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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15031338 No.15031338 [Reply] [Original]

>refutes Platonism
>refutes formalism
>resolves every question in the philosophy of mathematics

>> No.15031342

Quick rundown? I know Aristotelician metaphysics but I don't really see how that would be relevant to a priori objects like math.

>> No.15031349


>> No.15031524

You are literally a flaming faggot for posting this here if you didn't create a thread on /lit/ or /his/ and post a link to that thread in this thread.
If I had a nickel for every Anon who thought /sci/ was a metaphysics/philosophy board...
...I'd be a rich man by now!

>> No.15031527

There is a very good reason to demand that philosophy/metaphysics be discussed on /lit/ and /his./
I encourage you to discover that for yourself, however.
As an Anon, I'm just a stranger on the internet.

>> No.15031547

I cant believe OP is this much of a faggot

>> No.15031883

This is just begging the question. How is it that "minds" can instantiate structures? What ARE structures? He just handwaves it all away while missing the point the whole time. Aristotelian metaphysics with its ad-hoc categories and nonsensical "real but not quite real" bullshit is a joke. Commit to realism or fuck off.

The choice is pure Platonism or pure retardation. Nominalists (formalists etc) and even more ridiculous positions need not even be addressed.

Fuck Aristotle.

>> No.15031927


>> No.15032052
File: 150 KB, 256x256, Platonic Realm neuralblender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032167

Some of the shit I see published these days awes me.

How THE FUCK do you talk about Aristotle without reading Plato. This fucking shit makes me seethe. He blows by platonic arguments that are logically valid and just quotes Russell and starts making shit up. AND he’s apparently published. I can only assume Op is the author

>> No.15032207

Academia is extremely pseudointellectual. When you get people involved in topics outside their discipline they tend to become really stupid really quickly.

>> No.15032858

This is the most accurate and reasonable explanation in the thread, and will thus be ignored by /sci/. Well done.

>> No.15032938
File: 21 KB, 225x225, 1670232739947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Philosophy of math" is useless nonsense. Math is the opposite of philosophy. Math is rigorous, purely logical, aesthetic. Philosophy is baseless bullshit language games and shit flinging over subjective opinions.

>> No.15033099

fuck off

>> No.15033326
File: 101 KB, 1200x630, didyoutakeyourmedstodayfb-2150554066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sci is for science and math, not retarded navel gazing for schizos and druggie hippies. If you want to discuss "philosophy", then pol or x would probably be more appropriate. This is a board for people who actually believe in science and math, not for retards who are obsessed with outdated frameworks for understanding reality like religion, mythology, and philosophy. We live in the 21st century. Philosophy and religion have been obsolete for like 500 years at this point.

>> No.15033365

Scientific inquiry is an epistemological pursuit. Epistomology is a brach of philosophy. And the scientism you seem to be advocating for is also a philosophical position. You seem to not even know what philosophy is.
>Philosophy of math" is useless nonsense
It's not. And your assertion that
>Math is rigorous, purely logical
is itself a philosophical position called logicism. Your problem is that you don't even know what philosophy means.

>> No.15033367

whoops this
was aimed at you
>Philosophy of math" is useless nonsense
It's not. And your assertion that
>Math is rigorous, purely logical
is itself a philosophical position called logicism. Your problem is that you don't even know what philosophy means.

>> No.15033387

I'm an expert on philosophy and your retarded drivel about Platonism, finitism or whatever is nothing but pointless language games played by people whose IQ is too low to realize why these are pointless and meaningless. You have been BTFO by Wittgenstein more than 80 years ago.

>> No.15033441

Philosophical statement

>> No.15033444

Philopshy is not /sci/, belongs in >>>/his/, >>>/lit/ or >>>/x/

>> No.15033458

Nope, metaphilosophical. There is nothing circular about demonstrating that some alleged branch of philosophy is useless garbage, you soi cuck.

>> No.15033462


>> No.15033495

I told you it's pointless language games. That's a hint. The remaining demonstration is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.15033639

platonism is spooky

>> No.15034219
File: 64 KB, 645x729, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is based and redpilled guys
>metaphysics is based and redpilled guys
>religion is based and redpilled
>science is for blue pilled normies and sheeple who don't appreciate the depth of philosophy in same capacity as a redpilled freethinker like myself

So called "philosophy" is just a more sophisticated and intellectual way of say "religion", which is just a more sophisticated and intellectual way of saying "mythology". This shit has literally been obsolete for centuries, and the only reason pseuds like yourself are attracted to the subject is either because you don't have the IQ to do hard science or because you have some sort of political or ideological agenda, and you call it "philosophy" to make yourself sound more profound and intellectual. That's why "philosophers" like Jordan Petersen and Bronze Age Pervert are so popular with conservatives. These guys basically take standard right wing ideology and cloak it in an intellectual facade of respectability. It's certainly a great way of making normies think you're smart, so it might be politically advantageous, especially on the political right where people tend to be more scientifically illiterate, and are therefore likely to be impressed by "philosophical" arguments, but in terms of actual intellectual or scientific value, there's not really much to be had in "philosophy".

Tl;dr philosophy is bullshit.
You will never be a scientist.

>> No.15034221

Meant for >>15033367

>> No.15034450

Philosophy is not history or literature though. It's not science, but it doesn't fit into any of the categories you mentioned. Philosophy of math would be certainly be out of place on lit or his. Most of them would probably struggle with high school geometry and would be blown away by even like undergrad logic or discrete math, so philosophy of math would be completely beyond their grasp. Given that 4chan doesn't have a dedicated philosophy board, it seems appropriate that some philosophy topics would be discussed on sci, some on lit, and some on other boards. For instancem logic, philosophy of math, and philosophy of science/epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of biology, etc. on sci. Philosophy of literature, ethics, aesthetics, structuralism, etc. on lit.
Most people who study a subject like philosophy of biology or philosophy of music or something like that are people who already have a background in that topic. You don't typically get literature-humanities nerds just randomly studying the philosophy of biology. These are very niche subjects, and most people studying philosophy of X have at least some background in field X. You're a lot more like to find a math fag with an interest in philosophy of math than some random dude who likes literature.

>> No.15034489

no one here is intimidated.. [they] gain no ground

>> No.15035237

What does it say about the continuum hypothesis?

>> No.15035240

>That's why "philosophers" like Jordan Petersen and Bronze Age Pervert are so popular with conservatives.
No, its because they are jewsh zionists controlled op.

>> No.15035286

>math is logical
>Dude you have to substract 1 from both sides or you won't solve the equation, NOO NOOOOT THERE NOOOOO

>> No.15035315

>Most of them would probably struggle with high school geometry and would be blown away by even like undergrad logic or discrete math, so philosophy of math would be completely beyond their grasp.
Take a look at the current catalog. Can't be much worse than here with the multiple daily filtered by basic concepts threads

>> No.15035322

GPT answer do not reply

>> No.15035442

/his/ comprises the humanities as the general topic of the board, you fucking retard. You know what is at the center of humanities? Pure philosophy. Fug off.