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1506129 No.1506129 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we discuss when and how humanity might Terraform Venus and Mars.

>pic related, its Mars

>> No.1506134

move our industry there
plolute the fuck out of it

>> No.1506145

you (all) should really stop with the whole "durrrr humanity is goin to go to the stars and colonize other planets and herpaderp" it makes you look a lot like the theists in two ways:

1) belief in predestiny
2) indifference to the destruction we wreak upon the planet (because who cares, right, we'll just go live someplace else! fuck earth!)

so please, before you consent to pissing away billions on useless space exploration, consider whether the money wouldn't be better spent cleaning up our only home in the whole universe

>> No.1506151

It's extremely hard and complicated, OP.

- Increase gravity
- Increase atmospheric pressure
- Increase water
- Introduce biosphere
- Introduce planetary magnetic field

- Increase gravity
- Increase water
- Decrease atmospheric pressure
- Decrease temperature
- Induce planetary rotation
- Introduce biosphere
- Introduce magnetic field

>> No.1506153

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1506154
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>> No.1506163

>Implying moving parts of our species onto other worlds to fulfill survival instinct is a "pre destined belief"
>Also implying we don't care about what goes on here, we just know two things, global warming/cooling runs in cycles and humans will be human, wars will invariably happen wherever we go

Stop being a butthurt faggot, staying on earth alone is asking for death.

>> No.1506167


Oh wow a greenpeace loonie

>> No.1506169

>implying humanity isn't doomed no matter what
>implying we'll still be around in a million years or so

>> No.1506177

>Implying in our desperation we wont find a way to survive the universes end by hopping around
>Implying we won't be here in a millon years.

>> No.1506178
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why the fuck are you so pessimistic!?

>also, if you hate humanity so much, how about you an hero and remove yourself from our species you damn liberals


>> No.1506182

Now, ways to do these things...

Increase gravity - Smash all of the gas giant moons into Mars and Venus. Or smash Mars and Venus together to get almost exactly Earth-normal gravity.

Increase atmospheric pressure - Easiest way is probably to jump-start geological processes like volcanoes. Easy enough if you're already smashing planets into each other. Alternatively, you'll have to rip carbon dioxide or whatever out of the rocks yourself with massive atmospheric processing plants and/or biological creatures.

Increase water - Smash some icy comets into the planet. A few big ones, or lots of small ones. Or use the same processes above for atmosphere to extract water out of rocks.

Decrease atmospheric pressure - Suck the atmosphere into a lot of highly pressurized containers.

Decrease temperature - build a solar shade in a Lagrange orbit.

Induce planetary rotation - If you're already smashing planets into each other, this is plenty achievable during that process. Otherwise, giant engines the size of Belgium scattered all over the planet. Hope you've got a lot of time on your hands.

Introduce planetary magnetic field - powerful electromagnets and a space station in a Lagrange orbit.

Introduce biosphere - transport algae or whatever from Earth to the planet.

>> No.1506183

I'm a liberal :(

>> No.1506186

>implying human society isn't only experiencing a momentary freak peak of science and technology and will soon collapse into a second neolithic age where, without the easy access to resources we had the first time , it will find it impossible to crawl from and thus be stuck once more in hunter-gatherer/semi-sedentary mode for the next few hundred thousand years

>> No.1506190


>> No.1506196

Let's not terraform Mars. I just don't want to see all that new atmosphere get blown off the planet. It's too close to the sun. Titan holds its atmosphere because the solar wind is not as strong out there, it also is replenished from certain processes. Venus can maintain its atmosphere, what with the gravity to hold it. However, all the atmosphere that is useful to humanity gets blown away while the crap gets left behind. Let us just learn to adapt to Mars and think about Venus when we do have the resources and technology.

>> No.1506197
File: 23 KB, 462x238, you honestly believe that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying we won't rip asteroids out the night sky for our materials.
>Implying we will collapse into a nomadic society
>Doesn't understand social advances are always destined to bring us back to city states and eventually nations and eventually to where we are now, always

>> No.1506204

Sounds incredibly expensive. No government will ever finance these endeavours unless we realize the earth is doomed. Only an insanely wealthy person with a fanatical desire to colonize territories outside of our planet will be able to accomplish such feats.

>> No.1506212

>implying the value of any metal we mine in outer space and bring back to earth is worth less than the whole cost of the operation
>implying it's not incredibly easier to just up recycling and smart resource management
>implying the only reason humans had city-states in the first place is because of the holocene, which can just as quickly end and turn into a short unstable climate period (short being in geologic terms and probably outlasting our entire species))

>> No.1506234

>1) belief in predestiny
I believe in humanity.

