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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15073939 No.15073939 [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks it "feels" 20 degrees less than it is because of "wind chill"

This meme needs to die once and for all. I don't stand out in a field naked when it's windy and cold, it fact I wear something that blocks the wind, so it doesn't matter that much. The low numbers they give are obvious bullcrap.

Slate blew the cover on this 15 years ago and we didn't listen: https://slate.com/technology/2007/02/it-s-time-to-stop-reporting-on-the-wind-chill.html
Other normie outlets say similar things:

Wind chill's purpose is entirely to let the media spook you about upcoming/ongoing winter storms. You're not redpilled unless you at least admit that this is an obvious fraud.

>> No.15074180
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>Wind chill's purpose is entirely to let the media spook you about upcoming/ongoing winter storms.
Media is all fake news and designed to cause "fear" and "panic", yes. So of course they are going to post the WC #'s just to make it sound more "extreme" to get ratings and cause fear.

But wind-chill is very real phenomena and you don't have to be naked to be affected by it.

>> No.15075539

Yes I know it can blow the warm air away from your body. The effect is nothing like their fake numbers though.

>> No.15075558

Wrong. Wind chill is all that matters. I could care less how much mercury expands outside. I only care how miserable I will feel. Today is much colder than yesterday, but way less windy, so it doesn't feel nearly are cold. I almost died walking outside yesterday in the cold wind. Today it's nothing even though it's 20 degrees colder.

>> No.15075573

>wind-chill is very real phenomena
you wouldn't say that if you knew that wind chill tabulations originate from surveys that were taken by making people stand in front of fans and then asking them how cold they thought it felt.
if you didn't know how wind chill is tabulated, you might guess that some thermodynamics was involved, but nothing of the sort is true, no scientific basis for it other than ">muh surveys"
heat index created the same way, except they put ppl in hot rooms of varying humidity.
at this very moment there are probably "scientists" studying surveys of ppl in humid rooms with fans in them to discover a combined metric

>> No.15075588

Wind is caused by temperature differences. Why wouldn't the air parcels in a gust of wind be colder than the ambient temperature?

>> No.15075590

>wind chills isn't real bro
>*blows on the plate to make it less hot faster*

>> No.15075598

Yeah, subjective reports are all that matter. I don't give a shit what scientific instruments say. I care what the subjective feeling of beings like me are. Instead of thermometers and anemometers, they literally just have people standing outside and reporting how cold they feel on a scale from 1-100. That would be more useful than the actual temperature.

>> No.15075601

Damn... I guess I should just throw away all my fans this summer because you just proved they don't actually make me feel any cooler.

>> No.15075613

Actually, I take it back. There is was one practical need for knowing the actual temperature, and that's know whether water will freeze or not. Besides that, just tell me the wind chill, tell me if we're above or below freezing, and shove the actual temperature up your ass.

>> No.15075614

convection is caused by temperature differences.
wind is caused by pressure differences.
windmills slow down pressure equalization by using the wind energy and that in turn exacerbates the severity of pressure differences, making storms and other weather events more powerful and damaging.

>> No.15075642

>making storms and other weather events more powerful and damaging.
Um, no, the opposite? The decreased surface wind would impede surface convergence dampening rain/storms.

>> No.15075709

You sit there telling me wind chill isn't real and you probably own an evaporative cooler

>> No.15076131

Uh no because I live in a humid area. Anyway I buy that the wind can make things feel colder, but it's not like "this wind speed plus this temperature = this other temperature".

They don't do shit when it's over 95F anyway.

>> No.15076194
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>Anyway I buy that the wind can make things feel colder, but it's not like "this wind speed plus this temperature = this other temperature".
True, same as basically all other "science" except for a very few basic laws such as Newton's, all science is just guesswork and theories supported by hokum.

>> No.15077620

bump for redpilling /sci/

>> No.15077871

Were they draft dodgers? Because the irony would be incredible.

>> No.15077873
File: 330 KB, 1920x1728, Humidex_plot.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Humidex, the pride of Leaf meteorology?

>> No.15077878
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>> No.15077922

Bro, have ever turned on a fan? That's wind chill

>> No.15079497

No wind speed to be found. I guess wind only cools you off if it's already cold outside.

>> No.15080170

It's not like they say "It's 80F out, but with the wind chill it feels like 75". Wind chill is a hoax to scare the cattle.

>> No.15080180

I just trust myself. I don't need the media to tell me that a cold day with winds is fucking brutal compared to a cold day where it's kind of eerily still. The latter is the kind of day that kids can play in the snow. The former is when people are huddled inside.

>> No.15080189
File: 128 KB, 720x682, amish change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoax to scare the cattle.
Everything on TV an social media is now a psyop. Turn them off.

>> No.15082007


One last bump to educate you… wind shills have no answer to this.

>> No.15082210

Wind chill is real, wind blows away the protective layer of warm air that usually surrounds the body in still air.