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File: 237 KB, 1000x1500, chudmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15043132 No.15043132 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled was getting vaxxed a mistake?

>> No.15043146

When is vaxxed Robert Malone gonna die, anti-vaxies?

>> No.15043150

The Chinese didn't get vaxxed and look at what's happening to them

>> No.15043182

Are you obese or old?
Otherwise yes.

>> No.15043230

No, it was great. It forced the most unhealthy and least fit to get a harmful injection of a novel technology. Also the most stupid.
Soon enough. Everyone over age 70 should be put to death by the state anyways. Boomers always seethed about ACA 'death panels' but there were no such thing. It's time to institute age limits in society. Say retire at 50 and euthanized at 70.
Hopefully vaxxed obese and old people drop like flies once ADE sets in.

>> No.15043239

It's never a mistake to get a vaccine unless it's for a disease you have zero chance of getting. Like a endemic tropical disease if you never go there.
Also it's not all about you, especially during a pandemic. It's about globally reducing the risk of transmission.
And if you want a real proof that it wasn't a mistake, 70% of the world population is vaccinated and nothing happened in two years.

>Hopefully vaxxed obese and old people drop like flies once ADE sets in.
Yeah, and it'll take two weeks I guess
It's always funny seeing scientifically illiterate people using terms they don't understand because they read about it somewhere.

>> No.15043251

It is not accurate to say that getting vaccinated is a mistake. Vaccines are an important tool for protecting against infectious diseases and have been shown to be safe and effective for this purpose. The decision to get vaccinated is a personal one, and should be made after consulting with a healthcare provider and considering factors such as an individual's health, age, and medical history. While some people may experience mild side effects after getting vaccinated, such as fever or soreness at the injection site, these effects are generally short-lived and do not pose a significant risk to most people. In contrast, the risks of not getting vaccinated, such as contracting a potentially serious or even life-threatening disease, are much greater. Therefore, it is generally recommended that people get vaccinated to protect themselves and others from the spread of infectious diseases.

>> No.15043572
File: 74 KB, 1125x1152, 0C7825EE-B715-4F88-8DD3-47D9CB999430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

109 social gatherings

>> No.15043622

>2 more weeks

>> No.15043650

>Yeah, and it'll take two weeks I guess
It started several months ago.

>> No.15043895
File: 380 KB, 2000x1333, Ironical Vax Claire Bridges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a few million, it certainly was.

>> No.15043900
File: 199 KB, 720x775, mass shooters 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if that ANTIFA shooter ever realized he would be immortalized as the eternal leftist CHUD? kek!

>> No.15043915

>Also it's not all about you, especially during a pandemic.
Wrong. It is about me and same applies to everyone who isnt cucked. You're writing like a double digit religious moron trying to moralize.
>It's about globally reducing the risk of transmission.
In point of fact, transmission should be increased so more old, sickly and fat people die. Have you checked zillow lately? Have you checked salaries? They suck. The single biggest increase in living standards was following the black plague. 30% of the population was gone and there was a surplus of capital and jobs.

Why should I sacrifice my body, time and convenience, earning potential and cost of living so your grandma can have a few more years of life?

>> No.15044050

>free birth control
Implying that isn't what they want

>> No.15044063

>Also it's not all about you, especially during a pandemic.
Fuck you and fuck your institutions and fuck your scamdemic.

>> No.15044065

Dr. Chud, can you help unvaxx me?

>> No.15044079

Fucking chatgpt

>> No.15044087

>unironically embracing leftypol memes

>> No.15044093

>ironically thinking chud is a leftypol meme, when it was created from a real leftist to mock other leftists. 6D chess

>> No.15044659

I like Chud.

>> No.15044685

Nice Chud op

>> No.15044718

Chud sounds cooler than Chad. Chad always had a gay vibe to the name.

>> No.15044870

>following a retarded meme fad is 6d chess
A sucker is born every minute.

>> No.15044921

>get le vaxx
>get le vid
>don't get very sick
idk it was fine

>> No.15045000

The vaccine didn't work and now your immune response is weaker and more narrow thanks to OAS.