>useless space exploration

>consider whether the money wouldn't be better spent cleaning up our only home
Yes, it'll be so much better if our home is clean and tidy, when the hundred-tonne loose boulder comes crashing down the mountainside and turns everyone into mush, except for little Joseph who happened to be taking a shit in the outhouse.

Too bad the outhouse didn't have any amenities, nor does it provide any shelter from the horrifying winds and cold.

And even if it did, little Joseph can hardly keep reproducing to keep the family alive.

Too bad everyone was so lazy. or we could have built two or three houses, even if small ones, so when the boulder came down, it wouldn't have killed the WHOLE family.

>> No.1506236

>Forgets your average space rock has our entire worlds supply of metals
>Implying recycling is actually cost effective
>Doesn't realise he also adds another course of action for the human species to survive with low resources.
>Forgets the Homo sapiens has been around for 3 million years and survived multiple ice ages.
>Digging a hole

>> No.1506237
File: 3 KB, 209x215, Fuck You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an idiot, please kill yourself you self hating human

>> No.1506244

>forgets that homo sapiens has only lived in cities for 8000 of those 3 million years
>thinks we can't spend the few million years our species has left in similar conditions to the first 2,992,000 years

>> No.1506255
File: 110 KB, 689x689, 1259131612153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Increase gravity
Smack Phobos into it
>- Increase atmospheric pressure
Smack Phobos into it
>- Increase water
Smack Phobos into it
>- Introduce biosphere
Smack Phobos into it (and extremeophile bacteria and algae)
>- Introduce planetary magnetic field
Smack Phobos into it

I say we smack Phobos into mars.

>> No.1506260

>Seems unaware that we have technology that wasn't available in our primal stages.
>Is yet again showing off his tremendous capacity for being a monumental idiot.

>> No.1506269

I herd you guys were talking about smacking phobos into things.

I think you should smack phobos into it.

>> No.1506270

>wishes to return to the womb because life was so much simpler then

>> No.1506283
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our collective faces when mars and venus are in habitable zone

>> No.1506289

oh u mad cuz you'll be dead by then

>> No.1506295


>> No.1506298

>implying it's not incredibly easier to just up recycling and smart resource management

You realize that if a company starts pulling in decent sized asteroids and finds a cheap way to get the material down from orbit the entire world markets and our views on precious metals will change right?

We are talking a massive economic crisis due to market collapses, which will be eventually followed by a manufacturing boom like none we have ever seen. most likely including solid gold cups being sold at fucking ikea. Don't like dealing with corrosion? fukkin platinum plate everything, or just make everything from stainless steel or titanium because chromium and Ti are now as cheap as iron used to be. Every industry would be turned upside down and there would be just massive, massive innovation everywhere.

I'm not even a mechanical engineer or female but the prospect of all this happening in my lifetime has me just dripping wet, I'm more excited about this than pretty much anything else.

>> No.1506303

Already knew it, just gotta strip some of venus' atmosphere and launch it to mars in rail gun shells.

All the shell shots form venus with iron containers could maybe make a small section of the planet molten again and maybe some iron can sink to the core and increase the mass and make the core stable.

Or maybe I'm just dreaming ;_;

>> No.1506308


I am glad you guys are all on board with the space mining, but I only know where to get Iron, Nickle, and Platinum... Now, those alone will solve a LOT of Earth's problems, but can anyone point me to asteroids as close as the platinum one that has these other metals in the quantities of millions of tons?

>> No.1506324
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I know I'm going to sound nuts, but whatever.
Lets say some huge technological and biological revolution took place. Something on the scale of Manna from advances in AI and robotics with everything being basically free, combined with the new space mining industry, and immortality. Technology is being innovated and revolutionized and invented at incredible exponential levels. After a couple of thousand years, after we've become a Type 2 civilization, we might discover how to travel anywhere at almost instantaneous speeds.

Now, you can see how many stars there are just in our own milky way. and the number of galaxies in our observable universe is absolutely insane. And that's just what we can see.

Now, there is the very big possibility that habitable planets and moons will become a incredibly abundant commodity.

So, in short, you may have the possibility thousands of years from now, to own and rule *your own fucking planet.*

>> No.1506326

I say we Terraform Jupiter.
How would we go about this?

>> No.1506343

Smack Phobos into it.

>> No.1506350

Yeah that would be cool and all but it would be lonely.

And you forget that there very well may be life already on those planets.

>> No.1506353
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>> No.1506352

Crash Phobos into it.

>> No.1506355

Are we sure Phobos or Deimos are significantly large enough to do anything to Mars?

>> No.1506360


>> No.1506357


First the SKYLON now obvious jokes! What is next!?

>> No.1506361

There would probably be more oxygen/nitrogen planets without life than with.

Also, instantaneous transport. That means you could have a Stargate-ish portal that teleports you to your mates planet where a party with an entire assembled themepark has been made or some shit.

