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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 140 KB, 1280x720, rolling-blackouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15075180 No.15075180 [Reply] [Original]

Rolling blackouts never occurred in America during the later part of the 20th century, but now they're common. Why the decline in technological capability? Is the current generation of ppl in charge of these things dumber and less competent than their predecessors?

>> No.15075270

One word: overpopulation.

>> No.15075296

Brown “people”

>> No.15075303
File: 29 KB, 500x565, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One word: overpopulation.
Nonsentients still believe the Malthusian cult fairytale even as modern societies continue to disintegrate due to population collapse. These "people" should be shot at this point and put out of their misery.

>> No.15075328

>These "people" should be shot at this point and put out of their misery.
they will die childless either way

>> No.15075334

Yes, but not before their handlers use their gullibility and compliance to enact ecofascism and further depopulation policies.

>> No.15075357
File: 94 KB, 866x799, R(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people implies more resources are required to keep them alive and happy. It's not exactly quantum rocket surgery.

>> No.15075374

The Malthusian cult's doomsday predictions have failed every single time. It's time for you to realize you are mentally ill and take your meds.

>> No.15075375


Regardless, even a kindergartner could figure out that feeding two people takes twice as much food as feeding one person.

>> No.15075377

>feeding two people takes twice as much food as feeding one person
And what does your imbecilic head think must follow from this?

>> No.15075378

Higher populations put strain on infrastructure, drive down wages, and drive up the price of commodities, all of which lower quality of life for average citizens.
And the idea of a country collapsing due to low population is laughable, as can be seen by Japan, which has been "collapsing" for 20 years while their HDI only went up.
But higher populations also mean larger tax and consumer bases, which benefit the guys at the very top of the economic and political elites.
Of course, the benefits of being a strong country don't necessarily trickle down to average people, just compare Russia/India/China with Sweden/Switzerland/Canada.
So, while modern populations are naturally lowering fertility rates, elites are trying their best to grow the population through unchecked immigration, despite how generally unpopular this is.

>> No.15075385

>Why the decline in technological capability?

Maximization of profits. That is that simply. Russia have more severe weather, have more retards which generates random small scale outages, may be even have less money allocated for infrastructure maintenance, but somehow they manage to keep infrastructure running. It is not simple in Finland or Norway also. For some reason, it looks that power grid requirements in United States does not require much spare capacity (it means less operational costs), but when things starts to "go south", comes "Domino Effect" and blackouts are pretty severe. I guess, americans just will need to learn to live with it.

>> No.15075388

Please refer back to >>15075303.

>> No.15075390

>feeding two people takes twice as much food as feeding one person.
right, because food comes from the grocery store, it just appears there magically and however much appears there is what limits population. a large population doesn't also mean more producers, it only means that theres more ppl waiting for mom to come home from the grocery store with the hot pockets.
>woe is me, the world is coming to an end
>i'm gonna save the world!!!

>> No.15075392

Say you only have one meal. You'd either feed only one person or feed two people inadequately.
Increasing population increases the number of people you need to distribute the very finite resources of Earth to. Ie food, electricity, money, land etc.

>> No.15075397

>Increasing population increases the number of people you need to distribute the very finite resources of Earth to
And what do you think follows from this? It's stunning just how mentally deficient the average normaldrone is...

>> No.15075401

Again, it's a retarded post. What modern societies are you even referring to, when the USA, along with most of Western Europe, has only seen population increases for the past few decades. You're a fucking moron that's impotently repeating himself because he has nothing to add.

>> No.15075410

I don't consider you to be sentient. Trying to reason with your likes is irrational and counterproductive. Everything points to the necessity of silencing and/or physically removing Malthusian drones.

>> No.15075436

>a large population doesn't also mean more producers
You could have ten billion farmers, miners and factory workers and it wouldn't increase the Earth's area by one square foot, it wouldn't add one kilogram of coal, oil, phosphate, iron or water to earth's crust.

