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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 816x258, gelfand-algebra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15050149 No.15050149 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck your math reading list, /sci/.
Wasted an embarrassing amount of time on this motherfucker before suspecting it was a printing error and then Googling around to confirm my suspicion.
Until we start sweeping the leg by giving sloppy writers the gas, this situation isn't going to improve. I've even got books in double-digit editions with pages of errata.

>> No.15050154

Serge Lang's and Gorodentsev's Algebra books are /sci/-approved. Your fault for not reading them.

>> No.15050155

Trusting 4chan on anything, lol. The modern books exist for reason and the reason is more or less the better errata handling

>> No.15050160

Textbook author here. I prefer to have a few typos here and there to keep the reader on his toes. I’m training problem solvers after all, not scripture-reading cargo cult “scientists”

>> No.15050172
File: 44 KB, 690x477, sci-reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was this book.
Dangerous based baiter.

>> No.15050173
File: 384 KB, 768x951, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn russian and read the originals then u wont have to deal with these problems

>> No.15050176

Oh, it was an Amerimutt's fault?

>> No.15050194

>grade school
Motherfucker, do you really think a list of elementary school books can be reasonably called "/sci/-approved"? You need to be 18 to post here. The vast majority of people here probably didn't read math books in elementary school or couldn't reasonable approve of a book they read as a child.

>> No.15050207

>The vast majority of people here probably didn't read math books in elementary school or couldn't reasonable approve of a book they read as a child.
If you can't conceive of adults reading books and then listing them as "grade school" books, which is what actually happened with these books including Geldfand's and Lang's, then you're a retard.

>> No.15050225
File: 815 KB, 960x738, 1659957617169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Sir, I can't conceive of any intelligent adult reading math books written for elementary school children. Note that skimming through one to check if it's an apt gift for your child is not reading it.
>which is what actually happened with these books including Geldfand's and Lang's
LOL I doubt that, son. People here recommend those to literal children asking in /mg/ or /sqt/ since they heard some parent on stackexchange babble about how much their kid loves it.
Most people here recommend shit they haven't read, hence why the vast majority of suggestions, especially with retarded conditions like "something for my kid", are not trustworthy and don't deserve to be called "/sci/-approved".

>> No.15050227

Kek that's extremely easy to check with a counterexample. The fact that you spent a lot of time on it shows you are a brainlet, not good enough for math.

>> No.15050230

>LOL I doubt that
Keep digging the hole.

>> No.15050231

>He doesn't reads Springer


>> No.15050234

Annoying and simple to see after the fact, but

would give the wrong
1 < 2/3 < 2

>> No.15050235

Your 130 IQ isn't good enough for math either, to be fair.

>> No.15050244

See the text after the sentence you quoted in >>15050225

>> No.15050247

>"no u"
>muh IQ

>> No.15050262

>OP makes a thread crying about a minor error in a children's book
>exposes himself as a brainlet in the process
>aggressively spergs out at everyone in the thread until it hits the bump limit
average /sci/ thread in 2022

>> No.15050270

>average /sci/ thread in 2022
What do you expect? Pol has basically taken over this entire board at this point.

>> No.15050285

Never assume any textbook (or any other source of information you encounter in life) is free of errors. Have the confidence in yourself to challenge authority.

t. former TA and tutor who had to un-fuck more than a few students who'd pissed away their evenings thanks to a typo in their $300 textbook

No, but trannies whining about /pol/ definitely have.

>> No.15050288

130 demoted to 110. Still better than OP, but you're still not going to be anything, sport.

>> No.15050290

>OP makes a thread crying about a minor error in a children's book
>exposes himself as a brainlet in the process
>aggressively spergs out at everyone in the thread until it hits the bump limit
This non sequitur demonstrates that you're also a brainlet.

>> No.15050291

>children's book
At what age is it appropriate to show this book to my kid? He's 4 right now.

>> No.15050294

You unfuck your students? Absolute beta level. Fuck them instead, incel.

>> No.15050304

>Wasted an embarrassing amount of time on this motherfucker
writing this shows op doesn't care about announcing himself as a brainlet, so anyone using that to troll is ipso facto a brainlet

>> No.15050305

>first english translation of Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
>in the original latin edition Gauss uses superscripts instead of subscripts for variable indices
>some retard in the publishing pipeline decides to helpfully combine the indices like exponents everywhere possible throughout the entire book
>i.e. [math]u^i u^{i+1}[/math] gets changed to [math]u^{2i+1}[/math]
>dozens of equations are completely wrong now
>also IIRC a couple errors with incorrect parentheses that weren't in the original and some translation errors that reversed the meanings of a couple sentences

>> No.15050450

see >>15050247
Your post has no merit. You are simply an obnoxious autist looking for a fight and I don't care tqbh

>> No.15050454

>math reading list
This is the correct one

You probably saw the old one

>> No.15050458

covid destroyed this board

>> No.15050464

see >>15050172
it clearly states "grade school".

>> No.15050487

>You are simply an obnoxious autist
You're right. I apologize, anon. I should have just non-obnoxiously called you a brainlet.

>> No.15050495
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, 1641767205673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you, sunshine? Nobody who's mentally acts like this. Let's talk about it.

>> No.15050516

Take your meds.