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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 360x214, Lim-int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15052618 No.15052618 [Reply] [Original]

Can you undi/sci/plined lot find this?

>> No.15052634

This is fucking trivial kys

>> No.15052683


>> No.15052692

okay, now let a = 1/x
and find that same limit

>> No.15052955

if a = 1/x then a < 1.

>> No.15054194

Your typesetting is strikingly hideous.

>> No.15054267

just replace the constraint on _a_ with a=1/x

>> No.15054275

>strikingly hideous
Not as hideous as adverbing a gerund.

>> No.15054341

im getting positive infinity
anyone else getting the same?

>> No.15054348

No, what you’re getting is AIDs. I’m going to fuck your sweet ass tonight baby boy.

>> No.15054349

Can you write your words in an appropriate font instead of math variables?

>> No.15054363

adverb summa deez nerd

>> No.15054365
File: 365 KB, 2000x2000, 1646337898466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmm yes, quite

>> No.15054383

fpbp lol lmao

>> No.15054407

x^a - x
ln (x)

how do you get rid of ln(x)?

>> No.15054411

>/sci/ can't even solve a trivial problem
>a - 1
except this anon. good job cleo.

>> No.15054424

Lol, don't insult cleo

>> No.15054538
File: 19 KB, 269x283, 1655480859645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loppy hoppy like any other undergrad limit problem

>> No.15054562


>> No.15054732

>adverb summa deez nerd, he wrote butthurtedly

>> No.15054739

taylor series you numb scull

>> No.15054747

ln(x+1) = x + O(x^2), then

x^(a-1) - 1
Taking x -> 1, then get uhh
1-1 = 0

So it's zero?

>> No.15054755

No sorry, ln(1+x) = x + O(x^2), so ln(x) approx x-1
Then get

x^a - x

Then taking the limit is zero/zero and Apply L'Hoptials' rule

Top differentiated is
ax^(a-1) - 1 ---> a-1
Bottom is
1 - 0 ---> 1

So Have

Which is

>> No.15054757

Which is nice as this is the trivial hur dur commute the limit with the integral

>> No.15055034

that's what I got

>> No.15055968

thanks, anon

>> No.15057021

Not doing your homework. But the integral alone is easy to evaluate. Do that first and then you can compute the limit.

>> No.15057145

Not homework, Sherlock.
I saw it online, and thought it would be of interest.