>> No.15075443

I wonder if it ever occurs to nonsentients like you that all the Malthusian talking points you shit out would have been equally true at literally every point in human history and yet it never resulted in any "overpopulation". As far as your cult's doomsday predictions go, your likes have been going on about it for 3 centuries and they've failed every single time.

>> No.15075448

Did you bother to check where these "rolling blackouts" are happening? They are only happening in a specific part of the country. A very shithole part of the country run by republicans.

There's your answer

>> No.15075470

>i'm an election tourist from reddit, but nobody would pay any attention to me on /pol/ so i decided to force my political points of view on /sci/ where i know it will be harder to ignore me.

>> No.15075482

was meant for >>15075443

>> No.15075506
File: 159 KB, 800x498, pop_since_10000_bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this and say "sustainable" with a straight face.

>> No.15075516

That comes back to the economy. Increased corruption has the same symptoms as overpopulation.

>> No.15075524

Corruption can be cured with less bullets

>> No.15075531
File: 60 KB, 566x338, powerful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15075545

See >>15075443

>> No.15075556
File: 71 KB, 568x730, glowniggerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who were the people who were around to count every last nigger in africa 4000 years ago? nobody was there to do the counting and time machines don't exist, so anyone can lie about population numbers as much as they like without risking being proven wrong.
>based on estimates by the UN
of course a political organization that is motivated to lie because they want to use false pretenses for power grabs is completely trustworthy

>> No.15075561
File: 64 KB, 750x423, southern-co-headquarters_750xx941-531-0-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had brownouts and rolling blackouts in California when I was a kid in the 80s and every year or two ever since. Oddly enough, the most reliable power of everywhere I've lived was Alabama. Next door in Georgia, when I lived within sight distance of Georgia Power and Southern Company headquarters in Atlanta, a bee sneezing would knock out power. Strange for such a large city, especially the central business district, to have such unreliable power.

>> No.15075563 [DELETED] 

Does this look heckin' sustainable to you!?!?!?!?

>> No.15075565
File: 11 KB, 362x290, le-scary-plot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at le scary plot! Does this look heckin' sustainable to you? We need to reduce the population down to 10 people. Come get castrated, golem.

>> No.15075570

This is the post that finally convinced me we need 50 million niggers every year.
Overpopulation is a meme, we just need to cram as many niggers into your backyard as is physically possible.

>> No.15075572

You are the nigger who is getting culled by your Malthusian rulers.

>> No.15075574

>Why the decline in technological capability?
That means it's working.
>Is the current generation of ppl in charge of these things dumber and less competent than their predecessors?
That means they're working.

>In a country with declining birthrates

The two countries you keep trying to relate your misinformed opinion on both had declining birthrates. There was no overpopulation risk, that is until the politicians did something to counter said birthrates.

>square footage
Protip: earth has volume

>> No.15075576

Yes anon, there's nothing the elite hate more than niggers living in the west. They're doing everything in their power to stop niggers from moving here, and to remove those already here, because they are le ebil malthoosians.

>> No.15075578

Wrong. The big female small male race supports more people for fewer resources AND expands at an exponentially greater rate.

>> No.15075580

Make sure you post Malthusianism under your real name. You will be made an example of, probably along with the rest of your family. People are getting fed up with your ZOG narrative.

>> No.15075583

Politicians only want to "counter" declining birthrates because they benefit from every tax-paying retard in the country.

>> No.15075603

The Rothschild reserve banks allow the federal government to print about $500,000 or so per citizen. Its not about the number taxpayers, just the number of people, they want any warm body, an indigent is as good as taxpayer to them.

>> No.15075605

They do it with retarded third worlders who are already used to being ruled over by commies, but would still find it better here because we have drive thru's and prize winning sweepstakes.

>they want any warm body,
they really don't. They want cold, torpid reptilian blood because it's easier to scam. Warm bloods tend to overthrow bankers eventually.

>> No.15075694

maybe bad areas are run by republicans because the people there understand leftists are who fucked them over, tried to replace them with nonwhite immigrants, etc. whaddya think, mr. scientist?

