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15059042 No.15059042 [Reply] [Original]

That in 2 months I start the semester of calculus and algebra. I know most of the topics in the book, but there are 1000 pages that I have to learn, will I be able to do it in 2 months and 3 weeks?

>> No.15059063


>> No.15059067

If you do NoChan, sleep well, eat well, and spend +6h a day solving problems (take ADHD pills if necessary), then it shouldn't be too hard. Precalculus is just an odd mixture of Algebra, Trigonometry, and a bit of Analytic Geometry.

>> No.15059411


>> No.15059425
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You can do it. Just STUDY. Don't get distracted. Keep you puter and phone away at all times when stoodying.

>> No.15059605

Forced rote learning like that can be hard to do a lot of in a short period and remember it all on exam day. Along with just studying normally I think it's important to actually think about it too when you're not studying. Like when you're driving in your car try to solve some problems in your head or recite definitions of things you need to remember. I found that help me and it sounds obvious but when I thought about how I'm thinking while studying I realised there was a lot of time I could be thinking about it when not sitting in front of my textbook and I think it also helps to make it stick in your brain more

>> No.15060421
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>I have to learn arithmetic in 8 years. is this even possible?
>fuck having to learn useless math

>> No.15060741

Thanks for the advice, I will try to dedicate 8 hours a day to it, leaving 4chan and cell phone.>>15059605

>> No.15060760

Get a psychiatrist to prescribe you Adderal too, and stare at a wall or take a walk outside whenever you need a break.

>> No.15060943

You need to be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.15060947

I don't use drugs by globohomo

>> No.15060951

23 age my fren

>> No.15060972

You could do it in 2 weeks, no?

>> No.15061397
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Very based. Wish you luck fren

>> No.15061901


>> No.15062018

It's not globohomo approved which is why its a controlled subtance , smoothbrain.

>> No.15062023

yeah, probably sooner
also don't use that book
Axler has better book

>> No.15062025

>t. goyslopper
stop being addicted to drugs

>> No.15062225

just study functions and how to do algebra on them. Like properties of log, ln, e^x, a^x, sinx, cosx, tanx. And study the unit circle and study basic properties of sin and cos.

I never took any precalculus/trigonometry course in my life. Turns out the above mentioned was all that was needed.

For example, suppose the fundamental equation sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1. Turns out you can derive most of the other identities needed for calculus from that one. Like if you want the formula for sin^2(x) = 1 - cos^2(x) then subtract the cosine part from both sides. Similarly, try dividing through by cos^2(x) and you see that you get tan^2(x) + 1 = sec^2(x). similarly if you divide through by sin^2(x) you get 1+cot^2(x) = csc^2(x).

Now you wont need much more than that regarding trig identities. Now for trigonometry more broadly. Again I never learned it but what i did learn is that I can construct triangles such that I can use SOH CAH TOA that give me the values i need for angles I need. By exploiting that cos is even and sin is odd. i.e. cos(-x) = cos(x) and sin(-x) = -sinx.

So figure out some triangles so that theyre 1) a 30,60,90, and 2) 45,45,90. Then take the formula to convert between degrees and radians and verify that 30 = pi/6, 60 = pi/3, 90 = pi/2, 45 = pi/4. And then use SOH CAH TOA to make cos,sin of those angles in radians. And then use even and oddness of cos and sin to add/subtract multiplies of pi radians to those basic angles, and figure out how to fill in the rest of the unit circle.

You only need to do this stuff to a basic degree so that you can evaluate limits, derivatives, and integrals. you dont need the stuff to actually "do calculus"

>> No.15062457

I think using some youtube lectures would be a good alternative if you have less time and just solve some IMPORTANT problems in the books after you watch a lecture of particular topic

>> No.15062461

Learn from here (professor Leonard)
Enjoy anon

>> No.15064287

>>fuck having to learn useless math
they ask students to do difficult and completely useless tasks to identify which ones are servile idiots ready for a life of being an exploited loser in a cubicle, it works surprisingly well

>> No.15064301

might help to spend a few days brushing up on your basic algebraic manipulation skills involving the distributive, associative and commutative properties. Lots of people I've tutored know how to do operations but they don't really remember why they can do them in the first place, and that leads to a failure to recognize that math is about putting forth logical arguments, not just algorithmically recovering an arbitrary solution