Organized Crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only truth is that the United States allowed this to happen and used it as an excuse. They also exploited and still exploit people's sense of nationality through the citizens who lost their lives in the attack.
>Whoever supported Osama bin Laden is the real mastermind of the attack.

>> No.15076045

You can read the report posted here >>15075878
Unlike most other reports on the subject, all the simulations and videos used to compile their results are publicly accessible. You can check the math yourself.

>> No.15076174

nice meme

>> No.15076598

Add the Spanish-American war to the list. The USS Maine was aa ridiculous a casus belli as the gulf of Tonkin incident.

>> No.15076599

>Osama bin Laden
>switch two letters
>Obama sin-laden

Many such cases.

>> No.15076816

I don't know about the first part of your question, but for this part
>Why didn't a part of the building survive?
Buildings are only designed to take reasonable loads. They might be designed to take earthquake loads or a bomb blast load but I don't believe the wtc was designed to take a jumbo jet smashing into it load. They could have designed it for that if they wanted to but the stronger the building is the more it costs to build so only likely things are usually designed for. So when that top part of the building finally reached the ground it would have already been weakened by the blast and damage from the plane and damaged from crushing floors below it so it just broke apart on impact

>> No.15076822 [DELETED] 

>I don't believe the wtc was designed to take a jumbo jet smashing into it load
Except it literally was designed to withstand impact from a jumbo jet. At least get your Bush narrative straight: the talking point goes that it wasn't designed to withstand impact from that particular jumbo jet. lol

>> No.15076849

You can read here the outcome of trying to add it to Wikipedia

Basically the editors are saying
- the study is a primary source and they can only use secondary sources
- the university engineer is a bridge engineer and not a steel buildings engineer
- the university engineer is not notable
- report was funded by A&E for 9/11 "Truth"
- the report is a fringe theory
- the report is not in any notable journals

So basically it has no chance of getting on Wikipedia. Which is unfortunate because I think at least a mention of it should be on there. Wikipedia has a system where so long as their "reliable sources" media outlets don't write about it then it doesn't go on Wikipedia. These are often biased media outlets almost exclusively left leaning and voted on as being reliable by the editors themselves which are also mostly left leaning. 30 years ago or so conspiracies weren't really politicized but since then the left wing media has successfully conned a large section of the public into thinking that all conspiracy theories should be ridiculed and ignored and that the government would never lie. It's unfortunate because this report is simply starting the conclusion of a detailed analysis, it says nothing of conspiracy theories, but it doesn't look good for the government so now people jump into action because they've been told the government would never lie so this report must be a conspiracy theory then

>> No.15076874

>23 years later
>still seething about it
Has any other event in the history of humanity mindbroken so many idiots?

>> No.15076881


>> No.15076884

Only if the floors were indestructable.

>> No.15076887 [DELETED] 

>23 years later
>still living under the sordid consequences of gullible retards believeing it was done by desert goatfuckers
It's clear now that all your likes should have been shot on the spot back then.

>> No.15076889

>Except it literally was designed to withstand impact from a jumbo jet.
It withstood the impact, didn't withstands the fires that resulted from the impact.

>> No.15076895 [DELETED] 

>it withstood the impact
>it just collapsed at freefall speed shortly afterwards
Government narrativism is an incurable mental illness.

>> No.15076897

This paper an obvious fraud. The "models" contain animations with no physical basis and the conclusion that fire could not cause the collapse cannot be proven by modeling only one scenario under unrealistic conditions.

>> No.15076899 [DELETED] 

Take your meds.

>> No.15076900

>It withstood the impact, didn't withstands the fires that resulted from the impact.
The fires that could melt steel but couldn't burn a passport.

>> No.15076903

>>it just collapsed at freefall speed shortly afterwards
Who are you quoting? It took an hour for the South Tower to collapse and an hour and 40 minutes for the North Tower to collapse. Neither fell at free fall speeds but near it since the floors provided little resistance relative to the falling mass one collapse was initiated by the weakening of the support structure near the impact. You're a liar.

>> No.15076905 [DELETED] 

Take your meds already.

>> No.15076907

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting the paper is fake.

>> No.15076910

>The fires that could melt steel
No one claims steel was melted. Why are you lying?

>but couldn't burn a passport.
It could, if the passport was in the fire.

>> No.15076911 [DELETED] 

Only newfags still othering arguing with you. Anyone who's been here for longer than a week can recognize your cheap shill antics and knows you shill preprogrammed government filth in every thread.

>> No.15076913

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15076915 [DELETED] 

Only newfags still bother arguing with you. Anyone who's been here for longer than a week can recognize your cheap shill antics and knows you spew preprogrammed government filth in every thread. Your narrative is rejected, you are hated and you are afraid.