>> No.15075731 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 1400x787, paulrand_omnibus_122122_AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh two parties
>they're totally real, right guys!!!?!?

>> No.15075734

so you wouldn't vote for Trump because...

>"muh republicans are just as faggy as democrats"


>> No.15075735

It's only a problem for Texas and they decentralized their power grid in the early 2000s.

>> No.15075739

>Who is Malthus
The philosopher who created your shitty ideology. The more a population grows, the higher the labor force to create more food.

>> No.15075742 [DELETED] 

>i unironically believe that votes are counted honestly

>> No.15075743

Food is not finite. You can increase supply.

>> No.15075748

>They are only happening in a specific part of the country. A very shithole part of the country run by republicans.

>> No.15075754 [DELETED] 

This isn't /pol/. I won't vote Republican because I'm not a racist, sexist, conspiracy brained simpleton.

>> No.15075755
File: 558 KB, 447x343, 1668835070896271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't /pol/. I won't vote Republican because I'm not a racist, sexist, conspiracy brained simpleton.

>> No.15075758

This is a left wing board. You don't have your echo chamber backing you. Read a room.

>> No.15075761
File: 51 KB, 960x508, 1664724948319788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a left wing board. You don't have your echo chamber backing you. Read a room.
>t. melissa

>> No.15075760

>the part of the country that has been run by right wingers for over 150 years is shitty because of leftists

>> No.15075763

>the part of the country that had its manufacturing sector hollowed out and offshored by globalist capitalists hand in hand with leftists, who pushed for the demographic replacement of the legacy population with nonwhite immigrants, was run by rightists (aka ethnocentric and pro tariff)

sure bud

>> No.15075765

>capitalists = leftists
Hurrrr hur hur hur hur

>> No.15075767

yeah, hitler didn't hate finance capitalism, right?

>> No.15075772

People in the 20th century were strong. That strength has long since died, and now pathetic humanoids use megawatt hours of energy to keep their poorly insulated homes at 72.2 degrees. Not to mention the dozens of other devices which previously required no power but now have to be constantly recharged (watches, cigs, fucking picture frames).

>> No.15075773


>> No.15075775
File: 617 KB, 2304x1296, IMG_20220404_144028398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything will work exactly the same as it did before, even though we have 100x as many people now

>> No.15075783


>> No.15075822

Yawn. See >>15075443

>> No.15075830

Israel needs your money more than you do, goy!

>> No.15075844

Your opinion means nothing to me. I shall continue to espouse whatever I want to while I drive the planet continuously closer to destruction. I'm an accelerationist.

>> No.15075852

What opinions? You sound like you're having a psychotic episode.

>> No.15075855


>> No.15075861

Sorry about your derangement but the objective and indisputable facts presented here >>15075443 still stand. You will seethe some more.

>> No.15075863

I will continue to reply to you. You will continue to reply to me. Eventually, I will have the last word, and therefore win. I accept your concession at any time.

>> No.15075866

>I accept your concession at any time.
Why is the same shill always posting here? Nobody actually talks like this.

>> No.15075872

No argument? I have outschizoed you entirely. I have derailed your thread. Humanity will eventually devour itself. I don't know who Malthuse is. You are nothing. Good day.

>> No.15075875
File: 52 KB, 648x694, 352424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will continue to reply to you. You will continue to reply to me. Eventually, I will have the last word, and therefore win. I accept your concession at any time.
These creatures are definitely not human.

>> No.15075879

Where exactly are there rolling blackouts now, as oppose to transmission failures due to wind/snow/etc damage?

>> No.15075881

California and Oregon.

>> No.15075882
File: 42 KB, 679x375, 1651227784595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won. Malthuse was right. I was right. You were wrong. Nice schizo thread you've got there, it would be a shame if someone took a big fat dump in the middle of it. I am an NPC. You have a soul. What is a soul? I have an internal monologue. Periods are nice, and I like them. Anyone who mocks this post will kill themselves tomorrow. Good luck.

