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15064109 No.15064109 [Reply] [Original]

Brehs, at the age of 28, I now realize that my chances of doing something exceptional with my life are almost nil. I am painfully mediocre in every conceivable way.
How do you deal with this feeling?

>> No.15064133


>> No.15064140

knock up a female with reasonably good genetics and hope the next generation succeeds where you failed

>> No.15064144

bro im 47 and basically invented a new theary of gravity that join einsteins and quantam theary. But not sure if i want to come out with it coz the world prolly isnt ready for it lol! i always new i was gona invent something epic. its pretty exciting ngl

>> No.15064149

Pull the trigger and silence the voice inside once and for all.

>> No.15064151

You still have 22 years to do something exceptional, start now, start uni, you will graduate in 3-4 years and will still leave you 18 years to do something exceptional, 18 is a long time. Consider this if you instead graduated at ~23 that is only 9 extra years, and while in uni you can also study and work on some personal project related to your field. The absolute majority of graduates who done it early don't even work in their specific field and do something related at best, needless to say they hardly learn anything new after university after getting a job, 99% basically just build experience thats only good on resume without doing anything significant in their lives.
in other words, if you really want to and dedicate yourself you can still achieve a ton on things, kek even if you graduate now ans only have 10 years until advanced alcheimer kicks in you can still do a lot of things even in 10 years if you put your mind to it

>> No.15064152

I dont deal with that feeling because I dont experience it, but if it's important to be exceptional at something then you can cope by getting off 4chan and practicing what you want to be exceptional at

>> No.15064169

>I don't experience it
This. I'm naturally exceptional at everything I do, so I can't relate to the weak.
Sucks to suck, OP.

>> No.15064176
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"Muh accomplishments" are cope for slaveminded cattle. It makes absolutely no difference what you "accomplish". You could be the world's greatest whatever and the only value of that would be purely subjective and your individual existence still wouldn't have mattered any more than anyone else's in the long run.

>> No.15064196

>You still have 22 years to do something exceptional, start now, start uni, you will graduate in 3-4 years and will still leave you 18 years to do something exceptional
Most university professors spend their entire lives researching and never come up with anything that will earn them fame. Even the top unis, which only take in the cream of the crop, have most of their professors shitting out one trivial paper after another. It's fucking hopeless.

>> No.15064205

I'm the number 1 player in the world out of many thousands in a certain online digital card game (not Hearthstone obviously, that has more players and is garbage anyway)
enjoy mediocrity, anon, for me there is only glory

>> No.15064271

It's like the saying, you are the sum of the fife people closest to you. Same goes for the information you get. What is your input? What do you read, what do you watch?
If you're into maths or physics and have never read the words of the great mathematicians and physicists, then that's the mistake. And I don't talk about secondary and tertiary literature, I mean their original works. Have you read Euclid, have you read Euler, have you read Poincaré?
Same goes for every other field. Go to the source and get the knowledge without a filter. Try to cut out mediocre authors, just consume the brightest of old days and of today. They will inevitably influence you; even if you never get on their level, but even if you reach 5% of them you're already miles ahead of everyone else that learns from average people.

In whatever field you are, try to get the whole picture. You have to develop intuition for it, so that even if you see something new you already know the answer or at least know what you have to do. You have to gain complete mastery in a field, that will probably take you 10 years.

And then study another field as a hobby. But do it with the intention to gain deep understanding and recognize patterns. Maybe you will see connections between those fields, maybe you can create something completely new by connecting those fields.
For example, if you are a chemist and study computer science as a hobby, you could develop a software for chemist that could become the industry standard, because it's so much better than the alternatives. But there are so many ways to combine different fields. Don't give up, I believe in you.

>> No.15064304

Thats a different issue not related to the age of the graduate. I know some profs who are otherwise not even human beings because their field is so boring, in fact they can't even have a conversation with normal people because they are so absorbed in what they are doing, to you and me thats boring and not a achievemlment but those people are genuinely doing what they like, that in itself is an achievement.

>> No.15064308

>In whatever field you are, try to get the whole picture. You have to develop intuition for it, so that even if you see something new you already know the answer or at least know what you have to do. You have to gain complete mastery in a field, that will probably take you 10 years.
>And then study another field as a hobby. But do it with the intention to gain deep understanding and recognize patterns. Maybe you will see connections between those fields, maybe you can create something completely new by connecting those fields.
This is actually pretty good advice.

