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15074759 No.15074759 [Reply] [Original]

Could a black hole theoretically swallow the whole universe?

>> No.15074760

Basedholes don't exist.

>> No.15074763

It's possible

>> No.15074765

And you say that based on what? Retard.

>> No.15074781

pee in it to put out the fire and slow its spin

>> No.15074784


>> No.15074803

sure, as far as the size of the "tummy" is considered.
however, in practice properties of the accumulation disc (AD) become a restricting factor.
once the show in the AD becomes wild enough, so much shit is swirling on it that there's enough material to create new stars on it.
This is too much, once a star/stars are borne, it radiates so strongly that it breaks up the AD.

>> No.15075036

>to create new stars on it.
Wait, so stars can be born inside a black hole?

>> No.15075052

what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

>> No.15076213

Maybe they would if the universe was contracting instead of inflating. Just that the matter they suck in needs to be nearby

>> No.15076215

It's your post that makes them interesting. If you didn't post this then there'd never be another black hole thread again

>> No.15076222

>And you say that based on what?
The fact that they can't be observed outside a chalkboard.

>> No.15076266

Why do people hate on black holes also stop copying that pasta

>> No.15076269

we have a photo? and plenty of evidence. I mean whats black thing in the middle or our galaxy then

>> No.15076272

>black hole different from any space body CUZ IT HECKIN' GRAVITATES PHOTONS INTO ITSELF
sad fuck

>> No.15076273

>We have a photo of nothingness! It's science!

>> No.15076276

Show me the photograph. I want to know if you can tell the difference between a telescope image and an artist's rendition.

>> No.15076352

Black holes aren't magic space vacuums, they attract matter the same as anything else based on their mass. As >>15076213 said, if the universe is contracting then everything will eventually be crushed into a single point. But if it isn't (ours appears to be expanding) then nothing would be able to attract all the matter into a single location.

>> No.15076402

thats racist

>> No.15076779

What is it about /pol/cels who use the words goyslop and being unable to appreciate anything unless it is through multiple levels of irony of is something that is: "/pol/ and Tucker approved: certified BASED," huh?

Singularities as a concept are interesting if you have them explained to you at a very, very basic level and only get more interesting as you learn more about them.

>> No.15076860

I hypothesize that's precisely the mechanism by which heat death occurs

>> No.15077058

I hypothesize you're gay.

>> No.15077208
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Not if Cosmic AC has anything to say about it.

>> No.15077225

black holes are just a type of dark matter

>> No.15077228

A sufficiently large BH would no longer have the tidal forces to break up a star, so yes star formation could take place within the event horizon of a large enough BH

>> No.15077498

You're an idiot

>> No.15077652

Time is an artifact of a black hole in the future pulling everything toward it

>> No.15077657
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1663973398864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf a söyhole just flew over my house. popsci sisters, get your computer rendering software and make photo of this badgirl

>> No.15077668

god can't be observed outside of a story book but you probably believe in that

>> No.15077672

>define God in a pantheistic way

>> No.15077830

All the black holes will swallow everything in time, and form larger black holes as they devour and grow eachother.

In the end, two final behemoth black holes will merge and create the big bang.

>and everything that ever happened, happens again exactly down to the last quark

See you in 10^81 years!

>> No.15077837

ironically black holes are what create the most luminous and observable objects in the universe quasars

>> No.15077842

... In a contracting universe.

>> No.15077843

the fact they are the second most efficient way to extract mass energy from matter next to antimatter is pretty cool i think

>> No.15077847

for perspective the theoretical 40% of mass energy extracted by using a black hole would be enough to power a avarage us household for a million years with 1kg of mass