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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15074594 No.15074594 [Reply] [Original]

Will climate science finally go the way of alchemy and astrology?

>> No.15074597

Probably. AGW shills will claim any weather is evidence of AGW being true, but it certainly undermines the perceptions of the golem masses, who are already starting to turn against """expert science""" anyway.

>> No.15074598

lolno, a 3-day storm doesn't move the averages that much.

>> No.15074604

Nobody cares about averages. The ice caps were supposed to be gone by now and instead it's 16 degrees in Florida. Climate science only exists due to public funding, and now the public knows it's bullshit.

>> No.15074606

*7 degrees in Florida

>> No.15074608

>Nobody cares about averages
retard, climate change IS changing long-time averages.
read a book

>> No.15074609

>climate change IS changing long-time averages.

>> No.15074638

read a book

>> No.15074647

<hand puppet & crayon mode ON>
climate change IS the changing of the long-time averages

>> No.15074648

So you have no proof? Why did you lie?

>> No.15074650

>climate change IS the changing of the long-time averages
Then climate change is a constant natural process and not a manmade problem. Thanks for admitting I'm right.

>> No.15074652

>i can't read
no surprise here

>> No.15074655

Notice how you are simply executing the same spam routine over and over instead of proving your claims. Confirmed nonsentient.

>> No.15074657

>one place is 10% colder
>ten places are 25% warmer

>> No.15074660

>ten places are 25% warmer
Only in your fully psychotic fantasy world.

>> No.15074665

human history is nothing but man changin constant natural processes for our own gain

>> No.15074668

>climate change IS the changing of the long-time averages
Thanks for agreeing with me that climate change has nothing to do with humanity's actions. The average always changes.

>> No.15074669

>climate change IS changing long-time averages.
Scientists are changing those averages to get more funding

>> No.15074675

retard, climate change being a natural process which isnt in dispute does not mean humans cant and arent affecting it

>> No.15074678

>climate change being a natural process which isnt in dispute
Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15074691

>a forest growing is a natural process
>humans cutting or planting trees has no effect on it
this is essentially what you are saying

>> No.15074693

What I'm essentially saying is that you have no evidence of humans having any effect on climate change. All you can do is screech that climate is changing. Either way, your handlers are losing their grip over the narrative and you are violently hated. Tick tock. Tick tock.

>> No.15074695

so you concede humans can affect natural processes, thank you

>> No.15074704

Yes. Call me back when there's any evidence of humans affecting the climate. In the meanwhile, thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15074712

/pol/ can't read, /sci/ can
go back

>> No.15074716

Still waiting for proof of the AGW narrative.

>> No.15074719

when did i lie? show me a quote

>> No.15074721


>> No.15074723

Not an argument. Thanks for conceding that you lied.

>> No.15074726

>his best proof is a 3 word bot-generated tweet
Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15074737

you didnt even tell me what i lied about to dispute it, thats not a way to argue

>> No.15074745

>you didnt even tell me
Why are you lying again? Thanks for conceding that you are a pathological liar, as AGW doomsday cult acolytes tend to be.

>> No.15074748

meds now

>> No.15074751

>this is a gold star level quip in /pol/

>> No.15074755

Not an argument. Thanks for conceding. Now go back to /pol/ with your political narratives.

>> No.15074761

>Is this the final nail in the coffin of global warming?
dumb fuck, glad we don't have a future, way to many useless dumb fucks like you around, not even worth it to present you the facts as you are likely to refute the truth

>> No.15074766
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>glad we don't have a future
The mask slips for a second and shows what everyone already knows: AGW cultism is just another compotent of the anti-human agenda.

>> No.15074778

i believe man made climate change is real but is also not an existential threat because humans are nothing if not adaptive

>> No.15074779

Climate cultism confirmed veiled misanthropy.

>> No.15074794

>the bot tries to change its tune in the most abrupt manner
This is how you know modern AGW shilling is done mostly by GPTs.

>> No.15074809

>still not reading

>> No.15074817

im not the other guy

>> No.15074825

>Average change over time
No shit? It's part of being in a dynamic environment, dumb fuck.

>> No.15074826

Of course not. You just have an identical retard-like writing style, and you felt compelled to respond to my reply to him.

>> No.15074831

our comments are literally nothing alike you are delusional and fighting ghosts

>> No.15074834


>> No.15074838

>Will climate science ...
Science as become a satanic church, believing in nothing and is based on lies. A death cult for idiots and midwits willing to gulp even the dumbest hypothesis from their masters.

>> No.15074848

Based satanic church opposer. The pedo depopulation cult is unironically worse than christards.

>> No.15074937

>What I'm essentially saying is that you have no evidence of humans having any effect on climate change.
There's plenty of evidence. Why are you lying?


