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15062848 No.15062848 [Reply] [Original]

Is it bullshit that the vaccine tricks your body into creating spike protein forever? Why would you need a booster if this was the case?

>> No.15062865

>That's a real tweet by an airplane company valued 17 billion that has no stake in medicine
Fuck this stupid fucking planet

>> No.15062869

> Is it bullshit that the vaccine tricks your body into creating spike protein forever

>> No.15062872

There are many business and enterprises that fly planes but aren't airlines.

>> No.15062876

I don't particular care I'm just disgusted that a company that runs airplanes is officially commenting on celebrity drama because it involves vaccines despite seemingly having no stake in it

>> No.15062878

>Is it bullshit that the vaccine tricks your body into creating spike protein forever? Why would you need a booster if this was the case?
Because the virus spike mutates extremely quickly to avoid the incomplete immunity provided by single-protein antibodies.

>> No.15062882

>have no stake in medical
I'm sure they don't care a single bit about a field that can tell them "hey you have passengers on your plane"

>> No.15062885

You can extend this argument to every business but if you like living in a world where corporations worth billions of dollars officially make snarky remarks about celebrity gossip to defend government mandated products go for it

>> No.15062898

why is that bullshit?

>> No.15062905

It is bullshit because covid doesn't exist.

>> No.15062928

>It is bullshit because covid doesn't exist.
you virus or covid doesn't exist people are well poisoners.

>> No.15062956

its bullshit because the human body doesn't have the molecular machinery to reverse transcribe mRNA into our DNA. The mRNA in the vax eventually degrades and your body won't have any other way to make more spike protein, but it will be able to make an antibody to it.

>> No.15062957
File: 3.54 MB, 2670x1660, neo-feudalismed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

airlines industry got pillaged by international neo-feudalists

>> No.15062959

>its bullshit because the human body doesn't have the molecular machinery to reverse transcribe mRNA into our DNA.
False. Not only does it have the correct cellular machinery, but it's activated quite often.

>> No.15062967

It would be splendid for you to show your moves on this thread >>15061088

>> No.15062974
File: 21 KB, 624x208, DS- HERV-K image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?

>> No.15062981


>> No.15062982

It is the exact opposite, my friend.
How sure are you?

>> No.15063001

>its bullshit because the human body doesn't have the molecular machinery to reverse transcribe mRNA into our DNA. The mRNA in the vax eventually degrades and your body won't have any other way to make more spike protein, but it will be able to make an antibody to it.
OP here. This is why I asked. Some say the body 100% can't keep reproducing the spike, then the others say it can.

>> No.15063016

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15063024

viruses exist, and "covid" exists, but calling it covid instead of just "the flu" implies that there is something exceptional about this year's flu when it is just another SARS
Remember the first SARS? That's what this is. It's potentially serious for immunoweak people, but to the general population, it is no threat. Injecting mystery junk into your body to fight it is unnecessary and highly risky.

>> No.15063031

>viruses exist

>> No.15063039

What am I seeing here?

>> No.15063058

which reverse repurchase agreement counter parties are enjoying 'stakeholder capitalism'


>Notably, Federal Reserve Bank RRPs and repos are labeled based on the viewpoint of the counterparty, not the Fed's viewpoint. In other words, when it comes to dealing with the U.S. central bank, a reverse repo agreement means that the Fed's Open Market Trading Desk sells securities to a counterparty and agrees to buy them back later at a higher price.

must be nice knowing there is a greater fool to always buy your assets at a higher price (that has an infinite and invisible money printer)

>> No.15063059



Here. Go read about Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Executive summary:

>some tobacco plants become mottled
>grind up mottled plant into juice
>squirt juice on healthy plants
>healthy plants become mottled
>little rods with their own genetic material not found in tobacco observed in mottled but not healthy plants

A suspension of purified virus particles that is recovered from sick but not healthy plants is capable of infecting healthy plants. That's the incontrovertible proof that viruses exist.

>> No.15063069

He doesn't know what mutual funds are or what investment banking is, so he thinks there's something suspicious about his schizo string-theory image.

>> No.15063070
File: 265 KB, 784x601, plant-seeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant even access RT and kaiser report is no where to be found on youtube.

