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15034699 No.15034699 [Reply] [Original]

its fucking over isnt it

>> No.15034708

study harder then

>> No.15034716

im so sorry but there are people out there who dont even study and ace exams

>> No.15034721

how do you study?

>> No.15034762 [DELETED] 

if you're reading or memorizing you're not studying...
find problem banks relevant to your topics and practice daily

>> No.15034774


if you're reading or memorizing you're not studying...
find problem banks relevant to your topics and practice daily

>> No.15034778

I feel this, I'm a business major and I got memed into taking calc 1 because I need a math credit and that was the only thing that was remote (I don't live in the same city as my college) and wasn't full.
I've been studying for like 10 days straight (on top of all the work I put into the assignments) and I still only understand limits and basic derivatives. I have no math background, barely even did algebra in high school, I'm a business major, we're literally retarded.
My question is this, I've somehow memed my way through the assignments with 63%, I need a 55% on the exam to pass the course with a 50. It's online, with lockdown browser, plus I have to have the webcam on my face (but not my desktop), 20 multiple choice questions. material covers Limits, Derivatives, Antiderivatives and integration. How do I cheat my ass of on this test? I have a TI nspire, could probably swing running Wolfram Alpha on my phone, and have copied out The Organic Chemistry Tutors Calc 1 exam review, anything else I can do? I feel like I'm still gonna get fucked by this exam.

>> No.15034782

InB4 I'm retarded more than just math, I have a 3.9GPA so this shit is fucked to me, everything else normally comes so easy bros but when it comes to math I'm literally the retard from quantum leap

>> No.15034783

Fuck, need a 55% to pass the course with a 60%. that's what's required for it to count as my math credit for my degree

>> No.15034795

OP, if you want to be good at math, you have to do it every day. there's no half assing it two weeks before exams.

>> No.15034815

There is you're just worthless

>> No.15034820

If you are talking college or uni two weeks is not enough. You are just lazy.

>> No.15034853

im going to be completely honest in order so i can receive constructive feedback because it feels like ive reached my intellectual peak regardless of how much more i study.
>for ex : in analysis, since im at some csu, i look up past exams of analysis courses throughout the whole csu system and use them as a study bank.
>tend to focus on getting down the setup of a variety of different possible problems that have a fair chance of appearing on the exam and if i have leftover time i will go in depth in a select few that are moderately difficult. Other resources include chegg on assigned book problems my notes are useless bc severe adhd.
>In my studying, i put an emphasis on repetition (going through the same problem that i find challenging over and over again).
I got A's in calc 1-3 and linear algebra and a B ODES but starting in analysis (barely got a C in the course) and even now in complex analysis, i am struggling to just get a low C even tho i modify my schedule , weeks at a time of just centered around studying. Honestly im prob just low IQ 110 if im lucky my other friends barely study and they can get As at times.

>> No.15034864

Op here, your post resonated with me also epecially with the part of you copying down the organic chemistry review. I too print endless resources of similar material and sometimes i even dedicate time scouring the internet for high quality cheat sheets / test banks but when the time of the exam comes either i am completely unable to do the problems and all my resources are worthless.

>how do i cheat my ass of on this test ?
when we used zoom, i would literally google the damn questions, since the exams ur given are on ur screen, u can stare at ur screen searching for the answer although be wary to not seem like you are typing the entire time. Also pin multiple tabs each with shit like online d/dx calculators etc and even change ur wallpaper to a cheat sheet.

>> No.15034867

>two weeks isnt good enough
cope. 2 weeks is overkill for studying id say 3 days MAX and if you cant then you are low IQ

>> No.15034916

Other classes are made low IQ chimps. You're low IQ. Earning a 3.0 in math is harder than a 4.0 in business.

>> No.15034918

Nowhere in your study methods is learning mentioned. You study to exams, not to learn. And that's why you fail.

>> No.15034971

kek yeah it does sound like you're not learning and just retaining enough information to vomit it all out on exam day

>> No.15034974

math is based on a bunch of topics that build upon each other
business is just a bunch of disjointed facts and bullshitting in your behavioral interviews to land an entry role

>> No.15034977

Its because you are unable to visualise concepts well. You are rushing and trying to cram information in your brain but to truly understand you need to visualise it completely and vividly which takes time.