>> No.15045005

I almost felt sympathy for her, but then i remembered she's probably an open borders antiracist feminist that wants to make the mutagen injection mandatory.

>> No.15045049

ok bro

>> No.15045080

>didn’t get le vax
>get le vid (from triple vaxxed friend)
>had a bit of a headache and temperature, recovered in a day

I’m personally very very glad I didn’t get vaxxed, even if it didn’t harm me directly it would have been in the back of my mind constantly. I would be consumed by hypochondria

>> No.15045089


>> No.15045549

pray the gay away

>> No.15045550

>he's never seen 8 mile

>> No.15045551

Reminder that the "antivaxxers" who say everyone that gets covid vaccine gets ill/dies is a paid shill.

>> No.15045553

the jews stole her aryan essence and womb however and for that you should want blood

>> No.15045558

chud md at it again

>> No.15045663

This is the most fucking bot-like reply I ever read browsing the internet.

>> No.15045726
File: 160 KB, 948x678, 1670638519762939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the most updated Science

>> No.15045746

>get covid before the vax, quarantine for a bit
>wow it's fucking nothing
>get force vaxxed, feel some side effects for a bit
>wow it's fucking nothing
>get covid after having gotten the vax and having had covid before, quarantine for a bit more
>wow it's fucking nothing
>between this all, do contract work at hospitals that have turned into ghost towns because nobody is allowed to go to them for their actual problems
the only people at fault are the ones who tried to lock down society over fucking nothing

>> No.15045908

he gets results though

>> No.15046103

Dangerously based

>> No.15046106

Surely it was ChatGPT generated

>> No.15046180

You're right about that. Though you only got covid twice because they force-vaxed you and ruined your immune response.

>> No.15046202
File: 52 KB, 460x488, yeahok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that the "antivaxxers" who say everyone that gets covid vaccine gets ill/dies is a paid shill.
Who would pay anyone to say that and why? Makes no sense.
The money is in SELLING the "vaccines" and the tech in them. Nobody profits by not selling them.

>> No.15046205
File: 425 KB, 1170x1379, KEKEKEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's even funnier than shaking the duvet too vigorously!

>> No.15046212

No one forced you.
You did it of your own freewill, this is karma-free.

>> No.15046231

Exactly. Pandemics every now and then are natural, like storms or droughts. Weeding out the weak is just a part of natural selection.

>> No.15046251

She looks better in the second pic, except for the legs of course

>> No.15046276

Yeah, kinda agree. Thinner is hotter for women.

>> No.15046286
File: 80 KB, 900x710, Podesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice the middle finger of her left hand.
What is that cult thing all about? Any anons here in the know?

>> No.15046301

Wrong, women who are overly thin are weak and cannot bear children

>> No.15046679

>Who would pay anyone to say that and why? Makes no sense.
To make antivax look ridiculous, you incomprehensible moron.

>> No.15046904
File: 293 KB, 660x574, non-plussed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% of the world population is vaccinated and nothing happened in two years.

>> No.15046922

I thought you said it was going to give me a heart attack

>> No.15046925

>there are people who still talk about this

>> No.15046935

People are still dying from it, of course they still talk about it.

>> No.15046957

Dr. Chud doesn't care about what's in vogue.

>> No.15047068

According to excel sheets you can get from the UK health ministry website, there's a small increase in annual odds of death for the zero-liability gene therapy crowd, depending on age, but generally below a factor of 1.7.

There's nothing especially solid to back this concern, but a few things make me curious if the children of the injected will have marked fertility problems.

>> No.15048059

I never said that, signed Chud M.D.

>> No.15048109

The argument made in the abstract is not entirely baseless, but could it not be used in favor of both viewpoints? That is, if you consider Anti-Vaxers as people who have traded a fear of covid for a fear of the vaccine?

>> No.15049968

Fear of covid is like fear of space or the holocaust.
Fear of the vaccine is like fear of the jews or of tigers.

One is irrational, based of nothing except fiction and fantasies, while the other is based on facts, historical precedents and personal and extrapersonal experiences.