>> No.15065577

Frontal lobe theory of gravity.

>> No.15065599

Read Rabbi Akiva's biographies

>> No.15065611

>Brehs, at the age of 28,
Why do young zoomers/ young millenials all think 20s-30s is old? WTF is wrong with that generational era?
Too many vaccines as children?

>> No.15065612

It's pretty old. By that age people in a saner time had already settled down with a wife and children and had a career. At 30 women are beginning to enter the riskiest time for fertility, with birth defects skyrocketing.

>> No.15065643

i shit up /sci/ with another blogpost that the mods won't delete

>> No.15065743

have a family and be the best father possible, happiness relies on your determination op, good luck out there

>> No.15065769

>Why do young zoomers/ young millenials all think 20s-30s is old?
because the people who are successful have usually made it by then.
the late bloomer is a rare exception, especially in the sciences. most of the "old people success stories" are about people who did shit like start restaurants or write a book. hell, even the fucking fields medal isn't given to old people

>> No.15065781
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>birth defects skyrocketing.
due to vaccines.

Women used to have children under the most unsanitary conditions, starting at around 12 years old and having their last kids in their 40s if the woman lived that long. Autism was super rare back then.

Along come vaccines in the early mid 1900s, now they are mandated and for silly shit that isn't even dangerous, like colds/covid, flu, Hep A, chicken pox, etc.

>> No.15065785

20s-30s is when most individuals can start to recognize whether their cognition is truly special or not.
This is the period when they're toning down the grindset and start operating on their baseline talent.
A late bloomer always had unique cognition but never had the opportunity to use it.

>> No.15065788

>people who are successful have usually made it by then.
>fields medal
kek kek
You have a super geeky outlook. Nerds like you will never "make it".

>> No.15065789

wow, so much cope in this thread. sad pathetic cope by incel millenials.

>> No.15065797

this is pure cope. if you're destined for greatness, people will notice and guide you early in life when any sort of intensive training matters the most. once you're past your mid 20s, your brain has fully finished growing
>but muh neuroplasticity
obviously you can still learn past your teens and early 20s, but you'll pick up on unfamiliar concepts much slower than you did in the past. basically, if you haven't touched a piano when you were in school, there's a 0% chance history will remember you for playing the piano since you simply won't get good enough.

there's nothing stopping you from picking up something new as a cute hobby, but you simply will never be "the best" at it starting at your age

>> No.15065803

kek, this is when I started coasting as a software dev:
>10 hours work a week
I know the salary isn't much compared to FAGMAN but I like posting smug anime girls on 4chin during work hours so I'm comfy with it

>> No.15065809

Become the new Hitler
Easy mode: write about the modern age in clay tablets and seal them in a cave

>> No.15065812

>your individual existence still wouldn't have mattered any more than anyone else's in the long run.
The absolute cope of the nigger-lover. We could do well with 7 billion less people on planet Earth, you included.

>> No.15065821
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You do things you enjoy, and do what you think is right when situations arise. This thing we're trapped inside of, aka the universe, is an experience machine. You're here to experience the kind of life you're experiencing. There is honor in being just a little gear in a big machine, and by doing what the kind of gear you are does, you are keeping the machine running. We're all stuck in the machine, we need to keep it running for each other, and for whoever threw the lever to turn the machine on. If you're a useful part, who knows, you might get used in the next machine.

>> No.15065854

This is the start.
Not too many people come to this conclusion.
You ain't shit.
What people seek and cheer ain't shit either.

Sit back. Watch the pitches come by.
If you're lucky enough to get a hanging curveball swing for the fences.

You are desperate now. That will make you sweat for it.

>> No.15066551
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How to become new hitler?

>> No.15066580

Stop expecting greatness from yourself and start expecting gradual improvement in tiny steps. Before you know it, you'll find you've traveled quite a distance.

>> No.15066651

i'll tell you a story
Many scientists wanted to change the world and help the environment
They picked a career to change le world
At the end they did nothing cause their boss (an accountant) doesn't pay well.

You can help with money, Africa is destroying their jungles and reserves then you help to sterilize families and pay for their education with 2 or 3 kids twice a year.
And just like that you did a lot for the planet

>> No.15066960

>10 hours work a week
God I fucking hate americans. They live life on tutorial mode.

