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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15072568 No.15072568 [Reply] [Original]

>”read it in his voice”

How do you even hear things in your head? When you imagine speech/music is your auditory centre activated?

>> No.15072588

Anon, first we evolved a mechanism to finely differentiate between closely related sounds. A primitive form of these evolved in most classes of animals with hearing organs, but ours are most sensitive. It started with small animal sounds, that rewired our neural networks in precise ways. It moved on to sequences of sound bits. Just as the sound bits itself are important information so are the orders that they came in the sequence. A further advancement occurred in our superior temporal gyrus that let us recall them anytime we wish.

>> No.15072605 [DELETED] 

why do the homosexual pedophile who are obsessed with children's cartoons insist on spamming /sci/ with their paraphilia when 4chan already has doesn't of boards dedicated to permit pedophiles to share their children's cartoon masturbation material? why on /sci/ instead of the appropriate location?

>> No.15072681

being annoying is part of the fetish

>> No.15072729

Agreed. If OP wanted to post loli content they really should have posted it to the technology board where it belongs

>> No.15072736

Your brain is connected to all your senses. I imagine it loads info from your memory and kind of runs it through your senses in some cases or just plays it as a memory in place where you can reason about it. That's my guess anyway

>> No.15072774

Look into exploding head syndrome, its strange vut kinda cool

>> No.15072785
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All sensory data is converted into electrical signals in your head and shit. All you do is uh mimic that shit bro

>> No.15072790

M-m-m-m, doesn't sci happen to be one of the 4chan's (site dedicated for anime and anonymous discussions) boards?

>> No.15073092

>How do you even hear things in your head?
What the fuck? That's a symptom of schizophrenia.

>> No.15073094
File: 48 KB, 669x277, Screenshot from 2022-12-23 06-47-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were never taught to sub-vocate?

>> No.15073101

you think posting retarded e-thots with cow tits isnt annoying to us?

>> No.15073110

You guys are either trolling or very mentally ill. I've never heard voices in my head.

>> No.15073118
File: 694 KB, 995x1212, syntax-bernstein-phoenetics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know of anyone who couldn't train themselves to do this

Start by reading out loud (when is the last time anyone did that) and gradually go softer and softer until its just barely a whisper
trust me, it'll stay in your head.

In fact, in todays age, being able to subvocalize while you type is a secret key to great prose and fast writing

>> No.15073122

Don't give him a (you). He's trolling.

>> No.15073132

wtf you mean "train" yourself?? My inner mind is about 90% voices and/or words. Its.. it's normal, right? guys?

>> No.15073134

poe's law states you cant infer intent with solely text over the net. I've gotten to the level where i can hear symphonies in my head, if people dont know its within them, they'll never try

>> No.15073138

People who aren't NPCs have an ability to simulate sound in their brains. It's not the same as real sound but it's a close parallel.

Anybody who doesn't have "inner thoughts" is a shallow husk social experiment. I'm sorry you got MKUltra'd at birth, the CIA took your soul bro.

>> No.15073147

>People who aren't NPCs have an ability to simulate sound in their brains
Fair enough.

>also muh internal monologue
GPT-tier cognition.

>> No.15073406

This whole discussion is fucked. Just plain fucked. People talk past each other. Some like the other guy imagine people mean hearing literal schizophrenia voices. Others like me -- well, read on. I subvocalize my internal monologue, but read fully without subvocalization.

I don't constantly internally monologue, but when I do, I subvocalize. I.e. I just use the slightest of tongue and voicebox movements to essentially simulate the pronunciation of the corresponding words. This way I internally monologue about things that warrant it (i.e. not things like pure qualia or abstract concepts are more appropriate), and I also use it for composing great prose. Hate to brag, but when I make an effort post, my prose is really delightful to read, with the perfect balance of humor, pathos, etc. depending on situation.
But the thing is, I cannot internally monologue without these muscular movements. "Pure" monologuing. My bandwith is reduced by 90-100%.

I just don't know what other people mean when they talk about monologue. Are they not self-aware and perceptive enough to realize their monologue is actually just this muscular-based subvocalization? Or is it an actual difference that I do not myself employ?

Now, tying back to your point, in stark contrast to above, when I read, I literally NEVER subvocalize. I process the words as abstract terms as they appear on the screen. They are not tied to sound.
No one ever "taught" me to read. I assume this is true for most 115+ IQ individuals.

tl;dr: I subvocalize when normies apparently never do, and do NOT subvocalize when normies apparently generally do.

>> No.15073511

tfw when people brag about not subvocalizing when reading
enjoy never being able to enjoy poetry, faggot

>> No.15073514

Guess how I know you have homosexual tendencies.

>> No.15074100

>This whole discussion is fucked. Just plain fucked. People talk past each other
If I had to go a tad schizo I'd say ChatGPT has proliferated lower quality botnets (more agendas, not just deepstate with tech they forget is 15 years ahead type thing). The unfortunate part is that this sets whats normal and the tribal imitation reflex than mimics these things.. quite unfortunate. but yeah

but read fully without subvocalization
This is useful if one wants get out of first gear to speed read, unless maybe there is some wiseman that did the 2.0x audio speed up in there head, lol.

>I cannot internally monologue without these muscular movements
I'd hypothesize its Pavlovian, synthetic association. The brain is so used to hearing ones own voice when they speak normally it pre-imbibes those circuits making it easier to year.

>Or is it an actual difference that I do not myself employ?
I'm not sure either, though i'm more sympathetic to the visualisation case. Going into chemistry degree i had a basic ability, but after staring at lattices and chirality long enough i became able to rotate random shapes in my mind in colour.

I think i'm a poet at heart, and I enjoy the slow, reflective read, so I do so by default

>> No.15074250

I can reproduce any kind of sensory experience in my head to some degree, if only very faintly. I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be possible for everyone as long as they're healthy.

Hearing your internal monologue isn't the same as hearing a voice externally, but it's not just subvocal movements or a purely abstract experience either. It's like a separate channel for sensory information that you have conscious control over.

The way to get better at it as far as I can tell is just practice. Maybe say a few words out loud and then immediately try to reproduce the experience interally as vividly as possible? It's hard to describe how to do that if you don't have the ability to reproduce experiences even very faintly for any of your senses, but if you can manage it at all then the task is just to keep doing it until you get better at it, like building a muscle.

>> No.15074321

Just because you have an inner voice doesn't mean that that voice has more than one accent/impression. My inner voice just reads everything with the same accent and impression

>> No.15074401

and from whence ye doth hear ye old english'd tongue? doers in auditory
I can play music in my head at command, multiple sounds simultaneously, have had this ability since i was a kid,


my brother had it differently, he'd speak in other peoples voices to himself, actually started believing he could hear thoughts lol, i just call it empathization

>> No.15074407

What I mean is that I would not automatically put an accent or celebrity impression into words I read, when I read your first sentence I just read the words as written with no accent or special voice. Which is why I don't get when people say the read something in like "Morgan Freeman's voice". If I reread it knowing that I could manage it but I would never just go into reading something with that voice

>> No.15074488

no bitch dats a whole new sentence

>> No.15076313

there are people who can't, just as there are people who can't visualize, although most of us believe we can.
It is to train the brain, little by little it is achieved.

>> No.15076944

>When you imagine speech/music is your auditory centre activated?

You see with your eyes AND your brain.
You hear with your ears AND your brain.
You smell with your nose AND your brain.
You taste with your tongue AND your brain.
You touch/feel with your skin AND your brain.

Our brain is truly the most thing in our universe.