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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15024733 No.15024733 [Reply] [Original]

>I Google all female math/science authors to see whether they're hot

>> No.15024791
File: 31 KB, 554x554, B08F221E-F0AE-4721-A23F-C577B08A58A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw googled Jessica Hwang
Never again.

>> No.15024841
File: 73 KB, 562x760, IMG_20221108_094046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Ph.D candidate
>University has teaching duties for Ph.Ds
>Shit, have to deal with sweaty Indians struggling with NumPy
>Turns out class is full of qt physics majors
>Group of them use Arch and write everything in neat C, come from embedded development backgrounds
>Glance down at their tender hands
>All have a ring on the left finger
Tfw no trad qt C-programming physics major to suck on Ph.Deez nuts

>> No.15024850

You think women are faithful?

>> No.15024866

>glance down at their crotch
>all have a feminine penis

>> No.15024903

Even better.

>> No.15024905
File: 26 KB, 640x550, 3063b51e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hannah Fry

>> No.15024918

Do you think she and Matt Parker fucked?

>> No.15024920
File: 59 KB, 660x546, 1669902000959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google female computer scientist
>"assigned male at birth"

>> No.15024941

all right guys, post the cutest math/science authors

>> No.15024954
File: 63 KB, 602x666, B655FC89-E61B-462F-8DF9-57FA9017DDD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in high school, I used to scrape the girl’s European Math Olympiad site and rank them by how attractive and highly they scored. A 7 that got a gold would be ranked the same as an 8 with silver or a 9 with bronze etc. I’d then narrow it down to the top 10 or so my age and then try to find them on instagram. I initially narrowed it down to just my country, but many actually end up coming to university here which is why finding the instagram first is important. My last gf actually goes to my uni and was on that list. I still have the spreadsheet.

>> No.15024996

Post it.

>> No.15025128
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>> No.15025203

holy based

>> No.15025592

retardedly based. please post it

>> No.15025598

>Woman CS author (white)
>Google her
>It's a tranny
Every single time

>> No.15025604

It's true of the chinky ones too. A tragedy.

>> No.15025620

I hate smug women that think they are better than others. But i dont hate all smug men, in fact I look up to them.

>> No.15025741
File: 34 KB, 699x485, apusquint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so accurate to the male psyche and the general social dynamics at play within the world, and why is it right?

Seriously, when a guy acts arrogant, assuming he can justify it or is just a goofy retard, it's whatever, but when a roastie has put on airs, it makes me want to slap her.

What is the cause of this phenomenon? I suspect it's because our DNA instictively knows that men are to be taken seriously, whereas a woman acting superior is an aberration and an innately sickening sight, grating to all senses and a violation of natural order.

Do other anons have insight?

>> No.15026526

female biologists have this uncany tendency of doing porn

>> No.15027304

Unfathomably based

>> No.15027409

What other sorts of antics do you get up to?

>> No.15027425

I purposely didnt elaborate. If a women is better than me at something she, in a sense, has a right not to fuck me. So I become bitter and jealous, I do not wish to fuck men so I am not jealous of them unless they are better than me at fucking. Were all just chimps arent we.

>> No.15027429

I knew a guy that rejected every single paper with a woman first author.

>> No.15027450
File: 2 KB, 576x384, Bimodal_histogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are fundamentally independent whereas women are fundamentally dependent. This is why men are more likely to use logic and reason to analyze emotions, and conversely why women are more likely to use emotions to analyze logic and reason. Emotions are tools to manipulate others around you — thus emotions beget dependence.

Smugness is something mainly linked to independence. More precisely a man is smug when he's prideful of his own accomplishments. A woman being proud of her own accomplishments is an option since women are dependent on others. If however women showed pride in her children, that's acceptable. Note that if a man shows pride in his children, that's a sign of weakness since he should have his own independence actions to be proud of.

>> No.15027453

>is an option.
is an oxymoron*

>> No.15027469

>>Turns out class is full of qt physics majors
I'll take things that never happened for 500

>> No.15027761

what is it with transexuals and CS degrees

>> No.15027770

the internet is the only place they feel they can be their true selves and be treated as the things they want to be (since people IRL recognize them as mentally ill freaks), it's more real to them than real life in a sense, so CS is a natural direction to go

>> No.15027774

Many of us CS chads were borderline social outcasts since we were children, so we grew up locked indoors messing with computers instead of developing normally playing sports and going to social events

>> No.15027801

but computers by themselves are boring, it's like writing all day and deciding this makes you want to study pencils and dendrology lmao

>> No.15028836

Yes. I love the video where the top coment is:

"I thought we were here to see some math, not some chemistry"