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15034688 No.15034688 [Reply] [Original]

I want to fake ADHD to get an amphetamine prescription. Is this a good idea if it boosts my GPA?
Is it possible to take amphetamine sustainably over a long period (say, 4 years) without suffering long-term drawbacks?

>extremely fatigued after doing any study
>incapable of routine
>can't be bothered maintaining a social life
>severe procrastinator
>feel tired after just 12 hours awake
>good at improvising exams but scrape by with B's and C's

I just want shit to flow anons

>> No.15034693


Try everything else before amphetamines.

>> No.15034704
File: 348 KB, 1332x1949, dopamine-fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really interesting video, ty

I tried pic related several months ago, but I found myself quickly falling back into old habits. But the rush of playing vidya for the first time after 1 week was insane. Keep trying, I guess.

>> No.15034769

As an ADHD anon on Vyvanse I would very much be interested in /sci/ opinion on this…

>> No.15034839

>fake ADHD
Then you're not being prescribed them. Psychiatrists generally hold ADHD with skepticism, at least as a unique disease but feel it is useful as an umbrella to capture general dysfunction of executive function. The more responsible and put together you are, the more likely a physician will feel comfortable prescribing a controlled substance. Most psychopharmacologists see nothing wrong with cosmetic prescribing for non diseased healthy persons. Just come prepared with an argument for why use of CNS stimulants would be helpful.

>> No.15034854

Have you quoted the wrong anon? I’m not faking anything, I very much experience executive dysfunction. I’d even put myself through therapy years before I knew what that was, trying to figure out why some mornings it would take me two hours just to be able to plug in a phone charger or make a coffee. Vyvanse definitely helps, it’s not a magic bullet but I can function in a white collar email job now even if I still don’t enjoy it.
For the record I’m not even trying to claim that ADHD is a ‘real’ disease (whatever that means) - all I know is that I experience all of the classic symptoms of ADHD-PI right down to the weird little things like auditory processing disorder. Whether it’s a disease, a product of early childhood attachment issues, a personality type, a relatively normal reaction to a very abnormal world, or something else doesn’t really bother me unless it directly affects how I treat and live with it.

>> No.15034860

Psychologanon here, You are pushing it way too far to resort to Amphetamines to “get good grades”. There is more than meets the eye with studying and it goes back to Operant conditioning of memory recall. To use mental energy to study while on drugs is completely the opposite of learning about one’s self and an education. There are nootropic drugs alone that are very safe and advantageous for memory in the limbo system. There’s a lot of supportive research for nootropics these days even in extreme cases such as Alzheimer’s Disease/ADHD. Think about a plan for a daily goal to meet that doesn’t require drugs and see if it brings progress. Don’t do dugs without prescription, Mmkay?

>> No.15035545

What nootropics are you thinking about in particular anon?

>> No.15035562
File: 12 KB, 225x225, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my formula, which successfully took me from failing the 11th grade to having a 4.0 in grad school

>wake up and go to sleep at the same time every single day, at least eight hours apart, every day, no exceptions
>practice FIFO, whatever assignment is due first gets done first
>work somewhere different from where you play. I liked to do my readings on my cell phone on the common room in the dorms, or in the subway on my way to class
>above all else, major in some shit that you actually care about and like doing, the human brain is very good at retaining information that it finds interesting and very bad at retaining information because somebody told it to
>make friends in every class. If you don't know anyone in the class, sit down next to some Asian kids and strike up a conversation. Talk to your friends about the assignments and in the difficult classes, work together with the other students to write your own study guides
>focus on underlying concepts instead of rote memorization, because boredom is always your worst enemy and the cure is actually being interested in the subject matter
>don't take morning classes unless it's something you're comfortable getting a C in

>> No.15035621

>But the rush of playing vidya for the first time after 1 week was insane
this sounds odd to me

do you have any preferences towards nicotine? what about cannabis? alcohol? I would say something is definitely off balance with the reward centers of your brain but idk if stimulants are what you need.

>> No.15035737

I was failing high school classes to but it's because I went to a school full of gang bangers where the graduating class was less than 20% the size of the freshman class by the end.

I would add to this:
>Exercise every day, even if it's just a 10-20 minute run and some yoga, but try to lift a few times a week too.
>Listen to audiobooks on your field and related things all the time. Don't be afraid to look into totally unrelated fields. You'll start to see the big patterns. Interdisciplinary stuff like complexity studies, chaos, self-organization, information theory, are great. The Great Courses is a great resource.
>Do this for drives, cardio, chores, and you can clear a book or more a week. If you can stand it, do speech to text on higher end papers/books off LibGen once you run out of interesting intro stuff. Don't be afraid to miss things and to back to read closer later.
>Have 30 minutes a day just to read interesting stuff, look for articles. Don't be afraid to go way out into other fields.
>Study some philosophy of science. At least the Great Courses course and reading Kuhn. Popper is not the end. Read Hume's original argument against induction.
>Set aside time to learn a relevant coding language. Learning something for SQL, even something easy like M, makes you a much better RA in terms of actually assisting. Simple joins can blow some people's minds, you'd be shocked how much shit is merged by hand due to lack of skills.
>Higher end lectures and podcasts are good too

I found with absorbing 60+ extra books/classes a year I could always offer something new during my class discussions. Being able to tie fields together is an underrated skill.

Although, IDK, this got me overly interested in philosophy, which probably shit up my career, but it did help me get top grades and interesting paper ideas. Papers can definitely be "too interesting," though...

>> No.15035742

Exercise is definitely a big one. I used to do a lap around the entire campus when I couldn't figure out what to write on a paper. Near the end of the semester I would be doing that four or five times a day while I belted out 20 page papers and tried to push through the writers block.

Also yeah, there's no such thing as irrelevant information. Every obscure tidbit that I learn about seems to come back later. You want to be developing creativity and curiosity as much as possible and you get that by just looking at anything that seems interesting.

>> No.15035756

Stims won't make you smarter anon. Trust me I have real adhd and went on them they are life changing but if IQ is whats holding you back then you are fucked regardless

>> No.15036142

Stims don't make you smarter. They help you focus better and ignore distractions though, so it could be worth a try if these are your bottlenecks.
You can get effects over a long period, but these won't be nearly as good as in the honeymoon period. Don't be fooled by the first month.
If you're concerned about taking a strong drug, you can try Ritalin/Concerta first, it's lighter on the body and brain. But honestly, Adderall should be fine too if you never exceed the medically recommended doses.
If I were you, I'd try to find a good psychiatrist and have a very honest talk about your problems. Seems like a better solution than trying to play games.

>> No.15036313

For a short period of time its useful but heavy use will fuck up your dopamine system.