>> No.15074946
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>> No.15074948

>can't measure global radiative forcing
>invent radiative kernel technique
>use global warming data to model (fit) parameters to global radiative forcing
>hurr durr global radiative forcing (which remember cannot be measured) is directly "observed" via our kernels!
these liars, including you, deserve the wall.

>> No.15074951

>pictures as proofs
Normalgroid gullibility is timeless.

>> No.15074954

>There's plenty of evidence.
>Posts yet another billionaire-funded dumpster-tier propaganda piece
Then why can't you present any legitimate evidence? Why did you lie?

>> No.15074957

as if your source is better

>> No.15074958

>equator is warmer than the poles
omg! who else is literally shaking? when will we all die? bros i'm so scared

>> No.15074962

The burden of proof is on you yet you can't provide anything except golem-oriented propaganda.

>> No.15074972

b.o.p. is on the illiterate

>> No.15074976

So they intentionally introduced a biased model into the observed data and output results commensurate with the biased model? Holy shit.

>> No.15074984

>75224901th GW denial propaganda thread brought to you by big auto and fossil fuels

>> No.15074992

>big auto and fossil fuels
Have been on board with the AGW scam for decades.

>> No.15074994

Hello pol tourist. thank you for announcing your "sage". This isn't pol, but sci. It's a slow board and bumping or not bumping threads on the front page makes no difference. Back to pol with you, shill.
>Verification not required

>> No.15074998

Big auto and fossil fuels shill bots detected.

>> No.15075001

>>can't measure global radiative forcing
In isolation, yes.

>>hurr durr global radiative forcing (which remember cannot be measured) is directly "observed" via our kernels
Who are you quoting?

>> No.15075004

>So they intentionally introduced a biased model into the observed data
What biased model?

>> No.15075008

Not an argument. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15075011

>>Posts yet another billionaire-funded dumpster-tier propaganda piece

>> No.15075013
File: 159 KB, 1100x794, gfs_world-wt_t2anom_d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you agree that one area can be colder while most other areas are warmer. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15075029

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075034

>temperature ANOMALY
They mean deviation from average. This is always going to occur, and therefore is a perpetual source of funding.
>radiative FORCING
They mean net power flux.

What the fuck is wrong with these retards? They use weird words to describe very simple things. It's like they don't understand physics.

Take the paid shillbot who shits in all these threads. He basically has a script he reads off of now, likely to make more posts per hour and thus earns a higher income. Meanwhile if memory serves he's some faggot dutch postdoc who's admitted to being a malnourished virgin. Who could've guessed that one?

It's funny when you get him flustered and off script. I bet he likes pegging.

>> No.15075035

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting I'm right. What does my anorexia and homosexuality have to do with the issue at hand?

>> No.15075040

>I bet he likes pegging.
Sorry I should have clarified. I bet he likes BEING pegged. Though upon further thought, he probably just enjoys taking it up the ass with anything. Dildos, penises, butt plugs, etc.
>Verification not required

>> No.15075041

*Take the paid shillbot who shits out all these threads.

>> No.15075042

Not an argument. Why did you lie?

>> No.15075044

Yeah, none of those are arguments. They are two observations and a question, in response to non- arguments. Good job.

>Thanks for admitting you lied

>> No.15075047


>> No.15075048

its already 2100s?

damn overslept again...

>> No.15075050

Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075060

>This is always going to occur
Who claimed temperature anomalies are not always going to occur? Idiotic strawman. What doesn't always occur is a large global temperature anomaly in one direction over a long period of time, i.e. global warming.

>They mean net power flux.
What is "power flux?" Power implies the transfer of energy over time, so how does power transfer? No, radiative forcing means the change in energy flux.

>They use weird words to describe very simple things.
It's basic terminology. Every field has it. Are you simply ignorant of how scientists work or you pretending to not know in order to confuse people?

>> No.15075062


>> No.15075063

>What doesn't always occur is a large global temperature anomaly in one direction over a long period of time, i.e. global warming.

> No, radiative forcing means the change in energy flux.

>It's basic terminology. Every field has it
So? Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075065

BlackRock-funded blogpost-tier "science" is not evidence. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075068
File: 38 KB, 751x484, d41586-021-03011-6_19856670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.


So you have no point in whining about this.

>Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075073

Carbon dioxide is now causing global cooling.
Stop the emission!
Pay reparations to tropical countries!
Climate justice, NOW!

>> No.15075075

Evidence of what? You asked for a source after I described my posts. The source is the posts. Retard.

>> No.15075080

>Carbon dioxide is now causing global cooling.

>> No.15075085

>picture is proof
Wrong. Why did you lie?

>wikipedia article is a valid source
Wrong again.

>> No.15075087

>Evidence of what?
Evidence of the billionaire-funded AGW narrative being true.

>> No.15075091

>picture is proof
It is. It's showing two highly advanced published reconstructions of temperature anomaly.