Point for the woods, not only are they neglecting proper monetary education, now they are preventing its very access

plant seeds and make diy /sci/ fellowmen, all this tech is being used towards the subjugation and enslavement of its very builders

>> No.15063119

>A suspension of purified virus particles that is recovered from sick but not healthy plants is capable of infecting healthy plants.
Virologists have made that up.
Ivanovsky, the man who discovered TMV, in his 1890's paper refutes himself. He "infects" healthy plants with liquid from healthy plans. That completely debunks his theory. He didn't prove any sort of transmission either. Noone has verified it since then. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15063144
File: 276 KB, 1855x710, blackrock-1635118708953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically if you want to understand why all of a sudden all the corporations have the same artwork, have rainbow logos, and somehow stay alive as zombie companies you elucidate this system

>Federal reserve prints money from nothing for their cadre of asset houses and tells them to go buy things, we promise to pay you back more than what you bought them for, even if they suck, corrupt and unprofitable
>asset houses say okay and go to the market and say, come to us all ye unprofitable zombies, if you speak what we want you to speak, do what we want you to do, organize how we want you to organize we will allow you access to our free money friend the fed.
Companies say yes, and adopt the that weird art style and feminine and slightly nagging linguistic
If you take this money and go against this, we will not roll over your debt, and well scapegoat you to the frothing at the bit lefties the media keeps on its 2 minutes of hate loop

all this will lead to is gross misallocation of capital soviet style, which is why you see them cornering all markets and introducing totalitarian legislation across the globe and making use of broken window economics forever wars

>> No.15063156

>In 1876 Adolf Mayer, a German agricultural chemist and director of the Agricultural Experimental Station at Wageningen, the Netherlands, began studying a mottling disease affecting tobacco (Figure 1). He named it tobacco mosaic disease and showed that the juice extracted from leaves of diseased plants could be used to infect healthy plants (8).
could you just stop lying?

>> No.15063262


>> No.15063343

He's only here to slide threads to prevent people from talking about the vax. They couldn't deny the issues it causes anymore so now the protocol is to drown out discussion with insanity.

>> No.15063360

I think that anon was talking about the foreign mrna and our immunr system takes a long time to react

>> No.15063669

>its bullshit because the human body doesn't have the molecular machinery to reverse transcribe mRNA into our DNA.
Reverse transcriptase.

>The mRNA in the vax eventually degrades
Well yeah, and it was originally stated that it would happen in a few hours or days, yet now we know that thanks to the pseudouridine, it's a minimum of two months (could be longer, they only tracked up to two months).

>> No.15063683

Can you imagine what we could cure if antivaxxers were right and the vax stimulated lifelong protein production in one shot? Why is everybody so dumb? Why are the dumb so sure they're smart?

>> No.15063697

>Is it bullshit that the vaccine tricks your body into creating spike protein forever?
Yes, that's redneck-goober bullshit.
It's NOT bullshit that the spike proteins that the vax makes your body produce (even in the modified, stable conformation) can be dangerous. Health officials admit that there are side effects (myocarditis, etc.). What's concerning is that, though they've speculated on mechanisms, they still can't conclusively explain why the vaxes can have these side effects. So there's a fundamental ignorance--perhaps the wrong target antigen was chosen and something other than the spike protein should have been chosen.

>> No.15063702

>single protein antibodies

>> No.15063706

The vax stimulates antibody production against 1 protein on the cell. Because this is an extremely weak immune response, it allows the virus to mutate evasion variants with ease because only 1 thing has to change to succeed.

>> No.15063717
File: 97 KB, 661x500, fed printing money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valued 17 billion
Fake Monopoly money.
Biden can print as much as he likes.

>> No.15063892

Mayer was describing the disease, which he thought was of a bacterial origin. Ivanovsky is considered to have discovered TMV (the tobacco mosaic ""virus"") because he used the Chamberlain filter which filters out bacterias in the making of the juice. He concluded that there must therefore be a smaller pathogen.
But, as I've said, he successfully debunked both himself and Mayer. Work without proper control experiments is absolutely worthless because you cannot conclude that the outcome (the plant becoming sick in our case) is caused by the presence of the independent variable and is not a result of the experiment itself. You understand that, right? Well, Ivanovsky's control experiment proved him wrong because he made a healthy plant sick with a juice from a HEALTHY PLANT. Nobody has done proper control experiments since then. Prove me wrong. All you've said is that somebody has been studying the disease before Ivanovsky, I don't dispute that.
All you have to do is prove me wrong.

>> No.15063948

it's not a tweet by the company anon. it's a tweet written by a 20 year old attention seeking woman

>> No.15063961

who comes up with this "antivax" shit from the first place, it's doesn't make any sense, i don't like fish so i'm an anti food?