>> No.15067460

>I know the salary isn't much compared to FAGMAN
depending on where you live, 157k is pretty close, even higher than the salaries of some well known companies. it's the stock that makes up the rest of the comp

it's just a small subset of americans, just like how not every european anon lives for free off the government

>> No.15067501

>once you're past your mid 20s, your brain has fully finished growing

>> No.15067511

you can always invent a time machine that is actually an elaborate suicide box that vaporizes you

>> No.15067534

you get a wife and family.

>> No.15067574

people normally don't bother with instruments (piano) at later age because they are simply not interested in it and their parents can't force them to learn it anymore.
This is totally different to an academic subjects, unless op did not even go or finish secondary school before 18 and doesnt even have the basics, learning advanced topics past the age of 20 will not be a problem the whole idea of 'if you didn't achieve anything before 20 then its too' late is dumb. Just because brain stopped growing at 20 does not mean it lost its ability to learn.

>if you're destined for greatness
why are you even on /sci/ ? Consider /x/ or religion/spirituality generals on other boards.

>> No.15068196

That's out of the question for me. I have shit genes I don't want to pass on.

>> No.15068872

I can assure you that there's too many people better than you at breathing

>> No.15068879

based schizo. Keep going my guy

>> No.15068925

Just deal Arms and Drugs
If You want to be a Man
Of fast and easy Ways

What is an exceptional person? A Pimp with a Pop Music Front? A Game Designer? A Farmer, feeding the Masses?
Just joking, You will not get ANY Respect in legal Workfields anymore, 28 is too late, know that Pain, just go with it.

It is not like You are gonna connect and find a Wife at that Age either,
Just become Klaus Schwab's new Bestie and diddle some Kids for Satan
Just joking.
Times are shit.
Zeitgeist will change in a few Years, sit this one out and develop a Real World Skill, not like coding or banking, something good and nurturing

>> No.15068930

> Easy mode: write about the modern age in clay tablets and seal them in a cave


>> No.15068941


>> No.15070480

>people normally don't bother with instruments (piano) at later age because they are simply not interested in it
The fuck? There are lots of adult learners.

>> No.15070483

Only true if believed.

>> No.15070517

>was exceptionally gifted as a child
>finished school with masters as didn't have the talent for pure math research or the interest for applied
>been adjunct at CC for 5 years, applying for full time teaching job soon
>dad passed away a month ago

Definitely can relate to the feel

Since finishing school and even I guess before then, I've always had the idea that well sooner or later I will find out how to apply my talents, everything will be awesome and I'll get paid a lot and be contributing to something meaningful. Starting to consider the possibility that this is it

And, I'm kinda ok with it. It's challenging my self perception of who I was as this kid with exceptional talent, but on a day to day life is pretty good, my job is very easy, I have plenty of free time, get to work out, go bike riding, kayak, smoke weed, grill steaks, I've got kitties, if I get paid more from the full time job and lose more weight I can get a roastie gf who is ready to have kids.

I think it is ok

>> No.15070519

Just zoom out a bit and realize that no individual is ever exceptional.

>> No.15070538

He was wrong regarding that detail, but the broader scope of it is correct. The missing piece for adult musicians isn't anything to do with their brains, it's a lack of free time and energy.

>> No.15070540

Why dont more people do this?

>> No.15070549

>I think it is ok
Is it though? Is it really? Or are we just coping with our situation?

>> No.15070565

It's over 1/3 of your life and without hair transplants and veneers you're going to look terrible even if you have good teeth and no hair loss.

>> No.15071843

That's only true if you have shit genes.

>> No.15071883

How would it feel if you were picked as one of the 7 billion to be killed?

>> No.15072986

You will never be Galois.
You will never be Abel.
You will never be Ramanujan.
Just suck it up and accept your irrelevance.

>> No.15072987

Muh feels

>> No.15072988

You and your handlers will be killed in the coming decade.

>> No.15072992

I vill be Galois.
I vill be Abel.
And I vill be happy.

>> No.15073014

>at the age of 28, I now realize that my chances of doing something exceptional with my life are almost nil.
Do you realize that the thing that took you 28 years to realize is vacuously true for everyone at any age?

>> No.15073032

Live for yourself not for negligible expansion of knowledge or having your name on something like the Barnett's identity that nobody will take you seriously after publishing

>> No.15073425
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>How do you deal with this feeling?

Put all your efforts into producing uber-children.
Those who can not create, should support and encourage those who can.

>> No.15073649

Will you lie down or be the next Planck?