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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15058551 No.15058551 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /sci/?

>> No.15058556
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>> No.15058567

>Goes to jail for grave bodily injury, attempted murder, and rape
>Spends rest of his life in prison
>Judge tells him during sentencing that 2+2=4
Maybe if we lived 2000 years ago he'd be right.

>> No.15058569

lost any credibility after he mentioned my supposed 'girlfriend'

>> No.15058590

You can only put him in jail because police is stronger than him. You are only proving his point.
>implying women want to be with weak betas

>> No.15058593

He lives in America. Police can shoot people for no reason and get away with it. They don't need to be stronger.

>> No.15058600

he lives in romania for that reason

>> No.15058601

Or I can pull out a Gun and shoot him in the face the moment I sense hostility from his chinlet ass.

>> No.15058604
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2+2=5 isn't even controversial. It's the official statement supported by experts, journalists and politicians nowadays.

>> No.15058611

>post ironic self help guru

>> No.15058613

>strength vs smarts
>I build a gun with smarts
>you try to attack me with strength
>I blow you away with my gun

>> No.15058618

Might equals right on the individual level has been retarded for thousands of years; however, Might equals right on the governmental level has been the standard for a long time. If Tate was some high level politician/bureaucrat, I'd be able to take him seriously.

>> No.15058626

>he builds heavy armor
>his strength allows him to wear it
>gun doesn't work
Nice try bitch boy

>> No.15058627
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>> No.15058630


>> No.15058634

>he tries to build armor but too dumb
>just tapes sticks to himself
>he gets blown away with gun

>> No.15058671

>He builds heavy armor
>Forgets to cover his face because he lacks intelligence
>Gets shot in the face and dies

>> No.15058690

Go kill yourself you fucking subhuman racist. Eat shit and die nigger!!! I'm Romanian and proud!!

>> No.15058691

Science invented guns for a reason.

>> No.15058704

lol, lmao even

>> No.15058772

Police use guns in Romania retard.

>> No.15058777

>Weaker smart guy creates weapon
>kills roided retard

>> No.15058778

I'm stronger than this faggot and I have a PhD in physics

>> No.15058782
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>I shoot him in the chest because I am a white man who owns a firearm
>He dies because he is a retarded gorilla nigger who brought fists to a gunfight
>Jury acquits me (and then gives me a standing ovation) because this is America

>> No.15058784

I don't like Andrew Tate but he could likely beat you up. Dude was a pretty good professional kickboxer.

>> No.15058792

>invent weapon
>destroy his bloodline
I'm probably stronger than this niglet anyways, I'm basically pure Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal
I'll send this homo erectus back to the fucking stone age

>> No.15058795

>retard tries to build armor
>doesn't actually know the mastery of a black smith
>makes a piece of shit
>slug blasts through the trash he tapped onto his body which reduced his general mobility

>> No.15058798

Just another buck to break

>> No.15058801

With languages (including math) the idea is to create a common set of rules for understanding and expressing ideas in a consistent manner. Feel free to say 2+2=5 but it just doesn't mean anything, just like if I said "abavak darz rooda shmurt".

>> No.15058808

>"abavak darz rooda shmurt"
what is it?

>> No.15058813

>simping for a douchey eceleb who openly shits on his pathetic masochistic cuck fans
He left America because he knew he'd get is deformed brains blown out if he ever talked this much shit here

>> No.15058816

His point is probably that facts don't matter if you're powerful. Being a mulatto with a low IQ he has trouble saying things simply.

>> No.15058824

>he thinks people don't work out without reasons to
Saying I'm a BJJ brown belt in addition to a PhD sounds like a LARP express so I try not to bring it up
Anyway I have enough mula that I'm betting a grand Jake Paul kicks his ass, hbu?

>> No.15058848

I'm not simping, just saying. Dude has been in fights and been successful at them.

>> No.15058854

You're arguing with a stranger on behalf of man you don't even know, not (necessarily) because you support his ideas or are arguing about a concept, but to defend his personal honor (his ability to fight). You are simping for him.