>> No.15063976
File: 55 KB, 1024x721, BFB5E906-5CC2-443B-9302-7D6F4B0CD4B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then the others say it can.
That’s because most people are retards

>> No.15063983

>who comes up with this "antivax" shit from the first place
The PR industry. All the actual antivaxxers (i.e. the left-wing Karens who wouldn't vaccinate their children against measles because Wall Street is trying to give children autism) are rabid Pfizer shills these days.

>> No.15063986

I'd say they're not trying to give them autism per se. They just want to cause damage.

>> No.15063988

>Is it bullshit that the vaccine tricks your body into creating spike protein forever?
Yes it's bullshit antivaxxer delusions. It makes no sense biologically but antivaxxers don't understand anything about vaccines, viruses or the immune system.
It 'tricks' your body into creating antibodies against spike proteins and those antibodies will stay there for a few months to fight against a Covid infection if you get it during those months.

>> No.15063990

Ok, Karen, but that's not the point.

>> No.15063993
File: 107 KB, 466x700, 1540999680549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a merr christmas to you anon

>> No.15063994

>Larry Fink
Wow I wonder what his early life was like?

>> No.15063997

>It 'tricks' your body into creating antibodies against spike proteins and those antibodies will stay there for a few months to fight against a Covid infection if you get it during those months.
That is a fairy tale that has never been demonstrated.

>> No.15064005

first of all ... Youre an idiot

>> No.15064011

>Yes it's bullshit antivaxxer delusions
We have dozens of studies demonstrating otherwise. Your bot programming is outdated. The latest damage control program for normies is literally that we should forgive each other and stop talking about COVID.

>> No.15064016

The vaccines are safe and effective, sweaty.

>> No.15064020

the vaccine doesnt trick your body into creating spike protien forever. the cells in your body only last about 7 years. the nanoparticles alter the cells that uptake them into creating the spike protien on the outside of them. your body recognizes this as a foreign object because the spike itself damages other cells around it. so your body starts destroying the these cells. from all the studies that the pharma companies did themselves showed that the antibodies only stick around in the subjects for about 3 months. they offer the booster for profit motives and to force your body to make more antibodies.

>> No.15064024

how effective do you think they are now?
how safe do you think they are?

the covid vaccines are not safe or effective!

>> No.15064026

>your body recognizes this as a foreign object
>so your body starts destroying the these cells
That's why goyim need to have a boostie every 3 months :^)

>> No.15064028
File: 16 KB, 406x431, 3524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the studies that the pharma companies did themselves showed that the antibodies only stick around in the subjects for about 3 months
I can't even imagine being brainwashed to this extent and posting this unironically. Even if you're a rabid Pfizer shill you should be able to see the flaw with this argument.

>> No.15064031

they havent let anyone else access the vaccines for study. i already said it was for profit motive but you think its brainwashing still ? you're not paying attention.

>> No.15064032

>they havent let anyone else access the vaccines for study
Ok, but I'm just wondering how much of a brainwashed retard you have to be to bring up "Pfizer said" as an argument, when we already know the body keeps producing those spike proteins 9+ months after the injection. Are you sentient?

>> No.15064037

>your body recognizes this as a foreign object because the spike itself damages other cells around it.
the immune system does not know how to distinguish between an external factor and an internal one, this is why cancer and autoimmune diseases are so problematic.

>> No.15064044

mRNA does have potential to cure a lot of things though, so maybe not so far fetched?

>> No.15064045

The "antivaxxer" boogeyman doesn't exist. You are heavily brainwashed.

>> No.15064050

citation needed, there’s still spike in the blood months after being jabbed

>> No.15064055

retarded people have all the answers it's always been that way

>> No.15064087

>its bullshit
It's really presumptuous to believe so, there are quite a few cases of ribosome malfunction, anemia is one example. i know your entire collection of information about these things can come down to quoting "experts"
but the reality is that we don't know enough right now to determine

>> No.15064091

>the vaccine
You never get a useful answer over here. This is not a science forum. At best Midwits persuades themself what they want to believe. Thy use the most idiotic statement from the contrary side (which is either retarded or controlled oppsition) and ignore everthing else.

>> No.15064092

more vaccines = less covid = more flights taken

pretty simple to understand why eliminating wrongthink is in their interests

>> No.15064106

>You never get a useful answer over here
The only useful answer is that viruses don't exist and vaccination is a scam. Evrything else is pointless.

>> No.15064113

You don't want to create spike protein forever because that would damage your body.But yeah, it only lasts about 6 to 8 months and then you need a new jab because it losses as much as 70% efficacy, which I would argue that this is more like a medicine than an actual vaccine.