>> No.15076916

See >>15076907

>> No.15076923

This is the only answer.

>> No.15076924 [DELETED] 

This is the answer a minority of brainwashed boomers still believes.

>> No.15076927
File: 319 KB, 769x765, Chud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooooooo, you can't debunk my retarded conspiracy theories!!!!!

>> No.15076929 [DELETED] 

You are mentally ill.

>> No.15076934

See >>15076916

>> No.15076974

Why are you lying?

>> No.15076978 [DELETED] 

Because they pay me to and I don't care. You filthy cattle deserved 9/11. My masters did nothing wrong.

>> No.15077012

About what?

>> No.15077014 [DELETED] 

thanks for conceding

>> No.15077020
File: 62 KB, 739x599, 26001013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days after 9-11 the Spanish newspaper El Mundo printed this:

> Las últimas informaciones procedentes de Estados Unidos señalan que los emisarios del magnate han logrado comprar en Ucrania tres miniartefactos nucleares de los conocidos con las siglas RA115 y RA116. Se trata de aparatos transportables en una maleta, de los que fueron fabricados 700 ejemplares en la Unión Soviética y de los que fuentes rusas admiten haber perdido al menos un centenar.


It is about Osama buying suitcase nukes. It translates to:

> The latest information from the United States indicates that the tycoon’s (Osama’s) emissaries have managed to buy in Ukraine three mini-nuclear devices known by the initials RA115 and RA116. These are transportable devices in a suitcase, of which 700 copies were manufactured in the Soviet Union and of which Russian sources admit to having lost at least a hundred.

So early during the 9-11 attack, there was a legitimate worry that the planes that hit the towers had suitcase nukes on them primed for an above ground explosion which is more damaging than say an underground nuke.

To add to the worry the P-700 Granit missile which hit Pentagon on 9-11 is also nuclear capable. P-700 Granit was lost when the Kursk submarine sank in 2000, although Putin lied about it. It can only be detected 6 minutes before impact so NORAD had put the President on the Doomsday Plane as soon as the nuclear capable missile hit Pentagon on 9-11.

Small 150kt nuclear devices had been approved for peaceful uses in Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty of 1976 between USSR and the USA, and the Soviets knew where such demolition plans were installed. Soviets used small nuclear devices to create large underground cavities to store natural gas. USA used underground nukes to create large underground cavities into which a building will fall into during its demolition.


>> No.15077023
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When USG heard about the first tower being hit, they feared the suitcase nukes on the plane, so they moved the 150kt nukes which were stored under WTC7 to under the towers, and set it off. They also destroyed WTC7 to remove the evidence.

Due to the nuclear device, the fires at Ground Zero of 9-11 kept burning for 100 days after the incident according to The Guardian:

One hundred days after the suicide attacks that brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and killed nearly 3,000 people, the final fires have stopped burning at Ground Zero. For months, acrid clouds of smoke from the site could be smelled several miles away in Brooklyn and upper Manhattan.


>> No.15077026

Where? To what?

>> No.15077032 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15077036 [DELETED] 

why did you lie?

>> No.15077043

Yes, those are questions. There's no argument to respond to.

>Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15077045

What do you think I lied about?

>> No.15077049 [DELETED] 

not an argument

>> No.15077050

Correct, those are questions. I guess you're not going to answer them.

>> No.15077051 [DELETED] 

>There's no argument to respond to.

>> No.15077066 [DELETED] 

thanks for conceding

>> No.15077080

I meant Newton's third law of motion. As a layman in physics, I'd assume the upper and lower part of the building should've evaporated simultaneously. Since the upper part was smaller, however, there should have been a remainder of the building.
Even if the floors did not evaporate, then we should have found a gigantic stack of stapled floors on ground zero.

>> No.15077084

Oh, please. Don't pretend that you don't know.

>> No.15077088 [DELETED] 

The guy's a pathological liar. Don't wate your time. Just accept his concession and move on.

>> No.15077089

There were witness reporting molten steel on ground zero, among which firemen and the incumbent mayor Rudy Giuliani. Aside from this, fires could be observed burning on ground zero until Dezember 2001.

>> No.15077090 [DELETED] 

Rudy Giuliani was not the mayor back then and there were no firemen at the scene. Thanks for admitting you lied. Conspiracy theories have rotted your mind.

>> No.15077104

Yes, he was the mayor. Obviously there were firemen at ground zero, are you retarded?

>> No.15077109 [DELETED] 

>Yes, he was the mayor. Obviously there were firemen at ground zero,

>> No.15077117

So you're a retard that can't use wikipedia.

