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File: 215 KB, 1703x874, 1671901145663551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15075319 No.15075319 [Reply] [Original]

>be eurofag
>be doctor or engineer
>earn $1100 a month
imagine going to school until you're 30 years old in order to earn guaranteed poverty

>> No.15075343

Only fear mongering populists actually believe that shit. The US and EU are still the best places in the world to live, and getting a college degree is still the best way to further your career and improve your socioeconomic status. Incels and NEETs just like to seethe and to cherrypick negative sounding doomer new stories because they lack any ambition or intellect of their own, and they want everyone else to be as bitter and angry as they are. Anyone complaining about living in the US or EU today is an incel and a loser, and if they really think life is so bad in the west, they are free to move to Russia or China if they think that is a better option.

>> No.15075348
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>populists bad!!
The mask slips and the nonsentient shows its preprogrammed contempt against the population.

>> No.15075354

Money is not everything, some people value not being surrounded by niggers and even worse... Americans.

>> No.15075358

>some people value not being surrounded by niggers
Then stop importing them in droves while depopulating the natives?

>> No.15075372
File: 47 KB, 720x630, hello dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant stop France and England and Germany from that. They are the royal kike's base of operation.

>> No.15075382

My programmer friends make around 4-5k per month I think, or 3,5 on the low end. A far cry from the 100k starting that a frontend JS monkey seems to make in the US of course. As for doctors, they tend to set up their own business, or trade name or whatever it's called in English, and pay themselves through that. Like instead of collecting an 8k salary and getting taxed 50%, they funnel the money to the company and take what they need to avoid higher taxes. Meanwhile all the money is still building up in the company account and then they can retire semi early when they've saved up enough

t. fingol

>> No.15075396
File: 71 KB, 568x730, glowniggerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come to 4chan.org to regurgitate the MSM narrative

>> No.15075400
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Also Swissyland, thats where their banks are

>> No.15075417
File: 419 KB, 456x386, 1671824419540064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you posting something reasonable on 4channel.org?
>don't you know this site is for circlejerking over schizo nonsense?

>> No.15075422

He does have a point. Why don't you stick to the reasonable and reputable social networks where your government narrative is acknowledged and respected?

>> No.15075476

Why does anyone even bother regurgitating the official MSM narratives which everyone is already aware of? Whats the point?

>> No.15075527

wow, almost like you have to care about peoples' lives before you go knucle-deep in their organs

>> No.15075533

I don't post on reddit/facebook/whatever because their users are absolutely insufferable.
That doesn't mean I need to humor your NEET delusions about how everyone with a degree is secretly poor.

>> No.15075536

>Be me, eurofag
>MSc in physics
>3 years of C++ experience
>Led software projects at university
>Currently applying for jobs
>Average starting salary: $61k
Am I fucked?

>> No.15075541
File: 59 KB, 1024x544, glowies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't post on reddit/facebook/whatever because their users are absolutely insufferable.
>instead i come to 4chan.org to regurgitate the same MSM narrative as on reddit/facebook/whatever
how do you differ from the "insufferable" reddit/facebook/whatever posters?
if you hate reddit/facebook/whatever then why do you come to 4chan to post the same stuff the insufferables are posting?

>> No.15075553

1800 euro is median salary in Poland this is bullshit

>> No.15075575

>I don't post on reddit/facebook/whatever because their users are absolutely insufferable.
Why don't you want to be around "people" who share your exact values and beliefs?

>> No.15075710 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15075753

You say that but im technically a UK doc. I say technically because the second I realistically has enough crypto to take £28k out per year for 15 years I stopped working. It just doesn't pay nearly enough to be worth the work.

That said it's been 2 and a half years now and im basically existing in a haze of doing nothing but working out and drinking.

>> No.15075771 [DELETED] 

Post the source, jackass.

>> No.15076419

Chasing money is what ruined us healthcare.

>> No.15076437
File: 224 KB, 720x483, Screenshot 2022-12-25 at 07-00-25 HikL9Ot-1138887929 (JPEG Image 720 × 483 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine going to school to be rich, not to be emancipated and contribute to the development of humanity.

>> No.15076441 [DELETED] 

>imagine being a narcissistic pedophile and accidentally telegraphing it with grandiose claims of improbable altruism that never happened and never will
>A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

>> No.15076444
File: 149 KB, 236x260, 1671506746820928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even fun

>> No.15076445

Careful Anon you're getting the schizos all riled up

>> No.15076446

I will post wherever I want and I will not let groupthink determine my opinion.

>> No.15076469

>this is my schizo hugbox, normies get out REEEEEE
kys snowflake

>> No.15076479

Why can't you handle a free marketplace of ideas? Can't your ideas compete in an environment where everyone's not a koolaid drinking true believer?