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File: 311 KB, 562x627, electricucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15074986 No.15074986 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15074989

Moot point since EV-driving technocattle doesn't leave the urban concentration camp.

>> No.15075014

>oh no!!!, muh politically correct electricuckmobile can't make it the six miles to walmart
the whole family died of starvation

>> No.15075027

What family? Greentards are nonreproducers who live alone.

>> No.15075043

As a formal representative of Walmart, I'm glad to say that that we offer delivery, free of charge, for online orders over $100. Anything you can order on our website, can be delivered to you.

>> No.15075054

Can someone explain why?
More work/effort required to move the car?

>> No.15075071

Probably because the chemical reactions the batteries rely on slow down.

>> No.15075089
File: 1.39 MB, 1660x1378, feb-20-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drives me nuts.
During pic related the state capitalists in Ottawa didnt give one word to the Canadian people exercising their duty to protest trivially provable grievances, but only looked at them as a thorne stopping them from working tooth and nail to get a electric car manufacturing plant in the golden horseshoe. Like hello, do you know how large this country is? Do you know how cold this country is? Just imagine anyone with a 1:30 to 2h commune will need a charging station halfway if a fraction of a polar vortex comes through. Imagine QE2 in AB or worse 400 into Toronto on a cold day, You'd need a fast charger for every car making that commute, basically destroys the entire workday.

I hate communists so much, state capitalism is doomed to the same inefficiencies that collapsed the soviet union

>> No.15075116

Have sex, incel.

>> No.15075143

the soviet union collapsed due to glownigger color revolution bullshit. it was brought down because the jews had lost control of it. the ussr started out as a jewish run government, but the jews weren't able to maintain their grip on power, two decades after the revolution and stalin was already starting to purge the kikes. once the ussr came to be fully ruled over by whites, america decided to make it their #1 enemy.

>> No.15075330
File: 263 KB, 765x806, Screenshot from 2022-12-24 09-10-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the soviet union collapsed due to glownigger color revolution bullshit.
glow niggers just agitated existing greivances. And now their doing the same thing to themselves with reverse repos with blackrock (imagine having someone who will promise to buy something you buy later at a higher price within an infinite money machine?) recipe for pic related

>> No.15075333
File: 1.99 MB, 640x360, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was brought down because the jews had lost control of it. the ussr started out as a jewish run government
bolsheviks conducted mass genocide. They were not followers of Jesus, standard scapegoat playbook

>> No.15075337
File: 235 KB, 675x380, tmwkbanh_1050_591_81_s_c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all sides were puppet-ed by the same grotesque mind virus

>> No.15075458

all jews

>> No.15075520

Post tits + timestamp.

>> No.15075529
File: 525 KB, 639x706, 1615384658310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is me, u jelly?

>> No.15075538


>> No.15075543

Certainly something to consider if you live somewhere with that level of cold on a regular basis but for places where this is a "once in a generation" storm, basing your vehicle purchase on an event that is less frequent than the life of your car doesn't make much sense.
tl;dr: don't buy an EV if you live in Montana.

>> No.15075567

> 20 F
> cold

>> No.15075602

because it relies on swapping electrons through a gel, which increasingly solidifies in the cold. also charging in cold temps can cause damage, but they want you to buy $20,000 battery replacements sooner anyway.

>> No.15075606

What percentage of the population (not percent of mostly empty land) lives in an area where it is below 20F for more than 48 hours contiguously a year? The northeast and upper midwest, sure, so don't buy an EV if you live in those areas and don't have a garage in which to park your vehicles while charging. For everyone else, it's an exercise is recreational pearl clutching. I'm sure you can think up lots of other edge cases involving traveling salesmen rushing to see a dying grandma on the other side of the country every week, but people prone to such edge cases shouldn't buy an EV. Unless you live somewhere cucked like Canada that wants to make EVs mandatory, pick the vehicle type that can work for your life and stop finding things to whine about that don't apply to others whose circumstances permit them to make choices different than your own.
tl;dr: you're an unhappy person because you go out of your way to find reasons to be unhappy.

>> No.15075608

See >>15075027

>> No.15075737 [DELETED] 

you're ruling out contiguousness by specifying "cities only"

>> No.15075906


but dont electric cars have battery cooling systems ? They could just turn those off. Wouldn't the batteries warm up after a while ?

>> No.15075997

in really cold areas it's normal to use battery warmers for conventional lead acid to get clean starts and improve battery life, so something like that could be warranted for EVs

>> No.15076000

Even engine/fuel warmers are used for gas vehicles in some really harsh climates. I'm surprised these don't exist already considering that people should know about the engineering challenges by now.

>> No.15076005

only than of the synagogue of satan

>> No.15076110

Stalin was a jew himself you fucking idiot. Communism is really that bad and evil, they just want power over everything and everyone. Communism will never be achieved, only a totalitarian socialism will happen

>> No.15076180 [DELETED] 

>considering that people should know about the engineering
ppl who buy EVs generally can't even do a tire change let alone understand the internal workings of a vehicle

>> No.15076200

>Stalin was a jew himself you fucking idiot. Communism is really that bad and evil, they just want power over everything and everyone. Communism will never be achieved, only a totalitarian socialism will happen
The only good socialist is a dead one.

>> No.15077637
File: 117 KB, 1280x528, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