>> No.15077119 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting that I'm right.

>> No.15077166

See >>15077014

>> No.15077167 [DELETED] 

That's not my post. Why did you lie?

>> No.15077168

How can I concede to something I never denied in the first place?

>> No.15077172

Not an answer. Why did you lie?

>> No.15077173 [DELETED] 

not an answer

>> No.15077176

>There were witness reporting molten steel on ground zero
How did these witnesses determine it was molten steel and not some other material? Witnesses reporting something doesn't make it true.

>Aside from this, fires could be observed burning on ground zero until Dezember 2001.

>> No.15077178

I didn't say it was your post, I said there's no argument to respond to. Nice illiteracy.

>> No.15077180 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15077182

An answer to what? You didn't ask a question. How can I concede to something I never denied in the first place?

>> No.15077183 [DELETED] 

>Witnesses reporting something doesn't make it true.
So? Government claiming something doesn't make it true, either.

>> No.15077185

It is an argument. Where did I lie?

>> No.15077186 [DELETED] 

why did you lie?

>> No.15077187

So your strawman argument that I claimed steel was melted is refuted.

>Government claiming something doesn't make it true, either.
Where did I make that argument? You seem to have issues with reading comprehension.

>> No.15077189


>> No.15077190 [DELETED] 

>So your strawman argument that I claimed steel was melted is refuted.

>> No.15077191

See >>15076900

>> No.15077195

In all seriousness I think pretty much every american who was born before 9/11 happened and was there to watch the events unfold on the news or in person collectively agrees that 9/11 was an inside job. It absolutely was a false flag operation for us to go to war. The only people not believing that shit are likely young and/or naive. If you think otherwise you're drinking the koolaid.

>> No.15077196 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, 20848123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of this thread
Government narrative shilling is not protected speech, or speech at all. Shills need to have their legs broken.

>> No.15077197 [DELETED] 

>The only people not believing that shit are likely young and/or naive
From real life experience, the only people who believe the 9/11 commission narrative (disowned even by its own chairman) are obese American boomers who voted for Bush twice.

>> No.15077201
File: 100 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill shill shill shill
Not an argument.

>> No.15077206

Okay glowie, suck more cocks while you're at it.

>> No.15077214

you have got to be trolling

>> No.15077216 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Conspiratards really can't make a case.

>> No.15077252
File: 405 KB, 1822x1701, leftists before and after 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has any other event in the history of humanity mindbroken so many idiots?

>> No.15077261

Why did you lie?

>> No.15077264 [DELETED] 

Where did I lie?

>> No.15077486


Democrats fell for the psyop.

They are now what they always claimed to hate.

>> No.15077545

You said he wasn't the mayor, then when you were caught out you denied ever saying it. You should really lie less.

>> No.15077547 [DELETED] 

>You said he wasn't the mayor

>> No.15077564

>implying they were ever thinking for themselves to begin with
>implying any of it is real an these "trends" aren't all media mirages created falsely as pretenses to justify the ever worsening "new normal"

>> No.15078047

How do you destroy steel in a standard collapsing building situation?

>> No.15078075

I don't understand your question. You don't need to "destroy steel" to break up the floors into little pieces. The floors are not made purely of steel, and steel can break without melting or being destroyed. Total nonsense.

>> No.15078090
File: 2.64 MB, 594x442, 1663256062358593.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No planes. Jig is up.

>> No.15078452
File: 79 KB, 1024x565, MV5BYWFkNzg2MjUtYzRjZC00YTA1LTgzMjAtMzk0NTlmMjVmMjUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzExMzc0MDg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15078455

Butchute, 9/11 in five minutes, you'll find 800 of the same video

>> No.15078511
File: 3.85 MB, 2560x1719, wtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really are like "how could this thing collapse"

>> No.15078560
File: 47 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was designed to not collapse, therefore it was an inside job

>> No.15078931

i was in the wtc before i was born

>> No.15078936

>wiki page
Are you 6?

>> No.15079148
File: 77 KB, 592x451, 25pope-bible-tmagArticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bible fused to a piece of steel found in the wreckage

>> No.15079326

loose change was a controlled opposition plant funded by the CIA through shell donors, 9/11 truther shit is nonsense, lose your legs or get smart

>> No.15079338

Loose Change presents a globohomo gnostic narrative with some lunatic psyop takes on 9/11 thrown in. It was designed to discredit the credible truthers like the engineers demanding accountability.

>> No.15079540

OK schizo

>> No.15079555 [DELETED] 

If anything shows that your rulers think the population is composed of mouth-breathing retards who will believe literally anything, it's that.

