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15042107 No.15042107 [Reply] [Original]

Try to explain to normies that, while the existence of free will is highly probable, evolution-defined constraints still influence and limit the way we think and make decisions.
>How dare you to question tabula rasa, incel?! I bet you're only doing that because you use it as a justification for being a basement-dwelling loser!

Autists act like autists because their mental constraints are somehow different from the norm.
>Don't you dare to judge them, they cannot help it!

Why are normies like that?

>> No.15042323
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answer me the question and entertain me.

Define the evolution-defined constraints. And more importantly, what are the limits? How they look like? not talking about not being able to fly or chew on metal or talk like a bug.

>> No.15042340

>Define the evolution-defined constraints. And more importantly, what are the limits? How they look like? not talking about not being able to fly or chew on metal or talk like a bug.
Possessing a larger or smaller number of the genes responsible for intelligence.

>> No.15042354


Empathy, for example, is an important product of group selection. Many animals possess it, it definitely predates human sapience and it plays a decisive role in human morality and social norms. A species of lone predators, for example, would have a radically different moral compass, would they become sapient. Other examples would be inability to focus on two things simultaneously (even ambidexters cannot write one line of text with the left hand and another with the right), different levels of intelligence, pattern-seeking brain, confirmation bias and so on. The human mind is a wondrous thing, but it's flawed, deeply flawed.

>> No.15042985

>muh tabula rasa
>problem, NPC?

>> No.15042988

for example your physiology and what foods you're physiologically adapted to consume, as well as your anatomy and how you're physiologically adapted to stand and move
but there are myriad psychological parts to it too, hence why people like Jung show quite clearly that there are certain archetypes baked into our collective unconscious (which is essentially our DNA)

>> No.15042989

If you had a modicum of intelligence, you would have realized that your take has no practical or objective implications even if true, and is therefore vacuous verbal wank being used to program you.

>> No.15043700

wait people still think the blank slate shit is real?

>> No.15043738

Free will, at least in the way that normies think about it, absolutely does not exist. Everything, literally every detail of your life, was set into motion the moment existence “began”. You don’t pick your genes or how they express themselves before you’re born. You just are who you are, and there’s nothing you could do about it. You don’t choose your temperament or intelligence, or your brain chemistry. You don’t choose your bone structure or hormonal profile.

And, more obviously, you don’t choose to be born in the town you’re from to the family you belong to.

>> No.15043747

yeah but you can still act on current knowledge to set up outcomes for the future, and you still have to act as if will is free and reprimand people for bad behavior and all that even though it doesn't really make sense it is still pragmatic

>> No.15043828

Yeah I know, it’s absolutely the most practical thing. It just makes life a little more tragic (or beautiful) once you realize the truth.

>> No.15043831

normies simultaneously believe in tabula rasa and in people being born gay