>> No.15064117
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its amaze me you know, each time someone shut you up you just keep spreading this false information over and over whats the deal with that?

>> No.15064118
File: 120 KB, 600x583, 393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the vaccine 2 weeks ago and now I can't sneeze.
Is this a bad sign /sci/? What should I do?

>> No.15064538


>> No.15064552

The vaccines are safe and effective, but CHUDS will never admit that. All you'll get here is schizoposting.

>> No.15064939
File: 367 KB, 1840x1332, covid-1648947313279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The vaccines
according to the chuds not all experimental injections were the same, why cant you stand with the 6 milllion jews who died in the holocaust and demand sanctity to nuremburg 1947 no coerced medical experiments?

>> No.15064949
File: 163 KB, 900x1158, TobaccoMosaicVirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All you have to do is prove me wrong
Cope and seethe

>> No.15064958

>He "infects" healthy plants with liquid from healthy plans.
Go replicate his findings then. I'll wait :)

>> No.15065129

Post the paper you took the picture from. I'm sure you've read it and checked the methodology section to confirm that they've truly isolated this particle from a sick plant, infected a healthy plant with it so that it developed symptoms, and conducted proper control experiments for everything.
Why exactly would I do that?

>> No.15065187

>Why exactly would I do that?
Because that's how you disprove it you stupid twat. You replicate to see if the result is the same or not

>> No.15065222

The burden of proof is entirely on virologists though. They are presenting a hypothesis, it is their job to provide experimental verifications with proper control experiments. Until they do that, there's no reason to assume they're doing anything more than talking out of their asses. I am not presenting any hypothesis, I am merely questioning a hypothesis of someone else.

>> No.15065227
File: 40 KB, 487x334, mr0130005001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have electron micrographs of bacteriophages in every stage of the infection of their E.coli hosts. We know that the phage contains genes for transcription, translation, capsid assembly, cell lysis, and little else. What exactly is pic related if not a virus? You've been proven wrong a thousand times before this thread was even posted.

>> No.15065230

They already and satisfactorily have. Now you have to do the same with your counterclaim that virons aren't real

>> No.15065232

>The only useful answer is that viruses don't exist and vaccination is a scam. Evrything else is pointless.
>The vaccines are safe and effective, but CHUDS will never admit that. All you'll get here is schizoposting.

That's the absolute state of this place of total retardation. Blatant assertions, not one argument and completely opposite conclusions out of my statement from which - beyond the fact that you all have one in the jam - nothing can be concluded. Why are you all so utterly below IQ 90?

>> No.15065249

>Because that's how you disprove it you stupid twat. You replicate to see if the result is the same or not
In my world repetition of an experiment proofs that it works. Proof an assumption is true needs control experiments. If you do not know that simple easy to understand and not the first time stated base of science, why?

>> No.15065270

That is like proving unicorns by pointing at a horse. The modern concept of a virus is based on the idea of bacteriophages. Bacteriophages can be properly isolated, photographed with an electrone microscope AFTER the isolation, biochemically analysed. It is possible to determine the full length of their genome and then sequence it in its entirety. The hypothesis that diseases such as the flu are caused by miniscule pathogens that function in the same way as bacteriophages (allegedly) do, has never been experimentally verified, and no such virus has ever been isolated in a similar manner as bacteriophages can be.
>They already and satisfactorily have
Can I see the proofs then?

>> No.15065319

> diseases such as the flu
We're not talking about the flu. We're just talking about the existence of viruses. Stop moving the goalposts.

>> No.15065366

Then we need to make clear what is meant by a virus.
If virus = genetic information wrapped in a protein, then I completely agree that viruses exist. You have won the argument, congratulations. There is a huge difference between different kinds of viruses though.
Bacterias can be cultivated really well, bacteriophages are easy to isolate and describe. People knew that way back to the 1930's.
Since some diseases are not caused by any bacteria, some conjectured that there might be a different kind of pathogen. Until the 50's they thought that viruses were "toxic proteins" that are somehow produced by the body, maybe by a pathogen. That's a completely different conceptualization of a virus than today, unrelated to bacteriophages.
What I mean by a virus is the conceptualization from the mid 50's where virus is a genetic information, and this information holds the data to make the infected cell act according to its will, and it can spread from person to person and cause symptoms etc. This is what HIV, flu virus, sars etc is. This kind of entity has never been observed, ever.
It would be very misleading to say that bacteriophages are any sort of evidence that this last category of viruses is not made up. You say that I'm moving the goalpost, but I've probably just formulated the problem poorly.
I am also not entirely sure how do you know that bacteriophages "attack" the bacteria, and don't serve e.g. as a free source of genetic information that the bacteria can use.