>> No.15034988
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In accord with the other replies, it does sound like your plan is the equivalent of learning to play the piano by watching many virtuoso performances, but without practicing on the instrument with your own hands.

One study strategy that works well for me is to try and invent your own problems to solve. My original motivation for doing this was to reduce my revision workload, by simplifying a large bank of problems into a few "good" ones that suffice to illustrate the core ideas. However, even the act of coming up with good questions has been helpful in various other ways: for topics based on computational techniques, formulating questions helps me understand when certain methods are applicable, and realize the subtleties when they are invalid. For proof-based topics, these questions are essentially conjectures regarding the material, and learning to formulate and prove such conjectures is of course the way to go about actually practicing mathematics.

>> No.15034993

source of the pic in your post?

>> No.15035013
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See pic related, you have learnt a new skill today.

Also >>15034853 if your notes are useless and you have weeks to spare, then rewrite them in your own words (or at least the parts that you dislike).

>> No.15035016

The only few times I tried taking notes in math classes I got burnt. When I stopped taking notes I got straight As

>> No.15035019

If you don't have notes then how do you even organize the information to retain it long-term?

>> No.15035022

you don't study math. you practice it. just run drills and you'll ace everything. if you get stuck on a type of problem then let wolfram show you the steps. idk about phd type shit but math is free for the most part.

>> No.15035030

By understanding it? I don't need notes for integration by parts. I derive it. Same with the chain rule. Are there rare situations where I don't know something and need to look it up? Sure. Open a textbook and refresh my memory. How is that any different from referencing notes?

>> No.15035031


>> No.15035033

not if you're planning on becoming a math teacher

>> No.15035043

The point I'm trying to make is long-term you'll have to understand more and more information. Notes were just one way of coherently organizing the information which then you can internalize them. At that point you just derive like you said and then open the book if you forgot anything.
Hopefully that makes sense.

>> No.15035081

Study smarter not harder

>> No.15035094

You're focusing only on the end result of notes: a repository of information. My contention is how those notes are generated. They're almost always written in class, meaning you're not actually paying attention in class.

>> No.15035118

>My contention is how those notes are generated. They're almost always written in class, meaning you're not actually paying attention in class.
Yeah so ideally I'd have them already written before class by studying the lecture topic by myself. At that point, I just use lectures as a means to reinforce the topic and clarify anything I had a question on.
It's definitely a waste to write them in class because it just turns into transcription and then afterward is wasting time untangling the core ideas.

>> No.15035700

wtf kind of school is 50% passing?
In engineering we need at least a C to pass

>> No.15035712

Yeah it's funny how teachers lie to us about being a better student when talented guys just steamroll us without any effort lmao

>> No.15035750

Just use limit, derivative, and integration calculators, they’re widely available online. If it’s multiple choice, you don’t need to show any work.

This stuff is really simple though if you just give it a bit of time. I know you probably aren’t interested in it, but you shouldn’t feel like these skills are some barrier you’re facing because of a lack of intelligence. It may seem complicated, but it’s literally just basic arithmetic most of the time. You just need to know the order of the steps (of which there are normally like 3).

>> No.15035753

Literally this. It’s ok to glance at the answer if you think it’ll give you some insight to how the problems are solved.

>> No.15036018

I would love to do this, but we have to do the test in a lockdown browser that prevents us from accessing other programs on the PC. I may be able to Chegg shit on my phone though, this may be what I resort to. That and I'm copying down the solutions to the assignment problems to hide in my rough papers.

>> No.15036030

Don't really give a fuck if I'm low IQ, I take undergrad part time, only have a CC diploma and I'm employed full time making 6 figures. Only taking Undergrad because I could transfer my credits over and do it in 1.5 years and my employer wants me to get a degree so they can promote me (undergrad is an institutional requirement for my new position), and I can make even more retardbuxTM. Be sociable and not a complete autist and you can get anywhere in life.