>> No.15075889
File: 45 KB, 709x621, 1657336873048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will die. I will die. The planet will eventually perish. No amount of cope will prevent this. Eratic behavior is a sign of weakness. Or is it strength? Humanity has changed. It will continue to change. Circumstances change. The only truly lasting thing is humanity's penchant for destruction. Once we run out of material things to destroy, we will destroy ourselves. Nothing you do or say will ever change this. I accept your concession.

>> No.15075925

You should thank them. They're the reason the malthusian estimate is slowing down.

>> No.15075934
File: 3.06 MB, 2950x4802, BIS-fertility-and-war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathulsianism is the pathological inculcation of a society running on fiat money.

It creates the illusion of scarcity by birthing all dollars from debt at interest, creating a negative sum game for the population writ large.

The principle of adams smiths' invisible hand, that markets find the efficient allocation breaks down as money is only scarce for those who work, but not those that command capitol.

The unstable equilibrium of banks trusting each other not to floor interest rates to competition creates Tocqueville vote from largesse mentality, creating the conditions of continually pillaging from the future, creating conditions where one generation consumes the 7-8 generations worth of natural resources

One than, can see the parabolic population curve of symptomatic of economic mismanagement of earths savings account.

As one who find faith from whose tongue uttered the words 'be fruitful, and multiply' I see the natural solution of dumping as much as possible into technology, as more population means more brains to solve warp physics, seed 6 or 7 different planets back in time, and continue the parabolic curve either beyond the solar system, or beyond the icewall

Merry Christmas

>> No.15075955
File: 934 KB, 973x1005, 1641148957840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. I cannot outschizo a Christcope. I concede defeat. Goodbye.

>> No.15075969
File: 50 KB, 600x518, using that word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15075971

Mouth-breathing imbecile.

>> No.15075976

double digit iq

>> No.15075979

>Malthusianism is the idea that population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population die off.
Word-for-word what you've been programmed to spout by your handlers.

>> No.15075980

You're the one that spouted it, not me

>> No.15075981


>> No.15075989

You will never be human.

>> No.15075991


>> No.15075992


>> No.15075994

Crawl back to whatever social network you came here from, normalnigger.

>> No.15075995

>Russia have more severe weather, have more retards which generates random small scale outages, may be even have less money allocated for infrastructure maintenance, but somehow they manage to keep infrastructure running. It is not simple in Finland or Norway also.
Because Soviet infrastructure was explicitly built to be bombed to hell during wartime. It's designed to take a beating and still deliver power. Totally the opposite of the American system which is almost built to fall apart.

>> No.15075996


>> No.15076002

You are literaly repeating a script, a though you didn't have yourself, you can't abuse others with that accusation, you literaly can't use normal words, you're using thier word

>> No.15076006
File: 64 KB, 680x680, 1609097045881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like periods. You're not using periods. Use more periods, silly language model. Didn't your training set contain thousands of gigabytes of text with proper grammar?

>> No.15076012
File: 66 KB, 618x900, Economies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One word: overpopulation
Yeah, of illegal immigrant criminals.
Over 4 million illegals are entering the USA every year now.
That is an invasion, and is already collapsing America.

USA is committing suicide.

>> No.15076015

You won the argument using data, causing everyone below you to start spewing nonsense.

>> No.15076016

Low IQ samefag.

>> No.15076026


>> No.15076040

You're not even close to being the largest schizo in this thread, try a bit harder

>> No.15076049
File: 125 KB, 800x498, population worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy fix.

>> No.15076057

So we should go to war and eliminate them? That's very Malthusian of you

>> No.15076063

Kill yourself, low IQ nigger.

>> No.15076067

Oh? Didn't like that bit of cognitive dissonance? I can provide many more for you, just keep spitting out contradicting ideas and I'll keep pointing them out

>> No.15076068
File: 49 KB, 722x804, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know wtf that means, but war is expensive.
Simply quit feeding them. Those two countries account for 90% of the world's pollution, and are mostly dependent on foreign food production sources.