>> No.15065372

>there’s still spike in the blood months after being jabbed
Post the study you've misinterpreted.

>> No.15065386

>this fag thinks he understands the scientific method

>> No.15065398

>The modern concept of a virus is
under critic. There are enough sources that claim that viruses do not withstand the control experiments eg. with healthy probes. Further they claim that "virology" avoids any contact and even price money from USD 1 million for refute them. Go on catch the money, i will be happy to change my mind that modern medicine is partly a dangerous fraud and i must be cautious as in a shark basin.

>> No.15065407

>It would be very misleading to say that bacteriophages are any sort of evidence that this last category of viruses is not made up.
That's the normal way they try others to betray. Always showing something not the slightest connection to the theme. They can now better for more than 20 years but - as in every church were believing is profitable- they avoid that.

>> No.15065408

>The hypothesis that diseases such as the flu are caused by miniscule pathogens
Virus particles can be directly micrographed from patient samples.

>that function in the same way as bacteriophages (allegedly) do, has never been experimentally verified.
You can culture many types of mammalian tissue cells, infect the cultures with mammalian viruses, stain the tissue, and literally SEE the virus particles being assembled inside the cell.

>If virus = genetic information wrapped in a protein,
>What I mean by a virus is the conceptualization from the mid 50's where virus is a genetic information, and this information holds the data to make the infected cell act according to its will, and it can spread from person to person and cause symptoms etc.
No, a virus is not "genetic information." You're playing word games. A virus is a tangible thing. It is a complex of NUCLEIC ACID, wrapped in a PROTEIN CAPSID, possibly enveloped in a LIPID BILAYER that is studded with spike proteins. The nucleic acid encodes at a minimum, a viral polymerase and capsid proteins, and then some other proteins depending on the type of virus.

>I am also not entirely sure how do you know that bacteriophages "attack" the bacteria, and don't serve e.g. as a free source of genetic information that the bacteria can use.
More word games. By attack I mean they bind to the surface and inject their DNA into the bacterium. I am using "attack" in a purely mechanical sense. I don't mean that the virus has ill intent and consciously wants to cause the bacterium suffering or whatever you're trying to suggest.

>> No.15065421

>It is a complex of NUCLEIC ACID, wrapped in a PROTEIN CAPSID, possibly enveloped in a LIPID BILAYER that is studded with spike proteins.
As far as I know, according to this definition the first virus described was the measles virus. Was the measles virus ever isolated and photographed, was its genome truly sequenced, was it ever proved to infect cells and replicate inside, was it ever proved to cause a disease and spread?

>> No.15065426

>I'll allegedly do all this research into my schizo theories but I'll NEVER bother learning more about what my enemies believe because only cucks do that. You convert hearts through brute force!!!

>> No.15065428

I'm just asking. What do you think? I'm genuinely interested in hearing your opinion.

>> No.15065446

You know what everyone else thinks, and that is that viruses are the causative agents of disease. How about you say what you think? What's the molecular mechanism of what everyone alleges to be viral diseases then? We know that they are infectious, and we know that viruses can be collected in samples from people with these diseases.

>> No.15065463

>We know that they are infectious, and we know that viruses can be collected in samples from people with these diseases.
Everybody says that, but nobody can name one concrete example of a virus causing a disease on which this mechanism has been demonstrated. Not a single one. If not measles, what about HIV? Was HIV ever isolated? What about sars-cov-2?

>> No.15065480 [DELETED] 

>How about you say what you think? What's the molecular mechanism of what everyone alleges to be viral diseases then? We know that they are infectious, and we know that viruses can be collected in samples from people with these diseases.

>> No.15065497

>Was HIV ever isolated?
Uh, yeah, it has been. Intact HIV has been micrographed, its component proteins have been crystallized, and the catalytic properties of its reverse transcriptase and integrase have been extensively studied.

How about you say what you think? What's the molecular mechanism of what everyone alleges to be viral diseases then? We know that they are infectious, and we know that viruses can be collected in samples from people with these diseases.

>> No.15065507

>Uh, yeah, it has been.
Can I see the paper?
>How about you say what you think?
Nothing. I am not proposing any hypothesis, I am simply saying that another hypothesis is bullshit.