>> No.15058856

>Kobe could probably beat you at basketball
>Why are you being such a simp

>> No.15058857

>Brown belt in BJJ vs world champion kickboxer
Yeah bro, he wouldn't stand a chance in a real fight since he doesn't understand the intricacies of rolling around on the ground.

>> No.15058861

Kobe is dead, so I'd curbstomp him in basketball. He wouldn't stand a chance.

>> No.15058862

I mean that also sounds simpish THOUGH

>> No.15058869

>*teleports behind him using quantum magic*
>*loads my railgun*
>nothing personel, baldie
>*blows him up into smithereens*
>*jetpacks away*

yeah, im thinking science won

>> No.15058874
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>> No.15058880
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I'm surprised nobody's killed him yet given he's living in a shithole atm

>> No.15058884

>pull out gun
>pew pew
>all those protein shakes and hours screaming at a camera gone to waste

>> No.15058888

he would break your face over 2+2 what do you think he would do in a gun situation?

>> No.15058892

get shot dummy

>> No.15058893

>what do you think he would do in a gun situation
Die like a hopeless cuck?

>> No.15058896

obviously he would just shoot you himself

>> No.15058897

Literal nigger logic.

>> No.15058901

>tate dickhopper logic

>> No.15058904

what's it like knowing despite your PhD, you'll never make the history books?

>> No.15058915

I hope he sees this bro

>> No.15058916

>be professional athlete meathead
>gets a gun
>shoots you

and he could do it faster than you obviously

>> No.15058918

What is he saying? Math is not important if you are dead because I killed you?

>> No.15058923

He's saying might makes right but instead of using three words to convey this simple message he is indirectly threatening the viewer with violence because he knows he is protected by a screen and he could never make back handed threats like this in real life or he'd get fucking shot

>> No.15058925

better than being you that has neither

>> No.15058929

Yeah bro in 1000 years people will be talking about Andrew Tate

>> No.15058966

Might makes right, but rohypnol levels the playing field. Why become a victim on purpose?

>> No.15058970

You seem to be harboring some strange and violent thoughts towards this person, anon. Have you taken your medication recently?

>> No.15059022

t.Detroit urban survival training

>> No.15059028

He explained academia

>> No.15059068

What are Tate's thoughts on white nationalism and an ethnostate?

>> No.15059260

That would depend on his opinion on living in Brazil which he probably doesn't want to do.

>> No.15059275

Funny, I wrote about this very same concept.
It doesn't fucking matter what you do, chinlet. 2+2=4 is a universal concept. It cannot be changed. You can attempt to change the language by switching 4 and 5 but the concept still remains.

>> No.15059279

bro, killing me isn't going to change that lmao

>> No.15059358
File: 24 KB, 590x519, DA570046-2B3F-4EB8-A4BF-E36480813331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you say you’re stronger than me
>I ask you to prove it by lifting a rock above your head
>You agree and do it
>I kick your feet from beneath you
>you fall over and the rock smashes your skull
>you die
Who was stronger?

>> No.15059384

Holy shit bros he cracked the code. Next level.

>> No.15059421

>uses left hook
>claims he is right
Not gonna make it.

>> No.15059428
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Ive been in this situation before. i was arguing with some dweeb wether we had free will or not (he said we didnt i said we did) so i simply starting smacking him and not stopping until he admitted i had free will to stop myself

>> No.15059470
File: 627 KB, 976x850, 1671270838233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop debunking nonsensical language games. This hurts the philosophers. Their business model is to feel smart for asking questions which are syntactically correct but semantically meaningless. "Does existence exist?" "What is the fundamental nature of ...?"

>> No.15059475

I won't call you a larper because I've seen enough midwits successfully complete a physics PhD and a brown belt. It's just not remarkable enough to brag about. You're just a mediocre wannabe normie who gets his confidence from comparison with literal autists in the physics department.

>> No.15059480

>you say a man can't be a woman
>I say trannies are heckin cute and valid
>you continue to say they're not
>I get enraged and use the institutional power of mainstream journalism, academia, politics and activist groups to silence and ostracize you

>> No.15059574

>I destroy you!