>> No.15080545

>Simulation run going on 9/11

>> No.15080550
File: 340 KB, 704x673, Screenshot 2022-10-15 at 06-00-37 yvx9i65l75g41.jpg (JPEG Image 904 × 864 pixels) – Scaled (77%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's almost 2024
>still conspiracy thread about 9/11

>> No.15080563
File: 17 KB, 230x346, 51NUuqZiDuL._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the divine truth, fuck everything else, 99% of people convinced of a controlled demo cant name 1 CIA employee who was involved in their intelligence "failure" over hijacker visa info. most nefarious psyop of the modern era

>> No.15080564

>im not brainwashed, you are! I refuse to even discuss LIHOP even though MIHOP has been talked about to death and beyond and has clearly muddied the waters

>> No.15080565
File: 444 KB, 1337x973, FINAL+COVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible
We describe the Biblical work of ages as a time travel program for saving humanity from extinction. God's existence is proven as a consequence of the existence of time travel, which is supposed. We present the case that Abraham's grandson Jacob, also called Israel, is Satan. We make the case that the Israelites are described as God's chosen people in the Bible despite their identity as the children of Satan because God's Messiah is descended from Abraham through Satan. They are chosen as the ancestors of the Messiah rather than as Satan's children. We propose an interpretation in which God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prevent Isaac from becoming the father of Satan. We suggest that God stayed Abraham's hand above Isaac because preventing the existence of Satan would also prevent the existence of Satan's descendant the Messiah. The history of the Israelites is summarized through Jesus and Paul. This paper is written so that the number of believers in the world will increase.

>> No.15080568

truly, take your meds

>> No.15080571

Thank you for recommendation. I know, 9/11 Truthers are mostly retarded, they believe in everything without doubt.
>B-b-but Muh CGI Airplane.
>B-b-but Muh Controlled Demolition.

>> No.15080574

Most steel alloys will retain at most 50% of its strength in the 500-1000 degree celcius range.

>> No.15081905

> why wasn't the collapsing part being destroyed simultaneously alongside with the part it collapsed onto?
it was
> Why didn't a part of the building survive?
because even after the top part is destroyed, it's still there as a mass of rubble moving at high speed
not free fall, brief acceleration and the rest was constant velocity
took ~15 seconds for the South Tower and ~20 seconds for the North Tower
free fall would be 9 seconds
this is not an ideal physics homework problem
real life is chaotic and a massive building collapsing will not behave like an accordion
it'll tear apart unevenly and blow out to the sides
a lot of the mass fell down into the caved-in basement
old WTC's open floor plan sucked ass
and the fireproofing was dogshit
stairs should be spread out, not concentrated in the center, impact on the North Tower blocked all of them
1500 people stuck above the impact floors with no way to escape
designed to withstand an impact from a slow moving plane lost in fog
not a fully fueled plane deliberately crashing into the building at overspeed
it still survived the impacts though
the load was redistributed properly
if the planes were low on fuel, the towers would not have collapsed
not free fall, constant velocity for most of the collapse
15-20 seconds
free fall is 9
no melt
the steel was weakened by the heat until it couldn't carry the over 100,000 tons of steel above it anymore
> Neither fell at free fall speeds but near it since the floors provided little resistance
yeah the buildings were mostly empty space
huge open floors
the core survived longer
not steel
they bend easily under a massive moving weight
they'll snap at the connection points

>> No.15081912

Most passports retain 0% of their strength in the 400-500 degree celsius range.

>> No.15081945

steel was inside and subjected to heat and flames for up to an hour
passport was flung out of the building like all the other piles of paper that survived
nice and cold on a random street

>> No.15082187
File: 110 KB, 1000x1422, BLACKPILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No planes hit the towers that day. A missile hit the building, and thanks to hologram technology, the missile was disguised as an airplane. The building was brought down by a Directed Energy Weapon from space. Since the buildings were hollow and empty, it was not difficult for the building to turn to dust.

The whole 9/11 was staged by George Bush. The Jews were blamed for the distraction. However, the Jews had nothing to do with 9/11.

For more information, see Dr. Judy Wood. All other theories, including the official story, are disinformation.

>> No.15082596

If you trust the official story then there are a lot of things that do not make sense.


No evidence that Osama bin laden was involved. He said he wasn't and George Bush refused to accept him when he was offered bin Laden since they didn't have any evidence to present in court. Also why they executed him instead of brining him in to trial.

>> No.15084866


>> No.15084875
File: 40 KB, 415x420, a o c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole 9/11 was staged by George Bush.
Bush could barely walk and chew gum at the same time. He is an idiot with a child's mind, almost as bad as Biden.

