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15077680 No.15077680 [Reply] [Original]

What will gene editing be like in 200 years?

>> No.15077745

probably same as today, a lot of soience fiction rumors being floated around by idiots with no actual meaningful activity developed behind the scenes. genetic engineer is already half a century old and so far it has produced "roundup ready" crops and nothing else of any worth.
in the same timespan, they more traditional, but less spectacular technique of selective breeding has produced thousands and thousands of useful new varieties of plant, animal, fungus and single cell organisms.

>> No.15079052


>> No.15079114

Unironicaly, whenever it becomes mainstream, shitskins will remove themselves from reality voluntarily, by making all thier own babies beautiful, which won't maintain thier ethnicities in any way.

>> No.15079527

Some countries like UK will allow it on a wide scale so life will be improved. Others like Iran will forbid it. The US will be somewhere in the middle.

>> No.15079554

Imagine how high women's standards will go after all men can become tall and attractive.

>> No.15079558

People will select for height, intelligence, conscientiousness, large penis, probably a couple of genes correlated with overall good health, cancer resistance. Additional cosmetic changes in the form of genes for pigmentation, eye color and degree of muscularity.

Removal of all detectible genetic diseases. All recessive and dominant genetic diseases will be done away with. A couple of luddite countries will seethe and resist it, the ones who adapt will have a huge advantage.

>> No.15079559

Eugenics is now called "gene editing"?

>> No.15079562

>What will gene editing be like in 200 years?
The ruling class will engineer a population of highly obedient golems physically incapable of questioning them.

>> No.15079566

They started that in the 30s.

>> No.15079571

Mentally unwilling through conditioning =/= physically incapable through genetics. The latter is permanent and irreversible for an entire population. If normies allow for pod-manufactured babies, it's over for humanity.

>> No.15079576
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It seems like a lot of races find the paler versions of their race more attractive and preferred or see them as higher status. This is our reality now, but hard to tell if it is natural because american culture is everywhere now. I wish we could take some isolated primitive tribe person and see if they find whites more attractive than their own. Other than stuff like pale skin from evolution in the frozen north, the white look may just be a product purely in our control with sexual selection, just because they preferred things like blue eyes or light hair. Even now the most sought after human male for breeding is 6 ft and over with blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.15079579

Yeah I'm talking about physical changes. What do you think the Kalergi Plan is about? Diluting the gene pool because Jews just really think dark skin is attractive?

>> No.15079600

>What do you think the Kalergi Plan is about?
Who cares? It's clearly not going to produce an obedient golem race.

>> No.15079615

just get in The Pod, The Overlords will worry about the technical mumbo jumbo.


>> No.15079628

It will produce a race less capable of resistance. Like how Amazon promotes diversity in the workplace to minimize unionization.

>> No.15079643

This will have a major impact on the national health budgets which in civilised countries is 30 percent of the national budget.

>> No.15079914
File: 289 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably dominated by pajeets

>> No.15079915
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It will inevitably lead to human extinction. Read pic related.

>> No.15079918

UK currently bans IVF sex selection, why do you think this?

>> No.15080529
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White parents will make their babies dumber and inferior to signal virtue and fight genetic racism.

>> No.15080717

Had the question been about THEIR own baby and not somebody else's baby, I think the answer would have been different.

>> No.15080885

Why would anyone wants large penis? It's disgusting

>> No.15081720

>why do you think this?
UK allowed the "three parent baby" and has been far more open for genetics research than many other countries.

>> No.15081728
File: 519 KB, 690x734, 1473894641133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're literally about 6 months away from beginning to modify germline genomes to make men small lean and super athletic and women tall thick and super fecund.

>> No.15081740

>Can make a genetic abomination through the genes of three individuals for "genetic illness"
>Can't choose sex
Ever single day I hate this country even more. I forgot this, hasn't it been allowed for about a decade?

>> No.15081766
File: 28 KB, 337x522, 1652314629770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entirely wrong. Humans are going to be engineered for specific traits that are more efficient and superior for a highly technologically advanced society.
Men are going to be modified to be small, not large. Men will be modified to he 120cm-130cm and lean and super athletic. Women will be modified to be ~200cm and thick and super fecund, who gestate litters of 3 or 4 babies each pregnancy.

>> No.15081970

>I'm going to pay money to genetically engineer my sons to become manlet incels
Brilliant take

>> No.15082039

The state is going to genetically modify the population to make a superior population. Small men are superior to large ones. They require a third of the resources but can perform all labor at an equal level and are superior soldiers.
We can modify women to prefer small males, if you didn't realize it.