I always kek at this guy

>> No.15059622 [DELETED] 

If you’re just strong and not smart you will be fooled every time, for example listening to these youtube clowns

>> No.15059624 [DELETED] 

“Hey you’re shoe’s untied!”
>hits him when he looks down
Brains win again.

>> No.15059632

Yeah.. He is cucking now. Might makes right doesn't end with a dazzling fit and strong ruling; instead, the den of vipers consumes children, one by one.

>> No.15059636

>he says 2+2= 5
>I say OK
>borrow 5$
>give back 2+2 $

Only a retard would argue with a retard

>> No.15059652
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andrew is a bitter bullied nerd

>> No.15059661

This only works in a vacuum, have fun being "right" when you need to make anything that requires math and im now dead.

>> No.15060060

The funniest thing is that he was right all along.

>> No.15060084

There's a strange tendency in the world for fags like this to fall off and eventually land in jail. If the situation described ever happened I would fill him up with lead before he can touch me

>> No.15060108



>> No.15060117

lmaoing at the seething /sci/-anons on here when they realize being "smart" is just code for "never having sex"

>> No.15060122

>I'm Romanian and proud
how, how can I be as confident as this man

>> No.15060133
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>> No.15060157

Pseudointelectual/hollywood meme. In reality there is a positive correlation between physical strength and intelligence.

>> No.15060169

That was his lesson.

>> No.15060180

This entire thread is proving his point that might = right.
With a few minor exceptions.

>> No.15060246

even i don't have muscles, i can poison him or use some radioactive substance to give him cancer

>> No.15060511

>but if you don't argue he is right!
No he is still wrong and now he is poor because I jewed his money

>> No.15060561

"Any society which separates its scholars from its athletes will have its fighting done by fools and its decisions made by cowards"

Tate is right though.

>> No.15060574

What did you just say about my mother, faggot?

>> No.15060579

Extremely correct.

>> No.15060882

His ears and the way he moves his mouth make him a fucking retard.

>> No.15060895

I run inside my house and close the door. He's too dumb to get past the door. He then dies of exposure outside because he's too dumb to build a house.

>> No.15060915

I concede that 2+2 = 5 wait till the guy with superior strength goes to sleep/and or gets sick and kill him and his children
cunning+intelligence > brute strength

>> No.15061429

Why is this guy even a meme? It's you isn't it, Tate?

>> No.15061462

this guy is fucking hilarious if you don't take anything he says seriously

>> No.15061472

Nonsense, there are any number of absolute nerds who could slaughter this man's entire family using their chemical, physical, mechanical, virulogical, etc., expertise without even being near him. The modern ICBMs, COVID19, modern drones, gene-editing, AI - these are all proofs that knowledge is a far superior power to raw strength, and far more versatile. I know most people here are just joking around, but on the off chance you're serious, I had to speak up.

>> No.15061473

no shit retard, strength is measured in fire power too, militaries aren't arranging ufc fights to settle their conflicts

>> No.15061476

>subhuman racist
>uses racist slur
Do Romanians even...

>> No.15061595

>implying women want to be with weak betas
I am not a fan of women but this is just a weak caricature at this point. "Oh I kill your boyfriend so you now want to be my gf" lmao.
Not saying that crazy skanks like that don't exist at all, though.

>> No.15061735
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He's using an algorithm isn't he

>> No.15061913

keep me posted

>> No.15061981

Based. I Kneel.

>> No.15061984

based gyppo fren

>> No.15062016

>abavak darz rooda shmurt
How dare you!

>> No.15062028
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>> No.15062135

It's funny at first but gets tiresome after a while.
You don't understand philosophy and have let school define it's meaning inside your little brain.
Probably has more to do with the fact that a smart person will take care of their body and also that healthy people who live in a good environment are most likely to be both. So the "correlation" isn't that strong in my opinion.

>> No.15062253
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>2 + 2 = 5
Okay. I demand he pay me his missing mortgage payments, as from Jan to April, he only paid $8000 and according to his math he still owes me an additional $2000.

