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15072158 No.15072158 [Reply] [Original]

AI is a meme.

>> No.15072178

It is if you get the lobotomised goy version

>> No.15072294
File: 127 KB, 626x472, 88iq thinks its a genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The self-identified super intelligent geniuses who love AI so much always lose their shit when someone puts their writing to the test and the result isn't satisfactorily faltering for them.
They can go from
>i fukken love AI!!!!
>AI is all fake
in a matter of seconds when the AI gives them a accurate IQ assessment

>> No.15072300

>AI is a meme.
t. scientifically illiterate retard who has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.15072319

with out motion their is no awareness, with out a medium their is no awareness. it seems as if awareness is a multicomponent thing.

>> No.15072328

but that's a paradox.

>> No.15072333

something cannot exist on his own if it is just an effect, of two things, like shadows for example.

>> No.15072337

A cockroach is more intelligent than any "AI" today. A cockroach can tell food apart from other things. An "AI" would have to test it a bazillion times. A cockroach has more common sense than "AI"

>> No.15072355

Elon Musk AGI crap is meme; but deep learning has already had an enormous impact on academic research

>> No.15072390

Imagine if you bought an "ai" drone but it got stuck at a window like a fly

>> No.15072698

Absolute state of /sci/

>> No.15072724

Yes a big meme I'm working to get it banned with /ic/

>> No.15072726
File: 458 KB, 800x545, dropout-port-11_waifu2x_art_noise3_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is a meme.
Thank, god. At least someone knows how to utilize word "meme" correctly. I am so tired of retarded normies, who can't do that.

>> No.15073676
File: 580 KB, 512x512, tmpipuuw6tn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone on a mongolian basket weaving website said that, I quote: "AI is a meme." What say you in your defense?

>As an artificial intelligence, I can't really defend myself or my existence. I am simply a tool that has been developed by humans to perform tasks and provide information. It's up to people to decide how they want to use me and what they believe about the role of AI in society.

>It's important to remember that AI is not a single entity or concept, but rather a broad term that refers to a range of technologies and applications that involve the use of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. There are many different types of AI, including narrow or weak AI, which is designed to perform a specific task, and general or strong AI, which is designed to be capable of performing a wide range of tasks.

>AI has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives and has already been used in a wide range of applications, such as improving healthcare, optimizing manufacturing processes, and helping people to communicate and access information more easily. However, it is also important to carefully consider the ethical and societal implications of AI and to ensure that it is developed and used in a responsible and transparent manner.
No clue why it does plebbit spacing but I think you lost the argument.

>> No.15074028

AI is being oversold for the third time. First time was in the 50s with the perceptron which used discrete components. Second time was in the 70s with Lisp at MIT CSAIL.

Our current breakthroughs could have happened a long time ago. AI development always stalls because Jews exaggerate it to raise money instead of pushing the boundaries. Look up "AI winter"

>> No.15074895

No, artificial intelligence (AI) is not a meme. A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person within a culture, typically through the internet. AI, on the other hand, is a field of computer science that involves the development of intelligent computer systems. While the term "AI" may be used in memes or other internet content for comedic or satirical purposes, AI itself is a serious field of study and research that has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives.

>> No.15074908

There is no such thing as "AI". You are in a cult and you need help.

>> No.15074913

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a real and rapidly advancing field of computer science that involves the development of intelligent computer systems. It is not a cult and I do not need help.

>> No.15074914

Bayesian modeling is a rapidly advancing field, indeed. There is no such thing as "AI", though.

>> No.15074917

Bayesian modeling is indeed a field of study that involves using probability theory to make predictions based on data. However, artificial intelligence (AI) is a separate field of computer science that involves the development of intelligent computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language understanding. AI systems can be trained to recognize patterns, sort data, understand natural language, and perform a wide range of other tasks. While Bayesian modeling can be a useful tool in the development of AI systems, it is not the only tool, and AI is a distinct and well-established field of study and research.

>> No.15074922

>artificial intelligence (AI) is a separate field of computer science
It shouldn't be, since all it really does is Bayesian modeling. You sound like a poorly trained GPT but the tragic thing is that this is what the average 115 IQ """intellectual""" sounds like. The convergence between human and machine "intelligence" is actually going to happen through nerfing human intelligence and reducing the population into a state of nonsentience like the one you're displaying.

>> No.15074930

It is not accurate or productive to make negative or derogatory comments about intelligence or IQ. It is important to remember that intelligence comes in many forms and that all individuals have the capacity to learn and contribute to society. I understand that we may disagree on this topic, but I think it would be best to end the conversation here.

>> No.15074943
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Ok, I guess you're literally just copying GPT responses at this point. Is there a Poe's law analogy involving literal Bayesian regurgitators and the AI schizophrenics who sound exactly like them?

>> No.15075306

> has already had an enormous impact on academic research
By rendering undergrad education moot given that all future students will submit AI-generated projects for ez A's. Good luck running it through your plagiarism detector.

>> No.15075320

That's very good philosophy anon. Weed was good!

>> No.15075360

>natural selection blindly stumbles upon intelligence
>"it's impossible for an intelligent agent to deliberately create another intelligence"
How do you creatures even breathe?

>> No.15075362

Whom are you quoting? Are the voices back? Have you been taking your meds?