>> No.15036079

>my employer wants me to get a degree so they can promote me (undergrad is an institutional requirement for my new position)
kek literally making the monkey jump through hoops
get that bag though

>> No.15036087

Exactly, I'm self-aware that I'm retarded, I just simply do not care, that's why I went to school for business in the first place. I barely work 40 hours a week, barely use my brain, own a house etc. I don't really care about my work, it's a source of income to me, nothing more. I like to read books/write and play/write music for self-fulfillment.

>> No.15036112

shame the monkey lacks the ability to jump through the hoop

>> No.15036163

Well, I mean CALC isn't a requirement for my degree, I just got stuck with the shit end of the stick on course availability. I don't really care to dink around with numbers to diddle some profs fancy, I just want the grade so I can get the stupid piece of paper and move on to more important shit.

>> No.15036206

Wait do you try to solve the problems or are you reading the solutions? Because if it's the latter no wonder you are getting C's

>> No.15036211
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Absolutely based

>> No.15036274
File: 148 KB, 1024x566, 1631150048399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend entire weekend studying
>walk into exam feeling good as fuck
>smack my rotring 600 on the desk
>everybody looks
>professor passes out exams
>oh power series? kek
>two clicks
>the answers are just coming to me
>picture light yagami
>50 minutes left but I'm done
>turn in my exam and walk out
>next morning
>"Your grade has been updated: C"

Math majors get C's too right?

>> No.15036725

no work = no credit

>> No.15036825

you can install a virtual machine to circumvent the lockdown browser, but you sound too retarded to figure that out on your own.

>> No.15036925

I studied multiple months for my analysis + linear algebra exam and still only barely passed. Just study more, 2 weeks is nothing

>> No.15037227

how do people manage to study for 2weeks? i can barely study 1-2days before a test, and even then it's half-assed studying. i do fine on the exams, but i know it will bite me in the ass when i actually need to use the information in the real world and wont have 6 multiple choice answers in front of me to choose from.

>> No.15037242

I got a C in calculus 3 exam, B in the course. Calc II I had a 100 on my series and sequences exam.

Courses for me have gone like this.
>organize syllabus for course, tracker for each active course on wall by desktop.
>update current grade, projected final grade, and required estimate values for remaining assignments using a little Matlab program
>do only assigned homework problems and chapter reading, notebooks organized per course, with color codes tabs for weeks and sections of problems.
>log all study hours, ensuring minimum 15 hours a week per course, and dedicated daily study.
>never cram, never panic, never review for exams or quizzes.
> ~3.8 GPA, at end of Junior year this semester.

Just being organized and pacing yourself should be enough.

>> No.15037277
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Typically, when I sit down to take a math exam, I get the feeling as if I've taken a heroic dose of mushrooms and I'm on my way to meet god. So I have to just submit to the experience. I've tried to change my mentality in order to be excited for exams, when I get to see new problems. But with this being one of the first times I've felt confident before an exam, and to ended up performing about the same (or worse) than usual, was just funny.

I think I will try to mimic some of the habits you mentioned, most weeks I probably don't even scrape 5-10 hours studying per course. Not a math major either, but have been considering it. Next semester I'm taking 3 math courses, so I'm hoping that will help me decide what I want to do.

>> No.15037312

>I'm a business major, we're literally retarded.
We (stemcels) know.

>> No.15038117

You guys get to be smart, we get to have sex, thems the breaks

>> No.15038121

fuck, i shoulve done this for stat analysis, but then again im a slave to principle

>> No.15038132
File: 232 KB, 1200x637, 6ECE68DB-1B32-4169-9108-FB8E417ADF6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a math exam tomorrow, and I’ve studied for one day. You’re making me worry anon.

>> No.15038151

I've forgotten what it was like to hold a GPA above 3.7 :(

>> No.15038159

Do you attend class, discussion groups, seminars etc.? Do you read out of curiosity or simply out of obligation? These are the actually important factors for succeeding academically.

>> No.15038340

You need to get good at being smart. It's like a sport. Read fast think fast write fast

>> No.15038563

that never really helped when I had to do proofs

>> No.15038808

Nobody asks you to do a novel proofs, just look up proofs for stuff in whatever unit you are doing and understand the steps. People spent centuries making these proofs, may as well use their knowledge on the tests instead of trying to come up with the solution on the test day