>> No.15076070

It's not committing suicide. The top 0.0001% is killing it for profit.

>> No.15076072

>human populations rise until war and famine bring them down
So when you say
>quit feeding them
you're in line with his idea

>> No.15076073
File: 70 KB, 729x900, the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The top 0.0001% is killing it for profit.

>> No.15076074

>>human populations rise until war and famine bring them down
>So when you say
>>quit feeding them
>you're in line with his idea

>> No.15076077

Now that you've picked a side, feel free to join the schizobrawl

>> No.15076083

Idiot! Liberties are what allowed the 0.0001% to do what they're doing!

>> No.15076087

>Idiot! Give up your freedoms! Become a slave! That will prevent the slave owners from taking your freedoms!


>> No.15076088

You're too much of a subhuman nigger to tell difference posters apart.

>> No.15076090
File: 566 KB, 1400x2700, le_sad_demiurge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only two people in this thread. You, and me.

>> No.15076096

See >>15076063

>> No.15076102

Your repeated attacks on my character have no effect on me. See this >>15075882

>> No.15076104

You didn't deny that I'm right. I'll accept your concession.

>> No.15076141

It's a sigmoid curve that will bapance at 11 billion

>> No.15076150
File: 39 KB, 706x798, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo human population will more likely be a J-curve. Picrel

>> No.15076151

You sound familiar. Looked up your posting ISP and DNS locations, and yep, it's you. Y

ou lead such a worthless existence, living on here, saying the same things over and over.

But you are right, if you give up everything, then nobody can take anything from you. If you kill yourself first, then nobody can kill you either.

>> No.15076156

One person can produce for himself and another too, that's how it works generallly

>> No.15076158

>and it wouldn't increase the Earth's area by one square foot, it wouldn't add one kilogram of coal, oil, phosphate, iron or water to earth's crust.
Fucking globetardism

Oil is abiogenic and renewable. The Earth, which is flat, expands as needed

>> No.15076159

Ooooo scaaaary! I bet you can't even highlight every one of my posts itt. Mr. 'gets an ISP from a 4chan post.' After all it must be trivial for a L337 h4xX0rz like you ti write a script that goes through each post itt to check if the ISP/DNS match.

>> No.15076169


>> No.15076232 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 640x692, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15076235 [DELETED] 

This isn't /pol/, this board doesn't have a political ideology so stop trying to force your politics shit here

>> No.15076263
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, Blink Take.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food is not finite.

>> No.15076429

it literally (literally LITERALLY) GROWS ON TREES

>> No.15076632

>soil erosion
>arable land areas shrinking
>phosphorus mining

>> No.15076727
File: 176 KB, 844x764, Debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>benefit from every tax-paying
Taxes literaly don't matter

>> No.15076729
File: 1.16 MB, 250x250, Intense focus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rates are not finite

>> No.15077314

More people = more workers available to grow more food = more people = more workers available to grow food = more people... What's so hard to understand?

>> No.15077366
File: 117 KB, 598x398, rolando blackman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15077433

There is more than one, non-linear, factor, and labor is not the bottleneck. Land and logistics has always been more a factor even before the industrial revolution.

Land has a hard upper limit, and logistics has diminishing returns. We may not have reached their respective barriers, but they are still more relevant than labor.

Additionally skill to produce foodstuff is not a directly transfereable skill, does not scale without quality loss, and the 40% of foodstuff disposed of is not by end consumer, nor would it disappear with sheer discipline (which doesn't exist in reality anyway)

Honestly the real answer is "humanity diesnt need 8 billion people, most are dead weight, even in the best frame of reference"

>> No.15077654

>Land and logistics has always been more a factor even before the industrial revolution.
vertical farming
>Land has a hard upper limit,
vertical farming
>various other stupid conjectures which are all wrong
just face up to the fact the you've a mentally ill person who been given a media induced messiah complex and thats why you're always casting around for reason as to why the world is coming to an end, so that you can step in and play savior.
once you've saved the world then ppl will finally give you the respect you deserve, right?