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1507018 No.1507018 [Reply] [Original]

There is no proof for the existence of extra-terrestrials.

>> No.1507022

But is there evidence? If so, is it compelling?

>> No.1507020

Extra terrestrials exist because it says so in the holy book of extraterrestrials.

>> No.1507025

Yes there is.

>> No.1507027

Life has occurred once in the universe.
There are a large number of other places where life could potentially have developed.

Polite sage.

>> No.1507030

But is there evidence? If so, is it manipulated?

>> No.1507033

watch ancient aliens from history channel, all the reliable proof you need lies there

>> No.1507036

It's actually pretty illogical to believe that we are alone. Given how big the universe is.

>> No.1507038

there are an extreme amount of planets in the universe.. so if there is life on only a small fraction of those planets.. there is a LOT of life in the universe

>> No.1507055


Unfortunately, that doesn't qualify as evidence. It's sound reasoning, but it's not evidence.

>> No.1507057

The universe needs a first cause.
It would be illogical to say God doesn't exist.

>> No.1507073

Nobody claims it is evidence.

>> No.1507088

god needs a first cause. it would be illogical to claim that meta-god doesn't exist.

>> No.1507092

meta-god needs a first cause, it would be illogical to say that meta-meta god doesn't exist.

>> No.1507094

Causes first needs a cause.
It would be illogical and foolish to assume that we can understand how the universe came to be.

>> No.1507096

ET life most likely exist. But we cant be certain until we detect it. All the UFO crap is BS though.

>> No.1507098


>god needs a first cause
We've been through this before.

God is self-caused.
Why can't the universe be self-caused you ask? It cannot be self-caused because it is contingent. The existence of the universe is 'accidental', not 'essential'.

>> No.1507095

meta-meta god needs a first cause, it would be illogical to say that meta-meta-meta god doesn't exist.

>> No.1507100

something imaginary can be self-caused if you need it in order to explain something else.


>> No.1507113


You're one to talk.
Science is full of explanatory principles!

>> No.1507127

>It cannot be self-caused because it is contingent.
>It cannot be self-caused because "idea with no logical basis or empirical evidence."

silly, whether or not the universe "had to" exist is irrelevant because we know that it has managed to exist.
also, everyone knows it was meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-
meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-god who was self caused.

>> No.1507138


>idea with no logical basis
Ever hear of 'modal logic'?
>Modal logic is a type of formal logic that extends the standards of formal logic to include the elements of modality (for example, possibility and necessity).

The idea that certain things are necessary isn't illogical.

>> No.1507139

No, there isn't.

There is, however, concrete proof there's life in the universe.

>> No.1507152
File: 88 KB, 600x600, 1257590818949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was young and cute once...

>> No.1507154

>God is self-caused.
>Why can't the universe be self-caused you ask? It cannot be self-caused because it is contingent.

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.1507167

hmm well then this shouldn't be that hard: Explain why the universe is contingent.

>> No.1507171


>What the fuck am I reading?

The non-existence of the universe is a logical possibility.
Hence, the universe is caused.

It's not that complicated.

>> No.1507184


>Explain why the universe is contingent.
The universe is in a state of 'becoming'.
All things mutable are contingent.

>> No.1507193

>The non-existence of the universe is a logical possibility

prove it. just show your logic here.

>> No.1507199

why are all things mutable contingent?

>> No.1507209

the first evidence of life on distant planets would be, if we would spectroscopically find molecular oxygen in other planets atmospheres. You will probably hear about such a discovery in the news. Because it would be really awesome.

>> No.1507225


>prove it. just show your logic here.

There exist possible worlds were you don't exist.
You don't have to exist.

The universe is a collection of such things.
Everything "in" the universe is non-essential.

You disagree?

>why are all things mutable contingent?
Mutable things come into being. There was a time when they were not. Things that don't need to exist are contingent. Things that have a beginning in time don't need to exist.

>> No.1507241

The non-existence of the God is a logical possibility.
Hence, God is caused.

It's not that complicated.

>> No.1507243

Know what else? I don't think anybody who really matters even cares. If there are, we'll find out in due course, if not, so what? There's plenty to do and think about that matters, no need to waste time and energy on useless shit like this.

>> No.1507252


The non-existence of God is as much a logical possibility as the idea of square triangles.

>> No.1507256

> It cannot be self-caused because it is contingent. The existence of the universe is 'accidental', not 'essential'.

why is it that universe/things that "don't need to exist" are contingent?

>Mutable things come into being. There was a time when they were not.Things that don't need to exist are contingent.

FALLACY: circular logic

>> No.1507259

please show your experiments, data and proofs that let you make predictions about the attributes of god

>> No.1507260

show logic please.

>> No.1507268

>There exist possible worlds were you don't exist.
show proof

>> No.1507272

it's really fun when people use fancy words to hide their stupid arguments

>> No.1507279

well i think that about wraps it up for that argument for the existence of god. as usual it was based on a lack of evidence and a sneakily sublime logical fallacy. good work /sci/.

>> No.1507284 [DELETED] 


>please show your experiments, data and proofs
>show proof
show logic please

>> No.1507287


>please show your experiments, data and proofs
>show proof
>show logic please

>> No.1507290

Oh, its my favorite thing! I was pretty sure that was what was going on and viola!
sorry OP.
now back to aliens.
Yes, there is no proof for their existence.

>> No.1507292


The non-existence the universe is as much a logical possibility as the idea of square triangles.

>> No.1507305

well, that 1+1 = 2 is truth, because it is defined so
just like that guy just defined that god is the thing that doesn't needs a cause
just like i can define that the universe is the thing that doesn't need a cause

>> No.1507340

okay, check this out:

there's 8 planets in our solar system. we have never set foot on any of them except our own. so, we are not even sure that there isn't other life on them.

then, get this:
there are over 30 stars within 12.5 light years of earth.

there are over 100 stars within 20 light years of earth.

within 100 light years, it's estimated that there are over 14000 stars. we don't even have most of these documented.

just to completely blow this out of the water, the milky way galaxy estimated as 100,000 light years in diameter. this equates to billions and billions of stars.

if you think for even ONE SECOND that we are alone in this galaxy, let alone the entire fucking universe, you are a huge dumbass

>> No.1507345

not a dumb-ass just someone who waits for proof over probability.

>> No.1507347


Maybe life on a single planet is good enough for God.
Who are you to question Him?

>> No.1507361

i swear to athe, if a single one of you takes this bait i will hunt you down and slap you in the face with a pancake filled with rocks and fetuses.

>> No.1507372

Seriously, where the fuck do these trolls get these thread pictures from?

>> No.1507374

here http://www.flickr.com/photos/themuseumofmodernart/4479730106/in/set-72157623741486824/

>> No.1507401
File: 28 KB, 995x745, Copy of rgtb3b3n zthj35j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's that douche you're always talking about ?
some tripfag again ?

>> No.1507601

dont freak out ufo lovers.
its ok to admit that we are floating out in infinity all alone
and despite your wishes to get alien booty it will never happen.
accept your meaningless empty existence as afreak accident


>> No.1507608




Polite sage.

>> No.1507610

