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15037028 No.15037028 [Reply] [Original]

Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb proves definitively that saturated fat causes cardiovascular disease

/sci/ lost to Taleb in the IQ debate, now they're losing in the saturated fat debate. My fucking sides...

>> No.15037529

It's just butter. What's the big deal?

>> No.15037926

Nassim stopped being a scientists when he refused to acknowledge the excess vax deaths

>> No.15038175
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Always do the opposite of what the modern "science" says, and especially what "doctors" say about health.
They want you sick and weak and dependent on them and government. Insurance is also one of their scam partnerts.
Government, Insurance, Big Pharma, Medical Industrial Complex.

>> No.15038191

I tried replacing cream with olive oil in my diet and I just got perpetual cramps. What fat should I eat?

>> No.15038222

>Mathfag tries to do medicine
Nutritional studies are all bullshit.
There is no pathophysiological pathway for saturated fat to cause coronary heart disease.
Unless you eat half a stick of butter a day you don't have to worry

>> No.15038245

>I tried replacing cream with olive oil
Whut? Olive oil in your espressos?? kek Italian pilled.

>> No.15038251


>> No.15038253

>Government, Insurance, Big Pharma, Medical Industrial Complex.
A good name for that is "Rockefeller Medicine"

>> No.15038261

Even if you ignore problems with methodology and reproducibility, it's still fucking hilarious how every time a single nutritional study comes out, it somehow totally overturns all thinking about this or that food. "Study shows that" is iffy, but "science says that" is just fucking dumb.

>> No.15038264

Butter is just cream whipped too long. I do way too much exercise. I ride up a 1273 foot hill in my bike daily. I must eat shit that promotes optimal health or I'll literally just faint. I find saturated fat leafs to less muscle cramps, spasms, and heart arrhythmias. If anyone has a better fat I'll listen and try it out. But butter, cream, bacon, Ribeyes, chicken thighs are what works

>> No.15038286

>it's still fucking hilarious how every time a single nutritional study comes out, it somehow totally overturns all thinking about this or that food.
True. It's all political and a scam. They push one food, after investing in it and giving it governmennt subsidies, then deepstaters get rich with insider trading, then they push the opposite way, after changing their stock portfolios. Scams.

People are stupid if they still believe government studies or the medical industry.

>> No.15038301

This desu

>> No.15038317

Saturated fat is one of the fundamental fats in the human diet. There are no replacements. Also, you're an American so check that your olive oil is pure olive oil. It's common for American distributors to adulterate olive oil with safflower oil or some other seed oils. Fatty fish and fish oils are also good for you--probably one of the best fats/oils. Pure cold-pressed olive oil as it is traditionally made in the Mediterranean is quite good for you if you compensate for what's discussed below.

The average modern diet is quite deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids relative to Omega 6 fatty acids due to the high seed oil consumption and lower consumption of animal fats and eggs. Often the ratio of Omega 6: Omega 3 is as high as 15:1, this is a source of inflammation. Prehistoric man being hunter-gatherers and also forming the first human settlements on the coast as fishermen had a diet much richer in Omega 3 fatty acids and much lower in Omega 6 fatty acids due to the preference of animal fats and fatty fish over many of the sources of plant fats. They certainly didn't have access to see oils as we do today. Their ratio of Omega 6: Omega 3 was more like 4:5. Omega 3 is rich in fatty fish but also present in other animals. A bad Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio like today's ratio (from following the advice of doctors for the last 50 years about eat a low fat diet) is very much a factor is a variety of health problems like heart disease.

As a warning: there are three varieties of Omega 3 fatty acids, ALA, EPA, and DHA. ALA comes from plants. EPA and DHA are found in animals. EPA and DHA are superior for a variety of reasons.
1. EPA and DHA can be used directly by your body without conversion
2. EPA and DHA sources are not Omega 6 sources
Whereas ALA needs to be converted to EPA and DHA and the conversion is very inefficient. Second ALA sources are also large sources of Omega 6 acids.

>> No.15038590

None you fatass fuck.

>> No.15038605

>What fat should I eat?
Saturated of course, that's what baby milk fat is made of. Feast on coconut oil, tallow, anything high in satured fat really

Taleb was wrong about covid

and he is wrong about saturated fat

>> No.15038832

>Taleb was wrong about covid
>and he is wrong about saturated fat
And he was probably wrong on purpose.

>> No.15038844

you should eat at most 20-40 grams of fat daily
humans are physiologically optimized for carbohydrate, our bodies easily make the lipids it needs from carbohydrate substrates
a great example is the brain, which literally makes all its own fat from sugar

>> No.15038847

I'm just gonna eat whatever people have eaten for centuries. Seems safe enough.
Except for meat, because I don't support torture! Other than wild kills I guess.

>> No.15038862

It's just butter doesn't capture the problem. Much like HFCS vastly increased the supply of sugar, hydrogenated oils have increased the supply of saturated fat.

If dairy is your only source of sat fat then you'll be fine but basically all processed food is high in sat fats these days.

Just stop eating chips.

>> No.15038907

>(((Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb)))

>> No.15038909

I eat half a stick of butter a day.

>> No.15038921

Our "sticks" (blocks) of butter are 500 grams.

>> No.15038923

Darn. Even a full stick isn't close to that.

>> No.15039502

He's contradicting himself, claiming that we can't use the "ancestral diet" argument for SF since the game now is different from the one that we had thousands of years ago but the SF in it is still SF. Their fat would've still consisted of high levels of SF.

Also SF doesn't cause atherosclerosis which is an immune disease caused by higher levels of endotoxins in the blood. See for example: https://youtu.be/t-twayGv1kY

>> No.15039508

Retard, the body can only make mono and saturated fats, that's why omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are considered essential nutrients, and your brain needs quiet a lot of DHA.