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15061088 No.15061088 [Reply] [Original]

Found this image floating around on /pol/.
The genetics/science being discussed in it are several rungs out of my depth. Specifically the stuff under the "what the vaccines are going to do..." heading.
Can any one who knows this stuff confirm or debunk it? Is he just using fancy science words to obfuscate falsehoods? Or is there truth to it?
No need to comment on the schizo-tier conspiracy part of the image.

>> No.15061094

All except #7 "NWO comes in to save the day...."
By that point, most of the people who created the problem, will either be dead of old age or they will die in the societal collapse.
Rebuilding will be done at the local levels and tribalism and regionalism will be the new world's "order".

Get situated where you want to be right now, before it happens. Strangers will likely be sus and killed on sight and their meager bugout belongings taken.

>> No.15061126

>Can any one who knows this stuff confirm or debunk it? Is he just using fancy science words to obfuscate falsehoods? Or is there truth to it?
He's completely right about the science, unfortunately. The saddest words of tongue and pen and all that.

>> No.15061212

you think they'll have the gall to attempt to seize ownership over the human the same way they assign ownership of gmo foods? given the reverse transcriptase into the dna portion

also, genetically speaking does this actually destroy the blood relation between father and son if one or the other isn't jabbed?


>> No.15061216

Some legit sounding stuff floating together with outright nonsense such as "you do not have nerves in your circulatory system".

>> No.15061299

China will take over, as planned.

>> No.15061302

>you think they'll have the gall to attempt to seize ownership over the human the same way they assign ownership of gmo foods? given the reverse transcriptase into the dna portion
If you're getting immunity by subscription with mandatory jabs then they already own you. They don't need a patent on your genes if you're dependent on them to live. Patents are just words. Power is what owns people.

>> No.15061611
File: 173 KB, 893x541, bow-and-dairy-hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but how offical? is it going to be some papal bull owning ones sould, birth certificates held as collateral at post office, or actually non ironically depersoned in a kangaroo court

>> No.15061651

from 2016: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mBU1xhlrRYY9/

>> No.15061672

early on we were being linked studies showing ACE2 receptors being more prevalent in asian males, meaning the virus was engineered to target them. despite the studies asian males are no more vulnerable than anyone else.
I mean so what if he explains mechanism of a blood clot formation? what matters is if it actually happens often enough to be more than statistical noise

>> No.15063561

I don't understand what they are saying about how the body produces spike proteins. These proteins are just localized to the membrane right, not excreted? And even if they were excreted, it seems unlikely that they would fold correctly such that they were an antagonist for the ACE2 receptor as transmembrane proteins usually have an exposed hydrophobic transmembrane portion. Also, I don't see the connection with stimulation of ACE2 and mitochondrial malfunction resulting in cell death. If stimulation of ACE2 is toxic then whats the normal physiological use of ACE2?

>> No.15063673

>These proteins are just localized to the membrane right, not excreted?
Wouldn't the end result be the same once the cell commits apoptosis and proteases cleave the proteins?

>> No.15063699


>> No.15063710

the big problem with this fantasy is that neither russia or china vaccinated it's people with mRNA, they developed their own vaccines based on the older technology of inactivated viruses.

so his little theory about the NWO is just fantasy mythmaking. a lot of the glowies storyboarding apocalypse conspiracy theories that are spoonfed to retards in america conspicuously ignore the russians, chinese, africans in their 'end of the world' scenario.

probably because if you saw how chinese people live, you'd revolt at your incompetent and corrupt government.


this is a TIER 4 city in china. it's fucking over.

>> No.15065269

if an immune system cell kills the cells it won't release the proteins into the bloodstream
also do they still work as agonists for the receptor when in solution?

>> No.15065276

>if an immune system cell kills the cells it won't release the proteins into the bloodstream
and the argument being that since no real viral infection is going on, they will be unlikely to apoptose. All of the cell killing would have to occur immune recognition

>> No.15065298

China and Russia are going to have demographic collapses though. China’s silver tsunami will be unprecedented.

The flaw is that Africa isn’t vaccinated, so unless it is something like the Kaliegri plan to replace them in the developed countries I am not sure

>> No.15065317
File: 142 KB, 828x363, CE69CAEF-55D1-44CF-9CE2-6AD1A0D7D243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20% are vaccinated in Africa, so not even a quarter of the continent. Nearly 70% in South America are fully vaccinated though.

>> No.15065318

>The flaw is that Africa isn’t vaccinated, so unless it is something like the Kaliegri plan to replace them in the developed countries I am not sure
This is literally what they're doing and they admit it.

>> No.15065467
File: 411 KB, 828x1374, 17F44389-4AE3-4180-89DA-FD74412990EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also like to point out that the user states that only 20% of the world will be alive, which is around 1.6 billion from todays 8 billion. However ‘only’ around 5.5 billion people have received at least 1 vaccination. So let’s disregard China and Russia not using the mRNA vaccine, that would total to around 4 billion. Meaning that half of the world would still be alive after this crisis, and thus at a unsustainable level in terms of keeping the planet free of climate change and resource depletion.

Not only would this be the most evil, karma inducing, monstrosity of a plan state actors have ever devised, but it also wouldn’t meet sustainability objectives since a study conducted found Earth can only practically hold around 1.5-2.5 billion people.