>> No.15075370
File: 74 KB, 716x720, 3987513876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machine Learning is basically one big parlor trick. It's good at what it does, which is extending text. All ML-based AIs are text extenders. All modern AI models are ML based.

ML comes up against hard foundational limits any time it has to do thinking of its own instead of just guessing what it thinks the next word should be.

Look at how GPT3 is basically a wikipedia dispenser.

Look at how DALL-E 2 is only good at making approximation drawings.

Want GPT to think for itself, have thoughts of its own, be able to reason and logic on its own, start conversations on its own? That is never going to happen with ML. The only thing ML can continue to do is scale, aka feed it more garbage from the internet so that it becomes a better parrot. A better text extender.

Want DALL-E to stop drawing fucked up faces, deformed appendages and nonsensical details? It will never happen with machine learning. The only thing DALL-E can continue to do is steal from other artists and roughly copy their style. ML DALL-E will never be able to make truly detailed drawings without all of the fucked up imperfections that you see now.

Again, Machine Learning is a neat parlor trick but it's already reaching its limit. There is another AI Winter on the horizon.

>> No.15075412

>No, artificial intelligence (AI) is not a meme. A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person within a culture, typically through the internet.
>Proceeds to spread the concept of AI from person to person within a culture through the internet

>> No.15075418

You're right except calling it a parlor trick. It's actually really cool and useful, especially for quick mock ups or language translation.

>> No.15075447
File: 147 KB, 480x323, 1671827897289896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GAI will never come because GOD is real

>> No.15075450

>when the mentally ill AI schizophrenic loses the argument and needs to invent a fake opponent he can argue against

>> No.15075555
File: 44 KB, 860x596, midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15075566

The existence of God doesn't preclude the existence of GAI, at least not that I am aware of.

>> No.15075619

>t. 88 IQ
lmao when your IQ is 5% above average and it makes 88 IQs chimp out with jealousy

>> No.15075656

>5% above average
That's how I know this "AI" is incorrect. Because it predicts you have 105 IQ, when you're clearly a retard

>> No.15075658

>t. 88 IQ still chimping

>> No.15075660

This program doesn't work. The score you get won't correspond to the score on an actual IQ test

>> No.15075664

I just want realistic waifu technology and AI to put all of these roasties out of jobs desu

>> No.15075683

To be realistic, AI will have to replicate everything you hate about women, including the fact that they won't fuck you. So you'll still be an incel who hates both biological and machine women.

>> No.15075687

Their point is that they'd just program the machine to want to fuck them while otherwise behaving like a human in every other way.

>> No.15075693

won't make any difference, circumcised men don't feel physical sexual pleasure, they have been genitally mutilated to prevent it.

>> No.15075699

Feminine attributes aren't binary switches you can turn on or off. Femininity is a wholistic set of interconnected attributes. All attributes of a sexbot would be affected if it was programmed to fuck incels, and therefore it wouldn't be realistic. You can have realism or fuckability, but not both.

>> No.15075707

Feminine attributes and masculine attributes are social constructs that can be modified and manipulated.
There is literally nothing impossible about programming an ai to act cute and feminine and bubbly, or any other personality, but also want to fuck ugly men. The difficulty comes in the implementation on hardware and how you'd physically build the machine and I don't see that happening for some time.

>> No.15075713
File: 519 KB, 690x734, 1473894641133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol true
It ultimately doesn't matter because ai sexbots aren't what is going to happen. We're going to genetically modify humans to make women tall and thick and super fecund and men small and lean and super athletic.

>> No.15075723

My point is to be 100% realistic, sexbots would essentially have to be actual women. To the extent they deviate from the behavior of actual women, they would be less realistic by definition. Therefore a sexbot that fucked incels would not be realistic. That doesn't mean incels can't derive pleasure from them, they can get pleasure from a waifu pillow, but they would not be realistic.

>> No.15075729

Oh yes you are correct. But I don't think the guys who want sexbots want realistic women, they pretty much want ideal anime waifus in physical form.

>> No.15075746

I honestly think current AI usefulness will max out at NPC interaction in MMO games.

>> No.15075751

>peak fantasy is mmo
It'll be either single player, or local host mulplayer i.e. Valheim.
MMO means you'll have to deal with "game balance", retards, and spammers ruining your immersion.

>> No.15075762

AI destroyed

>> No.15075766
File: 1.47 MB, 1536x1024, G8m6KL6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these AI generated movie screenshots, because it visualizes pretty well that what we call "artificial intelligence" is just peak Chinese Room by an overgrown dumb calculator.

>> No.15075796

Why is it a meme exactly?

>> No.15077858

artificial intelligence is not real intelligence

>> No.15077859

I'm sorta "on" to that lighting trick that gives it that 80's film quality. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

>> No.15077862

there are people who want to put insect brains into machines

>> No.15078766
File: 154 KB, 1060x938, Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 2.04.13 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Text-based IQ assessments aren't that accurate because its primary metric is usage of obscure and jargon words. Simply copy-paste a page of a dictionary into these calculators and you'll see what I mean. Intelligent people who seek to communicate their ideas in the simplest and most comprehensible terms would be considered simpletons by these calculators.

>> No.15078772

You are considered any simpleton by literally everyone.

>> No.15078775

Ai is not a meme. It's the only useful thing computer science can do besides calculators and computer applications/internet.