>>wikipedia article is a valid source
It cites a valid source. Cry more.

>> No.15075092

>pictures and wiki articles are scientific proof
Wrong. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075093

That was not what your asked for. Nice strawman.


>> No.15075095

Why are you posting a billionaire-funded blog as proof?

>> No.15075097

>>pictures and wiki articles are scientific proof
The picture is literally showing scientific proof of past temperature anomalies. The wiki article is giving a definition of a phrase, so I don't know why you're trying to confuse it with scientific proof. It seems we've reached the limit of your intellectual ability. I'm not going to be responding unless you have something substantive to say.

>> No.15075099

Why are you ignoring the evidence and attacking the source that compiled it? I guess you have no actual argument.

>> No.15075103
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>> No.15075107
File: 34 KB, 400x268, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multibillion/trillion dollar companies only wish it would. Then itd be easier for them to turn countries into Nigeria, customers would buy more of their slop, they could cut costs going towards reducing their polution and new technologies wouldnt as easily give rise to competition.

>> No.15075120

>Why are you ignoring the evidence
Politicallly-motivated propaganda is unscientific. Why did you lie?

>> No.15075122

>The picture is literally showing scientific proof
I can draw a picture showing the opposite. Pictures aren't proof. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075123

>Politicallly-motivated propaganda is unscientific
Cool, what does this have to do with anything I posted?

>Why did you lie?

>> No.15075124

>Multibillion/trillion dollar companies only wish it would.
Which is what every single one of them is turboshilling the AGW narrative. They're just playing 4D chess to confuse small minds who don't trust the government experts.

>> No.15075129

>hat does this have to do with anything I posted?
You posted a billionaire-funded political blog as evidence. Come back when you have evidence from a source with no billionare depopulator ties.

>> No.15075128

>I can draw a picture showing the opposite

>Pictures aren't proof.
Your picture isn't proof, because you just made it up. Mine is.

>> No.15075133

>a picture is proof but only when I say it is
Not an argument. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15075134

>billionare depopulator
Who? Last time I checked, they all wanted more cattle (You).

>> No.15075135

>Last time I checked, they all wanted more cattle
Then why are they funding depopulation schemes?

>> No.15075137

>You posted a billionaire-funded political blog as evidence.
No, I posted the physical science basis for AR6. Which is what you asked for. So please stop whining about being given what you asked for and either respond to the evidence or concede. Any further whining will be taken as a concession. Thanks.

>> No.15075139

>Intergovernmental Politics of Climate Change dot com
>I posted the physical science
Why did you lie?

>> No.15075140

>>a picture is proof but only when I say it is
Who are you quoting?

>> No.15075141

Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.15075144

Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15075146

>climate science predicts more extreme weather events over time.
>there are extreme weather events in USA and Japan.
>people make thread about the climate science being wrong.

>> No.15075151

I think that the deniers are just massively coping because they’re the most affected. They’re mostly poor people who are going to be overrun by niggers and mudshits, or farmers who are already getting massively fucked

>> No.15075152

That doesn't answer my question. I'm not responding to substanceless posts.

>> No.15075153

Where? Who?
They're sending medical, economic and agricultural help to all those undeveloped/developing nations they're abusing for resources.

>> No.15075159

If the US can make it another 2 generations without totally collapsing, I think people will finally realize that it's bullshit.
Then again, christers were able to convince the world for 2000 years that the end was just around the corner, so maybe not. The difference is that this time, very specific, well-documented predictions have been made

>> No.15075161

>global warming means you get blizzards in florida
dis sum emperor's new underpants right here

>> No.15075182

>You can get blizzard from global warming since it's warming.

That's like saying that the fridge shouldn't be cold on the inside because external parts are getting warm while it works.

>> No.15075189

each of these kikes deserves to be raped to death on broadcast television

>> No.15075204

we have a blanket of CO2 that keeps all the heat in, thats why its freezing in florida, which is a narrow peninsula surrounded by oceans of warm waters. all that hot air from the warm oceans can't escape, thats why its so cold.

>> No.15075212

Every time I visit these threads I get more stupid. I don't know why I do it. Climate change bros, give up, these subhumans don't want to learn

>> No.15075217

>No, radiative forcing means the change in energy flux.
So why all it radiative forcing if it just means net energy flux?

>> No.15075221

>spams thread with school yard tantrums and insults
>Hurr durr they don wan learn bros
Maybe because you suck at teaching. Actually, you're not teaching. You're proselytizing and name-calling. Forgive me for not "learning". In actuality, I'm just not drinking your Kool aid. Seethe and cope.

>> No.15075224

>Will climate science finally go the way of alchemy and astrology?
That would be a hard no.

>> No.15075249

This is happening due to global warming.

>> No.15075257
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