>> No.15062264

They are stronger but they do the bidding of a smarter person, so he's wrong.

>> No.15062303

Calm down with the antisemitism, chud.

>> No.15062323

This sounds like junior high. If the guy is so tough why didn't he get in with the real top guys in the ufc? Nobody heard of him before his pyramid scheme marketing and much less any of his supposedly tough opponents.

Have seen people trying to hype him up by posting some of his fights. Often they just say Tate beats guy with spiked hair or Tate beats Russian guy etc. His opponents were such no name trash in an unknown fight division that they either couldn't find their names or decided it would be bad marketing to write it out. Fighting is a a dirty game with lots of actual fixing as well. Not to mention a lot of it is marketing. Hyping up the guys that can fight by throwing them fodder or straight up fixing. Especially in trash divisions with a lot of big asian betting involved.

This guy is just a grifter.

>> No.15062337

This kinda proves him right, in a way. With power you can do that sort of stuff. Goes both ways, the tenant could go this should be enough with 1000$ in your scenario.

>> No.15062485
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>Retarded mutt trying to cope for his lack of intelligence with violence again
Many such cases.

>> No.15062489

Well, 1740 mm tall and I guess 1740/10 = 198. So I'm no longer a manlet.

>> No.15062504

it's just words and intimidation. for this you can easily go to jail for many years, you have to be a stupid nigga to follow such tactics

>> No.15062535

The actual smart person realizes that there is nothing to gain from convincing this pale nigger that he's wrong about some dumb math trivia

>> No.15062545
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Prove him right about what? That institutional power is a threat to mankind's pursuit of truth? Well no shit sherlock. What I wonder though is why he's partaking in the side he implies he's opposed to.

>> No.15062596

Don't forget to impregnate his wife

>> No.15062715

The police are stronger than him because of weapons and institutions developed by people who knew 2+2=4

>> No.15063607

he wouldn't be right 2000 years either because some infantile might makes right larp is pure fantasy from modern times and doesn't apply to any point in time. because law, custom, convention, morality, human relationships and connections, resource availability and ownership, legitimacy, etc. are always present and no society allows this fantasy. prowess and violence have their place, absolutely, but the framing and assumptions these weak men and larpers give is nonsensical and doesn't exist.

>> No.15063615 [DELETED] 

>if you don't have legs you can't walk, if you have legs you can walk
wow what a great revelation about reality... if you group a bunch of different things and contexts are 'power' then yes, but this is a meaningless observation and has nothing to do with this larp.

>> No.15063626

>goes to prison and gets raped by true alphas

>> No.15063627

>What I wonder though is why he's partaking in the side he implies he's opposed to.
Opposing the institution doesn't mean opposing the will to power.

>> No.15063787

You may have proven him right without realizing it. To what extent were you controlled by factors outside your control in that moment? That mere circumstance was the byproduct of so many variables outside your control, any attempt to assert certainty of free will is impossible.

>> No.15063815
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>Go kill yourself you fucking subhuman racist. Eat shit and die nigger!!! I'm Romanian and proud!!

>> No.15063829

Does Romania even have electricity? How did you send this, by carrier pigeon?

>> No.15063835

what do you think ebonics is, chuddie?

>> No.15063981

Why the fuck does his face shift to one side when he speaks? Has he had a stroke?

>> No.15064014
File: 3 KB, 104x134, Mimi (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl...his genetics look to be bargain bin mutt quality

>> No.15064023
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nobody cares enough about him to spend even a single .22
only faggot zoomies care about this (((((guru)))))

>> No.15064153

The elites love this kind of anti-intellectualism.
The globalists are wielding their scientific discoveries to make doomsday weapons that they can use the hold the entire planet hostage and this retard is too stupid to even grasp the situation.

>> No.15065765
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>he thinks he is stronger than boolet
nice try

>> No.15066967

point it

>> No.15067411


>> No.15067417
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>> No.15067423

how dare you have people specialized in beating up violent subhumans in your society? it's not fair to them.

>> No.15067492

retards like him died young 2000 years ago