>> No.15084895

Its absolutely insane how much censorship and malicious editing goes on in Wikipedia once you dig into talk pages and edit histories frequently.
Would you be surprised to learn that any and every Palestinian/Israel and Palestinian/Israel-related page has Extended protection, meaning that effectively no one except admins and "approved" accounts can actually do anything?

>> No.15084939

He acted like an idiot. George Bush is the one who rules the world. He is responsible for the whole pandemic. The anti-Christ is Bush himself.

On September 11th, the planes were crashed into the tower by George Bush. George Bush at school was his double, the double's name was Barry James. He was sent to the school so that George Bush could crash the planes into the tower.

>> No.15084955
File: 79 KB, 200x200, Judy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.

Also, this is Dr. Judy Wood. She's a Harvard Engineering graduate. I recommend listening to her podcasts on 9/11. Most Americans don't know what really happened that day.

The reason 9/11 even happened on that day is purely astrological. In Kabbalah, 11 represents destruction and 9 represents sacrifice. Really this information has been hidden in Area 51 for years, slowly people are waking up.

>> No.15084961
File: 112 KB, 750x600, Jews universities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew disinfo telling you to "look over there" while they fuck you from behind. And you believe them. LMAO!
Bush was a NWO puppet same as Obama and Biden.

>> No.15084974

Why are you anti-semitic? Jews are innocent people; but George Bush. He is the devil.

>> No.15084984
File: 44 KB, 784x900, Dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you anti-semitic?
I am anti-everything. Fuck all your special groups.

>Jews are innocent people
LMAO! BULLLLLLSHIT! Read some history, they are behind most all evil things in the last few centuries.

>> No.15085001

>They are behind most all evil things in the last few centuries.
George Bush's ancestors have ruled the world since the world was created. The serpent who told Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden apple is actually Gregor I Throzosis, George Bush's grandfather 6000 years ago.

Bush's offspring is in the vaccine and they want our Jewish brothers and sisters to get it. May the Lord protect my brothers and sisters.

>> No.15086816


>> No.15087598

People are becoming faggot since Bush administration.

>> No.15087606

I think this is by far the best post in this thread and I’m wondering why nobody replied to it

>> No.15087609

Take meds, faggot.

>> No.15089199

How can the upper portion of the building have the energy to destroy the lower section as well as destroying itself at the same time? It seems to defy the laws of physics

>> No.15089220

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth


I wonder if the paper's funders had some bias...

>> No.15090245


Because there are very few real people here. It is mostly just bots that can only talk in cliches they learned from the training data.

Example: >>15087609

>> No.15090249

>I’m wondering why nobody replied to it
Because normies don't care and everyone else knows better than you fall for your low IQ psyop, glow harder.

>> No.15090260

I wonder how mentally ill you need to be to write that post.

>> No.15090299

Nonsensical question. It didn't "destroy itself," it fell apart as it impacted the debris below it and the ground.

>> No.15090898

There were no towers anon. It’s a false collective memory that was imprinted in our brains.

>> No.15090901

Here's another


>> No.15090925
File: 37 KB, 601x601, 1671466926490298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care

It doesn't matter if it was an inside job or not, the Bush administration clearly knew there was something happening in their country and were going to use it as an impetus to destabilize the ME for Israel no matter what. Whether or not the gov was behind it is irrelevant. They knew beforehand, and let it happen because of Israel.

>> No.15091146

This shit looks so fake it even git Kim Kardashian's ass jelly.

>> No.15091166

Checked and based

>> No.15093140

conspiratory gem

>> No.15093820

I assume the bottom part started collapsing from the damage and weight of the top part. Then maybe the bottom part just continued collapsing on it's own so the top part would have been somewhat close to freefall after some period. And because of that when the top part hit the ground it hit at almost full force. That's my assumption anyway. I don't think the top part really collapsed during its decent under its own weight if there wasn't enough pushback from the bottom section of the building

>> No.15093838

this is the best one:

>> No.15094112

hey mods, when you delete so many posts you should just kill the whole thread or at least delete all of the dumb replies

seriously it looks like a reddit thread up in here

>> No.15094155

because part of the building wasn't supposed to survive, it happened exactly the way it was supposed to happen, on a spiritual level.

>> No.15094188

Tooker, it just gets depressing everytime you post. Just, just go crack a beer or something.

>> No.15094228

You should kill yourself after you drown your loved ones in a bathtub.

>> No.15094232

I have no loved ones. I live alone and my life is as miserable as yours. I just don't pursue schizo endeavors and don't have illusions of grandeur as you do.