>> No.1506373

Ah, I caught the thread from the page. I see the joke. But what about actually striking Mars with them? What would happen to Mars if Phobos and Deimos struck Mars? Would it create a magnetic field? Liquify its core?

>> No.1506376

A dunno to be honest, if I was immortal I'd have to join an army.

Eventually immortality would get boring unless you want to absorb every piece of information.

Or if you want to get really crazy you could attempt to venture through deep space into another galaxy and search for life there.

Become a god of sorts to the natives and find their advanced species.

>> No.1506377

Pretty much, nothing would happen. There is no way to terraform mars, ever.

>> No.1506379

Okay, so we like shoot prokaryotes to Mars and then we wait for it to evolve just as they did on Earth.

Science: 1
Religion: 0

>> No.1506383

There are ways, but it would require us to be quite a powerful unified civilisation.

It's a pipe dream that we all want to see happen.

>> No.1506384

Personally I would lock away the past x many thousand years of memories somewhere and live out still thinking I'm 18 with notes left around on everything like it's the Memento.

Also I got Mathematics gagarin for my Captcha...

>> No.1506391

3 billion years we have to wait then.

The whole idea of terraforming is making a planet habitable, fast.

>> No.1506411
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Fuck terraforming Venus. I want it's atmosphere to stay dense so we can make floating cities in it.

>> No.1506419

It can be dense.... it just needs to be less dense. 95 atmospheric pressures is fucking stupid.

>> No.1506422


The news stories tend to give the wrong idea; there aren't just "platinum asteroids" floating around. The asteroids that contain large quantities of heavy metals will be mostly nickel and iron, plus a bell-curve style distribution of heavier elements all the way up to the actinides. If they quote thousands of tons of platinum, there's going to be about the same amount of gold in there etc.

It may sound inefficient to pull a percent or two worth of heavier metals out of big chunks of iron, but terrestrial mining operations go through 10-50 tons of material to produce a single ounce of gold, because pretty much all of the earths gold sank to the core when it was molten.

>> No.1506424

I say we use life to terraform planets.

I mean hell, this thing does pretty much all the work for us. We just have to engineer a simple life form that can thrive in the current environment of mars while producing everything we need like oxygen, carbon dioxide or ozone.

>> No.1506437

We terraform planets so we can live on it; we don't terraform so some other shitty species we made takes over the planet and makes it hard for us and other "earthlings"[plants] to survive

>> No.1506439
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The pressure is actually 89 :)

>> No.1506444


That's why we have to build into it some kind of self-destruction mechanism with a trigger that we can switch easily.

>> No.1506447

If we use the right bacteria and stuff we won't need to do any of this. Just play god with genes and we'll have a galactic federation of planets in no time :)

>> No.1506454


It sounds like a good idea, but first we need to figure out life on earth.

I can just imagine scientists doing something like engineering zooxanthellae (symbiotic organisms that make corals photosynthetic) into water bears, then going back 100 years later and an inactive gene has switched on and they are all 8 feet tall, excreting palytoxin and only know how to hate.

>> No.1506457


Well first we need to radically exterminate hippies/greenpeacers/the religious.

(See >>1506145)

>> No.1506470


Holy shit, that's right, these green retards will probably all be butthurt about "destroying the natural state" of some desolate planet that looks more or less like a round rock.

God I hate humans sometimes.

>> No.1506471

give mars some kind of magnetic field.... good luck with that one (unless you have a spare planetoid to spare)

>> No.1506479

You can't do that, living creatures aren't robots that you can just turn off at will, they evolve and that useless gene that makes it self destruct would be breed out as soon as you activate it, because of natural selection

>> No.1506487
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>the asteroid belt
>Smack Phobos into it
>etc etc...

>> No.1506499

What about the lack of a sizable moon on either planet (well, mars has 2, but they aren't big enough to stabilize the orbitary wobble)? Without a moon like our own, both planets would wobble like crazy, and there would be a lot of climactic problems

>> No.1506508


Are you implying that by improving the copying mechanism we couldn't almost eliminate possibility of mutations?

Actually, we don't have to use DNA. From what I remember Francis Crick in on of his books presented an improved model for a medium of genetic information. A simpler one than DNA, or at least simpler in use. Why not use that and make sure that mutations are almost impossible therefore making evolution impossible?

>> No.1506523

Wow you're an idiot
just wow

>> No.1506531


Given that the Asteroid belt has approximately 5% of the mass of the Moon, I doubt that crashing the whole thing into Mars will have that much of an effect on anything apart from the surface of the planet.

>> No.1506532

>implying even 1% of the mass wouldn't radically reform Mars

>> No.1506535


>> No.1506554

we sure they are ain't