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15052216 No.15052216 [Reply] [Original]

If something cannot come out of nothing, then can we reasonably assume that the universe is infinite or that there was, in fact, something before the big bang?

>> No.15052309

There was no 'before' the big bang if we accept that time came into being during the initial expansion. If you want to describe this as infinite, or that the universe has always existed by this logic, you can. Though to be honest there is still so much we dont know and have yet to find a definitive answer for.

>> No.15052961

>If something cannot come out of nothing
maybe it can though, we don't fully know how everything works yet. There might have always been a quantum field where has always been there, even before the big bang

>> No.15054374

>>15052309 This.
But still I don't have any idea how to even approach the question of why the universe has always been there (if that's true; whether cyclic or not) instead of there never being anything. Anybody got any that could help grapple with that?

>> No.15054392

God instantiated the universe and is timeless, so the idea of creation that instantiated the universe existed and exists across all times.

>> No.15054395

>>15054392 Why call it god not the universe plus the same question I posted except replace word universe with word God?

>> No.15054412

just because all the matter was concentrated doesn't mean space and time were squished in with it as well. Space was always there, matter is expanding out into space

>> No.15054417

Because a mind is required for the initial creative impulse.

>> No.15054420

>if we accept that time came into being during the initial expansion
There is no reason to accept that premise though

>> No.15055060

>en can we reasonably assume that the universe is infinite
That would still mean it came from nothing if it was preceded by nothing.

> that there was, in fact, something before the big bang?
That thing would still have to eventually come from nothing.

All things come from nothing because nothing is the smallest possible amount of anything and everything.

>> No.15055086

The prevailing theory is that our universe will die from heat death as it expands into nothingness and another big bang will occur and the cycle will continue. I guess in that way it is eternal.

>> No.15055087

Things come from nothing all the time. The vacuum is full of particle/antiparticle pairs being created and destroyed.

>> No.15055124

how to even approach the question of why a mind / God has always been there (if that's true; whether cyclic or not) instead of there never being anything would be much more difficult and unnecessarily complicated than the question I posed. It makes no sense plus makes it more difficult rathee than helping to solve the question.

>>15055086 The latter is not the prevailing theory. And eternal into the future is not infinite into the past plus doesn't solve the question.

>> No.15055127

There are entire families of words about things that come from nothing, unique, original, novel, distinct, unprecedented, spontaneous, unprompted, extemporaneous, impromptu, etc

>> No.15055130

>>15055127 These don't come from nothing at all.

>> No.15055133

Then what preceded some novel uniquely unprecedented and original thing if not nothing when the whole point is that it is the first of its kind without any other previously established circumstance?

>> No.15055137

>>15055133 Depending on what you did for example the invention of language, the inspiration the person had, evolution of brains, of intelligence, of humans, invention of writing & computers if that's what you used, and so on. The question here is why all of these, why anything at all, does exist.

>> No.15055142

The universe will periodically undergo a false vacuum decay, creating a "new" universe. This is what caused the big bang. Aside from that, it is eternal.
No, I will not take questions and I will not provide "sources".

>> No.15055153

>The question here is why all of these, why anything at all, does exist.
Because things can come from nothing, 1 comes from 0 and unprecedented original things do to just like potentials come from fields which are collections of points which have no dimensions or anything else other than serving as an arbitrary reference in a vast endless void of nothing that is also limited by nothing, such that anything is possible and everything can emerge.

>> No.15055174

>>15055153 Not true. Also people misunderstand nothing all the time...it's not a "vast endless void" or similar, no adjective fits it because it just refers to the nonexistence of anything. I'm not even saying nothing ever existed (that there ever was not anything), I'm asking why anything (including potentials or possibilities).

>> No.15055179

The whole thing is the usual academic fraud to give answers to people who want an answer, regardless how idiotic. Even god is a better answer than this ridiculous assertion sourced out of the hoaxers (naming them-self scientist) ass.There is no science in this blatant hallucinations. Science refutes this deceptions within a few words. Marketing says that scammers and audience sharing the lies. That's the case because the real answer is "we do not know where, why and who we are".

>> No.15055187

>nonexistence of anything
That is what a void is and if everything is part of that void, then it is by definition vast and endless.

>why anything
I told you why because whenever there is only nothing, it must be bounded by nothing which means anything is possible such that everything must emerge when there is nothing to stop it from emerging.

>> No.15055193

>1 comes from 0
Typical academic idiotism. There is neither a "0" nor a "1" in RL. They are human ideas as the whole math and exist only in their brains. When humans are gone math is too.

>> No.15055209

They don't have to be real, imaginary things are things too.

Humans aren't the only things with brains animals can do math too and they know when they are holding nothing versus some other thing even plants and fungus can solve problems and react to something versus nothing.

>> No.15055215

>imaginary things are things too.
So /x is right?

>> No.15055220

No, it is engineering, the process of actualizing one's imagination, the computer you are using to communicate was imaginary for far longer than it has been real.

>> No.15055224

So there's an engineer?

>> No.15055227

Many engineers have emerged from nothing over time.

>> No.15055229
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>> No.15055238

>Many engineers have emerged from nothing over time.
So /x is right again?

>> No.15055242

I guess you can head over there and try to make some threads about engineering if you really are so much of an NPC that you think imagination and engineering are paranormal phenomenon.

>> No.15055254

Space is viewed at an angle, the night sky contains all of the universe, the day sky is just closeness to the Sun.

>> No.15055597

>I guess you
Every idiot who doesn't know what to do becomes personal. Differs a little to bots or AI's. Surely they repeat the stupid nonsense - which also someone has entered in - the same way. Also there are not able to grasp content or read comprehensibly. But they are polite, I prefer this stupidity to that of humans like you.